Any strange looks/comments about your healthy habits?



  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Most of the comments I've gotten aren't so much about what I'm eating (I was never really a big eater in the first place. I'm just trying to eat the same amount healthier with less junk food!) The comments I get the most is why am I working out and loosing weight as I was small to begin with! Just because you are small doesn't mean you are healthy. I would run to catch my bus (100 feet or so) and be out of breath. I"m doing this entirely for me. I want to be fit and healthy. (I also have high cholesterol, hearth disease and diabetes that runs on both sides of my family. I want to get fit and healthy and stay that way to try to avoid those things!)
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    @JoRocka- You are such a firecracker. I wish I had half your spunk and backbone. Also its awesome you DL 300lb. I just hit 100 this week and was excited...maybe someday I will get to 300 too.

    My aunt gave me a lot of crap for weighing out my grandma's birthday dinner and cake. My grandma didn't care so much as look confused, but she always looks confused when I weigh my food. My step dad and mom were supportive. Step dad's cake was the exact weight that I had portioned out so he swapped pieces with me. My mom made the cake and calculated the calories in the entire thing and then weighed the cake IN GRAMS so that I could figure out how much I could eat.

    I love my mom and my step dad is cool.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    :) I do what I can.

    I take a pretty hard line about people telling me what's good for me. (had this issue with the short hair thread- when a guy chimned in "girls don't cut your hair- we like long hair"... excusethefugoutofme- we aren't here for your pleasure- seriously dafuk???... also make up at the gym- those threads- GTFO_ my make up doesn't affect you at all- so stop hating)

    so yeah- I don't take that rubbish.- feel free to take ANY of the comments and use judiciously as you see fit- I share with love!!!

    I've taken my food scale to the all you can eat brazillian steak house- my boyfriend just accepts me for being sciency and a nerd and I don't make a big thing of it- I just weigh and eat (I was weighing for knowledge not restriction- I ate as much as I could that night)

    see- you're family get's it too- I usually don't go that far- but I think it's FAB that you did (well I don't make/eat cakes often- so that explains why I haven't!!!)... there is no need to make a big thing- just do it and move on- it has absolutely NO impact on you (the outside commentor) at all!!!
  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    Reading through this thread brought some memories back to the surface.

    Over the winter I lived somewhere that clocked in some of the absolute coldest temperatures on Earth at one point. On those days I still, STILL bundled up and got my *kitten* to the gym. Calories don't take snow days just because the school bus can't start, you know? Fortunately I lived somewhere where basically everyone is active and fit. It's really remote, mountainous, and there's lots to do most of the year (Spring not withstanding- holy rain.) Plus it's over six thousand feet above sea level (altitude tends to increase the caloric burn of anything you do that gets your heart pumping... and unless you're acclimated everything gets your heart pumping!)

    Because I worked in such a remote location for six month I used facebook to stay in touch with people. I'd gloss over my day ("Work, gym, errands, home!" or "Dentist, sleep sleep sleep..." ect.. never got in depth, just let my friends/family know what I was up to.) I have a few friends added that are friends of my parents that are nosy and just want to know what the daughter of my parent's that isn't knee-deep in her parents working horse and boarding facility actually does with her life (I'm the black sheep of the family, it boggles peoples minds I don't want to do what my parents do so they stalk me. I humor them.)

    Anyway, this particular day I made a comment about the weather in my status (25 below zero and windy? Blizzard conditions? Still going to the gym!) and that I was off to the gym for a couple hours. I know that some people find that content irritating, but there's an 'unfollow' feature on facebook for a reason. This status was accompanied with a selfie of me in running tights and a hoodie, looking less than thrilled. Well, it was cold outside. It was colder in my car if you can believe it lol.

    Moments after I posted this status I got a notification that one of my parents friends had commented on it.
    Now I'm an active person. 4-5x a week I do 30-60 minutes of cardio and/or fat burn. 2-3x a week I rock climb (in the winter I do it in a rock gym.) and I work a job that keeps me on my feet (and clockin some serious mileage) anywhere from 6-10 hours a day on average. I eat as healthfully as I can, I don't overeat, I drink a lot of water... I eat to fuel my body, so heavily processed and nutritionally devoid foods are generally out unless I'm out on the town with a friend.

    This comment was something akin to..."I could pick u up and through u. Eat a cheeseburger!"
    Honestly, I laughed. It was a compliment, and I took it. I didn't usually post gym selfies and expected mixed reviews. Hers was the only off color one, though, everyone else was impressed I was going out in the cold on my day off to work out. However, the rest of the season this same friend of my parents would make similar comments whenever I'd mention going out to dinner, or to the gym, or what have you. She'd find a way to work in a smart remark about my weight and needing to eat more.
    (For the record I'm 5'5'' and 125ish pounds. I'm a healthy ratio of muscle to fat, and I'm not skin and bones.) If you find the need to comment maliciously on someone elses fitness related stuff on facebook you need a life. "WELL YOU ASKED FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!111oneone1" No. I didn't. Get a life.

    I brushed it off all winter because whatever. I like the way I look.
    Then I returned 'home' from the frozen north to help out my parents with their business (see? I participate) while my dad finished his cancer treatment. (So, that right there, off the record, had nothing to do with my weight. I don't stress about his health, as things are improving better than they expected. Anyway.) Sometime in my first week back at my parents house I walked out of the back door to speak to someone about looking under the hood of my car to see if I had a gasket leak, and this very friend of my parents was standing there. She had demanded to see me every day she'd been over to check on her livestock she has boarded there. and I'd managed to avoid it due in part to going to the gym (with my Nephews that were visiting, one of whom is on Varsity football and has a workout regimen he has to keep.) But today she surprised me.

    "You look like you need to eat five cheeseburgers and spend about 45 minutes in the sun!" She shouted at me.

    OK. You know what. No comments about her weight or complexion. This isn't about her, it's about me.
    I am very, very fair. I'm blonde headed, and blue eyed. I wear sun screen, because I don't want to get sun burnt and put myself at a higher risk for developing skin cancer later in my life.
    The cheeseburger comments went in one eat and out the other, because I hear a lot that I need to eat more. Honestly I eat a lot, it's all stuff my body can utilize though and doesn't get stored as a result.
    I took a deep breath and smile and said "I know! I'm a skinny white girl!" I'd spent all winter in a place that rarely sees sunshine during that time, and had managed to avoid the skiers sunburn. My bad for not skiing in a bikini?
    She hugged me and lifted me up (wtf?) and said "Yea you weigh about fifteen pounds less than you did last time I saw you."
    (False, I've lost a grand total of eight pounds since then.) I see the compliment in it, I really do, but the first thin you say to me in four months is that I need to eat enough to kill myself and then go and lobster-ize my skin? That's nice.

    Then there were the coworkers that would make snide remarks whenever I'd bring my own food to work. We were given a free shift meal, but it was never anything nutritionally sound and it NEVER satisfied. In fact is made me nauseous to eat it most of the time. So I'd bring some leftover roast I'd made, or a salad with yummy toppings. Sometimes soup. When I got my wisdom teeth pulled I brought soup because duh.
    "It's blahblahblah for dinner tonight, but Trad_Barbie probably brought her own soup or whatever." Within earshot of me.
    Or I'd be asked, incredulously, point blank why I always brought my own food. Well, never mind our shift meal isn't nutritionally dense enough to get me through the next six hours, it also makes me physically ill to eat it! There were rumors I did drugs to stay so thin, that I went to the bathroom a lot to throw up or shoot up (I drank a lot of water at work to keep my energy levels up and keep me from dehydrated at 6,500 feet above sea level, but whatever makes them feel better about themselves.)
    Rumors I had an eating disorder. Rumors that I was addicted to working out. Their rumors had rumors by the end of it.
    Needless to say I wasn't really close with too many people from my department.

    Anyone that comments on what someone else does or doesn't do, does or doesn't eat, ect., needs a swift reality check. It's no one's business what I do or don't do or do or don't eat.
  • kendall916
    kendall916 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Some people have complimented that I've slimmed down. :bigsmile:
    But I know there are some people out there will eventually say to me that I'm too thin or I need to eat a doughnut. When that day happens I know how to prepare myself! :tongue:
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    i usually keep to myself or its me and just my husband so i never hear this kinda stuff. plus everyone else i know keeps trying to diet and stuff like that so when i do eat around them they don't really pay attention. but that is kinda ridiculous though that others would be so judgmental about people trying to be healthy.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    People are always giving me a hard time because I don't eat the yolks in my hard boiled eggs (I don't like the yolks) and people couldn't get over that I only took half a muffin at work yesterday. I'm sorry, I wanted some muffin, but didn't need 400 calories of muffin at once.

    ETA: My parents also make comments like "don't get too skinny" and said they think I'm obsessed with the gym :noway: I go 3, maybe 4 times a week, that is hardly obsessed!
  • centexhusker
    centexhusker Posts: 115 Member
    Not really. I've been blessed with some great friends/family at work, from church, and all around. I know this isn't the case for everybody but my friends have been very supportive of my dedication to living a healthy lifestyle. Everyone is happy for me and they admire my discipline in my eating and exercise habits which can be a little over the top. The truth is I was in pretty bad shape before and people who knew me then and know me now are very happy for me. Words can build you up and they can tear you down. I choose to associate with people who build up :)
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    Not really. I've been blessed with some great friends/family at work, from church, and all around. I know this isn't the case for everybody but my friends have been very supportive of my dedication to living a healthy lifestyle. Everyone is happy for me and they admire my discipline in my eating and exercise habits which can be a little over the top. The truth is I was in pretty bad shape before and people who knew me then and know me now are very happy for me. Words can build you up and they can tear you down. I choose to associate with people who build up :)

    Well said my friend. I think we are both pretty blessed, because like I said I don't have any issues with this either.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,087 Member
    I remember one office job sitting opposite a young lady who was HUGE. She would eat a pasty, a sandwich and a king size bag of crisps at lunchtime, washed down with two bottle of full fat coke and then tell me I wasn't enjoying life or REALLY LIVING (?!?! WTF?!!!) because I eat salads, veggies and pitta breads and it can't be good for me to restrict myself the way I was and men don't like skinny girls.

    She got shut down when I said actually, I'm loving life. I can wear the clothes I want, run for miles, enjoy treats when I want them, oh and I was off on an adventure week to Spain - no uncomfortable flight seats, and I'm going horse-riding, canyoning, kayaking, rafting in a National Park - all the things I really want to do because I'm healthy from the inside and I can fit into the seats and not squash the horse.

    Apparently, that was me being spiteful and got me reported to HR.

    I'm not sure it warrants being reported to HR - but I do think you have taken wrong approach here.

    Your reply does just come across as defensive and spiteful IMO..

    far better to go with the flow, someone says something like that to you, just smile and say Oh well, that's me - or something equally inane, and neither agreeing or disagreeing with her food choices - which are really beside the point anyway.

    I think people lose interest fast in teasing if you don't rise to the bait - and they lose interest fast in your eating habits if you don't act all self righteous and over zealous about them.

    I wasn't being spiteful, I was defending myself and my choices.

    Telling me I was unloveable because I wasn't huge the way she was? Or that I couldn't possibly be happy? That doesn't warrant some sort of response? Bearing in mind she commented on EVERYTHING I ate. Everything. I wasn't rising to the bait, I was simply sick of her comments and defended myself. If she can comment on my body and my food choices, then damn straight I can comment on hers.

    I think one comment after 6 months of listening to her drivel was justified. It sure as hell shut her up in the way that my radio silence or smiling and nodding didn't. I'm not self-righteous or over-zealous. I unpack my lunch and I eat it. I don't make a big deal about carrots and bananas vs pastys and coke. I don't shout "OH I'M GOING TO THE GYM AGAIN HAR HAR LOOK HOW VIRTUOUS I AM". No. I wasn't the one making unwarranted, unwanted and uneducated comments.

    Actually I think you both were making unwarranted unwanted and uneducated comments - 2 wrongs don't make a right.

    I think the PP who posted cat gif summed it up.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I remember one office job sitting opposite a young lady who was HUGE. She would eat a pasty, a sandwich and a king size bag of crisps at lunchtime, washed down with two bottle of full fat coke and then tell me I wasn't enjoying life or REALLY LIVING (?!?! WTF?!!!) because I eat salads, veggies and pitta breads and it can't be good for me to restrict myself the way I was and men don't like skinny girls.

    She got shut down when I said actually, I'm loving life. I can wear the clothes I want, run for miles, enjoy treats when I want them, oh and I was off on an adventure week to Spain - no uncomfortable flight seats, and I'm going horse-riding, canyoning, kayaking, rafting in a National Park - all the things I really want to do because I'm healthy from the inside and I can fit into the seats and not squash the horse.

    Apparently, that was me being spiteful and got me reported to HR.

    I'm not sure it warrants being reported to HR - but I do think you have taken wrong approach here.

    Your reply does just come across as defensive and spiteful IMO..

    far better to go with the flow, someone says something like that to you, just smile and say Oh well, that's me - or something equally inane, and neither agreeing or disagreeing with her food choices - which are really beside the point anyway.

    I think people lose interest fast in teasing if you don't rise to the bait - and they lose interest fast in your eating habits if you don't act all self righteous and over zealous about them.

    I wasn't being spiteful, I was defending myself and my choices.

    Telling me I was unloveable because I wasn't huge the way she was? Or that I couldn't possibly be happy? That doesn't warrant some sort of response? Bearing in mind she commented on EVERYTHING I ate. Everything. I wasn't rising to the bait, I was simply sick of her comments and defended myself. If she can comment on my body and my food choices, then damn straight I can comment on hers.

    I think one comment after 6 months of listening to her drivel was justified. It sure as hell shut her up in the way that my radio silence or smiling and nodding didn't. I'm not self-righteous or over-zealous. I unpack my lunch and I eat it. I don't make a big deal about carrots and bananas vs pastys and coke. I don't shout "OH I'M GOING TO THE GYM AGAIN HAR HAR LOOK HOW VIRTUOUS I AM". No. I wasn't the one making unwarranted, unwanted and uneducated comments.

    Actually I think you both were making unwarranted unwanted and uneducated comments - 2 wrongs don't make a right.

    I think the PP who posted cat gif summed it up.

    Sometimes, two wrongs is the only language idiot bullies speak
  • HopeNShelton
    HopeNShelton Posts: 59 Member
    Anytime I go out with my family to eat I get funny looks from everyone. We always go to a buffet (I dont know why as noone can eat much, must be the variety) and I get a small dab of soup and then enough veggies fora toddler to consume. All these people stare at me and give me the oddest looks. Ive lost 120 lbs and I have another 80 to go. I hate the looks but I also dont care hopw anyone else feels about me.I do wish they would just ask me why I pay for a buffet and eat like a bird and they may be surprised with the answer.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,087 Member
    I remember one office job sitting opposite a young lady who was HUGE. She would eat a pasty, a sandwich and a king size bag of crisps at lunchtime, washed down with two bottle of full fat coke and then tell me I wasn't enjoying life or REALLY LIVING (?!?! WTF?!!!) because I eat salads, veggies and pitta breads and it can't be good for me to restrict myself the way I was and men don't like skinny girls.

    She got shut down when I said actually, I'm loving life. I can wear the clothes I want, run for miles, enjoy treats when I want them, oh and I was off on an adventure week to Spain - no uncomfortable flight seats, and I'm going horse-riding, canyoning, kayaking, rafting in a National Park - all the things I really want to do because I'm healthy from the inside and I can fit into the seats and not squash the horse.

    Apparently, that was me being spiteful and got me reported to HR.

    I'm not sure it warrants being reported to HR - but I do think you have taken wrong approach here.

    Your reply does just come across as defensive and spiteful IMO..

    far better to go with the flow, someone says something like that to you, just smile and say Oh well, that's me - or something equally inane, and neither agreeing or disagreeing with her food choices - which are really beside the point anyway.

    I think people lose interest fast in teasing if you don't rise to the bait - and they lose interest fast in your eating habits if you don't act all self righteous and over zealous about them.

    I wasn't being spiteful, I was defending myself and my choices.

    Telling me I was unloveable because I wasn't huge the way she was? Or that I couldn't possibly be happy? That doesn't warrant some sort of response? Bearing in mind she commented on EVERYTHING I ate. Everything. I wasn't rising to the bait, I was simply sick of her comments and defended myself. If she can comment on my body and my food choices, then damn straight I can comment on hers.

    I think one comment after 6 months of listening to her drivel was justified. It sure as hell shut her up in the way that my radio silence or smiling and nodding didn't. I'm not self-righteous or over-zealous. I unpack my lunch and I eat it. I don't make a big deal about carrots and bananas vs pastys and coke. I don't shout "OH I'M GOING TO THE GYM AGAIN HAR HAR LOOK HOW VIRTUOUS I AM". No. I wasn't the one making unwarranted, unwanted and uneducated comments.

    Actually I think you both were making unwarranted unwanted and uneducated comments - 2 wrongs don't make a right.

    I think the PP who posted cat gif summed it up.

    Sometimes, two wrongs is the only language idiot bullies speak

    I disagree.

    I think if one person behaves the same way as the other person ,then one loses any moral high ground and both persons are as bad as each other.
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    I never get strange looks but that's probably because I do my counting/weighing of cashew nuts at home and not in the office. I bring exactly what I'll eat that day and nothing more. No one would notice a thing about my eating habits.
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Anytime I go out with my family to eat I get funny looks from everyone. We always go to a buffet (I dont know why as noone can eat much, must be the variety) and I get a small dab of soup and then enough veggies fora toddler to consume. All these people stare at me and give me the oddest looks. Ive lost 120 lbs and I have another 80 to go. I hate the looks but I also dont care hopw anyone else feels about me.I do wish they would just ask me why I pay for a buffet and eat like a bird and they may be surprised with the answer.

    WOW, well done on your 120 lb loss!
  • najatmarie
    najatmarie Posts: 3 Member
    I work in a coffee shop as the marketing manager so anytime new product rolls out we taste it & I especially need to know what it tastes like so I can create a buzz about it on social media/signage/etc. I take the smallest bites and everyone looks at me like I'm crazy. My bf also gets to eat WHATEVER he wants & doesn't bat an eyelash (he's one of those lucky guys who can eat anything and not gain weight). Whenever I go visit him I always pack my own food since he never has anything even remotely healthy in his house. If we go out to eat, I tend to research what the restaurant offers because I like to know what goes in my body, not just for a number on the scale but for my overall health. Some people just don't understand because they are so used to the convenience of fast food. I'd rather take the time to create something that is not only healthy and tasty, but will benefit me overall. I've learned to just ignore the stares & comments.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I remember one office job sitting opposite a young lady who was HUGE. She would eat a pasty, a sandwich and a king size bag of crisps at lunchtime, washed down with two bottle of full fat coke and then tell me I wasn't enjoying life or REALLY LIVING (?!?! WTF?!!!) because I eat salads, veggies and pitta breads and it can't be good for me to restrict myself the way I was and men don't like skinny girls.

    She got shut down when I said actually, I'm loving life. I can wear the clothes I want, run for miles, enjoy treats when I want them, oh and I was off on an adventure week to Spain - no uncomfortable flight seats, and I'm going horse-riding, canyoning, kayaking, rafting in a National Park - all the things I really want to do because I'm healthy from the inside and I can fit into the seats and not squash the horse.

    Apparently, that was me being spiteful and got me reported to HR.

    I'm not sure it warrants being reported to HR - but I do think you have taken wrong approach here.

    Your reply does just come across as defensive and spiteful IMO..

    far better to go with the flow, someone says something like that to you, just smile and say Oh well, that's me - or something equally inane, and neither agreeing or disagreeing with her food choices - which are really beside the point anyway.

    I think people lose interest fast in teasing if you don't rise to the bait - and they lose interest fast in your eating habits if you don't act all self righteous and over zealous about them.

    I wasn't being spiteful, I was defending myself and my choices.

    Telling me I was unloveable because I wasn't huge the way she was? Or that I couldn't possibly be happy? That doesn't warrant some sort of response? Bearing in mind she commented on EVERYTHING I ate. Everything. I wasn't rising to the bait, I was simply sick of her comments and defended myself. If she can comment on my body and my food choices, then damn straight I can comment on hers.

    I think one comment after 6 months of listening to her drivel was justified. It sure as hell shut her up in the way that my radio silence or smiling and nodding didn't. I'm not self-righteous or over-zealous. I unpack my lunch and I eat it. I don't make a big deal about carrots and bananas vs pastys and coke. I don't shout "OH I'M GOING TO THE GYM AGAIN HAR HAR LOOK HOW VIRTUOUS I AM". No. I wasn't the one making unwarranted, unwanted and uneducated comments.

    Actually I think you both were making unwarranted unwanted and uneducated comments - 2 wrongs don't make a right.

    I think the PP who posted cat gif summed it up.

    Sometimes, two wrongs is the only language idiot bullies speak

    I disagree.

    I think if one person behaves the same way as the other person ,then one loses any moral high ground and both persons are as bad as each other.

    The moral high ground is over rated. Keep poking the beast. Gonna get your *kitten* kicked
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Eating my whole 900ml tub of Carte d'or while waiting for my van to have it's MOT done, got some odd looks from the gym users next door.

    (I had cycled 12 miles to my friend's house where the van was, then 12 miles back after and it was a 'not weights' day, so I have higher fat .)
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    I get comments (good natured, not mean) from women in my workplace because I eat full fat yogurt and put honey in my tea. It goes against what they have always been told was the healthy way to eat. They think I do it just to be contrary.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    how on earth is honey a big fat negative? why would that even be worth a second look?

    people are so weird.