Donald Sterling and the NBA



  • lngbrd
    lngbrd Posts: 279 Member
    I mean, if Michael Vick didn't get banned for life, no one should.

    Holy Crap, this!!!
  • sentaruu
    sentaruu Posts: 2,206 Member
    is he an a-hole? sure, no doubt about it. he has a right to say what he wants IMO, and honestly it probably isn't any more or less racist than some of the things his players have probably said at one point or another.. banishment is a bit Ludacris, though i can see hitting him up with a fine.

    While he does have the right to say anything he wants, he also has to deal with the consequences.

    I agree, hence the fine for misconduct.

    it WOULD be his opinion and none of anybodies business if he had #1 left them as inward opinions BUT MOSTLY because he HAS POWER... THAT is why it is not an issue when players do it... They don't control him, or make any decisions about the team. Its an issue when people who are in power (whether that be by his position as a team owner OR the fact that he is white and male) make statements about people whom they also make decisions for. The Legacy of the White Male Owner in our country has put African Americans on a lower level since the country was founded...

    I wonder how the situation would play out had he been black, speaking of white people
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,302 Member
    is he an a-hole? sure, no doubt about it. he has a right to say what he wants IMO, and honestly it probably isn't any more or less racist than some of the things his players have probably said at one point or another.. banishment is a bit Ludacris, though i can see hitting him up with a fine.

    While he does have the right to say anything he wants, he also has to deal with the consequences.

    I agree, hence the fine for misconduct.

    it WOULD be his opinion and none of anybodies business if he had #1 left them as inward opinions BUT MOSTLY because he HAS POWER... THAT is why it is not an issue when players do it... They don't control him, or make any decisions about the team. Its an issue when people who are in power (whether that be by his position as a team owner OR the fact that he is white and male) make statements about people whom they also make decisions for. The Legacy of the White Male Owner in our country has put African Americans on a lower level since the country was founded...

    But his conduct shows that he has used his power (at least in recent times) to help out the minorities in the inner city.
  • asamuels85
    asamuels85 Posts: 170 Member
    If NOT a lifetime ban, then explain to the (majority African American) players that he will be ever present in your career??? That is NOT workplace safety, I have feared for my safety and salary over race issues, its incredibly stressful and not worth making millions IMO shouldnt be thought of as a "price you pay" to be an NBA player either.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,302 Member
    is he an a-hole? sure, no doubt about it. he has a right to say what he wants IMO, and honestly it probably isn't any more or less racist than some of the things his players have probably said at one point or another.. banishment is a bit Ludacris, though i can see hitting him up with a fine.

    While he does have the right to say anything he wants, he also has to deal with the consequences.

    I agree, hence the fine for misconduct.

    it WOULD be his opinion and none of anybodies business if he had #1 left them as inward opinions BUT MOSTLY because he HAS POWER... THAT is why it is not an issue when players do it... They don't control him, or make any decisions about the team. Its an issue when people who are in power (whether that be by his position as a team owner OR the fact that he is white and male) make statements about people whom they also make decisions for. The Legacy of the White Male Owner in our country has put African Americans on a lower level since the country was founded...

    I wonder how the situation would play out had he been black, speaking of white people

    Or if he had spoken of Arabs....or Muslims.....or even gays in this manner. The first two cases would have been applauded and the third brushed off.

    In the eyes of the media and the public, all races are not equal.
  • asamuels85
    asamuels85 Posts: 170 Member
    is he an a-hole? sure, no doubt about it. he has a right to say what he wants IMO, and honestly it probably isn't any more or less racist than some of the things his players have probably said at one point or another.. banishment is a bit Ludacris, though i can see hitting him up with a fine.

    While he does have the right to say anything he wants, he also has to deal with the consequences.

    I agree, hence the fine for misconduct.

    it WOULD be his opinion and none of anybodies business if he had #1 left them as inward opinions BUT MOSTLY because he HAS POWER... THAT is why it is not an issue when players do it... They don't control him, or make any decisions about the team. Its an issue when people who are in power (whether that be by his position as a team owner OR the fact that he is white and male) make statements about people whom they also make decisions for. The Legacy of the White Male Owner in our country has put African Americans on a lower level since the country was founded...

    I wonder how the situation would play out had he been black, speaking of white people

    In say GOLF? exactly the same way no doubt in my mind!
  • sentaruu
    sentaruu Posts: 2,206 Member
    no, in the NBA.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,302 Member
    If NOT a lifetime ban, then explain to the (majority African American) players that he will be ever present in your career??? That is NOT workplace safety, I have feared for my safety and salary over race issues, its incredibly stressful and not worth making millions IMO shouldnt be thought of as a "price you pay" to be an NBA player either.

    market forces work it out. He loses sponsors and fans and is forced to sell. or he gets sued when he asks his secretary for a coffee and the courts have to punish him,
  • asamuels85
    asamuels85 Posts: 170 Member
    is he an a-hole? sure, no doubt about it. he has a right to say what he wants IMO, and honestly it probably isn't any more or less racist than some of the things his players have probably said at one point or another.. banishment is a bit Ludacris, though i can see hitting him up with a fine.

    While he does have the right to say anything he wants, he also has to deal with the consequences.

    I agree, hence the fine for misconduct.

    it WOULD be his opinion and none of anybodies business if he had #1 left them as inward opinions BUT MOSTLY because he HAS POWER... THAT is why it is not an issue when players do it... They don't control him, or make any decisions about the team. Its an issue when people who are in power (whether that be by his position as a team owner OR the fact that he is white and male) make statements about people whom they also make decisions for. The Legacy of the White Male Owner in our country has put African Americans on a lower level since the country was founded...

    But his conduct shows that he has used his power (at least in recent times) to help out the minorities in the inner city.

    You can have "black friends" and still feel they are lesser humans.. Hence why he is "HELPING" "Them". I mean Magic Johnson siad he thought of him as a friend too... not knowing that he felt that not only Sterling but "cultures around the world see black as dogs" his words, not mine.. gross individual that should know better in his position.

    I agree his privacy was violated but GOOD THING IT WAS!! but this is not a freedom of speech issue at all, its a workplace issue, about the NBA being required to provide a safe and equal environment and removing employees that dont comply!
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'll chime in on this, even though i don't know a lot about him. I mean, it didn't stop people from voting for Obama. Twice. And that was an important decision.

    It would seem to me if you make millions of dollars from the talent of minorities, you shouldn't make racist, disrespectful comments about them. I would think that to be extremely counter productive.
    thIs 100%

    However I also hope that his attention whoring ex plaything has a swift end to her 15 minutes
  • RockWarrior84
    RockWarrior84 Posts: 840 Member
    is he an a-hole? sure, no doubt about it. he has a right to say what he wants IMO, and honestly it probably isn't any more or less racist than some of the things his players have probably said at one point or another.. banishment is a bit Ludacris, though i can see hitting him up with a fine.

    While he does have the right to say anything he wants, he also has to deal with the consequences.

    I agree, hence the fine for misconduct.

    the fine is chump change to a multi-billionaire and Silver only had so much that he could fine........the NBA as a whole just lost millions of dollars due the the shared advertisement agreement with all teams. LA has one of the biggest advertising markets in the country and clippers just blew that up.

    The problem with the owner is that he has gotten away with this for so long, it is just who he is, when the clippers were horrible and never on TV people never saw it. Now he just gave the entire league a prime time showing to what one of the major players in the league is like.

    Not only are players upset but so are the other owners. The other owners called for action as well.Co-worker stated it would be funny to see the clippers sold to Seattle and the Sonics return.
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    And wasn't it a private conversation? He didn't say it publicly correct?

    it was a private conversation. Which BTW the recording started mid conversation. So all of this could be taken out of context. How many of you heard the 9:36 audio recording? Or how many of you are just taking what the news media says in 10 seconds?

    Also this is great that the news media is covering this. There is more important things such as our UN-Affordable Care Act aka ACA/Obamacare, Ballooning Deficit, the Economy, Lack of job creation, Middle class erosion (Canada has the #1 middle class now), Obama over promising everything yet does nothing, John Kerry's comments about Israel, Benghazi, the list goes on!!!
  • jchap389
    jchap389 Posts: 54
    is he an a-hole? sure, no doubt about it. he has a right to say what he wants IMO, and honestly it probably isn't any more or less racist than some of the things his players have probably said at one point or another.. banishment is a bit Ludacris, though i can see hitting him up with a fine.

    How many of us have said less than politically correct things during private conversations with friends/family/significant other. Think about the possibility of all your comments, regardless of context or when/where you said them, being reason enough for someone to strip you of your entire livelihood.
    Is the man disgusting and a pig? Absolutely..but so are white supremacists in my mind..and they have the right to march on the capital and hand out hate info to anyone they please.

    Interesting read:
  • sentaruu
    sentaruu Posts: 2,206 Member
    is he an a-hole? sure, no doubt about it. he has a right to say what he wants IMO, and honestly it probably isn't any more or less racist than some of the things his players have probably said at one point or another.. banishment is a bit Ludacris, though i can see hitting him up with a fine.

    While he does have the right to say anything he wants, he also has to deal with the consequences.

    I agree, hence the fine for misconduct.

    it WOULD be his opinion and none of anybodies business if he had #1 left them as inward opinions BUT MOSTLY because he HAS POWER... THAT is why it is not an issue when players do it... They don't control him, or make any decisions about the team. Its an issue when people who are in power (whether that be by his position as a team owner OR the fact that he is white and male) make statements about people whom they also make decisions for. The Legacy of the White Male Owner in our country has put African Americans on a lower level since the country was founded...

    But his conduct shows that he has used his power (at least in recent times) to help out the minorities in the inner city.

    You can have "black friends" and still feel they are lesser humans.. Hence why he is "HELPING" "Them". I mean Magic Johnson siad he thought of him as a friend too... not knowing that he felt that not only Sterling but "cultures around the world see black as dogs" his words, not mine.. gross individual that should know better in his position.

    I agree his privacy was violated but GOOD THING IT WAS!! but this is not a freedom of speech issue at all, its a workplace issue, about the NBA being required to provide a safe and equal environment and removing employees that dont comply!

    safety? did he threaten any of them? why are they unsafe?
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    Also while we are on the bandwagon for racist comments why dont they ban Charles Barkley for life, and fine him?

    He stated about this very incident "You can't have this guy making statements like that. He has to suspend him and fine him immediately...We can not have an NBA owner discriminating against a league that's...we're a black league," Barkley said

    that is racism, or as I like to say hidden racism.
  • asamuels85
    asamuels85 Posts: 170 Member
    no, in the NBA.

    it makes no difference, the NBA is dominated by black players and white owners. Im SURE you can find clips of players calling whites names, voicing their opinions in public and private but they can because their opinions don't effect those white owners. Sterlings opinions DO and HAVE effected his actions both in the NBA and other ventures he has been in and out of court for over the decades.

    If this were the NHL or Golf sure the African American owner would be held to the same standard, and who would want such a MF around them... would YOU be okay with a racist Non-White person calling the shots at your job??
  • sentaruu
    sentaruu Posts: 2,206 Member
    no, in the NBA.

    it makes no difference, the NBA is dominated by black players and white owners. Im SURE you can find clips of players calling whites names, voicing their opinions in public and private but they can because their opinions don't effect those white owners. Sterlings opinions DO and HAVE effected his actions both in the NBA and other ventures he has been in and out of court for over the decades.

    If this were the NHL or Golf sure the African American owner would be held to the same standard, and who would want such a MF around them... would YOU be okay with a racist Non-White person calling the shots at your job??

    so, there is a double standard then?
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
    And wasn't it a private conversation? He didn't say it publicly correct?

    it was a private conversation. Which BTW the recording started mid conversation. So all of this could be taken out of context. How many of you heard the 9:36 audio recording? Or how many of you are just taking what the news media says in 10 seconds?

    Could you enlighten me on how this could be taken out of context??
  • asamuels85
    asamuels85 Posts: 170 Member
    is he an a-hole? sure, no doubt about it. he has a right to say what he wants IMO, and honestly it probably isn't any more or less racist than some of the things his players have probably said at one point or another.. banishment is a bit Ludacris, though i can see hitting him up with a fine.

    While he does have the right to say anything he wants, he also has to deal with the consequences.

    I agree, hence the fine for misconduct.

    it WOULD be his opinion and none of anybodies business if he had #1 left them as inward opinions BUT MOSTLY because he HAS POWER... THAT is why it is not an issue when players do it... They don't control him, or make any decisions about the team. Its an issue when people who are in power (whether that be by his position as a team owner OR the fact that he is white and male) make statements about people whom they also make decisions for. The Legacy of the White Male Owner in our country has put African Americans on a lower level since the country was founded...

    But his conduct shows that he has used his power (at least in recent times) to help out the minorities in the inner city.

    You can have "black friends" and still feel they are lesser humans.. Hence why he is "HELPING" "Them". I mean Magic Johnson siad he thought of him as a friend too... not knowing that he felt that not only Sterling but "cultures around the world see black as dogs" his words, not mine.. gross individual that should know better in his position.

    I agree his privacy was violated but GOOD THING IT WAS!! but this is not a freedom of speech issue at all, its a workplace issue, about the NBA being required to provide a safe and equal environment and removing employees that dont comply!

    safety? did he threaten any of them? why are they unsafe?

    How safe would you feel knowing that your boss hated whites? That at any moment your hard work could be for nothing because of somebodies opinion about you... it about JOB security too.
  • jchap389
    jchap389 Posts: 54
    is he an a-hole? sure, no doubt about it. he has a right to say what he wants IMO, and honestly it probably isn't any more or less racist than some of the things his players have probably said at one point or another.. banishment is a bit Ludacris, though i can see hitting him up with a fine.

    While he does have the right to say anything he wants, he also has to deal with the consequences.

    I agree, hence the fine for misconduct.

    it WOULD be his opinion and none of anybodies business if he had #1 left them as inward opinions BUT MOSTLY because he HAS POWER... THAT is why it is not an issue when players do it... They don't control him, or make any decisions about the team. Its an issue when people who are in power (whether that be by his position as a team owner OR the fact that he is white and male) make statements about people whom they also make decisions for. The Legacy of the White Male Owner in our country has put African Americans on a lower level since the country was founded...

    But his conduct shows that he has used his power (at least in recent times) to help out the minorities in the inner city.

    You can have "black friends" and still feel they are lesser humans.. Hence why he is "HELPING" "Them". I mean Magic Johnson siad he thought of him as a friend too... not knowing that he felt that not only Sterling but "cultures around the world see black as dogs" his words, not mine.. gross individual that should know better in his position.

    I agree his privacy was violated but GOOD THING IT WAS!! but this is not a freedom of speech issue at all, its a workplace issue, about the NBA being required to provide a safe and equal environment and removing employees that dont comply!

    safety? did he threaten any of them? why are they unsafe?

    I'm a little confused as to when this became a real honest to God "workplace issue". He was NOT at work, he was NOT in the presence of NBA player, officials or employees. He was at home, on his private time. And he DID NOT threaten them in any way shape or form. So let's not blow something that we think is morally wrong, into a totally separate legal argument, which is what trying to argue workplace safety would be.
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