The importance of having friends here.

HaraldurB Posts: 76 Member
The first few days that I started here it was pretty lonely. I didn't have any friends on here. And I didn't want to add any of my real life friends either. I didn't want them to know what I was up to. I was afraid they would put too much pressure on me and monitor every little thing I was doing. But I also didn't want to drive my girlfriend crazy by talking about health and calorie deficit and things like that. So I wrote on the forum asking for friends and in about one day I had almost 70 people. And what a difference it made. They congratulate me when I'm doing well, they support me and pick me up if I feel like I've failed completely. They encouraged me to open my diary and made me more accountable for my actions. They offer advice when I need it. And of course I return the favor the best I can because that's how it works. What I'm trying to say is that for people here using MFP. You may be the only person able to do this fight. But it doesn't mean that you can't be surrounded by support and encouragement of friends while fighting. So if you feel alone, try making some friends here and you might just find the battle a little easier. :smile:


  • Kimmy7777
    Kimmy7777 Posts: 79
    Great post and so true!!!
  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    100% agree. Having friends here has definitely contributed to my success!!
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    I agree, I was here for while before I discovered the forums and got some awesome friends!
    Great post!
  • 07111958
    07111958 Posts: 1
    I feel the same way I was doing really well and just fell off the wagon no discipline and lost my structure, started today with exercising again and want to continue..I think having a friend helps you keep on track.
  • BossManIL
    BossManIL Posts: 2 Member
    I joined awhile back and didn't add any friends. It's been a "fail" for me because of that. I just started adding real-life friends today. Hopefully a good support system (reciprocal, of course) will work better.

    Thanks for the advice!
  • HaraldurB
    HaraldurB Posts: 76 Member
    And of course if anyone wants to add me as a friend, feel free to add :smile:
  • Leone7
    Leone7 Posts: 4 Member
    That is a nice thought. There is research that shows buddy-ing up works, and you are the proof. Congrats.

    I am "community shy" too. I did not want someone all "up in my grill" so to speak. But, I think I need someone there, because, I am doing a simply terrible job of losing. Terrible! Will enjoy hearing about other approaches.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I agree! The friends I've made here have really contributed to my success.

    Also, when I started trying to lose weight, I just wanted to lose weight. The people of MFP have inspired me to want to be fit & healthy rather than just thin. This site has also given me some fitness heroes to look up to.

    Anyone looking for more buddies can add me if they want... the more the merrier!
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Well said, I agree! The support on here is amazing. My MFP pals rock! Anyone feel free to add me :drinker:
  • solyhhit
    solyhhit Posts: 97 Member
    Had a few before I left (I was gone about a year). No surprisingly I don't have many any more. But yes, it was always good motivation to see them working.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    I think having friends on here has really helped me, too. I heard about MFP on a wedding-oriented message board, asked people from there to be friends with me on here, and have been adding people since then! Having others congratulate me when I have successes, even small ones, and be there to "listen" to my weight-loss-related troubles has been great. I think it's definitely contributed to me sticking to this! I feel like I'm letting people down if I don't log in. Which of course is what the site is engineered to do . . . but it works!
  • l8yboss
    l8yboss Posts: 31 Member
    Very true and very well stated! I Joined over a year ago, but did not add any friends and consequently did not stay on track. I'm back now, adding friends as fast as I can and finally serious about my progress!! Anyone who needs an accountability buddy and looking for encouraging support can feel free to add me!!!
  • maybyn
    maybyn Posts: 233 Member
    I agree that it is important to be part of a group that has similar goals for weight loss and/or fitness but it does not have to be here though. This site can be anything you want it to be (within its technical limitations).
  • mariai_martinez
    mariai_martinez Posts: 37 Member
    Where is that darn like button when you need it. I totally agree!! Thank you MFP users/friends!! :):)
  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    It does help!! Feel free to add me (anyone) if you are looking for friends. I'm almost at a 30 day streak :):)
  • Linda8989
    Linda8989 Posts: 39 Member
    I so agree with that. We can't constantly yap to our friends about our good days, bad days. They just don't want to hear it. But here, we're all in the same boat and know what the other person is going through.
  • HaraldurB
    HaraldurB Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks everyone for awesome replies. Gained even more of new, supporting friends today :smile:
  • nmncare
    nmncare Posts: 168 Member
    This is so great. And so true. :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    I would have to agree with this. I've been on here since 2012 & have started & stopped without much progress many times between then & January of this year. The difference this time around was that I posted in the "Adopt a noob" forum & got a mentor, plus replied to a few threads looking for "20-something friends" or "college student friends" & it's helped a ton. Having people around to notice when I have good days & bad days alike, and people to remind me that it's not the end of the world when I do have a bad day has been crucial for my success. Now I've been on here about 110 days & lost almost 20 lbs, which I never thought possible. Just making some friends to hold you accountable & make you look forward to coming here rather than dread it can make all the difference.
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Very True!