Calling all Shorties! Ladies 5'3" and under

tvalk79 Posts: 17 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Happy New Year, everyone!

For those of us who are smaller in stature we come built with a special group of restrictions. The most depressing is that a BMI chart will identify us as overweight at 130lbs. Or that a 5lb fluctuation in weight can really mean a change in clothing size. We have a calorie requirement that can seem so low that even a small skim latte seems like a decadent splurge against our daily total.

Let's support each other! Post the kinds of encouragement you are looking for - daily messages from friends, competitions, etc.

I can't wait to hear from you!


  • ljbouse
    ljbouse Posts: 129
    hmm? i am 5' 2" and according to MFP my target weight should be 101- 136.
  • I'm 5'2". I don't mind being short cuz I can wear heals and not look like a giant. But the weight is an issue. I weigh the same as my friend and she looks thin compared to me and she's only about 5" taller than me. It's frustrating.
  • it is frustrating! I'm 5' 2 1/2" and I'm constantly feeling uncertain about my weight, even when I just go up one lb! It's hard knowing that simply gaining 3-4 lbs and nothing fits right, while I hear other people that can gain/lose 10-20 lbs and only then do they have to get new clothing. I know complaining about it isn't going to do anything good for me, so I think we should all embrace the great things about being short.
    1. We never have to worry about finding pants that are long enough
    2. Shirts are never too short for us
    3. We can wear heels if we desire
    4. I tend to see shorter people as always looking younger than taller people

    hmm... too early for my brain, what does everyone else think?
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member

    I'm 5'2" and maintaining at the moment, but aiming to be as toned as I possibly can. It's been quite difficult thanks to splurging during the Christmas holidays :blushing:
  • I am 5'3". I do struggle with the weight thing too, especially in pictures because I feel that I look bigger than i really am. However, I do enjoy being short.
  • morgan_pope
    morgan_pope Posts: 30 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'3" and I have the same problem about my weight. Its seems like 5lbs causes all of my clothes to stop fitting correctly. Its very frustrating. :grumble:

    I started watching what I ate a couple of weeks ago to try to minimize the damage of the holidays (that kinda worked), but I officially start today and I am adding the gym tomorrow.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Happy New Year!! I am 5 feet and 1/2 inch and recently took an online body frame test that said I was a large frame. I gained 100 pounds. I'm trying to determine what my goal weight should be. Looking at old pictures, I think I looked good at 135-140, but most "weight charts" determine that to be overweight. I can't change my height (in getting older, I have actually shrunk a little), but I CAN change my weight. In my best estimation I have at least 20 more pounds to lose. I will determine what weight I look and feel good at, NOT some darn chart!!
  • I'm short too! And what I hate is how the weight sits on my short torso (can't have everything...I do have long legs...). I feel that an extra couple of pounds gives me obvious belly rolls. So even when I have been at a weigh that is not overweight, when I sit down....rolls! I see taller women who are clearly overweight who, because they are all tall and stretched out, do not have rolls. They may be overweight, but they look taut!

    But, I am who I am. And I don't mind being short.
  • I'm 5'1 1/2" so most of the time I just say I am 5'2" even though I am not. I have quite a bit of weigh to lose, over 100 pounds to be exact. I don't like being short b/c even the least amount of extra weight is there you see it. I am ready to do this thing this year and once and for all get the weight off once and for all.
  • tvalk79
    tvalk79 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5'0" if I stand up really straight :-) I don't mind it most of the time either. But like a lot of you have said - a few extra pounds can be less than forgiving!
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hello my fellow shorties!
    I'm 5'2" and 140ish pounds. Any gain weight shows.. pants fit tight, a roll or two appear somewhere. I am ready to get to a healthy weight and stay put.
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    HEY, I'm 5'1" and 170lbs I am classified as morbidly obese.... I think that is just crazy. I know I am overweight and working to change that, but morbidly obese? My ideal weight is listed as 98-115 lbs.... serious? I don't think so! I am aiming for 135-140 which is still listed as obese for me, but with the way my body proportions are, I think this is a good area for me. Good luck everyone!
  • ljbouse
    ljbouse Posts: 129
    so I think we should all embrace the great things about being short.
    1. We never have to worry about finding pants that are long enough
    2. Shirts are never too short for us
    3. We can wear heels if we desire
    4. I tend to see shorter people as always looking younger than taller people

    hmm... too early for my brain, what does everyone else think?

    i do agree here. i love my height!!!
  • momtodeshawn
    momtodeshawn Posts: 54 Member
    Hi! :) I'm 5'2" and 170 (CW). I love my height, but I hate that every bit of weight can make such a difference.
  • OMGosh.....can I add all of you to my friends list?? I think I might just do that :) I am 5' nothing/SHORT.
    I love everything everyone of you said. Us short peeps must band together.
    I have 20pds to lose and according to the "CHART" I will still be over weight. The summer of 2009 I was
    at a very comfy 132 and I felt awesome. Over the last 2 yrs and 1 major surgery later, I have gained!
    Being short gives us more challenges when it comes to our weight. We have no where to hide it.
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Add me to the "Shortie Club"! I'm 5'2 1/2 and 156 lbs and all my weight goes straight to my belly. :grumble:

    Only one time in my life have I ever been "thin" and that was when I was 20, working out 5-6 days a week, wore a size 3, and weighed 120 lbs (which was still considered overweight). Even with that, there was nothing I could do about my short torso, wide rib cage, and round face.

    I've spent most of my adult life weighing 134-136 but while pregnant with my second child I went up to 183 lbs! Now I'm at 156 and I'd like to lose 20-30 lbs before I reach the big 3-0.

    I've always been able to say "Short girls are cute", but by the time I'm 30 I want to blow "cute" out of the water and go from being a cutie to being "hot, slim, and sexy!"

    Don't be surprised if I add you all to my friend list like "lillmssy" suggested. :wink:
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    HEY, I'm 5'1" and 170lbs I am classified as morbidly obese.... I think that is just crazy. I know I am overweight and working to change that, but morbidly obese? My ideal weight is listed as 98-115 lbs.... serious? I don't think so! I am aiming for 135-140 which is still listed as obese for me, but with the way my body proportions are, I think this is a good area for me. Good luck everyone!

    Where are you getting your information from? Everything I have seen lists the upper weight limit for 5'1" at 132 pounds. (I know this because I was aiming for 130 for a few pounds of wriggle room... and then discovered I'm not QUITE 5'1"! Still aiming for 130 for now though!)

    I really haven't ever had the problem that a few pounds makes a difference in clothing size. Maybe that is because it has been so long since I have been at an ideal weight. I tend to gain weight where it takes about 10-15 pounds (at a smaller size) or even up to 30-35 (at a larger size) to change sizes. What is most frustrating to me about being short is that I can't find clothes to fit being overweight. I need petite sizes for clothes to fit properly on my arms/shoulders... but petite plus size doesn't exist! Even when I was at my ideal weight it was really hard for me to find properly fitting clothing though (but for different reasons).
  • GraphicAddict
    GraphicAddict Posts: 10 Member
    And me!

    5ft nothing. I'm taller really cause I've got size 7 feet so I reckon they turned up too much at the end when they first stood me up!

    Like being little. When I am not being big from weight. Nicest compliment last year was when a friend called me a 'dinky dot'. Now all I need to do is get back to that point. It seems so far away.

    Just bought xbox kinect to help me be more active

    All power to the dinky dots!
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    And me!

    5ft nothing. I'm taller really cause I've got size 7 feet so I reckon they turned up too much at the end when they first stood me up!

    Like being little. When I am not being big from weight. Nicest compliment last year was when a friend called me a 'dinky dot'. Now all I need to do is get back to that point. It seems so far away.

    Just bought xbox kinect to help me be more active

    All power to the dinky dots!

    Too Funny - Dinky Dots :laugh:
  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    I'm 5'3" and weigh 160ish. For the most part I look thick but the rolls are what kill me :/
    I've got about 30 lbs to lose, I'm hoping that will even me out a little, or at least get rid of my stomach
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