How did you find an exercise that you love?



  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Why do you have to practice consistency with exercise? I don't think there's anything wrong with switching it up when you get bored. I really don't like lifting but I force myself to do it twice a week because I know that it's beneficial and I always feel great after. I just put on some good music and deal with the boringness until I'm done. I fill the rest of my week with workouts that I love and look forward to.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    It's a long story. My EX husband was "working late" a lot leaving me at home at night. I thought I should probably learn to protect myself. I was already working out and found it really boring. So I gave Martial Arts a try. You have to pay attention in class and perfect your form, as best you can, from the first day. The class went by fast because of this. No more boredom!

    Fast forward about a year. As it turns out "working late" was code for "running around like my pants are afire" for my EX. I told him that I was sick of his running around that he was free to date as he was going to be single soon, anyway. I also threw in some scathing insults when he tried to lie his way out of a divorce. This made him angry. I guess he didn't like to be referred to as a "lying man-ho" etc.... He lunged at me and chased me up the stairs. I was faster, and more clever, he was in a choke hold (using the bedroom door as a weapon) in seconds. I made him call 911 on himself. :smile:

    I have loved the power and freedom of Martial Arts (contact kick boxing) ever since! I push myself to lift weights to improve my kick boxing.
  • mccallp319
    mccallp319 Posts: 52 Member
    I started lifting in athletics when I was 12. When I was 14 I joined the powerlifting team and I absolutely fell in love with it. I stopped for about 4 years after high school, but I have since started lifting again.
  • rorae
    rorae Posts: 34 Member
    pj primrose - you rock !!
  • lorigrocks
    lorigrocks Posts: 123 Member
    Have you tried kickboxing? I go to a women's only place that is strictly kickboxing you get a full body work out in an is very intense but what keeps me going is we do something different every time so it never gets boring. I have tried lots of different things as well and have always gotten bored and given up within a month...I have been at kickboxing for 2 months now and am already looking forward to going tomorrow :-)
  • KameHameHaaa
    KameHameHaaa Posts: 244 Member
    I decided to try doing things I used to do as a kid when I was more active/energetic lol. I've been doing the 30 minute circuit at my planet fitness and was incredibly bored, so instead of just stepping up and down on the steps I've been doing punches, blocks and other stuff that I learned when I took martial arts as a kid. I probably look goofy doing that while everyone else is stepping up and down but I've compared my calorie burn doing the punches to my calorie burn just using the steps and I burn ALOT more with the punches because its something i ENJOY and can do more vigorously I guess.

    So i guess my point is just find something you really, honestly love doing and just be awesome at it :)