Topamax-losing weight rapidly...



  • Paula038
    Paula038 Posts: 42 Member
    It really depends on the person. Two people in my household took it. One had terrible side effects and had to stop (we called it her "zombie pill"). The other is doing perfectly well on it, with no noticeable side effects. So it may be worth a try.
  • tpt42087
    tpt42087 Posts: 313 Member
    Hi everyone I was just put on topamax for nerve damage/pain tonmy neck/right arm. I am honestly terrified. All of these horror stories out there about this medicine but its my last resort. The pain I am in 24/7 is horrible and I need something to try to help. I started taking the pills December 23, 2014 50mg a day not even a week has gone by and ive lost 4lbs already do to the fact I dont feel hungry at all. I have this horrible taste in my mouth even when drinking water but I am forcing myself to drink. I have set alarms on my phone to remind myself to eat. My doctor wants me to up my does by 50mg each week until im at 150mg daily. Right now 50mg isnt doing much at all for the pain but making me itch like crazy. My biggest fear is the hair loss my hair isnt thick at all as it is. I am gonna give it another week maybe 2 and week what happens. If by the time I see my doctor January 14th the pain is still just asbad I will ask to quit the meds.
  • jillnemma
    jillnemma Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, On Topamax and also take Lamicatal for Bipolar. I also take Lithium. The Topamax had me drop 20lbs quickly and I was pretty stupid for a while, but I'm fine now, it helps with mood stabilization in conjuction with my Lithium because my Lithium level were getting toxic. Lamictical is used as an antidepressant and mood stabilizer as well. Have taken all three drugs for Bipolar for several years under the direction of a Psychiatrist so yes these drugs all have multiple uses. Topamax made me go cold turkey off of soda because it killed the taste of carbonation for me, it's disgusting
  • Pete0725
    Pete0725 Posts: 36 Member
    I've been taking 50mg of Topamax for migraines for the past 3 months. I haven't experienced any side effects. My neurologist stressed the importance of drinking lots of water, which I drink around 120 oz per day.

    As for weight loss, I can't say for sure I lost the weight due to Topamax as I've just completed P90x and immediately started T25..and I've been eating fairly clean and true to my daily calorie limit.
  • TOPAMAX(Topiramate): mechanisms of actions include voltage gated sodium and calcium subtype T receptor blocker, potentiates gamma aminobuyric acid, weak carbonic anhydride inhibitor, and finally an AMPA/Kainate receptor blocker.

    The weight loss combo product recently approved is Topiramate + Phentermine (QYSMIA)
    Notable side effects of Topiramate include cognitive decline, nephrolithiasis (that's Latin for kidney stones...drink up), anorexia, oligohydrosis (inability to sweat;overheating), metabolic acidosis, secondary angle closure glaucoma, and oral cleft palate congenital malformations...additionally decreases oral contraceptive efficacy in doses exceeding 200mg/day (weak 3A4-Inducer)

    Indications include seizure adjunct (except absence seizures), migraine prophylaxis (there are so many other options), wt. loss only in combo labeled as QYSMIA
    For some reason lots of people confuse Topiramate and Lamotrigine...both have very similar mechanisms of action
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    Branded vs Generics is actually quite important. Although the active drugs are the same, the coating and stabilisers etc. that are necessary can be different, and cause different levels of absorption of the active ingredient into the blood.

    For example, if Generic A has a coating which makes 80% of the drug be absorbed into the blood, but Generic B is only 75% absorbed, then a 50 mg tablet of A will produce higher levels in the blood than B. This means you need slightly different doses of A than B to get the same theraputic effect. There can also be differences in side effects.

    The reason I mention this is that there was a campaign a couple of years ago in the UK regarding the prescribing of generics to people with epilepsy - if you don't get the same brand or same generic each month the levels in your blood change and you cannot stabilise your dose level. This meant that people had control over their seizures one month and not the next, side effects one month and not the next, and were also feeling the effects of the changing levels of the active ingredient in the blood stream. The campaign also included other people on long term medications e.g. with heart conditions and some psychiatric conditions.

    That's not to say that generics are bad and branded are good, just that if you are on Generic A you need to stay on it for consistent effects. Or if you are on Generic A and experiencing side effects, it may be worthwhile discussing with your doctor or pharmacist whether switching to the branded version or Generic B may improve those side effects.

    With some tablets, e.g. short term antibiotics for a cold, this isn't really a problem, but it can be for long-term medication.
  • Yes but Topiramate does not require therapeutic drug monitoring via serum blood concentration
    We have the Orange book as a reference for A/B bio equivalence issues here in the states
    A minor 5% difference in bioavailability is acceptable
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    Yes but Topiramate does not require therapeutic drug monitoring via serum blood concentration
    We have the Orange book as a reference for A/B bio equivalence issues here in the states
    A minor 5% difference in bioavailability is acceptable

    Aaah ok. Interesting! They probably have them at the GPs too. As a patient, though, I don't have access to that information. I just requested my GP prescribe brand only so the pharmacist dispenses the same thing each time. Sorted!
  • babyangelica2010
    babyangelica2010 Posts: 117 Member
    I just got off this drug a couple weeks ago. I liked the reduced hunger but I didn't lose any weight. I was still bingeing a little though (I was put on it to control binge eating)
    It als made me horribly sleepy all the time. My daughter would wake up in the night and be playing in the livingroom and I wouldn't hear a thing. I only knew because my roommate at the time told me. I was constantly exhausted and I'm normally a fairly light sleeper, but I wasn't able to wake up when my daughter woke up and I'd drift in and out in the mornings to where she would be playing for an hour or so every morning by herself. I just couldn't get out of bed. Ultimately that was the reason I stopped, because I was afraid my daughter would get into something she shouldn't while I was asleep.
  • elyse19
    elyse19 Posts: 2 Member
    Just had to put in my 2c since happening across this Topomax/Topiramate blog.
    I have been using MFP for a couple of years, struggling to lose weight which MFP has helped with, but slowly. Because of some serious family issues beginning with my father's sudden death, started to see a shrink - not for migraines or bipolar disorder, but anger management issues and inability to sleep. I was very worried about an anti-depressant that would cause weight gain (because why was I using MFP in the first place???) so the shrink prescribed Lamictal/Lamotrigine just to calm me down which worked well enough. When a few months later I said I needed something to also stop my compulsive late night eating - I wasn't hungry but would pop out of bed just to nosh, he prescribed Topomax/Topiramate, first at 25mg, going up to 50 mg, which is where I am now.
    I have now been on Topiramate since last January. I have had none of the side effects everyone else has referred to. I have stopped the compulsive late night eating. I have diligently been able to watch my calories and closely eaten healthily all year (not realizing that Topomax had a weight loss side effect). I started eating more protein, salads for dinner, and cut out sweets, breads, pasta and cheese.
    I am happy to report that in 2013, I lost 45 lbs, (from 195 to 150) and so far this year have already lost another 2-3. Plan to lose another 15 to get me back to where I was at 40 (almost 20 years ago). I lost about 4-5 pounds/month or about 1.2 pounds/week. I don't think that is a rapid weight loss and I didn't think it was due to the drug, but closely watching my calories and using MFP and FitBit. I've had none of the side effects.
    If Topomax helped me along, I'm glad it did. I'm also a lot calmer and not as angry as when I first went to the shrink, so that off label use certainly worked for me too.
    I think if used correctly and in an appropriate dosage (I've read some of the people here were at 250 mg!!!), it should work as intended without the extreme side effects.
  • toropion91
    toropion91 Posts: 1 Member
    i actually was taking it for about six months and i lost about 36 pounds. Great to lose weight without any side effects for me. Try to get it again.
  • sheshetb
    sheshetb Posts: 1
    It DOES cause weight loss! I've lost over 50 pounds.Haven't changed a thing! I lose a pound daily! I'm on 50 mg daily. I love it!!
  • Athelda
    Athelda Posts: 1
    My neurologist wants to put me back on Topomax. I almost forgot some of the side effects I experienced until u read this! I was wonderful while I was on it at first! Then suddenly I got the zapping feelings I was losing my teams of thought! I had eye problems I was in a trance! The problem was I was taking other meds too. We couldn't narrow down to which one was causing what! It's been a year since I stopped taking them my migraines increased. Damned if I do and damned if I don't!
  • haleyd79
    haleyd79 Posts: 1
    Hey everyone! Can I ask for those of you that have said you experience weight loss and those that didn't, which pill "shape" did you take? I didn't realize there were different ones but apparently there is a round topiramate and an oval one? I have taken both but with the round one have experienced all of the side effects except weight loss. With the oval pill I lost weight within days, with the round pill I haven't had any loss of appetite or weight loss at all and I'm going on week 3. This is frustrating. If I'm going to suffer all of these side effects again I better at least enjoy the ONE pleasant side effect from it. This is my 3rd time on this and each time before I was on the oval pill and had loss of appetite and weight loss along with all the other side effects. Now on the round pill I have all of them BUT weight loss/loss of appetite. What the heck?
  • haylo817
    haylo817 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for this feedback. I am in a similar situation. I am on Lamictal and it has stabilized my anxiety issues. But my late night cravings have caused a stall in weight loss. I am looking forward to the boost that Topamax can provide. Even though there are potential side effects I am choosing to stay positive and focusing on the health benefits of keeping me from binges.
  • Hi all-I was on topamax for just a few weeks but the pins and needles in my hands and especially my feet were horrible and I had trouble sleeping. I also felt like I had trouble breathing-wheezing like asthma. I did lose weight but when I read the side effects I was horrified. Kidney stones, glaucoma...just taking phentermine now and that seems to be working maybe not as fast but at least no side effects
  • I took Topomax for 3 weeks for migraines. Some of the side effects are food aversion and food perversion. Everything I tasted, tasted like warm mud. Ice cold diet coke, warm and like mud.

    I stopped taking it when I realized I was so confused at work I couldn't do a simple drug calculation, and had to take a week off work while the medicine came out of my body.

    But yeah, I lost over 10 lbs during that time, and not something I plan on ever taking again.
  • I been on Topamax for over a year honesty I have had no side effects and no weight loss. I wish I have had weight loss but I have experienced no feelings of lack of appetite. I have tried many different diets and nothing for me seems to work to lose weight I currently only eat 2 smoothies a day and lean cuisine meals for a intake of less then 1500 calories a day but I still dont lose weight. It is depressing I have talked to my doctor about it but they say it just takes work I been working I work out 3-5 times a week 40 mins a day cardio then 30 min cool down weights and no weight loss or inches lost. I dont know what to do.
  • milesaway61
    milesaway61 Posts: 1,390 Member
    I was on this about 6 or 7 years ago. I don't remember if it was generic or not, most likely it was generic.

    I lost about 35lbs during the time I was on it. I also stopped drinking soda, which I was completely addicted to, because the taste became horrible.
    The bad: My memory became absolutely horrible. I forgot my brother's name repeatedly, I would lose my train of thought in the middle of a sentence. Not great for a university student at exam time.

    I gained the weight back, but not due to the medicine, my exercise routine and diet changed completely when I entered the work force.
  • Bonheur9
    Bonheur9 Posts: 1 Member
    I am currently taking topamax for weight loss and nighttime binging. I take 25mg in the morning and 25mg before bed. Though I am not as hungry during the day, I am still binging at night. Has anyone taken their night time dose earlier in the evening and has this helped?