WEIRD things that are strangely attractive to you



  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Freckles !!!!!!!!!!!!
    also kind of love nerds, is that weird?

    Who doesn't love nerds???

    And guys in ballcaps. Swoon...
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I don't know that it's necessarily strange but ladies who lift regularly and have defined traps & delts… mmm…
    <----How is that for defined traps/delts?
  • wildrose53
    wildrose53 Posts: 1,342 Member
    I love watching a man shave. It's really a turn on.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Poorly wiped butts
    Just kinda threw up in my mouth a little after reading that...
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    Beards. nice below the collar bone long ones

    good thighs on a man. I look at their thighs before anything else haha. If a guy has nice thighs and isn't afraid to wear shorter shorts that is sexy.

    nerds. think Dr. Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds

    A nice strong chin and jaw line coupled with full plump lips. Think Tom Welling from Smallville

    and men that smell like they are hard workers. That I just worked 12 hours and need a shower bad smell
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    guys with Scottish, Irish,British, and Australian accents. Anyone who has a flying time machine aka Tardis, lol ;)
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Freckles, fresh pedicure, hipster girls ....not sure any of that is too weird tho as I type it.

    *scrolls through thread looking for ballcap, beard, glasses loving posts*
  • cbarn025
    cbarn025 Posts: 939 Member
    I have a thing for girls in Jordans, gym shorts, wife beaters and fitted hats with there hair in a pony tail coming out the back of the hat.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    a plaid flannel rolled up to the elbows and it's a guarantee.

    Plaid rolled up to the elbows is super sexy on a guy! I love it! I blame the fact that the majority of my dads side of the family either worked on and/or owned a farm so to me that equals a man who isn't afraid to work hard and get a little dirty!
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    Freckles, not so strange.

    But I really like anything that shows me she's strong and capable.

    Driving a stick-shift
    Fixing something
    Lifting heavy
    But most of all, fighters. Oh my, if you can knock me out / tap me out you have just become 800% more attractive. (Both these women could honestly kill me, and that is so hot)

  • alaskamatteson
    alaskamatteson Posts: 95 Member
    Asian men... :laugh:
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member

    Driving a stick-shift

    I don't know why more women don't know how to drive a stick. I learned in less than 5 minutes when I was 18 how to drive one. Haven't drive stick in years but I seriously miss it!
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    Asian men... :laugh:

  • The_Aly_Wei
    The_Aly_Wei Posts: 844 Member
    - People that are animated when they speak.. not in a phony annoying way but in a "i have something to say" way.
    - People with talent. Any kind of talent where they are good at something and enjoy it.
    - Men who are more outdoorsy than me.
    - Easy laughers and people that play.
    - Women with low slung jeans on good hip bones...early 2000's style. I will stare, likely to the point of making you uncomfortable.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Men with the V-cut with a happy trail and chest hair, but not to the level of a full bear coat.

    Well defined shoulders on a man or woman.

    A shy smirk......I melt. Just take me home at that point.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hands..... I really love a man with BIG hands!
    Bald men too..... add a scruffy beard, YUM.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    - People that are animated when they speak.


    ^ animated.
  • Samenamenewlook
    Samenamenewlook Posts: 296 Member
    I have a thing for girls in Jordans, gym shorts, wife beaters and fitted hats with there hair in a pony tail coming out the back of the hat.


    I don't think there's anything weird about my Jordans! :smile:
  • tbonethemighty
    tbonethemighty Posts: 100 Member
    Guys with grease on their hands/under their fingernails (what can I say, I'm an engineer)...perhaps related to that, well-fitting work clothes (****ie's-type pants, blaumann, etc.) that have actually been worked in

    the smell of sweat (clean sweat, like you get after a bike ride or something -- NOT the I-haven't-showered-in-a-week, sour, old-sweat smell...that's just rank)

    mildly obsessive curiosity about random/odd stuff -- any guy who can bust out random trivia on famous scientists of the 19th century, or who can program a Lego mindstorms robot to bring a beer over to the sofa, or who can recite poetry by Ogden Nash...

    calluses. You have calluses = please put your hands on my skin in any way you see fit
  • 120by30
    120by30 Posts: 217 Member

    Driving a stick-shift

    I don't know why more women don't know how to drive a stick. I learned in less than 5 minutes when I was 18 how to drive one. Haven't drive stick in years but I seriously miss it!

    My dad taught all 3 of his girls to drive on a manual transmission. I was 11 when he taught me. I also miss it!