Would you exercise if you didn't have to?



  • FitnessLover001
    FitnessLover001 Posts: 188 Member
    Oh absolutely. Exercise makes me feel so good afterwards, it releases so much from me. Even when I'm really not feeling like working out, (and trust me, every gym guru at some point in their life has at least one day where they don't really feel like working out) I work out anyway. BUT, I do what I want to do and incorporate the exercise that I actually love. That's what it's all about, doing something that makes you happy. If you like working in the yard, then by all means, plant some flowers and spread some mulch down for the afternoon. If you like to clean, by all means, wash your windows, vacuum that carpet and dust and windex all furniture and mirrors. Or, find a workout video and go by that. Or play in the yard with your kids. Or do more weight lifting than you do cardio. It doesn't really matter how much exercise is involved, it's all about a healthy routine diet!
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    Yep, but I don't set foot in the gym. I run, cycle and swim outside (swimming is in a lake) and I absolutely love it. I feel so great when I'm out, I would be miserable if I had to give it up.
    It's just a question of finding something you really enjoy, as soon as you do you won't even think of it as exercise, just as something you really enjoy doing. Good luck finding your new hobby :-)

    Sounds glorious to me!

    Given that most medical advice states that everyone should do some cardio and some strengthening exercise each week*, and that many medical conditions can be prevented or improved with diet and exercise, I would say that everyone has to do exercise.

    That said, not everyone sees it that way, and I haven't always seen it that way either and have been known to avoid exercise by finding excuses not to, e.g. my knee injury (in fairness at first this did prevent exercise, but since it improved when I went running I suspect it may have healed quicker if I had done more exercise.)

    I hated P.E. in school, but have (almost) always been involved in some sort of sporting activity that I enjoy e.g. swimming, horse riding, trampolining, gymnastics, fencing, karate, krav maga, pilates, yoga, dancing, and most recently running. But these don't count as exercise in my mind, because they are fun, and exercise isn't fun, it's hard and unrewarding, right?

    I have never been to the gym. My advice would be to find an activity that "counts" as exercise, and do that, instead of going to the gym if you don't like the gym.

    (*amount varies but NHS says at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity and muscle-strengthening activities on 2 or more days a week ).
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    You CAN lose weight without exercise, and I have (and still do when I just don't feel like doing it for weeks or months at a time). I never go to gym because gyms here are lacking and the closest decent one is an hour drive.. that's 2 hours not counting my workout time.

    I like to walk in the evening, but only where I really feel like it. It's something I enjoy from time to time. I also like fitness DVDs.

    When it comes down to it, just experiment and you may find something that you enjoy. Or don't do it if you hate it that much.. it really is possible to lose without exercise. One note though.. exercise, especially strength training, is great for a type 2 diabetic. It may help you reduce your drug doses.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Hold on a second, no one, unless medically required has to exercise!!?
    I don't have to but i am still training twice a day 5 days a week....
    I can't see myself not training for more than 2 days rest I take a week.

    My point is that the job is getting done right now without it. I'm trying to build myself up to going. But .... blargh .... I walk about 30 minutes a day now (and that 30 is a slow walking the dog walk), but that never seems like "working out" to me.

    But thanks for your answers.

    Twice a DAY? Seriously, ain't nobody got time for that! ;)

    I would- I love training- my dream job would be being a full time professional athlete- I'm a dancer and a lifter- I played soccer in college- ran in HS- I LOVE the competitive nature of beating the bi*ch inside me who says I can't do it. My body is my bi*ch. I make it do what I want because I chose to.

    I go crazy without it- I have no idea how people go through their life not experiencing that kind of thing and then people who hate it- I seriously- I do not understand because it's my source of stability. I structure my life around it- I am confident in my strength- it's so much a part of me I cannot comprehend being any other way.

    That being said- you do not need to exercise if you don't want to to lose weight. If you don't like the gym- don't go to the gym. Plain and simple.
  • exstromn
    exstromn Posts: 176 Member
    Stuctured exercise, probably not unless I learned to love it along the way. I garden, walk my neighborhood and power clean my house. When I was younger I rode horses and helped on my parent's farm. Now that I am at a desk job, inside all day and 100 lbs more than I was, I am struggling and find it hard to exercise in front of others.
  • KatrinaWilke
    KatrinaWilke Posts: 372 Member
    Yes, yes, and YES!!! I love working out! I don't go to the gym because I have to. I go to the gym because I love exercising! I think it has to do with being a dancer my whole life. I have always been very aware of my body and what I am capable of doing to it thru hard work and exercise! With that being said, I hate cardio. I only do cardio because I "have" to. I am a cyclist so I "have" to do cardio to train for my races.
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    Yes. It balances me emotionally and makes me feel happy. Yeah it's rough while your doing it but afterwards it is such a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment. Do what works for you. Walking 30 min a day I think is great. Do something you like, and make it a "passion". I like ballet and running. Love a Runners a High :bigsmile:
    Big congrats on the steady 4lb wk weight loss too! That's awesome!
  • KatrinaWilke
    KatrinaWilke Posts: 372 Member
    Also, I consider my normal activities exercise as well. Not only do I lift at the gym but I mountain bike, rock climb, swim, kayak, hike, work in the yard, ski, etc. My entire life is considered exercising! I am with JoRocka I would definitely be a professional athlete if I could! But more like a professional adventurer or something similiar.
  • This question to me is like asking, would you have sex if you didn't have to? You never HAVE to want to do things, but for me, working out and sex I WANT to...I'm a gym rat and love the smell, love to people watch, love to watch how people lift, correct form or not to the point I average 1.5-2 hours at a time. I love sex. :bigsmile:
  • swat1948
    swat1948 Posts: 302 Member
    I have never set foot in a gym. I started out riding a recumbent bike and did some walking. I later acquired an elliptical machine. I still enjoy the walking most. I do some fitness challenges and a few videos during the week. Lots of exercise videos on YouTube...but mostly I walk, either outside or do the elliptical. The recumbent bike is broken or I would do it once in a while. Find something you enjoy doing. I really enjoy hiking the trails at a local park. Would do that all the time if it was possible. There must be some physical activity you like that you can burn calories doing?
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    So, if you didn't have to go? Would you? And can you tell me seriously why?

    I don't go to the gym to exercise. I did in college, but now it's more convenient for me to work out at home or in the field house of the school where I work.

    I don't *have* to exercise; I want to. I have gone through period (like high risk pregnancy/post c-section) where I haven't exercised and I crave it and NEED it.

    I work out because it makes me feel better about myself; I like the challenge; I like endorphins; It's my therapy; it's my me time.

    Exercise helps me maintain a well-rounded life I think. Plus sports are important in my family. It's just something we enjoy.

    I echo what others have said. You don't have to exercise in the gym. Find your happy place :smile:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    my main fitness goal is to have a 300lb deadlift

    would I still exercise if I could already lift 300lb and not have to work for it?

    hell yeah... if I was naturally that strong I'd be aiming for a 600lb deadlift....

    life would be extremely boring without challenges like this. Plus lifting is fun. So is sport. Most of the exercise I've done in my life I didn't have to do.... I did it if fun. Ice hockey especially.
  • in4nomz
    in4nomz Posts: 230
    I don't need to go to the gym now, and I still do (minus recently because I effed up my back).

    I go to feel good about myself, to feel like I've done good for my body. I spent 5 years actively killing my body slowly because of a horrendous eating disorder. It's like my way of apologizing for depriving my body for such a long time. So with that, it's a mental aspect as it keeps me sane. I let out aggression through lifting heaving things, and it's always a good feeling when I get stronger :bigsmile:
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    there is nothing more fun than skateboarding. skateboarding = exercise. i'm good.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    You mean if I magically dropped fat and strengthened my muscles without working out, and automatically had that naturally-produced mood enhancer without exercise? I guess I wouldn't exercise if those were automatics, but I seriously don't know how to get that feeling and reach my goals without it.

    Editing to add: I haven't set foot in a gym in 3 years, and I got my results by working out at home. Find something you like and do it. Your body will thank you for working out once you've lost all the weight.
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    workout at home .. make your own gym at home .. even if i did'nt have to exercise i would because i like to run / dance swim :D
  • SummerRain43
    would I exercise if I didn't have to?.....no
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I don't think anyone HAS to go to the gym... weight can be managed with diet alone if that's your desire (though I think there are a ton of health benefits from exercising). And workouts can be done at home, outside, or pretty much anywhere. If you don't like going to the gym, you really don't HAVE to.

    Personally I love working out in general... I feel strong and great afterward. It's also a nice outlet for me to relieve stress in my life (from driving in traffic or whatever has bothered me that day). I go through stages with where I work out...currently I work at home with DVDs and don't go to the gym. I have enjoyed going to the gym in the past, though. The biggest advantage of working out at home is that I don't have to waste time getting to the gym, lugging change of clothes to the gym, etc, etc. My biggest advice is to find a workout that you actually enjoy (or at least don't mind). That makes a big difference.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    I would definitely exercise if I didn't have to! But I don't go to a gym. I run outside, bike outside, walk outside... anything to keep me off the dreadmill and away from a weight room! Once you find a type of exercise you enjoy, it's something to look forward to rather than health-related chore :)
  • ChristinWrites
    ChristinWrites Posts: 119 Member
    You couldn't pay me to set foot in a gym, but I still exercise daily. Some stuff I love more than others - treadmill in the cold/rainy weather can get monotonous for example, but in warm weather I walk/jog/hike outside and I love it. Also, at home I can do whatever my heart pleases without having to worry about forcing myself to do something I can't stand. Exercise is vital to good health and overall wellbeing. Losing weight is important too, but why stop there? I prefer feeling energetic and strong - and not exercising does not equal energetic and strong.