I have never seen Star Wars



  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    A.J.: Have you ever heard of Evel Knievel?
    Lev Andropov: No, I never saw Star Wars.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have only seen the first Lord of the Rings movie.

    ^Now those suck!

    Peter Jackson can choke and die.
    I watched the first one before I even read any of the books and it was AWFUL. I hated it. I've since read all the books, but I think I'll skip the rest of the movies. He butchered The Lovely Bones, too.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Star Wars is awesome. I have seen every episode about 97 times. My favorites (in most favorite to least favorite):

    New Hope
    Revenge of the Sith
    Attack of the Clones
    Phantom Menace
    Empire Strikes Back
    Return of the Jedi

    No. Just no. The new ones do not go above the originals. EVER.

  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    I only saw the one with Sherlock in it. not a fan...


    that's STAR TREK

    Trek = Earth in the future, discovers other life, befriends some of them, hates others, and travels to other worlds

    Wars = a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

    Wait....which one has the people who are also robots?
    You mean Data? He's an android who looks like a regular person and that's Trek.

    Star Wars has androids, too, but they look like robots.

    No...there's like a lot of em, and some of em look alike, and there are other robots that are clearly robots....I don't know. I remember seeing some of that one. It looked okay, but eh....

    I don't think you were watching Star Wars OR Star Trek. Or else you aren't communicating what you saw very well ...
    Battlestar Galactica, maybe?
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    So. .serious question. . Is it possible to purchase a DVD version of New Hope where Han shoots first?. .I mean. . I know they don't make NEW ones, but did they EVER make a DVD without all the drug-addled George Lucas nonsense?

    I don't know about DVDs. I still have the VHS copies before all the added affects. Comparing Star Trek to Star Wars is like comparing apples and oranges. Both great, but for different reasons. My kids, thanks to Angry Birds, love all six movies. Seeing their faces when Darth Vader made his annoucement (don't want to spoil it :wink:), one of the best memories I will have with my boys. Give it a shot. You MIGHT like em.
  • rm33064
    rm33064 Posts: 270 Member
    It's hard to enjoy lord of the rings unless you've read the books and are familiar with the story. The movies do not do a good job filling you in on who everyone is and why everything is happening. It's one of those if you watch twice you'll like better the second time because you'll understand it better. They were way ahead of their time cinematically and special effect wise though, just like Star Wars was back in the day.
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    We stood in line for HOURS in 1977 to see A New Hope. I am Star Wars all the way (reboot of Star Trek is brilliant, too, imo). Also, not a dude. So, I'm just bewildered.

  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    It's hard to enjoy lord of the rings unless you've read the books and are familiar with the story. The movies do not do a good job filling you in on who everyone is and why everything is happening. It's one of those if you watch twice you'll like better the second time because you'll understand it better. They were way ahead of their time cinematically and special effect wise though, just like Star Wars was back in the day.

    I can understand this. Most of the people I know that love the LOTR trilogy are people that had read the book already. My ex-husband hated them, but I adored them.

    I have to admit though. I hate the Hobbit movies! I guess this is much the same with Star Wars fans who prefer the episodes 4, 5, & 6 over the prequels.

    Personally, though, I actually did prefer the prequels. *prays to George Lucas to be spared the impending deletion fury*
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I only saw the one with Sherlock in it. not a fan...


    that's STAR TREK

    Trek = Earth in the future, discovers other life, befriends some of them, hates others, and travels to other worlds

    Wars = a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

    Wait....which one has the people who are also robots?
    You mean Data? He's an android who looks like a regular person and that's Trek.

    Star Wars has androids, too, but they look like robots.

    No...there's like a lot of em, and some of em look alike, and there are other robots that are clearly robots....I don't know. I remember seeing some of that one. It looked okay, but eh....

    I don't think you were watching Star Wars OR Star Trek. Or else you aren't communicating what you saw very well ...
    Battlestar Galactica, maybe?

    I'm pretty sure this person is referring to the Clone Wars since that one featured both clones and droids, and is just simply confused about storm troopers being soldiers instead of robots.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,855 Member
    So. .serious question. . Is it possible to purchase a DVD version of New Hope where Han shoots first?. .I mean. . I know they don't make NEW ones, but did they EVER make a DVD without all the drug-addled George Lucas nonsense?

    I have a glimmer of hope that Disney will see the potential HUGE money making opportunity and release a version of IV-VI as they were meant to be seen. .
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    It's hard to enjoy lord of the rings unless you've read the books and are familiar with the story. The movies do not do a good job filling you in on who everyone is and why everything is happening. It's one of those if you watch twice you'll like better the second time because you'll understand it better. They were way ahead of their time cinematically and special effect wise though, just like Star Wars was back in the day.

    I can understand this. Most of the people I know that love the LOTR trilogy are people that had read the book already. My ex-husband hated them, but I adored them.

    I have to admit though. I hate the Hobbit movies! I guess this is much the same with Star Wars fans who prefer the episodes 4, 5, & 6 over the prequels.

    Personally, though, I actually did prefer the prequels. *prays to George Lucas to be spared the impending deletion fury*

    The Hobbit films are nothing at all like the book. It's the same characters and a similar story but the special effects override the story, and it pisses me off that they made 3 films out of it.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Also...they're just dude movies.

    yes, cause all the dudes I know just love staring at this man



    Though, I liked Luke when they first came out because I was kid and had a thing for blondes back then.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    It's hard to enjoy lord of the rings unless you've read the books and are familiar with the story. The movies do not do a good job filling you in on who everyone is and why everything is happening. It's one of those if you watch twice you'll like better the second time because you'll understand it better. They were way ahead of their time cinematically and special effect wise though, just like Star Wars was back in the day.

    I can understand this. Most of the people I know that love the LOTR trilogy are people that had read the book already. My ex-husband hated them, but I adored them.

    I have to admit though. I hate the Hobbit movies! I guess this is much the same with Star Wars fans who prefer the episodes 4, 5, & 6 over the prequels.

    Personally, though, I actually did prefer the prequels. *prays to George Lucas to be spared the impending deletion fury*

    The Hobbit films are nothing at all like the book. It's the same characters and a similar story but the special effects override the story, and it pisses me off that they made 3 films out of it.

    I've only seen the first one so far, but it went along with the book, just left out a few things. How do "special effects override the story?" How is that possible? Do you not see the images in your head as you read?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    It's hard to enjoy lord of the rings unless you've read the books and are familiar with the story. The movies do not do a good job filling you in on who everyone is and why everything is happening. It's one of those if you watch twice you'll like better the second time because you'll understand it better. They were way ahead of their time cinematically and special effect wise though, just like Star Wars was back in the day.

    Hmmm...My husband and neither of my brothers have ever and will NEVER read the books, but they all loved the films. I will say that I had to explain a couple of things to my husband, but he has bad ADHD and is prone to missing certain details from time to time.
  • DoctorMcCoy10
    DoctorMcCoy10 Posts: 101 Member
    star trek > star wars

  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    It's hard to enjoy lord of the rings unless you've read the books and are familiar with the story. The movies do not do a good job filling you in on who everyone is and why everything is happening. It's one of those if you watch twice you'll like better the second time because you'll understand it better. They were way ahead of their time cinematically and special effect wise though, just like Star Wars was back in the day.

    I can understand this. Most of the people I know that love the LOTR trilogy are people that had read the book already. My ex-husband hated them, but I adored them.

    I have to admit though. I hate the Hobbit movies! I guess this is much the same with Star Wars fans who prefer the episodes 4, 5, & 6 over the prequels.

    Personally, though, I actually did prefer the prequels. *prays to George Lucas to be spared the impending deletion fury*

    The Hobbit films are nothing at all like the book. It's the same characters and a similar story but the special effects override the story, and it pisses me off that they made 3 films out of it.

    I've only seen the first one so far, but it went along with the book, just left out a few things. How do "special effects override the story?" How is that possible? Do you not see the images in your head as you read?

    The Hobbit is a short book that focuses on Bilbo's transformation from a young man afraid of living not the dragons and crazy stunts and Thorin Oakenshield's perfectly conditioned flowing hair slowly blowing in the wind with the sun glistening in his eye as he stabs the bad guy (eyeroll). It just feels as though Peter Jackson focuses so much on the scenic beauty that he misses the story, and the Hobbit is a prime example of it.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    So. .serious question. . Is it possible to purchase a DVD version of New Hope where Han shoots first?. .I mean. . I know they don't make NEW ones, but did they EVER make a DVD without all the drug-addled George Lucas nonsense?

    I have a glimmer of hope that Disney will see the potential HUGE money making opportunity and release a version of IV-VI as they were meant to be seen. .

    Actually the newer releases are *exactly* how they were intended to be seen, it's just that the technology wasn't there back in the 80s for Lucas to create the films how he wanted to show them. The only thing I miss is the Ewoks "Jub Jub" song at the end of "Return of the Jedi."
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    It's hard to enjoy lord of the rings unless you've read the books and are familiar with the story. The movies do not do a good job filling you in on who everyone is and why everything is happening. It's one of those if you watch twice you'll like better the second time because you'll understand it better. They were way ahead of their time cinematically and special effect wise though, just like Star Wars was back in the day.

    I can understand this. Most of the people I know that love the LOTR trilogy are people that had read the book already. My ex-husband hated them, but I adored them.

    I have to admit though. I hate the Hobbit movies! I guess this is much the same with Star Wars fans who prefer the episodes 4, 5, & 6 over the prequels.

    Personally, though, I actually did prefer the prequels. *prays to George Lucas to be spared the impending deletion fury*

    The Hobbit films are nothing at all like the book. It's the same characters and a similar story but the special effects override the story, and it pisses me off that they made 3 films out of it.

    I've only seen the first one so far, but it went along with the book, just left out a few things. How do "special effects override the story?" How is that possible? Do you not see the images in your head as you read?

    That whole brown wizard character was never in the original story... and contributed absolutely nothing to the story except to help tie in Sauron who was barely even mentioned in the original book.

    Seriously... don't get me started... I hate the Hobbit movies!!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    It's hard to enjoy lord of the rings unless you've read the books and are familiar with the story. The movies do not do a good job filling you in on who everyone is and why everything is happening. It's one of those if you watch twice you'll like better the second time because you'll understand it better. They were way ahead of their time cinematically and special effect wise though, just like Star Wars was back in the day.

    I can understand this. Most of the people I know that love the LOTR trilogy are people that had read the book already. My ex-husband hated them, but I adored them.

    I have to admit though. I hate the Hobbit movies! I guess this is much the same with Star Wars fans who prefer the episodes 4, 5, & 6 over the prequels.

    Personally, though, I actually did prefer the prequels. *prays to George Lucas to be spared the impending deletion fury*

    The Hobbit films are nothing at all like the book. It's the same characters and a similar story but the special effects override the story, and it pisses me off that they made 3 films out of it.

    I've only seen the first one so far, but it went along with the book, just left out a few things. How do "special effects override the story?" How is that possible? Do you not see the images in your head as you read?

    The Hobbit is a short book that focuses on Bilbo's transformation from a young man afraid of living not the dragons and crazy stunts and Thorin Oakenshield's perfectly conditioned flowing hair slowly blowing in the wind with the sun glistening in his eye as he stabs the bad guy (eyeroll). It just feels as though Peter Jackson focuses so much on the scenic beauty that he misses the story, and the Hobbit is a prime example of it.

    Sorry, but the actor playing Thorin is too hot to not show his hottness off. (hottest dwarf that ever lived)

    Well I will have to watch the second and third and see, but I loved the first one.