Office Pet Peeves



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I know this is so petty and unimportant, and it doesn't even relate to anyone in my current office...but I'm kind of a neat freak, so it drives me nuts when people bring in too much personal stuff for their offices.

    It doesn't even matter if it's a large, spacious office or a tiny cubicle...but enough with the framed photos, vases, fish bowls, potpourri burners, bags of chips, candy dishes, extra jackets, decorative chairs, electric toothbrushes, exercise equipment, snow globes, figurines, prescription medications, scented candles, 19 Miche purse shells in their original packaging stacked beneath your desk, pet rocks, healing crystals, etc.

    And yes I have seen ALL of those things in coworkers' offices over the years.

    It's your work space...not your apartment/home away from home...
  • Spewze72
    Spewze72 Posts: 82 Member
    The woman opposite me talks incessantly and loudly, often to herself, e.g "AH, NOW THAT'S INTERESTING." Anyone in her vicinity feels,obliged to say "Really, what is?", then the entire bank of desks (I'm currently working a contract for a big UK insurer) is treated to a lengthy 100 decibel diatribe of why some trivial point of research is not interesting at all.

    She's opinionated and crass and laughs for far too long at things only she finds funny. I can't stand the woman. :(

    Other than that I'm pretty tolerant...I recall a throat clearer in one place, and another girl who said everything which should have been in her head out loud and irritated the sh1t out of all of my staff. Didn't bother me, I just ignored her. :)
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Cube life = 4 people on the same call on speaker phone with multiple echos.

    Pen clickers. I don't know why but it kills me. Once I took every clicky pen away from a coworker while he was at lunch and replaced them with lidded pens. He didn't say anything for days but when I mentioned it he said he knew it was me and he knew what happened b/c he had a special pen from Mercedes Benz or something. I had already half jokingly told him that was an annoying habit.

    people touching my monitor screen to show me something. my husband also does this and I hate it hate it!

    cell phones in the bathroom.
    leaving food in the fridge for eternity. (I'm throwing that sh** out just so you know! yeah, it's me....)
  • JnK619
    JnK619 Posts: 320
    Guy in our kinda little office burns popcorn on the daily. I got him back today, I opened a can of sardines and dumped it in the trash can next to his desk.
  • OhioTallGuy
    I have one who won’t use her head set and is on conference calls often on her speaker phone.
    Then there is the guy who runs the fantasy everything league and the office brackets and has a crowd at his desk all day long.
    As someone already mentioned there is a creepy people who never seem to leave there desk.
    What about the ones who have so many knick knacks and crap on their desk that they have no space to work?
  • Bennysammysofie2
    Pen clickers SUCK! A woman in our office eavesdrops all the time. I just find that annoying! Yes, we could include her but don't :) hahhaa
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    I used to sit next to a social worker who cleaned her teeth with her hair :sick:
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    ok, that hair one made me gag.

    off topic slightly -
    I was in kindergarten with a girl who would suck her hair. her name was Cindy.
    we moved away when I was 8 or so and eventually moved back (Thank you USAF/Daddy!).
    When I was 19 I got a job at a restaurant working with a chic named Cynthia. She was super sweet.

    ... we got to talking and she mentioned something about school.

    it was the SAME GIRL! and I said "OMG! I remember you! you used to suck on your hair!"

    She admitted she did and that her parents hated that habit.
  • GC527
    GC527 Posts: 272 Member
    I hate when people steal my pens or mess up my organized stuff. :angry:
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I have one who won’t use her head set and is on conference calls often on her speaker phone.
    Then there is the guy who runs the fantasy everything league and the office brackets and has a crowd at his desk all day long.
    As someone already mentioned there is a creepy people who never seem to leave there desk.
    What about the ones who have so many knick knacks and crap on their desk that they have no space to work?

    There is nothing wrong with being on conference/speaker but if 4 people in the cubes surrounding you are all on the same call, WHY can they NOT go to a conference room??

    On the last floor there were probably 100 cubes... with tall walls even.
  • commanderval
    commanderval Posts: 187 Member
    That one chick who just can't seem to be able to lift her feet when she walks...damn girl!
  • favoritenut
    favoritenut Posts: 217 Member
    oh my, can I vent, I have a co-worker that we call "Charles in Charge" because she knows all, sees all, and does all. she is driving me to drink today! and her laugh, I want to rip her vocal chords out! I have never heard such a fake loud laugh...
    and had to interrupt anyone talking about something to someone else...because she knows it all.... her voice is finger nails down a chalkboard, I would love to gouge out my ear drums....

    okay, I feel better, thank you..
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I hate when people steal my pens or mess up my organized stuff. :angry:

    or sketch out ideas on your notepad?

    I'm starting to feel like a B. I hate when people write on my papers. It looks messy...

    Please ASK first before sketching a mock-up of your new living room re-arrangement.

  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    And... her most delightful habit... talking on her cell phone while using one of the stalls in the bathroom. :huh:

    Bathroom phone conversations are my #1, all-time office pet peeve. I respond to those people by sitting in the stall next to them flushing the toilet repeatedly so they can neither hear nor be heard. I realize it's a waste of water. I'll feel bad about it later, but aklsjdlkajsdasd.

    Another office pet peeve: whistling. WHY ARE YOU WHISTLING IN THE OFFICE? Stop. Whistling. Stop it.
  • andielyn
    andielyn Posts: 233 Member
    The guy who paces with squeaky shoes. I can tune out entire conversations and all sorts of background noise but that drills right down to the bone. Every time.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    GUM! oh my god, GUM!

    or, rather, chewing it like cud. if I can hear the saliva squishing out of it across the room, you're doing it wrong! squiiiiiiiish, SMACK, squiiiiiiiiiiish, SMACK.

    *twitches* gah!!

    [end nonsensical rant]
  • samanthagraessle
    A woman I work hand in hand with, we dont care for eachother, we really speak "Hello" and "Goodbye" and that is pretty much it.
    I swear this woman walks in and puts things on her desk in the morning and lets out the LOUDEST sigh, looking in my direction... Lady, you have been here 30sec and I have been here an hour already.... It is not that bad. But then she continues to do it 15-20 each day. REALLY VERY annoying. I haaaaaaaaate pen clicking... but I recently started to slowly click my pen in........ and then release and do it 20 times after everytime she sighs.:explode: :grumble:
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    I hate when people steal my pens or mess up my organized stuff. :angry:


    I am so big on this that when a new person is hired the others in the office pre-warn them about not touching my pen...unless they want to die!

    Even my boss is careful to make sure when I am on vacation, he put things for me to handle in a nice neat pile. Since I control his work life, keeping him organized, and moving in the right direction he appeases my OCD

    OOOOOOH! Also can not stand that girl who wears SOOOOOOOOOOOO much perfume she could suffocate you. Then 3 or 4 times a day sprays more of the hideous S@#T she wears. Cause you know since she obviously can't smell it anymore....... so then it must no longer be strong.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    oh my, can I vent, I have a co-worker that we call "Charles in Charge" because she knows all, sees all, and does all. she is driving me to drink today! and her laugh, I want to rip her vocal chords out! I have never heard such a fake loud laugh...
    and had to interrupt anyone talking about something to someone else...because she knows it all.... her voice is finger nails down a chalkboard, I would love to gouge out my ear drums....

    okay, I feel better, thank you..

    ^ I think I work with his girl. She constantly butts into conversations and interrupts people.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I know this is so petty and unimportant, and it doesn't even relate to anyone in my current office...but I'm kind of a neat freak, so it drives me nuts when people bring in too much personal stuff for their offices.

    It doesn't even matter if it's a large, spacious office or a tiny cubicle...but enough with the framed photos, vases, fish bowls, potpourri burners, bags of chips, candy dishes, extra jackets, decorative chairs, electric toothbrushes, exercise equipment, snow globes, figurines, prescription medications, scented candles, 19 Miche purse shells in their original packaging stacked beneath your desk, pet rocks, healing crystals, etc.

    And yes I have seen ALL of those things in coworkers' offices over the years.

    It's your work space...not your apartment/home away from home...


    I've worked with people like that. I still pass cubes that are decorated to the max. It's like a dorm room, not a cubicle in a professional setting. It doesn't bother me that much though. I used to have a colleague that kept three Diffenbachia plants in pots. The plants were each about 6 feet tall. It blocked most of the entrance to his cubicle, so he had a lot of privacy. After about a year of this, the supervisor asked him to get rid of the plants.

    What bothers me are people who listen to music with headphones while they're working. It takes a while to get their attention. They don't always notice you standing at their cubicle and some get startled when they see you there. They obviously don't hear you walking over or making noise to get their attention. Then I feel like I'm bothering them from their music. Might get flamed for this, but listening to music when you're working seems unprofessional. There are lots of other occasions where you can listen to music, but during core work hours? I work in a very conservative profession. It's not some creative field either.