Maintaining but always feeling hungry all the time.



  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    OP, 1900 seems really low for maintenence for a man. I'm 5'4", 127 lbs and bulking, and I'm going to go DOWN to around 1900 when I cut in a month or two.

    The only reason to look at meal timing/size is for personal preference. You absolutely can eat two 1000 calorie meals and maintain (if your maintenence is 2000/day), as long as that works for your lifestyle and keeps you satiated. Some people get very dogmatic about the "you HAVE to eat 4-5 small meals a day" concept, but that just doesn't work for everyone.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I actually looked at a lot of your diaries. I net a lot less than that and I'm 5'10".

    Many of the things you eat and snack on are very high glycemic - they are easy to digest. They may be healthy - bananas, apples, etc. - but all that white flour and fruit is going to spike your blood sugar. This causes insulin spikes. Then you get really hungry. You've lost a lot of weight and you look about my age, so I'm going to guess you may be more insulin resistant than a 20 year old who has always been thin.

    I am going to suggest sticking at your calories and dropping your carbs down to 35-40%. Make those carbs less refined. So drop the white bread and go rye or (real) whole wheat or quinoa. Brown not white rice. No potatoes, etc. Bananas are also super easy to digest and high glycemic too.

    Those nuts and other snacks are great. Stick more of that in or some healthy granola or some boiled eggs.

    Take that subway sandwich apart and eat the guts and throw away at least half the roll.

    Try it for a week and see if you're less hungry. It really makes a huge difference for me.
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member

    You will feel a lot better if you eat more protein and fat, along with veggies.

    I know in the past, you said you can't cook much. I'm not sure if you don't know how, or don't have the time or resources. But, you should try because it will solve your problem. What I do is Sunday is usually the day I cook my meals for the week. I put them in containers, and then I have lunch and dinner all week.

    This is very good advice!
  • ianthy
    ianthy Posts: 404 Member

    Well done for posting and asking for help. I had a quick look at your diary - a few things;-
    - some of the cals seem high 182 cals for a banana?
    - what about trying protein shakes after your workout?
    - are you drinking enough water?
    - it may help to distribute your cals over 4 meals instead of 2 high cal meals. Maybe you like 2 big meals a day - My husband does but until you feel more on top of things 4 equal sized meals might be helpful.

    Best of luck!
  • DblChinz
    DblChinz Posts: 31 Member
    could you eat more protein to help with the craving? more peanuts, nuts, seeds, chicken, etc? when I eat more protein I find that I am not always hungry or craving after about a week. Good luck to you
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    The last 2-3 months I've done well, I've kept my hard earned lost weight off, but everyday I felt more hungier and hungier.

    I naturally increased by calorie limit everyday, but can't go up much higher, I dont know how much longer I can keep up with this torture lifestyle.

    If I return to eating "normally" it will be unthinkable...

    You are eating high carb and low fat. I think you are getting blood sugar disregulation. You should switch to 1 gr of protein per lb of LBM and try to eat 100-150 grams of net carbs per day. Then get the rest of your calories from fats. This will level out your blood glucose.
  • kuolo
    kuolo Posts: 251 Member
    Try adjusting your macros (more protein and healthy fats) and other stuff like more fibre possibly less sugar (including fruit - one day I saw you had 7 apples!), more nutrient-dense food, etc.

    And yes that seems quite a low maintenance calorie goal.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    You are eating very little protein and a load of carbs every day....Up your protein and cut out some of the junk carbs...Also - I am female, 5'8 and 179 and in my mid forties - and I maintain on 1900-2100 - you might need more....
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Try adjusting your macros (more protein and healthy fats) and other stuff like more fibre possibly less sugar (including fruit - one day I saw you had 7 apples!), more nutrient-dense food, etc.

    And yes that seems quite a low maintenance calorie goal.
    I think 7 apples in a day is a self-correcting problem. :laugh: But I don't really get saying more fiber and then in the same breath telling him to eat less fruit. Fruit is a good source. Yes, leafy greens, blah blah blah, but I live in the real world, where some people simply will not eat them. So, I pick my battles. I'm just happy he eats plants.

    There is a common theme here, though, Spiderkeys, so I hope you're paying attention to all these people-- the common thread is ¡más proteínas y grasas saludables!

    Work some more meat and more nuts (giggity) and maybe some avocado into your diet. Just try it for a little while and see how it feels.
  • grentea
    grentea Posts: 96 Member
    Have you tried eating more protein, and eating every few hours? Your diet choices are not sustainable for you, if you feel that it is torture. Try something else before you give up. Have you also looked into strength training?
  • amyk225
    amyk225 Posts: 154
    up your protein,you wil feel fuller for longer
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Have you tried eating more protein, and eating every few hours? Your diet choices are not sustainable for you, if you feel that it is torture. Try something else before you give up. Have you also looked into strength training?
    Hopefully he'll come back and respond when it's daytime where he lives, but I know that he's not been one for eating smaller, more frequent meals, and this worked for him in the past. I also know he's not likely to pick up strength training, as I've been beating that drum since I've known him (what, 8 months now?). If he'll suddenly listen to you though, I'll rejoice.

    You might even like it, dude! Have I been anything but excited (overall, not necessarily in the moment) about lifting big since you've know me?!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Chiming in - the more protein I eat, the better I feel and the less hungry I am. I find the days after I eat sugar I feel pretty hungry .. Also, I find that adding something green to my day - those bright colored veggies help as well. Maintenance is fairly complex for me - i have to get my water, my macros, my 10000 steps , and my yoga or barre3, my sleep in every 24 hours for the right net calories. Sugar seems to be my enemy as well as bread pasta potatoes and rice. Avocados and nuts seem to be my friends.
  • vyvanseprincess
    I also recommend drinking a lot of water. My appetite's virtually nonexistent at this point, and for a while I struggled to distinguish between when I was just bored/looking for an excuse to eat versus when I actually needed the food. If you know you've eaten a decent amount but don't feel satisfied, drinking a large glass or two of water can help give you that distinct "full" feeling.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    MAybe you should redo your maintenance stats :

    I'm unsure of your stats but I'm 5'10, 163, 37 yrs old and my maintenance is 2344. My daily cals is or at least what I have it at is 1800 to lose weight .

    However, I'm unsure of how active you are or how many hours a week you exercise.