America is doomed



  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member

    Not sure how this is relevant?

    Totally random to the thread :indifferent:

    In. For randomness.



  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member

    No one is obligated to be healthy.

    No one else's habits or diet or anything are really any of your business if they didn't ask you for commentary on their life choices. If you wouldn't approve of people judging you for your sexuality, your race, your nationality, your hair color, or any other trivializing comments to pick apart your identity, then you shouldn't be doing this to other people and their diets/weights.

    I beg to differ. Mothers and fathers are obligated to do the best they can to be able to care for their children. Obese parents with limited mobility and potential health risks who simply eat too much are not putting their children's well-being as a priority. Comparing people who are obese because they eat too much to homosexuals and people of other ethnicity is not really right because the later two are not problems to fix.

    On another note. I live near New Haven, CT. We have some of the best pizza in the world.
    The conversation heading towards the topic of homosexuality and HIV is just absurd. It really has no place here.

    Now on you "another note" statement, I know when you say some of the best pizza in the world you didn't say "the best" because you are close enough to NYC where you have been here and know we have that one in the bag.

    I beg to differ---Italy has the best pizza in the world! :wink:
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member

    No one is obligated to be healthy.

    No one else's habits or diet or anything are really any of your business if they didn't ask you for commentary on their life choices. If you wouldn't approve of people judging you for your sexuality, your race, your nationality, your hair color, or any other trivializing comments to pick apart your identity, then you shouldn't be doing this to other people and their diets/weights.

    I beg to differ. Mothers and fathers are obligated to do the best they can to be able to care for their children. Obese parents with limited mobility and potential health risks who simply eat too much are not putting their children's well-being as a priority. Comparing people who are obese because they eat too much to homosexuals and people of other ethnicity is not really right because the later two are not problems to fix.

    On another note. I live near New Haven, CT. We have some of the best pizza in the world.
    The conversation heading towards the topic of homosexuality and HIV is just absurd. It really has no place here.

    Now on you "another note" statement, I know when you say some of the best pizza in the world you didn't say "the best" because you are close enough to NYC where you have been here and know we have that one in the bag.

    I beg to differ---Italy has the best pizza in the world! :wink:

    Strangely enough genuine italian pizza is pretty boring
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member

    No one is obligated to be healthy.

    No one else's habits or diet or anything are really any of your business if they didn't ask you for commentary on their life choices. If you wouldn't approve of people judging you for your sexuality, your race, your nationality, your hair color, or any other trivializing comments to pick apart your identity, then you shouldn't be doing this to other people and their diets/weights.

    I beg to differ. Mothers and fathers are obligated to do the best they can to be able to care for their children. Obese parents with limited mobility and potential health risks who simply eat too much are not putting their children's well-being as a priority. Comparing people who are obese because they eat too much to homosexuals and people of other ethnicity is not really right because the later two are not problems to fix.

    On another note. I live near New Haven, CT. We have some of the best pizza in the world.
    The conversation heading towards the topic of homosexuality and HIV is just absurd. It really has no place here.

    Now on you "another note" statement, I know when you say some of the best pizza in the world you didn't say "the best" because you are close enough to NYC where you have been here and know we have that one in the bag.

    I beg to differ---Italy has the best pizza in the world! :wink:

    Strangely enough genuine italian pizza is pretty boring

    Are you sure??? Ever been here? You do know pizza was born in Naples? Maybe you have strange tastes. :laugh:
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member

    No one is obligated to be healthy.

    No one else's habits or diet or anything are really any of your business if they didn't ask you for commentary on their life choices. If you wouldn't approve of people judging you for your sexuality, your race, your nationality, your hair color, or any other trivializing comments to pick apart your identity, then you shouldn't be doing this to other people and their diets/weights.

    I beg to differ. Mothers and fathers are obligated to do the best they can to be able to care for their children. Obese parents with limited mobility and potential health risks who simply eat too much are not putting their children's well-being as a priority. Comparing people who are obese because they eat too much to homosexuals and people of other ethnicity is not really right because the later two are not problems to fix.

    On another note. I live near New Haven, CT. We have some of the best pizza in the world.

    First off, kids don't make "personal choice" when it comes to diet. You're way off topic.

    HOWEVER, you're still ignoring the fact that weight is not a direct indicator of health, especially in children. Also that many poor families have children and being fat is healthier than starving, since underweight kids are a significantly higher risk for immidiate death and life-long bone and nutrition problems.

    Let's also remember that kids of any age and weight can be any weight and relatively healthy, that most kids are pretty active at school and that PE is required in most states up through high school.

    Again, WEIGHT is not a direct indication of HEALTH. A fat healthy kid has the right to not be taken away from his loving family. A fat unhealthy kid also has just as much right to stay with his family as a skinny, unhealthy kid. We don't strip juvenile cancer patients away from contact with their families, and since weight alone doesn't cause ill health, it's unfair to make such hateful assumptions about parents based on LOOKING at them without actually TALKING with them.

    You can concern troll all you want. I don't see you actively fighting for the children beyond pseudo internet "concern" for strangers I doubt you try to help.

    However, this post is about doomed America, etc. Not parental rights (or lack there of) and let's try to refocus the discussion without derailing anymore.

    I would suggest that you read a TIME article published last month on obese children. It's a real eyeopener, these kids are diabetics at 12. They tire easily, and have diseases of much older folks----I would argue that this trend would doom America.

    I was a fat kid.

    I was a diabetic kid.

    I tired easily as a kid.

    I mostly played videogames as a kid.

    My BMI was about 28 for most of my life.

    It has nothing to do with my weight. I was born with underlying medical issues that made it hard for me to exercise. I still tire easily. I am constantly anemic. I still have diabetes. I have a "healthy" BMI.

    I'm not saying being fat is healthy. I'm saying being fat isn't equivilent to being unhealthy. I also mentioned that class and health have a connection, and that I'm tired of people stigmatizing human bodies by sight and not by habit.

    I'm a nurse. I see thin unhealthy people all the time. I see fat and healthy people all the time. The weight alone isn't the issue and it's not accurate at all to claim it is.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Actually, I tend to agree.

    I've been quite disappointed by the pizza I've found in Italy.
    All too often it's just, say, cheese or tomato. No, that's not cheese AND tomato, but OR!

    As it goes, also a bit disappointed by both the pasta I had when I was last there AND the caeser salad - and one of the big reasons I went that way was to have some nice Italian food!

    HOWEVER, the cheese I got in the Swiss alps was THE. BEST. THING. EVER. - a mature Gruyère or similar (picked at random due to 'communication' issues. Seriously; I was gutted when my £400 motorcycle sat nav was stolen from my van mostly because it had the tracks stored showing where I stopped to get the cheese!

    Also, the very expensive chocolatey *thingy* I got in Martingy (bottom of the St Bernard pass) was exquisite.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Actually, I tend to agree.

    I've been quite disappointed by the pizza I've found in Italy.
    All too often it's just, say, cheese or tomato. No, that's not cheese AND tomato, but OR!

    As it goes, also a bit disappointed by both the pasta I had when I was last there AND the caeser salad - and one of the big reasons I went that way was to have some nice Italian food!

    HOWEVER, the cheese I got in the Swiss alps was THE. BEST. THING. EVER. - a mature Gruyère or similar (picked at random due to 'communication' issues. Seriously; I was gutted when my £400 motorcycle sat nav was stolen from my van mostly because it had the tracks stored showing where I stopped to get the cheese!

    Also, the very expensive chocolatey *thingy* I got in Martingy (bottom of the St Bernard pass) was exquisite.

    Wait. You had something stolen from your van in Italy?

    According to the MFP forums, this kind of crime is exclusively an american thing. (Was probably nabbed by an american tourist.)
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Nope, it was stolen a few years later in the 51st state...
    UK, West Yorkshire.
    If you ever feel you have too many "nice things", I strongly suggest you visit, whereupon, no doubt you'll be soon relieved of them!

    (I was riding a motorcycle around Europe, for the record.)
  • Agatefairy
    Agatefairy Posts: 153 Member

  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    Actually, since many of the fast food chains are trying to expand in Asian and other parts of the world, America may not be doomed if we can get enough people from other parts of the world eat American fast food. Like a line out of a mid 1980's movie goes: "Fast food... It speeds your way to the grave."
    NOMORECARS Posts: 156
    There has been a lot of discussion about obesity and food. But I found a direct correlation between cities with the most obesity and cities with the most car use per capita. I remember the days when we all pigged out on any food we wanted and obesity was seldom seen; cars were seldom seen as well. I then read about an annual race in Wales where horses run against men in a 23 mile race. In 2004 men actually started winning. The human body is designed for long distance endurance running, not sitting motionless inside a tin box burning gasoline.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    Eating more calories per capita while sitting on *kitten* more = fat *kitten*.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Actually, since many of the fast food chains are trying to expand in Asian and other parts of the world, America may not be doomed if we can get enough people from other parts of the world eat American fast food. Like a line out of a mid 1980's movie goes: "Fast food... It speeds your way to the grave."

    You know what else was a popular phrase in the 80s? Eating fat makes you fat. Of course, just like your line, the supposed causation in this has also been thoroughly debunked by research.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Actually, I tend to agree.

    I've been quite disappointed by the pizza I've found in Italy.
    All too often it's just, say, cheese or tomato. No, that's not cheese AND tomato, but OR!

    As it goes, also a bit disappointed by both the pasta I had when I was last there AND the caeser salad - and one of the big reasons I went that way was to have some nice Italian food!

    HOWEVER, the cheese I got in the Swiss alps was THE. BEST. THING. EVER. - a mature Gruyère or similar (picked at random due to 'communication' issues. Seriously; I was gutted when my £400 motorcycle sat nav was stolen from my van mostly because it had the tracks stored showing where I stopped to get the cheese!

    Also, the very expensive chocolatey *thingy* I got in Martingy (bottom of the St Bernard pass) was exquisite.

    I have had pizza in Rome, Sorrento, and Milan area and I thought that it was really freaking good …now, they do not tend to go exotic on the toppings like we do stateside, but I still thought it was a very good, if basic, pizza…
  • foreveraoi
    two slices of pizza, which may not even make me full in one meal, can spoil my whole day's effort in diet. Tons of sugar and carbohydrate means my other meals should be almost sugar free, which is impossible. For this, pizza is my most hateful food ever, ever, ever.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    two slices of pizza, which may not even make me full in one meal, can spoil my whole day's effort in diet. Tons of sugar and carbohydrate means my other meals should be almost sugar free, which is impossible. For this, pizza is my most hateful food ever, ever, ever.

    this is sarcasm, I hope..?

    one slice of pizza is like 300 calories..I can make a homemade one for 200 cals a slice….So 400 cals is going to ruin your day??

    you can easily eat pizza and fit it into your deficit for the day, and your macros…

    there is nothing wrong with carbs and sugar...
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    Hubs and I eat a ridiculously delicious meat lovers pizza every other week (not the whole thing....I eat 2 slices and I work out 5-6 days a week, so it fits in). It's got bacon, pepperoni, hamburger, sausage, and salami. :)

    I do ask the pizzeria to throw on peppers and onions. I have lost 1 lb. per week while enjoying an occasional treat like this.

    The key is moderation. It's why the French can eat butter, cheese, and cream and the Italians can eat pasta, cheese and bread without being overweight.

    I will say that Americans have easier access to a wider variety of foods, and fast foods, than most other countries. We just have to get our portion sizes down!
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