Lose 10 Pounds by Valentine's Day!!



  • snowball65
    Opps I forgot to post my sw. my sw is 188.00. Will be glad to see 178.00:smile:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I would like to join. I started the holidays at 117, now I'm at 122, hoping some of it is water weight that sloughs off but would like to be 115 by valentine's (goal weight plus safety)

    I am already gluten intolerant and eat mostly organic, but I am cutting out sugar, dairy, and processed foods. I'm still trying to figure out how many calories to eat. Any advice appreciated! :)
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610

    10 Glasses Water (80 ounces) - Yep...Done
    30 Minutes activity---try to make this a cardio activity - Done...Turbo Fire
    Under calorie limits - Accomplished
  • johnson30usa
    Good morning,

    I suck at this so I thought joining a group woud be great for me. I really want to succeed. I stepped on the scale and gained 2lbs so it was hard to get started after Christmas. I had pre written down what I was going to eat on Christmas, and than went over board on the Crackers. Still I thought I did not do that bad. Woke up in the morning weighed myself for the start of the Challenge, and it said 4.5 lbs more than the day before. So that delayed my start. 4 1/5 lbs in one day WHAT? I only had one plate of food with tiny servings. Everyone ate 2-3 times that amount. Anyway. My bigesst problem here is I feel like I have to be at a computer before and after each meal so that I can put in the calories. I try pre entering it, but than if I dont get the same meal its hard too. Anyway I am not sure if I will be a good team mate, but I'll try.
  • johnson30usa
    I love the daily goal idea!!! Where did you do that at?
  • srsimon
    srsimon Posts: 60 Member
    challenges were a bit hard to do yesterday due to me being sick. Either flu or food poisoning. So, I didn't get all my water or exercise in. Instead I slept most of the day. However, I did stay under calories, by wayyyy too much due to my stomach.

    But, I'm feeling better today and ready to get back on track! Celebrating my friend's 21st today, good thing I'm only 20 and won't be filling myself with booze tonight!
  • Jessibear2854
    Jessibear2854 Posts: 82 Member
    challenges were a bit hard to do yesterday due to me being sick. Either flu or food poisoning. So, I didn't get all my water or exercise in. Instead I slept most of the day. However, I did stay under calories, by wayyyy too much due to my stomach.

    But, I'm feeling better today and ready to get back on track! Celebrating my friend's 21st today, good thing I'm only 20 and won't be filling myself with booze tonight!

    I'm sorry you had it, too! It was rough but the fringe benefit of losing a few pounds helps a little! Here's hoping we're both on the mend :)
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,424 Member
    WEDNESDAY Challenge Outcome:

    10 Glasses Water (80 ounces) ~ done
    30 Minutes activity---try to make this cardio activity ~ 40 minutes zumba wii-not many calories though:grumble:
    Under calorie limits ~ didn't do that today. Didn't burn enough doing zumba to eat my usual 1600 then I needed a little more in the evening so that wasn't good.
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    Ok, I need to get on the wagon with this challenge! I've been looking at other posts and have seen some daily challeneges. Are there any going on today?

    I need to increase my water intake, for sure. Today I plan to get at least my 8 cups of water (I've been drinking only 6 lately) and do 45 minutes of exercise (20 minutes ab work, 25 minutes Zumba).

    The last two days I did 60 minutes each day. The first was all Zumba, and yesterday was 30 minutes strenghth training and 30 minutes Zumba.
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    Good morning,

    I suck at this so I thought joining a group woud be great for me. I really want to succeed... My bigesst problem here is I feel like I have to be at a computer before and after each meal so that I can put in the calories. I try pre entering it, but than if I dont get the same meal its hard too. Anyway I am not sure if I will be a good team mate, but I'll try.

    I had that problem, too, at first. But it got easier when I set a goal for myself that I would do most of my eating at home (instead of going out all the time) so that made being near the computer easier. When I do go out to eat, I plan in advance what I'll get (there are all kinds of nutritional facts online for my favorite restaurants online) and I stick to it.

    My biggest help was buying my new cell phone. It has a MFP ap, so I can take it anywhere.
  • meredith414
    I'm in too! I'm 135 and would like to be 120. 125 would be great too :)
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    Hey All!

    I didn't know about the wed challenge but here's how I did:

    10 glasses water - only did 4 :( really have to get back on my water intake!
    30 min activity - 50 min! I did JM 30day Shred and Groove n Burn

    Under calorie - nope :( first couple days back still have not been under yet but didn't do horrible. I know my challnge with this yesterday was that I did not plan for dinner and ended up snacking a bunch while waiting to figure this out with my bf.

    Today will be better!! I already worked out 50 min and had a good Bfast and lunch and have about. 800 cals left for dinner!

    ***I am really working on getting in my fruit and veggie servings. That is an ongoing goal for me right now. I do need to find out what a "serving" of fruit or veggies is***
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Ok my little Hot Tamales!!!

    So sorry I didn't get a chance to post a challenge for today yet!!!

    I've been out of town for Christmas and just got home late last night. My husband and I have been trying to finish some errands today before he had to go to work and now, I"m doing most of the unpacking, laundry, etc...

    So!!! How was everyone's Christmas??? Mine was Amazing! I'm way too spoiled. My 15 month old baby boy was so fun to watch this year. He had so much fun with his grandparents. I cried when we had to leave. (for those who don't know we live 9 hours away from ANY family)

    What's everyone's plans for New Years? Mine are pretty boring! haha... My hubby is working, so I'm staying home. I'll probably go to bed before the ball drops! haha...

    Ok , so for those of you who can get a challenge in today...

    10 glasses water (80 ounces!!)
    Add 5 minutes to you exercise from yesterday or do AT LEAST 30 minutes....for example if you did 50 minutes do 55 and if you did only 20 minutes to 30 minutes. If you did 0 minutes do 30!!

    Under calorie goal...

    Add 10 Minutes weights or resistence training.... (this could include situps, crunches, pushups, wall pushups, lunges, squats....use canned foods to work your arms out in the kitchen..... Get creative!! Lift your kids up and down!! lol...)

    I hope to be around more now that I"m home. I'm really proud of all of you and thanks for adding me as a friend if you have already. If you havent, feel free!!!

    Much love, hugs, and support!!


  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,424 Member
    Thanks for doing the challenges! I have no upper brain function these days to think up things like this (too much sugar!!!). I actually did all those things already with my workout this morning (30 minutes intervals on the elliptical, 16 minutes intervals on the treadmill, 20 minutes abs and stretching-pure strength is tomorrow). Still working on the water, but I'm about halfway there. Not sure about how the calories will go, just make peppermint bark candy and have been snacking away on it!

    Enjoy your baby boy while he's young, once they hit the teen years, Christmas isn't the same! Gotta wake em up, gift cards or really expensive electronics are the gift du jour and they don't have the same enthusiasm for it. A lot of fun to be around though (usually). We have another family that we are good friends with and since we hate to be out driving on New Year's Eve (amateur hour we call it) we alternate going to each other's houses with kids and doing our own thing. We're at our house this year (since my son is recovering from surgery and probably won't make 10 much less midnight) and we'll eat way too much, have a few drinks and champagne at midnight, play games (including Wii) with the kids and with the hubby's and look at each other's vacation photos (that's the husband's ideas-I feel like Blondie and Dagwood doing this!).

    Have a Happy SAFE New year's and we'll really hit it hard on Sunday!

  • ChristinaT0507
    ChristinaT0507 Posts: 123 Member
    oops! i thought i had joined this already, but i guess i didnt! my start weight (right now) is 160.8
  • tlkmom
    I'm in... As of today, my starting weight is 179.8...yikes!!! It will probably be a little less as I usually weigh in the morning. But that's what I just saw!
  • nuttybuttersmommy
    nuttybuttersmommy Posts: 77 Member
    OK I want to join... My starting wieight... I am goin to go weigh my self in a bit and then let yall know..

    10 glasses water-- I am bad... Going to start drinking now...

    I did 55 min of exercise with the wii fit... there was some resistance training not sure how much though... I did burn 325 cals though..
    Under calorie goal... so far way under my cals... going to add them up now
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I love the daily challenges.!! My news eve will probably be uneventful, my husband isn't at home, and I have to work till 5, then am picking the kids up and well thats pretty much it lol

    Got 11 glasses of water, and 10 minutes of weight training...only got about 30 minutes of walking and only did 15 of a cardio video...really tired today So I didn't meet the adding 5 more minutes to my work out. and I'm under my calories, even before putting in the exercise.
  • MMClark80
    MMClark80 Posts: 27 Member
    What's up Hot Tamales!!!!

    Checking in for today!

    11 glasses of water

    98 minutes of exercise-38 mins of Kickboxing this morning, 60 mins of walking/low impact activity, 10 mins of resistance training within the low impact activity.

    I was over on my calorie goal a little today...I was hanging out with my niece & we went to Sonic...cranberry limeades are my weakness, BUT I made progress-I got a medium one instead of a Route 44! Every little bit helps & is progress! I also had an order of Chedd'r Peppers! Ready for school to start back, so that the routine will go back to normal! But, love this time because I don't get to spend as much time with her as I used to, so it is great to do so because my family is very important to me.

    I hope each of you has a great evening! Good luck on tomorrow's challenge!
  • Danielle_NOWStheTIME
    Can I still join I would love my weigth is 165