Vegan Weight Loss (Not as Easy as You Think)!



  • ardenewright
    ardenewright Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you! From your pic, you look amazing.
  • ardenewright
    ardenewright Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks! I love rice. I think I overeating it though. Now that I am tracking it through this site, hopefully, I'll see more progress.
  • ardenewright
    ardenewright Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you!
  • heavenlyb14
    heavenlyb14 Posts: 303 Member
    I'm not there yet but I know that's where I'm heading. I haven't eaten meat for over 20 years but I still eat fish. Feel free to add me and we can learn together.
  • ardenewright
    ardenewright Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you! I'll keep that in mind.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Drop potato, wheat and rice and you can make some amazing headway! Try it for 2 wks
    Err no. Weightloss is the same being a Vegan as anything else. Just calories in and calories out. I eat wheat, Rice Pasta, potatoes chocolate and many other things and I lose weight because they are within my calorie goals> I got fat as a Vegan and now I'm losing weight and getting healthier as one. Anyone can feel free to add me
  • ardenewright
    ardenewright Posts: 13 Member
    You look great. How much weight are you wanting to lose?
  • ardenewright
    ardenewright Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you. To be honest, what you said is quite encouraging. I have given up so much already, I really don't want to part with my brown rice and spelt pasta. You said I could 'add' you. How do I do that?
  • ardenewright
    ardenewright Posts: 13 Member
    I just figured it out! Adding you!:laugh:
  • changelife13
    changelife13 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi!I'm vegetarian and mostly vegan. I tried out a recipe in "chloe's' vegan cookbook,Amazon, for mac 'n cheese.I used the sauce over broc and caulif instead of noodles...incred!! Comfort food for sure!
  • Neliel88
    Neliel88 Posts: 42 Member
    High carb low fat vegan.
  • veaghan
    veaghan Posts: 4
    Agreed! When I started eating mostly raw vegan (couldn't give up coffee) I lost over 35 pounds in 6 months! My skin, energy, and happiness levels were all phenomenal. Now that I am going back to that, I am looking to lose my last 15 lbs-20 lbs!
  • Braincatcher
    Braincatcher Posts: 66 Member
    I'm a vegan-in-training, but I think I've been "in transition" for the last year and it's time to pull the trigger. If anyone wants to be a vegan battle buddy, please add me.

    (I think my key problem is that Oreos, Ritz crackers, potato chips, and beer are all still vegan. I could use some encouragement sticking with healthier vegan foods.)
  • jackie6888
    jackie6888 Posts: 21
    I am following the Eat to Live Whole Food Plant Based Vegan lifestyle. I've lost 34 lbs in 10 weeks. I would love to have more friends on here, please add me :)
  • Stewie622
    Stewie622 Posts: 20 Member
    I want to go all vegan eventuality! Add me (anyone!!) if you want support and another person to bounce ideas off of!
  • saralentz
    saralentz Posts: 3
    Being a Vegan and losing weight, is the same as being a meat eater and losing weight. What I have been doing (and actually finally seeing results) is looking at the nutritional totals of everything. Try to cut out as much sugar as possible, and stay under your allotted carb content. Carbs are not BAD for you, Simple Carbs are bad for you. Some examples:

    White Rice (Simple) vs. Brown Rice (Complex)
    Russet Potato (Simple) vs. Sweet Potato (Complex)
    Plain Pasta (Simple) vs. Brown Rice Pasta (Complex)

    These offer a huge difference nutrition wise, but not in caloric. making these types of swaps actually makes your body work harder to process these foods and break them down, thus burning more calories in the process! Win Win!

    I have also been adding more protein to my diet with the Vega series when I workout. I haven't stepped on a scale since I started the weight loss journey, but clothing is fitting a lot looser.

    Hope this helps!
  • amywise10
    amywise10 Posts: 33 Member
    I used to be vegan (got tired of being harassed by my family), turned vegetarian recently, but watched Earthlings yeah, I became vegan again about 10 minutes into the film. I'm always up for new friends!
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    Vegetarian since 89, almost vegan except for my damn protein powder and the occasional egg but will be stop when my powders run out. Feel free to add if you would like. Lost some weight now trying to gain some of a different variety.
  • I am Vegan, not by choice tho, i have a metabolic disorder called PKU. Following your post because i have been finding it difficult with weightloss, been struggling since Xmas so hoping to get some answers as to where am going wrong, wondering if am eating enough, i recently stopped eating Rice and replaced that by making cauliflower rice, replaced the pasta with Vegetable noodles ( bought a spiralizer) replaced white potato's with sweet potatos (addicted to them now, dunno if thats a good thing or bad) i recently started green Thickie smoothies, its sort of a diet, but hate that word i prefer to use lifestyle :oP Really hoping it would be ok to add some of you guys as friends :o)) x
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    Yikes just googled PKU that sounds like an incredibly difficult diet regime to maintain. My hat goes off to you.