Mirena IUD and Weight Gain



  • galooshka28
    galooshka28 Posts: 31 Member
    I never had any form of birth control before I got mirena and managed to stay the same weight without diet or exercise. I lost weight after I gave birth to my children. So why am I gaining with counting calories and exercising???? Anyone knows the answer?
  • galooshka28
    galooshka28 Posts: 31 Member
    I had one about 15 years ago and never again. My periods stopped completley and I had all the symptoms of being pregnant, enlarged bust, morning sickness. I had several pregnancy tests all negative but the symptoms persisted. After a year of suffering my GP took it out. It was another year before I began to feel better, but my periods never came back. The GP thinks it had caused such an hormonal inbalance it triggered early menopause.
    I completely agree my periods have changed as well after I had it removed.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I disagree because mirena is a foreign object in your womb and your body thinks that you are pregnant and goes in to a pregnancy mode. I had 2 children and i know all the pregnancy symptoms like cravings,lactating breasts and weight gain with no periods also tiredness and moodiness. All this symptoms are listed as side effects on the packaging but not everybody is the same

    foreign body or not yes it prevents ovulation and does mimic some aspects of preganancy...but to be frank so does most BC that is hormonal...weight gain during pregnancy is due to increase appeatite and the growing child...increased blood and liquid from amniotic fluid...but you only have increased appetite from BC...all hormonal BC increases appetite and mimics pregnancy...so why is Mirena/depo the only ones to blame?

    And no people aren't the same but there is no way in heck that 20lb-50lbs is from BC...it's from eating at a surplus of maintenance and for you the fact you are aging accounts for lowered BMR from Lowered Muscle mass from no exercise and age...

    If you are gaining Then you are off in CICO calculation either eating more than you thing and/or not burning as much as you think.

    It is simple math.
  • galooshka28
    galooshka28 Posts: 31 Member
    Okay so why I could lose weight before bc and not after? Is it that simple.
  • galooshka28
    galooshka28 Posts: 31 Member
    I disagree because mirena is a foreign object in your womb and your body thinks that you are pregnant and goes in to a pregnancy mode. I had 2 children and i know all the pregnancy symptoms like cravings,lactating breasts and weight gain with no periods also tiredness and moodiness. All this symptoms are listed as side effects on the packaging but not everybody is the same

    foreign body or not yes it prevents ovulation and does mimic some aspects of preganancy...but to be frank so does most BC that is hormonal...weight gain during pregnancy is due to increase appeatite and the growing child...increased blood and liquid from amniotic fluid...but you only have increased appetite from BC...all hormonal BC increases appetite and mimics pregnancy...so why is Mirena/depo the only ones to blame?

    And no people aren't the same but there is no way in heck that 20lb-50lbs is from BC...it's from eating at a surplus of maintenance and for you the fact you are aging accounts for lowered BMR from Lowered Muscle mass from no exercise and age...

    If you are gaining Then you are off in CICO calculation either eating more than you thing and/or not burning as much as you think.

    It is simple math.
  • galooshka28
    galooshka28 Posts: 31 Member
    I am not that old so surely I can lose some of that weight.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am not that old so surely I can lose some of that weight.

    Nope you aren't but you are older than you were prior to having two kids and your BC.

    Metabolism slows with age and no exercise which you readily admit you didn't do.

    I am older than you, used mirena exclusively for 7 years and lost the bulk of my weight while on it...and yes I am a mom too.

    In your 20's your metablism is faster than in your 30's and your metablism slows as you hit your 40s...etc..

    For you it's all in your intake and output calculation . You want to lose weight ?

    Log accurately which means weighing food, logging everything, choosing correct entries and not using quick adds.

    You do that and eat at a reasonable deficet (barring medical condtions such as PCOS, thryroid issues) you will lose weight.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    I am on my second Mirena IUD and I can tell you, my weight gain is not from it. I had my first one in for the 5 year time period and I gained because I wasn't eating right. I've had my second one in for almost 2 years now and I am steadily losing weight by watching what I eat and lifting heavy. IMO, blaming birth control for weight gain is an excuse for people to not have to take responsability for their actions.
  • galooshka28
    galooshka28 Posts: 31 Member
    May be or may be not I don't understand how I can put on 15 kilos in 1 year.So my metabolism just stopped working all together.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    May be or may be not I don't understand how I can put on 15 kilos in 1 year.So my metabolism just stopped working all together.

    no or you would be dead.

    15kg in one year equates to 33lbs...which equates to an excess of 115,500 calories in a year...which equates to an excess of 316 calories over maintenance a day.

    That is 3/4cup of ice cream...or a appx 75grams of chips.(and trust me that's not a lot of chips)

    It's pretty easy to do...I've done it lots...yo yo'd the same 30lbs for almost 20 years...
  • I can only speak for myself, but when my Mirena IUD was removed, I didn't feel a thing. I had no problems at all afterwards, either.
  • galooshka28
    galooshka28 Posts: 31 Member
    i stick to a low GI diet and no chips and ice creams. Cycling and walking 4 times a week. I live in Scotland so it's mostly hillwalking that i do
  • I am on my second Mirena IUD and I can tell you, my weight gain is not from it. I had my first one in for the 5 year time period and I gained because I wasn't eating right. I've had my second one in for almost 2 years now and I am steadily losing weight by watching what I eat and lifting heavy. IMO, blaming birth control for weight gain is an excuse for people to not have to take responsability for their actions.

    I can't disagree with you more. I think that everybody is different and that we will all react differently. In my case I am a competitive athlete and I take responsibility for my actions. If anything I have decreased calories and increased workouts as much as I possible can. I think that Mirena does cause a certain imbalance. I have never had issues with birth control pills. I have used several different birth control pills over the years. Not one of them has caused the weight gain, constant water retention and other side affects I've experienced. The only reason I went to Mirena was because I had no plans of ever having kids and it was pure convenience of not having to take a pill daily.
  • Surgery is tomorrow to have it removed. I can't wait
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am on my second Mirena IUD and I can tell you, my weight gain is not from it. I had my first one in for the 5 year time period and I gained because I wasn't eating right. I've had my second one in for almost 2 years now and I am steadily losing weight by watching what I eat and lifting heavy. IMO, blaming birth control for weight gain is an excuse for people to not have to take responsability for their actions.

    I can't disagree with you more. I think that everybody is different and that we will all react differently. In my case I am a competitive athlete and I take responsibility for my actions. If anything I have decreased calories and increased workouts as much as I possible can. I think that Mirena does cause a certain imbalance. I have never had issues with birth control pills. I have used several different birth control pills over the years. Not one of them has caused the weight gain, constant water retention and other side affects I've experienced. The only reason I went to Mirena was because I had no plans of ever having kids and it was pure convenience of not having to take a pill daily.

    Pills have hormones to and affect your entire body as opposed to just your uterus (as explained to me by an ob/gyn)

    I am not saying Mirnea doesn't have side effects it does...water retention, increased appetite, moodiness etc...but the pill has all those side effects too...

    But 20 and 30-60lbs worth of weight gain no way...

    cortisol levels from stress, too much exercise and not enough food can cause water retention masking weight loss and looking like you have gained.

    Until there is a study published that proves Mirena causes more than maybe 5-10lbs in water retention is released and peer reviewed there is not one person on this planet that will convince me that Mirena...a hormonal BC (just like the pill and depo and the ring) causes this much weight gain without the others doing the same...

    As for the surgery to remove it? unless it's embedded in your uterus that is not surgery.
  • The procedure is called D&C Hysteroscopy. This is being done at the hospital under general anesthesia not the Dr's office. The Dr tried twice to remove it in the office even after an Ultrasound and was not able to. As for the weight gain, yes I am talking about 10lbs not more then that
  • Kaylyn221
    Kaylyn221 Posts: 123
    I had the Mirena for 4yrs and I only gained a few pounds but I won't blame the IUD for that :P

    However I do believe it made it harder for me to lose the weight once I started. I did everything that I was 'supposed' to do and worked out 6 days a week and my weight loss was very very slow compared to any other times ive lost weight. I know they say the older you get the harder it is to lose, which is true, however I am at my oldest now {obviously}, do not have the mirena and im losing like how I used to before I had mirena initially.

    Edit to say that the mirena always made me feel bloated and 'heavy' in the abdominal area and yes, I got massive amount of water retention. I have been on the actual pill before and never experienced those symptoms.
  • Bloated and feeling heavy around that time of the month is acceptable but all the time is not fun. I also never experienced this with the pill.
  • bunnerfly
    bunnerfly Posts: 197 Member
    I had the mirena for 5 years, and I actually lost weight (through diet and exercise) and didn't gain until I stopped exercising and eating right about 2 months before I had it removed.

    The only reason I chose the mirena was because of the low impact the hormones cause on the body. I couldn't take the pill because of side effects, but the mirena was fine.

    I don't think a large weight gain was because of the mirena.
  • bunnerfly
    bunnerfly Posts: 197 Member
    It isn't surgery. They use the speculum to open you up, reach In with some tongs and pull it out. The whole process lasts a couple of minutes at the most. Getting undressed and into the gown takes longer,

    Edit: sounds like yours is embedded. Good luck!