Baby Name Combinations



  • l_ashley
    l_ashley Posts: 154 Member
    Now that we've got our first out of the way, I'm trying to convince my wife to name the rest of our kids after The Walking Dead characters, in the order of how they appeared on the show. So far there has been resistance.

    I like you.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    I have 2 girls, Anneliese and Lydia and 2 boys Caleb and Noah. :heart:
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    My rule for names is, which sentence does the name complete better?

    "May I please introduce the newest member of the Supreme Court, ______."

    "May I please introduce the newest member of our Poledancing Passion Troupe, _____."

    To me, names like Bailey Ashtyn or Mason Parker don't belong in the first sentence.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    My rule for names is, which sentence does the name complete better?

    "May I please introduce the newest member of the Supreme Court, ______."

    "May I please introduce the newest member of our Poledancing Passion Troupe, _____."

    To me, names like Bailey Ashtyn or Mason Parker don't belong in the first sentence.

    Hey, if Mason wants to pole dance, who am I to tell him not to? :)
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    Also, Reagan was one of the evil sisters in Shakespeare's King Lear. I cannot get past that association.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    My rule for names is, which sentence does the name complete better?

    "May I please introduce the newest member of the Supreme Court, ______."

    "May I please introduce the newest member of our Poledancing Passion Troupe, _____."

    To me, names like Bailey Ashtyn or Mason Parker don't belong in the first sentence.

    Hey, if Mason wants to pole dance, who am I to tell him not to? :)

    You are my sun, moon, and stars.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Imagine your child as an adult with a career. Most of the names are really cutesy but would be ridiculous for an adult. They aren't babies forever.

    I love when people say this. First, when you're an adult with a career, people rarely know your middle name, let alone actually use it. I've known adults with every single name I listed (as their first name) and they seem to be doing just fine. No strippers yet!

    My name is Lyndsey Brooke - pretty cutesy, but I'm just Lyndsey at work. Mackenzie, Bailey, and Ashtyn are perfectly normal names to have, and pretty common these days, so plenty of adults will have that name in about 10-15 years as well. I actually went to school with three Mackenzies. It's not as if I'm suggesting Blanket or Thor.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    Now I want to be named Blanket.
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    I go for traditional names. Our sons are named David Philip (my picks) and Brian Robert (hubby chose Brian, I chose Robert, which is the only name honoring family members.) I'm glad I had twin boys, because if we had B/G twins, my husband had picked out Emily! So with 2 boys, I got to pick one of the first names. He didn't care about the middle names.

    Of the girl names listed, I like Hailey and Sophia, but I think Sophia Hailey sounds better, and I would spell it Hayley. I would only do an unusual name as a middle name. Claire is also pretty.

    For the boys, Ryan Parker is pretty good. Ryan Connor would also work for me. I'm not a fan of Mason. Just makes me think of a Mason jar.

    I'm not a fan of odd spellings of names or made up names. As another said, imagine your child applying for a job and having to spell Jayde or Ashtyn? My maiden name is hard to pronounce and spell and I couldn't wait to change my name to my husband's when I got married!
  • greeneyes0809
    greeneyes0809 Posts: 422 Member
    The Mackenzie hate is strong in this thread :angry:
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member

    Also, every Lisa I've ever met has been either evil or lazy.

  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
  • BeachinBeauty
    BeachinBeauty Posts: 20 Member
    This is just for fun! I'm not asking strangers what I should name an actual baby. I would appreciate genuine answers instead of a game of "let's pick the most ridiculous baby name," though.

    Hartlee Jayde
    Ashtyn Claire
    Mackenzie Jayde
    Mackenzie Sophia
    Sadie Claire
    Reagan Joy
    Bailey Ashtyn
    Ashtyn Bailey
    Aubrey Sophia
    Hailey Sophia
    Hailey Jayde

    Jacob Noah
    Mason Parker
    Grayson Connor
    Ryan Parker

    What do you think of these? Which are your favorite and least favorite? Would you switch any of them up?

    BONUS QUESTION: What are your favorite name combinations?

    I have a bit of a different taste in female names than you, but I'll bite! You've listed some of what a lot of people in the baby naming community like to call, "tryndee" names. Hartlee may be okay, only because I haven't really heard it used before. Ashtyn is a no! So is Jayde. Trust me, my mother put a random "y" in my name and it's haunted me my entire life. I've always hated it. So, if you have a daughter at any point, no replacing vowels with "y"s. Please! Lol!

    Mackenzie is awful.

    Reagan, Sadie, Claire, Sophia and Aubrey (I prefer Aubrie) are great! I'd have to say my favorite of your girl choices is Sadie Claire. Or, you could do Aubrie Claire.

    Your boy choices are nice. I like Mason Parker best.

    As for my own possible future someday children, Xander is the boy name I love. For a girl, I am so undecided, but I really like the following: Sophie-Anne, Scarlett, Amelia and M/Adelyn (I know, breaking the "y" rule!).
  • WW_Jude_V2
    WW_Jude_V2 Posts: 209 Member
    My favorites:

    Sadie Claire
    Hailey Sophia

    Jacob Noah
    Ryan Parker

    I have a daughter Shannon Elizabeth (middle name is grandma's)
    and a son James Michael + his grandmother's maiden name (both my brothers have two middle names and the maiden name is also the middle name of my ex and his brother so I kind of had to go there)

    I chose pretty common names but even as I read them and think of the people they're attached to I'm happy. :)
  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    I like the name Brody. I'm thinking Adrien Brody like the actor even though I don't like him much.
    Also Maxwell and Shane are my other favorites, but they don't combine well.
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    A lot of the The girls name reminds me of strippers or porn stars.
    And I don't get the trend of spelling things differently. It doesn't make the name more special.
    Your boys name are better
    Anyways those are just my opinion. I probably offended some people with those names
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    Please don't give any baby a name they are going to have to spend the rest of their life repeating or spelling it out every time.

    Here in Australia there is a trend to give standard (or perhaps not so standard) names spelling variations like Tiffany = Tiffaniee, Jason = Jayson, Aiden = Aayden, Georgia = Jorja, Jackson = Jaxson etc etc, it is very tacky!
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Please don't give any baby a name they are going to have to spend the rest of their life repeating or spelling it out every time.

    Here in Australia there is a trend to give standard (or perhaps not so standard) names spelling variations like Tiffany = Tiffaniee, Jason = Jayson, Aiden = Aayden, Georgia = Jorja, Jackson = Jaxson etc etc, it is very tacky!

    I agree. The ones you listed are pretty awful. I actually have one of those names that no one spells correctly (Lyndsey, if you didn't catch it earlier).

    If I were to name my child one of these oddly spelled names, I'd change them to Jade, Ashton, and I do like Greyson better than Grayson.

    My favorites from my own list are probably Raegan Joy, Sadie Claire, and Mackenzie Jade (and I don't really care that there's Mackenzie-hate). I was playing around with the boy names and I might try talking my husband into Jacob Greyson when the time comes. He's iffy on Greyson, but he likes Jacob. Negotiation, baby.
  • laurajane19901
    I know what I'm going to call my daughter (if I have one one day) - Isla Rose