short gals!! What do you wanna weigh?



  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    I'm 5'2" and always hover around 146 - 151 lbs with 26% body fat and started three years ago at 220. I typically wear a XS top and small or a size 6 bottoms. I used to want to be 120, but now that I CrossFit, I'm not really worried about how much I weigh. I mostly focus on improving my workouts and making sure I eat enough food. Last year I was the lowest I've ever been at 135 and I guess you could say that I was what people call skinny-fat. Considering I've always wanted an athletic body, I wasn't really happy with that. I'm not where I want to be just yet, but I'm pretty close thanks to CrossFit and diet.
  • worm5996
    worm5996 Posts: 28 Member
    I am 5 ft tall. My goal is to be 115-120. I don't want to go under 115 though because I donate blood regularly and don't want to not qualify anymore.
  • PixieMidoriKitten
    PixieMidoriKitten Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 4'10" and I want to get back to about 7st 7 (which is 105 lbs), but I don't know if I will get there, I might settle for about 7 st 10 (108lbs) but I must get under the 8st barrier again.

    I was ill when I was in uni and got down to 6st 4 and that was bad for me, I was bony and lost my bosom, which has always been ample (genetics, woo!) so I am not wanting to go crazy or anything, just get back to what I more recognise as my shape.

    I was up to about 9st 6 (132 lbs) and that was really bad for me too, I looked at myself and went "yuck!"

    so, in short 7 st 7, 105 lbs
  • mariai_martinez
    mariai_martinez Posts: 37 Member
    I am 5' 1.5"

    SW: 176lbs (tight size 16's)
    CW: 142lbs (size 8-10)
    GW: 120-125ish (see how I feel/look)
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    I'm 4'11", currently 115. My goal is 107.
  • jonesin_am
    jonesin_am Posts: 404 Member
    I'm 5'4" and am aiming to be a fit/muscular 140-145. I have thrown out the whole BMI thing as an indicator of doesn't take muscle mass into account. I've seen pics of similar heights/body types at this weight and they look fabulous!
  • amw5471
    amw5471 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm 5'1" so BMI says healthy is between 100-130. I am currently aiming for 120 since that is what I weighed when I was very active in high school and at the same high but I plan on reevaluating when I get closer to 140, I am at 161.8 now.
  • pinkvici
    pinkvici Posts: 140 Member
    I'm 5'4" - currently 136lbs, would love to get to 125, but I'll review this at 130 - I'm pretty curvy!
  • I'm 5 foot (maybe 5 and a half at a push) and my ultimate goal weight is 100. I started on here at 134, I am now about 125. When I was 14 (18 now) I was 110 and I was reasonably content but not totally happy so I set a lower goal weight. I'm a pretty small build, but pear shaped. I have hips and a bum but not much in the way of boobs.
  • Kejeco1970
    Kejeco1970 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm (nearly) 5'2" and I'm going for 120-125 which is where I feel pretty comfortable.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Giggling at what some people think is 'short'.

    4 10.5" here. Currently 95 pounds. Still have a belly. Don't know the 'goal' weight.... if I lift more and gain more muscle then I'm ok going up if that is how it works...... or I could go down. don't know, its not about the number but where I end up with my healthy.

    I am small overall. small wrists, small hands, small backside and frontside.... you get the picture.
  • iRun_Butterfly
    iRun_Butterfly Posts: 483 Member
    5'3" here. Started out well over 200 lbs. Thought I'd be happy in the 150's but realize no way. I'm aiming for somewhere below 140 and will make adjustments from there. Realistically I don't think I'll be satisfied until I'm around 130-135ish. We shall see.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I'm 5'3.5" and my ultimate goal is 122. I've been around 127 before and it was hard to maintain, but that was 10 years ago... my body is totally different now, so I think 122-125 is good...
  • frangrann
    frangrann Posts: 219 Member
    5'2" …..GW 120
  • 39laurita39
    39laurita39 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm 5ft nothing and my ultimate goal weight is 95 pounds. Currently I weigh 113 but i started at 165 :) And I'm determined to get to my goal by summer! I'm so happy I feel it so close already..hehe
  • DPruneda17
    DPruneda17 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm 5'3.5 as well. I currently weigh 135. The heaviest I've been was after my last child, I was 162. It was pretty gross!!! I'm pear shaped, so carry my weight in my hips/thighs. I've gotten down to 130, but can't get myself to get to the 120's!! But that is my GOAL! 125 would be awesome. I was 117 when I got married 16 years ago, and 127 after my first child. So, I know it can happen.

    But lately I've been actively pursuing lifting heavy! So, I know that sometimes you won't see weightloss with that, but will see changes in your body. So we'll see!!
  • corinne1977
    corinne1977 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm about 5'3" and 137 lbs. I have a small frame so I would like to get down to 110-115 lbs. Unfortunately, it looks like the my scale only has one directions and that's UP!
  • jennk5309
    jennk5309 Posts: 206 Member
    I guess I'm not that short- 5'5", but I want to weigh 135. I would go for 125, but it seems unreasonable for me and I lose too much from my butt :(

    But I gotta wait for this little bean to be born in October :)
  • Utahgirl12
    Utahgirl12 Posts: 172 Member
    5 foot 1 and curvy. Currently 172 and want to be 137. Will see how I feel at that. Will probably want to be lower when I get there but don't know how achievable that will be. I'm 46 now and just the idea of being under 140 sounds like heaven!
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    Im 5'5, 105 with a small frame, I would love to weigh 100.