2,000 calories an hour workout..



  • MichaelPowell
    Thats a great question.....inquiring minds what to know... Why do you want to lose 2000 cal an hour????

    To lose weight, my scale has not gone down for a while since I've been eating right and exercising everyday.
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    To lose weight, my scale has not gone down for a while since I've been eating right and exercising everyday.

    Your weight loss is probably going much slower than you'd like because you logged such things as "sleeping" and "sitting" and whatnot for a 2400+ calorie burn yesterday... Just an fyi, your in/activity level is already taken into account by MFP, you most definitely don't need to be logging things that aren't actual, active attempts at real exercise.
  • BoresEasily
    *You've earned 2832 extra calories from exercise today

    That was for Monday. What the hell did you do exercise wise to possibly earn that many extra calories?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    If i am really busting my *kitten* at the gym on the elliptical or cybex I can burn 10 cals per minute. That is enough for me.

    Good luck and keep at it!
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Think of it this way, a 190 lb individual who ran 10 miles/hr (6 min miles) for a whole hour would only burn somewhere around 1400-1500 calories.... so probably not.

    If that's the case wouldn't a 250-300lb individual burn considerably more?

    6 min miles are pretty darn fast..unlikely a lot of 190 lb men run those (I am sure there are some so don't flame me on that please) If a 250-300 lb man were running 6 min mles then yes they could probably burn a load of calories but that is not highly likely..but even still I wouldn't think it would still make it up to 2000 cals because to run that fast you have to have conditioning in which your heart rate would be conditioned etc etc etc...
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Don't log anything as an "exercise" (one that increases calorie allowance) unless it is substantial and in addition to your normal living activities (job, housework, personal hygiene, cooking, shopping, etc.)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Any intense interval training will burn a lot of calories in not much time, however, keeping that up for a whole hour is likely to severely stress your body unless you are incredibly fit already.

    As for the whole 2,000 per hour burn, I seriously doubt that anyone could do that unless you're a super-athlete.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Any intense interval training will burn a lot of calories in not much time, however, keeping that up for a whole hour is likely to severely stress your body unless you are incredibly fit already.

    As for the whole 2,000 per hour burn, I seriously doubt that anyone could do that unless you're a super-athlete.

    but that is just it... a super athlete hs conditioned themselves to be super...Michael Phelps' heartrate doesn't go up high enough to burn that many calories unless he is doing something so incredible intense it would kill a normal human. When I started running again a year ago....running 10 minute miles had me burning about 100 cals a mile approximately...now I have to run 8 minute miles (which I love) to get my heart rate up that high...even still I only burn about 90-95 cals a mile. My conditioning has improved so much that my intensity has to be much higher to achieve the same burn. I run my fanny off it takes me about 22 miles ..which takes more than 3 hours to burn 2000 calories.
  • BoresEasily
    kel, exactly. Once you become more conditioned it becomes harder to get that increase in heart rate so therefore you actually burn less calories. There's nothing that will do 2K in an hour, but you could do 2K in a day or over the course of a few hours. Something like golf or a long bike ride would do it or playing some kind of sport.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Think of it this way, a 190 lb individual who ran 10 miles/hr (6 min miles) for a whole hour would only burn somewhere around 1400-1500 calories.... so probably not.

    If that's the case wouldn't a 250-300lb individual burn considerably more?

    When is the last time that you saw a 300 pound person run 10 miles?
  • maureensm
    maureensm Posts: 177 Member
    Thats a great question.....inquiring minds what to know... Why do you want to lose 2000 cal an hour????

    To lose weight, my scale has not gone down for a while since I've been eating right and exercising everyday.

    So I peaked at your food journal over the past few days. If you are working out that much every day, then you may actually be under-eating. A deficit of over 1,000 calories will actually backfire on you and cause your body to start holding on to everything it can because you're not fueling it enough. Just a thought. It may be easier to eat a little more than to try for a 2000 cal/hour burn.
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    Not unless your the Flash !:wink:
    flash must eat a ton..
    also he might be able to run fast but really that far doubt it :P
    food for thought
  • bainos
    bainos Posts: 99
    To lose weight, my scale has not gone down for a while since I've been eating right and exercising everyday.

    Your weight loss is probably going much slower than you'd like because you logged such things as "sleeping" and "sitting" and whatnot for a 2400+ calorie burn yesterday... Just an fyi, your in/activity level is already taken into account by MFP, you most definitely don't need to be logging things that aren't actual, active attempts at real exercise.

    I totally agree!!
  • KCmom
    KCmom Posts: 124

    If that's the case wouldn't a 250-300lb individual burn considerably more?

    When is the last time that you saw a 300 pound person run 10 miles?

    My (overweight) husband finished his 7th marathon in October. His heaviest weight to do a marathon was in 2009 at a weight of 250# (he is 5"11). This year's marathon he was in better shape, as he worked out in addition to his marathon training, and he weighed 25# less....he finished 30 minutes faster than his 2009 time. He in no way looks like he could run 26.2 miles, but he does. He's pretty slow but he gets it done, 7 years in a row now! He's already training for next October's and is committed to continue losing weight.
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,343 Member
    When is the last time that you saw a 300 pound person run 10 miles?

    I looked back at the last time I ran for a full hour, non-stop. I weighed 290lbs and I was running at a steady 5.2 mph or a 11:30/mile pace. For the people that don't want to do the math, the total distance was 5.2 miles. Go figure. :laugh: Both the treadmill & MFP agreed within a couple of calories that I burned approximately 1246 cals.

    Not sure how much faster I would've had to be running to burn 2000 cals. And I'm also not sure what would've caught fire first: my shoes, my inner thighs, or the treadmill. :bigsmile:

    -- The Big D and I don't mean Dallas
  • MichaelPowell
    Think of it this way, a 190 lb individual who ran 10 miles/hr (6 min miles) for a whole hour would only burn somewhere around 1400-1500 calories.... so probably not.

    If that's the case wouldn't a 250-300lb individual burn considerably more?

    6 min miles are pretty darn fast..unlikely a lot of 190 lb men run those (I am sure there are some so don't flame me on that please) If a 250-300 lb man were running 6 min mles then yes they could probably burn a load of calories but that is not highly likely..but even still I wouldn't think it would still make it up to 2000 cals because to run that fast you have to have conditioning in which your heart rate would be conditioned etc etc etc...

    Cool, I'll give that a try. Thanks.
  • blazin_j
    Was wondering if there is a cardo-workout that can burn 2,000 calories an hour?

    Yeah, it's called wild, uninhibited sex. Best workout ever, lol! :smokin:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    It looks like you have lost quite a bit so far, have you considered a weight vest during cardio?
  • StartingAnewDay
    StartingAnewDay Posts: 319 Member
    I LOVE this thread! smh.. Let's me know I am NOT crazy! smh..
  • When I started in the gym , I used to think if I do 1,5 hours of elliptic I'd burn 2000kcal. I was happy. And stupid. I came home and let myself eat A LOT. The workout was useless, I kept gaining weight D: now I know with an hour of elliptical , 15 min step mach and 25 min of walking home-gym-home I only burn like 750kcal -w-. Oh well, my beautiful weight loss friends, be carefull with elliptical, cardio etc machines and their calorie counters.