

    TDKAPS Posts: 28
    Oh man, you are speaking my language. I have tears in my eyes reading your post.

    I'm much older than you are and I'm here to strongly encourage you to do whatever you can to make sure you find someone to help. This doesn't go away on its own. I hope something you read here on MFP will help you to move forward without going through the sheer hell this illness can put you through. And, believe me, this IS an illness. It isolates you and becomes your entire focus.

    This topic jumped out at me as I have eaten over 17,300 calories in the past three days. I refused to count them at first but sat down and just faced it. I know I missed a few things. I haven't had an episode like this for about a year. Not sure exactly what triggered it. I'm fine impulses or desperation and I don't hate myself. I can just as easily go three or four days and eat almost nothing. There is no rhyme or reason.

    I'd like to think my life would have been more normal had someone paid attention to what was going on when I was your age. Perhaps earlier intervention and therapy - I know that the damage I've done to myself is irreversible but you have the benefit of being aware that what you're doing isn't healthy and you are looking for an answer.

    Sending strength and hope to you - - and I'm sure you'll find all sorts of people here who will be more than happy to support you. xo

    It's funny how no one really takes binging seriously if you're not 'overweight'. Some people wouldn't even believe me when i told them i ate so much. My worst binging was when it first started and i would actually make up for it. I remember refusing to count calories but if i count calories now at 4-5k and it doesn't seem all that much i wonder how much i was eating before, on the ground in pain. One time i thought i was going to go to the hospital. I hate that i KNOW i've caused so much damage to my body, but it's like i don't care NOW. But i WILL. Thanks for your post! x
    TDKAPS Posts: 28
    You sound very much like my son 10 years ago when he was around 13. He was chunky but not what I would call fat but he had that in his head so he decided to "fix" it. He began by eating then immediately trying to exercise off all the food he ate then he began to chew his food then spit it out. After that he began to purge. And as his mother, I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't realize at first what was going on. I knew he ran off to the bathroom after eating but it really wasn't that unusual (that kid can take up serious bathroom time). And after working all day and having to fix dinner and clean up and make sure homework was done, etc., I wasn't as attentive as I should have been. It was my parents who finally clued in to what was happening and we were able to get him help. And my son fought us for the longest time about treatment. He had to see his regular dr for awhile until an appt with the eating disorder specialist opened up. Some weeks he saw 3 different doctors in the week depending on the psychologist, ED specialist & GP and he spit fire at us at every opportunity. I know you said you opened up to your mom but it could be that she's not seeing the full picture just like I didn't. Definitely get yourself some help and find someone, anyone, to talk to until you can see a specialist. Give your parents another chance and let them know what you said here. Or let them read it if it'll be easier that way. You definitely need to find a professional to help you through this. My son was almost hospitalized, did damage to his heart, wore away some of the enamel on his teeth and has damaged his esophagus. It's scary to think that if it had gotten much worse, we could have lost him. Don't let that happen to you. You have so much to offer and so much joy to give and receive.

    It seems my mum only sees the full picture when i'm extremely depressed, overdosed on laxatives, or how you said to the point of hospitalisation. She thinks if i go see a therapist, i'll get locked away (Don't even know how she comes up with this). She's obviously really scared because she pretty much denies it and thinks i can snap out of it on my own. I want to get better for my family mostly and hopefully i can do that.
    TDKAPS Posts: 28
    I just want to give you a hug and tell you it's gonna be okay.

    Please reach out to someone. Other people have linked you, so I don't need to. Talk to your parents again. Sit them down, and try to convey how serious this is. Maybe they don't know how to handle this. Tell them you need their help. Be adamant. Tell them what you've told us. You need to do some serious healing before you try to get to your goal.

    With that said, perhaps when you get a little better you could try weight training instead of starving yourself to get to the goal of being 'thin'? You're cute as a button now (no one wants to be considered cute as a button, sorry!) and you've got nothing to be ashamed of. At all.

    Actually, this was me before i gained :( I never really appreciated it until now. I thought i was extremely unattractive and overweight. In a way, i'm glad i gained a bit so i can realise how distorted my image was. You don't appreciate what you have until it's gone right? :(
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I'm 5'5" and used to be 145, and loved how I looked and am trying to get back to that. For me and my body frame 145 is perfect (I have hips and *kitten*)...

    Get help and get healthy for YOU first, family second.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Sometimes, Moms find it very hard to face that one of our children is in pain. If you can't talk to her, at least let her know that you're going to talk to a therapist and why. I'm so glad you're talking to all these posters tonight. You have to know that you are not alone and that there is a path to getting your health back on track. I'm just so glad that you are making this move now and not waiting until you're further down the road.

    I wish you the very best. You seem to be a very insightful young woman with a lot to offer. Concentrate on being healthy and do it for YOU, because you are worth it. :heart:
    TDKAPS Posts: 28
    Sometimes, Moms find it very hard to face that one of our children is in pain. If you can't talk to her, at least let her know that you're going to talk to a therapist and why. I'm so glad you're talking to all these posters tonight. You have to know that you are not alone and that there is a path to getting your health back on track. I'm just so glad that you are making this move now and not waiting until you're further down the road.

    I wish you the very best. You seem to be a very insightful young woman with a lot to offer. Concentrate on being healthy and do it for YOU, because you are worth it. :heart:

    I'm really glad i posted in this forum, at first i didn't want to as i thought i may be judged or have some snarky comments, however, this is definitely not the case. Reading everyones comments makes me hopeful and i actually feel like there is hope after so long.
    Thanks so much for your kindness! Definitely has made me feel better. xxxx
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Sometimes, Moms find it very hard to face that one of our children is in pain. If you can't talk to her, at least let her know that you're going to talk to a therapist and why. I'm so glad you're talking to all these posters tonight. You have to know that you are not alone and that there is a path to getting your health back on track. I'm just so glad that you are making this move now and not waiting until you're further down the road.

    I wish you the very best. You seem to be a very insightful young woman with a lot to offer. Concentrate on being healthy and do it for YOU, because you are worth it. :heart:

  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    OP...this is what I think of you...

    TDKAPS Posts: 28
    OP...this is what I think of you...


    Oh you ;)
  • archaichoney
    archaichoney Posts: 132 Member
    On the binge eating OP, I urge you to check out Intermittent Fasting ( I am a binge eater myself and this has seriously helped me feel better about how I eat. I fast for about 17 hours and give myself a 7 hour eating window. There's a lot of info out there about it, and I've seen it recommended to binge eaters. It's definitely helped me and I never feel deprived.
    TDKAPS Posts: 28
    On the binge eating OP, I urge you to check out Intermittent Fasting ( I am a binge eater myself and this has seriously helped me feel better about how I eat. I fast for about 17 hours and give myself a 7 hour eating window. There's a lot of info out there about it, and I've seen it recommended to binge eaters. It's definitely helped me and I never feel deprived.

    Ah yes, IF. I've tried it. But it would work better for me i think if i was completely committed to it. But congrats for it working for you!
  • Biggirllittledreams
    Biggirllittledreams Posts: 306 Member
    I never used to have problems like these. I'm not the person i used to be. There's so much things in the world that means so much more but i can't seem to care for them. I really wish i did, i want to enjoy my life again.

    You need to see an eating disorder specialist- a therapist, nutritionist and possibly psychiatrist.

    I'm in recovery from both Anorexia and Binge Eating Disorder. Feel free to add me for support. :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I never used to have problems like these. I'm not the person i used to be. There's so much things in the world that means so much more but i can't seem to care for them. I really wish i did, i want to enjoy my life again.

    You need to see an eating disorder specialist- a therapist, nutritionist and possibly psychiatrist.

    I'm in recovery from both Anorexia and Binge Eating Disorder. Feel free to add me for support. :)

    ^This. It really sounds like you need to seek more help from a counselor/therapist then people on the internet right now.

    Just in case, I'll leave this here.
  • kilsafari
    kilsafari Posts: 61
    Reading your posts feels like looking in a mirror. I know exactly where you're coming from. Its an extremely dark place to be, its miserable and you feel trapped. I am here for you if you ever need to talk about it privately.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I have two daughters (one the same age as you). If you were my daughter you and I would be finding a therapist ASAP. I would be sitting in that waiting room with you and we would work on this together to get you healthy. Like another poster said, I wish I could hug you right now.

    The fact that you are closing yourself off from everything you like to do tells me you might also be suffering from some sort of depression as well as an eating disorder. Please seek help. Find a friend or family member who will help you find help. This is not the way you want to spend the rest of your life.

    It encourages me to read your posts in that it seems you understand something is wrong and you're seeking advice.

    Good luck to you, OP. I hope you find the help you need.
  • Jul7312
    Jul7312 Posts: 1 Member
    What is ACE?
    Thank you,

    TDKAPS Posts: 28
    I have two daughters (one the same age as you). If you were my daughter you and I would be finding a therapist ASAP. I would be sitting in that waiting room with you and we would work on this together to get you healthy. Like another poster said, I wish I could hug you right now.

    The fact that you are closing yourself off from everything you like to do tells me you might also be suffering from some sort of depression as well as an eating disorder. Please seek help. Find a friend or family member who will help you find help. This is not the way you want to spend the rest of your life.

    It encourages me to read your posts in that it seems you understand something is wrong and you're seeking advice.

    Good luck to you, OP. I hope you find the help you need.

    I Definitely suffer from depression, there was parts where i was severely considering suicide which made me realise how irrational my behaviour was, i mean the thought of ending my life just because i didn't like the way i looked. I was NEVER one to consider even thinking about it and the fact i spent days planning it out saddened me. I had OCD as a child and social anxiety growing up. I've also always been a black and white person. This is a nutrition site though, so i avoided telling other problems in my post. Sometimes i think i was doomed from the beginning, which of course is a terrible way to think.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Hey guys, I decided to make a MFP account so i can have some kind of support or someone in a similar matter.. I have no one else to go to so i thought this was my best shot. (This will be long, sorry)

    Okay long story short, last year May i was 158 pounds at 5'5. (18 years old, now 19) I didn't HATE my body, i didn't have low self esteem, actually i was extremely confident. But i suffered from social anxiety, i think i was secretly in denial about my weight. Anyway after years of trying to diet (as in i'd last two weeks and give up) i finally stuck to it, somehow, i don't even know how i did it. Growing up i always ate a TON of food, i'm surprised i maintained my weight. My day would be something like this .. 4 Chocolate muffins in milk, tons of chocolate, any meal my mum cooked, whole packet of cookies and nothing even remotely healthy. Never exercised. So how i stuck to this diet still confuses me.

    I started eating 500 calories a day, no exercise. I lost weight extremely quickly, i lied to myself saying it was healthy. My body DID feel good but had no energy, and as the weeks progressed i would have to sit down when i felt like i was going to faint. I thought it was worth it though, everyone started complimenting me, i started developing bad body images. For 3 weeks i was on 200 calories a day, i used to brag about it. How in control i was. I wanted to be underweight by that point. In 8-9 weeks i got down to 123 pounds. Then the mean comments started happening, how sick i looked, how unhealthy i looked. People started getting concerned. But i never had so much attention before by guys. I started upping my Cals very slowly so i could avoid weight gain and started exercising. I was planning to reach my goal weight the HEALTHY way. That lasted about oh, um, 1 week. I Binged one day. 4000 calories. I was so scared, i didn't want to be fat again. So i attempted to starve the next day. And that didn't work. I would gain a bit and then lose it. I was consuming so much calories and then starving, over exercising and laxative abuse.

    I actually maintained my weight, but i had the LOWEST self esteem, i had to quit my jobs because it was around food and i would eat it and cry. And have serious heart problems because of laxatives. In late November i weighed myself to my surprise i weighed the same, i still thought i was obese at 123 pounds. I thought to myself everyday 'I WILL BE 100 POUNDS' I refused to go to a holiday with my family because it was on the beach. I had the house to myself, i thought now i could really be in control and not be tempted by mums junk food. I threw away every single food in the house. But i couldn't get to bed one day because of hunger. So i decided to binge. I've realised because of this, my binges are very mental. Nothing about taste or emotional problems. I ate DRY PASTA, i ate sugar from the tub. ANYTHING i could find. I ate things that were absolutely disgusting. Unfortunately, i couldn't make up for it. This lasted 3 weeks of serious binging. Easily 5000 cals. I missed out of New years because i was so sad about my weight. I just stayed at home. I wanted to go to university so i could be in control again and move out of home. That's exactly what i did. (Which was 2 months ago), All seemed to be going well, 500 cals, Running one hour a day. I didn't believe the scale when it said i weighed 128 pounds, that was FAR too low for how much i was binging and starving.

    Somehow from then and now i have gained 17 pounds. 17 POUNDS!!!!! I weigh 145 pounds now. And i DEFINITELY do. If i thought i looked fat before, imagine now. I quit uni, quit my job, moved back home. I couldn't handle it. I refuse to leave my house, i refuse to see my family and friends. I WON'T see a psychologist because i'm ashamed of someone seeing me at this weight. NONE of my clothes fit me as i threw away my others and i refuse to buy in a bigger size. I'm going overseas in 5 weeks and i really don't want to be at this weight :( I gained so much weight, by just binging A LOT. And not making up for it, i'd tell myself 'Don't worry you'd make up for it' But i don't. It's like how you say 'Tomorrow i'll start eating healthy' but tomorrow never comes. EXCEPT i'm eating 5000 CALORIES!! I might starve for only one day in the week. I know i can just start eating healthily, but it's so hard for me. I'm very inpatient. But even when i TRY to eat healthy, i BINGE. I read all those binging books, they don't seem to help me.

    I'm so angry and upset, i feel like a failure. I'm also upset i've missed out of so much family events because i'm afraid they will think i'm ugly. (I know it's stupid to think this way). I look at old photos of myself and it makes me so sad. Has anyone been in a similar situation? E.g. Lost weight, gained it back. Or serious Binging problems?

    I think the main reason why you haven't gained much weight when you think you should, is because you're binging because you're starving. Your body's drive to get fuel, from anywhere it can get it, is overwhelming your attempts to control it.

    Let's put your numbers into perspective:

    With your stats, you need about 1400 calories per day, just for your body to function, and about 1650 just to sit on the couch all day, doing nothing.

    You mentioned that your daily caloric intake was 200-500 calories. That means you're depriving your body of about 1000 calories that it needs just to keep you alive, and another 500 or so more to sustain you doing anything. Do that for even a week, and you've created a caloric debt of over 7000 calories.

    So, that 5000 calorie binge? That was just to make up for what you deprived your body.

    Do that for months, and it's no wonder you can't stop binging, because by this time, your body isn't only looking to balance the caloric equation (calories in = calories out) while trying to delay the inevitable in this situation (maintain body fat for as long as possible, because once that's gone, if no food source has been found, it's game over), but it's also trying to replenish nutrient stores. After several months of starving yourself, and probably eating crap food with few micronutrients, your stores of things like Vitamin A, B-12, D, Iron, and other nutrients that the body keeps and stores, are nearly depleted.

    Once you do start feeding your body (which is what you're doing when you binge, even if it's weird stuff like plain sugar), it's going to go into "prepare for another famine" mode, and store every extra molecule that it can. That's why you gained some weight. Keep in mind, too, that it's not all fat. In fact, probably around half of that wasn't, but was, instead, water and glycogen (the sugar stores your body uses for things like sprinting and other fast-energy needs).

    Also, you are not fat, even now, let alone obese. If you can't or won't see medical help, then every time you start to think negative thoughts about your body, remind yourself of that. Say something like "I am at a healthy weight and am beautiful the way I am." Think about the things you like about yourself.

    Another thing - step outside. You said you don't want to leave the house. Why? Because people will see you? Okay, and? I'm not trying to be mean, here, but think about what it is that you're afraid of. Are you afraid of people judging you? If so, again think the positive thoughts - you are beautiful (so if they're going to "judge" you, it will likely be positive). Also, most people are thinking more or less the same thing you are, or they're too wrapped up in their own stuff to care. Even if the only thing you do for a while is sit on your front porch or step (or balcony, or whatever) for 5 minutes, then that's progress (and exposure to sunshine, which will help you make Vitamin D, which will, in turn, help you feel better).

    As for food - don't focus on how many calories you eat or how few right now. Instead, focus on nourishing your body. Focus on eating real food - apples, broccoli, steak, fish, carrots, etc. Nutrient rich food that will help you be the healthy you that you deserve to be. Be mindful about your body's signals -- eat when you're hungry, take time to enjoy the food, and stop when you feel full (not necessarily when you think you've "eaten too much," the goal here is to get you healthy again).

    That said, there's only so much any of us here can do besides offer suggestions, and getting an appointment with your therapist is the best thing you can do, and they can provide a better, more thorough and customized plan for getting you back to a healthy mindset and relationship with food and yourself.
    TDKAPS Posts: 28
    Hey guys, I decided to make a MFP account so i can have some kind of support or someone in a similar matter.. I have no one else to go to so i thought this was my best shot. (This will be long, sorry)

    Okay long story short, last year May i was 158 pounds at 5'5. (18 years old, now 19) I didn't HATE my body, i didn't have low self esteem, actually i was extremely confident. But i suffered from social anxiety, i think i was secretly in denial about my weight. Anyway after years of trying to diet (as in i'd last two weeks and give up) i finally stuck to it, somehow, i don't even know how i did it. Growing up i always ate a TON of food, i'm surprised i maintained my weight. My day would be something like this .. 4 Chocolate muffins in milk, tons of chocolate, any meal my mum cooked, whole packet of cookies and nothing even remotely healthy. Never exercised. So how i stuck to this diet still confuses me.

    I started eating 500 calories a day, no exercise. I lost weight extremely quickly, i lied to myself saying it was healthy. My body DID feel good but had no energy, and as the weeks progressed i would have to sit down when i felt like i was going to faint. I thought it was worth it though, everyone started complimenting me, i started developing bad body images. For 3 weeks i was on 200 calories a day, i used to brag about it. How in control i was. I wanted to be underweight by that point. In 8-9 weeks i got down to 123 pounds. Then the mean comments started happening, how sick i looked, how unhealthy i looked. People started getting concerned. But i never had so much attention before by guys. I started upping my Cals very slowly so i could avoid weight gain and started exercising. I was planning to reach my goal weight the HEALTHY way. That lasted about oh, um, 1 week. I Binged one day. 4000 calories. I was so scared, i didn't want to be fat again. So i attempted to starve the next day. And that didn't work. I would gain a bit and then lose it. I was consuming so much calories and then starving, over exercising and laxative abuse.

    I actually maintained my weight, but i had the LOWEST self esteem, i had to quit my jobs because it was around food and i would eat it and cry. And have serious heart problems because of laxatives. In late November i weighed myself to my surprise i weighed the same, i still thought i was obese at 123 pounds. I thought to myself everyday 'I WILL BE 100 POUNDS' I refused to go to a holiday with my family because it was on the beach. I had the house to myself, i thought now i could really be in control and not be tempted by mums junk food. I threw away every single food in the house. But i couldn't get to bed one day because of hunger. So i decided to binge. I've realised because of this, my binges are very mental. Nothing about taste or emotional problems. I ate DRY PASTA, i ate sugar from the tub. ANYTHING i could find. I ate things that were absolutely disgusting. Unfortunately, i couldn't make up for it. This lasted 3 weeks of serious binging. Easily 5000 cals. I missed out of New years because i was so sad about my weight. I just stayed at home. I wanted to go to university so i could be in control again and move out of home. That's exactly what i did. (Which was 2 months ago), All seemed to be going well, 500 cals, Running one hour a day. I didn't believe the scale when it said i weighed 128 pounds, that was FAR too low for how much i was binging and starving.

    Somehow from then and now i have gained 17 pounds. 17 POUNDS!!!!! I weigh 145 pounds now. And i DEFINITELY do. If i thought i looked fat before, imagine now. I quit uni, quit my job, moved back home. I couldn't handle it. I refuse to leave my house, i refuse to see my family and friends. I WON'T see a psychologist because i'm ashamed of someone seeing me at this weight. NONE of my clothes fit me as i threw away my others and i refuse to buy in a bigger size. I'm going overseas in 5 weeks and i really don't want to be at this weight :( I gained so much weight, by just binging A LOT. And not making up for it, i'd tell myself 'Don't worry you'd make up for it' But i don't. It's like how you say 'Tomorrow i'll start eating healthy' but tomorrow never comes. EXCEPT i'm eating 5000 CALORIES!! I might starve for only one day in the week. I know i can just start eating healthily, but it's so hard for me. I'm very inpatient. But even when i TRY to eat healthy, i BINGE. I read all those binging books, they don't seem to help me.

    I'm so angry and upset, i feel like a failure. I'm also upset i've missed out of so much family events because i'm afraid they will think i'm ugly. (I know it's stupid to think this way). I look at old photos of myself and it makes me so sad. Has anyone been in a similar situation? E.g. Lost weight, gained it back. Or serious Binging problems?

    I think the main reason why you haven't gained much weight when you think you should, is because you're binging because you're starving. Your body's drive to get fuel, from anywhere it can get it, is overwhelming your attempts to control it.

    Let's put your numbers into perspective:

    With your stats, you need about 1400 calories per day, just for your body to function, and about 1650 just to sit on the couch all day, doing nothing.

    You mentioned that your daily caloric intake was 200-500 calories. That means you're depriving your body of about 1000 calories that it needs just to keep you alive, and another 500 or so more to sustain you doing anything. Do that for even a week, and you've created a caloric debt of over 7000 calories.

    So, that 5000 calorie binge? That was just to make up for what you deprived your body.

    Do that for months, and it's no wonder you can't stop binging, because by this time, your body isn't only looking to balance the caloric equation (calories in = calories out) while trying to delay the inevitable in this situation (maintain body fat for as long as possible, because once that's gone, if no food source has been found, it's game over), but it's also trying to replenish nutrient stores. After several months of starving yourself, and probably eating crap food with few micronutrients, your stores of things like Vitamin A, B-12, D, Iron, and other nutrients that the body keeps and stores, are nearly depleted.

    Once you do start feeding your body (which is what you're doing when you binge, even if it's weird stuff like plain sugar), it's going to go into "prepare for another famine" mode, and store every extra molecule that it can. That's why you gained some weight. Keep in mind, too, that it's not all fat. In fact, probably around half of that wasn't, but was, instead, water and glycogen (the sugar stores your body uses for things like sprinting and other fast-energy needs).

    Also, you are not fat, even now, let alone obese. If you can't or won't see medical help, then every time you start to think negative thoughts about your body, remind yourself of that. Say something like "I am at a healthy weight and am beautiful the way I am." Think about the things you like about yourself.

    Another thing - step outside. You said you don't want to leave the house. Why? Because people will see you? Okay, and? I'm not trying to be mean, here, but think about what it is that you're afraid of. Are you afraid of people judging you? If so, again think the positive thoughts - you are beautiful (so if they're going to "judge" you, it will likely be positive). Also, most people are thinking more or less the same thing you are, or they're too wrapped up in their own stuff to care. Even if the only thing you do for a while is sit on your front porch or step (or balcony, or whatever) for 5 minutes, then that's progress (and exposure to sunshine, which will help you make Vitamin D, which will, in turn, help you feel better).

    As for food - don't focus on how many calories you eat or how few right now. Instead, focus on nourishing your body. Focus on eating real food - apples, broccoli, steak, fish, carrots, etc. Nutrient rich food that will help you be the healthy you that you deserve to be. Be mindful about your body's signals -- eat when you're hungry, take time to enjoy the food, and stop when you feel full (not necessarily when you think you've "eaten too much," the goal here is to get you healthy again).

    That said, there's only so much any of us here can do besides offer suggestions, and getting an appointment with your therapist is the best thing you can do, and they can provide a better, more thorough and customized plan for getting you back to a healthy mindset and relationship with food and yourself.

    Actually, for myself i need about 2000 calories sedentary. If i was only having 7000 calories deficit a week, there is no way i would of lost as much as i did. I did consider this theory, that my body was making up for the starving. But it's been 1 YEAR. I only "Starved" for 8-9 weeks. At start yes, i do think that was the case. But that is definitely not the case at the moment, in fact, i think i have an overload of nutrients.

    And yes, i don't want people to see me. To think "Ha, i knew she'd gain weight again" or have some kind of self pity for me. Even before i always cared what people thought of me, i was seeing a therapist at that point and i was getting better. But now it's even worse. I am trying to get out, i've actually only left during the dark. But it was a start. I'm also trying my hardest to just focus on healthy foods. Thanks for your post though!
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story! I think your an amazing beautiful girl!!! Your missing out on so many great things in your life, please see someone who will help you feel alot better!

    By now means at your weight are you big, You shouldnt think
    about what you used to weigh/look! For now concentrate on getting help or try and talk tona close family member! Believe me once you open up to someone, you will feel sooooooooooo much better ????????????????

    I wish you luck & a happy life, your so young you have your whole life ahead of you!

    Xxxxxxxxx big hugs xxxxxxx