Lose 10 Pounds by Valentine's Day!!



  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Ok, I didnt see the challenge until this evening....I was able to drink 12 cups of water and I exercised for about 2 hours (35 mins Couch to 5K and 1 1/2 hrs of walking)

    I had a great time with my extended family on Christmas. As far as New Years Eve, I will be at home with my immediate family eating gumbo. My hubby and boys will probably fall asleep before midnight so most likely I'll be up flipping channels.

    Posh, Im so happy you were able to enjoy Christmas with your family. Thanks again for the Christmas Challenge and for starting this challenge. I know I didnt make the goal for the Christmas challenge but I know I will make this one.

    Happy Holidays Everyone! and remember WE CAN DO THIS! :drinker: (champagne for the New Year)
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Can I still join I would love my weigth is 165

    Of course you can join us!! Anyone can join at ANY time! We are all here for support and fun!

    Can't wait to get to know you!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Ok, I didnt see the challenge until this evening....I was able to drink 12 cups of water and I exercised for about 2 hours (35 mins Couch to 5K and 1 1/2 hrs of walking)

    I had a great time with my extended family on Christmas. As far as New Years Eve, I will be at home with my immediate family eating gumbo. My hubby and boys will probably fall asleep before midnight so most likely I'll be up flipping channels.

    Posh, Im so happy you were able to enjoy Christmas with your family. Thanks again for the Christmas Challenge and for starting this challenge. I know I didnt make the goal for the Christmas challenge but I know I will make this one.

    Happy Holidays Everyone! and remember WE CAN DO THIS! :drinker: (champagne for the New Year)

    Thank you for sticking with me through these challenges! I didn't hit the 30 goal either. But you know what??? I did lose 14!! And, for me,...(since I'm such a bigger girl..) no one in my family has even noticed. It bothered me at first...but now I'm kind of over it. I have noticed. I feel it in my clothes. Mainly my pants. I can tell in my waist size and through the butt/thighs. Unfortunately I can't really tell from the waist up. That's really my major problem area. I guess I would say I'm apple shaped. I don't know if that's right or not, but I carry most weight on top.

    So, for now, I'm really excited for this challenge, because even if no one else notices, I'm thinking I might drop a pant size this time. haha.. I am still in the same size after dropping the 14 pounds, but I think they actually FIT me now instead of being so tight I feel like my head is going to pop off when I button them and sit down! hahaha!!
  • I am in! SW 163
  • schotas
    schotas Posts: 150 Member
    Any suggestions on how to be sure I get all of the water in during the day? I can't seem to get past about 5 or 6 eight ounce glasses per day. I've even been filling up a large cup to keep on the counter as a reminder, but I still can't drink that much. Thanks so much!:drinker:
  • Can I still get in on this. I just saw the post. Do I need to add everyone or how is it done?
  • nuttybuttersmommy
    nuttybuttersmommy Posts: 77 Member
    ok so my weight in is 254.

    water i am way under, the exercise and weight lifting I did...

    and i am under my cals for today...
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I'm over on my calories today due to a dinner malfunction and resorting to Chinese food. I also didn't get my exercise in. But I did complete the water task.
  • blessedmomof8
    blessedmomof8 Posts: 215 Member
    Any suggestions on how to be sure I get all of the water in during the day? I can't seem to get past about 5 or 6 eight ounce glasses per day. I've even been filling up a large cup to keep on the counter as a reminder, but I still can't drink that much. Thanks so much!:drinker:

    Try a glass with a straw. I can't drink it any other way. Mine is clear and I think it helps that I can see it go down.
  • blessedmomof8
    blessedmomof8 Posts: 215 Member
    10 glasses water (80 ounces!!) ~DONE 90 oz.
    Add 5 minutes to you exercise from yesterday. . . ~Done 75 mins.

    Under calorie goal... ~DONE

    Add 10 Minutes weights or resistence training.... (this could include situps, crunches. . . . ~lol, if about 8 crunches counts. . . .
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    I would like to join! not sure of my weight, holidays and company have put a couple pounds back on. I will weigh in on Wednesday!
  • preachawoman
    preachawoman Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in ! My weigh in's are Fridays so I'll post then. Blessings to everyone. A more healthy us in 2011.:happy:
    SW 194.4
    CW 191.2
    Challenge goal W- 181.2 or lower :)
    UGW 130
  • Hi everyone, HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all, I know I probably won't still be up at that time. I only just saw the challenge for the day. I couldn't get the water in, however I did do 30 minutes on the treadmill and 90 minutes of weights, before my 3 year old got up and starting harassing me. Has anyone else had an upset tummy from drinking so much water>?? Chantelle. PS thanks for the challenges, its fun to be so motivated.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Any suggestions on how to be sure I get all of the water in during the day? I can't seem to get past about 5 or 6 eight ounce glasses per day. I've even been filling up a large cup to keep on the counter as a reminder, but I still can't drink that much. Thanks so much!:drinker:

    I don't drink anything else, period until I drink atleast 2 cups and I"m a coffee addict so I will down those two cups to get my morning coffee...I drink alot more when I'm work, I keep a water bottle with me constantly ad b/c I don't like the plain taste of water, I drink crystal light...I also make myself (it took a while) drink atleast a small glass before and after eating.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Hey! I didn't make the 30 pounds at Christmas but I'm going to try to do this! I did lose 13 so I'm ok with it! Here we go again!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Can I still get in on this. I just saw the post. Do I need to add everyone or how is it done?

    You can add whomever you like as a buddy. I post daily challenges that are NOT required, but if you like that sort of thing it kind of keeps people motivated. If you want you can come back and post if you did them or not. You can also come back and post anything just to talk if you like. Also, if you aren't into posting often you don't have to. Nothing is really REQUIRED, except a starting weight and a weekly weigh in.

    Our official weigh in days are Mondays, but if you have a scheduled day that you are already sticking with then that's ok too. We have a great girl, MrsSeaShell, who does these great spreadsheets and keeps up with everyone's weigh ins.

    So, basically nothing required, and everything to gain! OR LOSE really!! haha!! We are here for support and fun! Anyone is welcome to join at ANY time!

    Welcome and l look forward to getting to know you!

  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247

    12 Water (to combat the sodim loaded foods and those of you who plan to drink alcohol!)
    40 Minutes exercise--- This can include anything you choose today !

    Try your best to be good although many will probably be tempted with the holiday!



    And the best one of all...... Kiss someone you love! Even if it isn't at midnight! Kiss your baby, spouse, friend on the cheek, momma, daddy, anyone!! Tell them how much they mean to you. Really.... you never know when you will get another chance to really tell them how much they mean.
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Any suggestions on how to be sure I get all of the water in during the day? I can't seem to get past about 5 or 6 eight ounce glasses per day. I've even been filling up a large cup to keep on the counter as a reminder, but I still can't drink that much. Thanks so much!:drinker:
    Don't know if this is feasible for ya, but I have a 32 oz water bottle that I keep with me constantly. As soon as I'm done, I refill. So I know after I drink 2 bottle fulls, that's the suggested 64oz for the day. However, I don't drink much else so I usually average 3-4 bottle fulls.
  • DrumlineGirl
    DrumlineGirl Posts: 178 Member
    I did awesome on the challenge yesterday (thursday). I did 35 minutes of walking, and 8 minutes of running. It was great, but today I am very sore, and we're hosting a party tonight. I don't believe I'll be exercising, as I can barely move!! I've got a big weekend. I play in an NFL drumline and we have a game sunday. I walk around for hours with a 30 lb drum on and play! It's a great workout!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,549 Member
    Thursday challenge results:
    10 glasses water (80 ounces!!)-done
    Add 5 minutes to you exercise from yesterday or do AT LEAST 30 minutes....for example if you did 50 minutes do 55 and if you did only 20 minutes to 30 minutes. -did 60

    Under calorie goal... nope, made peppermint bark candy for my husband and ate waaaaayyyy tooooooo much of it.

    Add 10 Minutes weights or resistence training.... (this could include situps, crunches, pushups, wall pushups, lunges, squats....use canned foods to work your arms out in the kitchen..... Get creative!! Lift your kids up and down!! lol...)-done-did 15 minutes of ab work and 10 pushups.

    Very excited, weighed in this morning (not my usual day, cheating a little because of the holiday!) and I lost the weight I gained during December! I'm down 1.8 lbs. and sooooo close to both the 20 lb. mark and my ultimate goal weight.
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