

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Happy New Year to all you wonderful ladies! What a blessing each and everyone of you is in my life. :flowerforyou:

    I hope to actually lose some weight this year. I have the stamina of a horse, but shes a big solid horse.:smile:

    I am just in from a long days work, and hope to powerwalk a mile or two before bed, so I had best be at it.

    Here's to a happy and healthy New Year.

    :heart: Alice
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    hello to you all and happy new year,

    It has been an interesting day as far as eating as i should. Ate on my program and even went to the show. By the grace of God, I begged family not to buy popcorn. So J went and got the boys a small cup of ice cream. Kind of ticked me off until he handed me a coffee.

    It was without cream or sweetner but I appreciated it so much, -- the thought.

    Then we were going to get dinner and we got in a little tiff. He brought me home and then took the boys to eat. I came in and got a scoop of beans and rice that had been left in the crock pot. I got some and went to my room.

    Sooooo, I am on program and I'll take it anyway I can get it.

    Here's to another good food day tomorrow. kc
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :sad: I think I'm going to cry. I had a very very long post and tried to change my signature before posting (silly me) and lost it.

    It mentioned everyone too - it took me ages to type and now its gone. I should have started it in a word doc.

    I mentioned that 2011 is going to be a year where I stick with exerise and I've joined a 90 day challenge - wish me luck.

    It was such an uplifting post too I was in a positive mood and now I'm fed up. Can't believe I didn't post it first and then change my signature.

    We live and learn.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    I've been reading Joyce Meyer's book "Power Thoughts". It's pretty good so far. I checked it out from the library but may need to get a copy of my own.

    Church today and then lunch with our daughter. Her 28th BD is this week but she has to work so we are celebrating it early. I made her a "Guiness Cake", a Nigella Lawson concoction. I still have to make the icing but have invited enough people over so that there probably won't be any leftovers. If there are the rest will go home with her.

    My other thing is I just need to throw out or give away sweets that are sabotaging me.

    Weigh in will be in the morning. Time to face the music. I will change my ticker and just start over.

    I need to go out and purchase some new sneakers, Mine are just plain worn out and causing hurting feet which gives me an excuse not to exercise. So that needs to be nipped in the bud.

    Hope you all have a good day.

  • Boubat
    Boubat Posts: 7
    Have slipped off the program and am committing to start again. At least I didn't gain it all back :-)
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Quick in and out here to mark my spot. We still have our grandson here but he goes back home today. So tomorrow we will be back to the old routine around here. I sure will miss him. I am a bit partial, but I doubt there is a nicer 16 year old around. It's great to have a close relationship with grandchildren! :happy:

    I then need to contact the town and see if the gym will be included in their sports/fitness plan. I rather doubt it but I may get lucky. If I'm right I will need to sign up with Anytime Fitness in either the town north or south if here. Either way it will mean a 20+ mile trip to the gym, darn it! :grumble:

    Maybe this year I can come up with a program to do on my own that will get the job done. I do seem to do much better in a group setting though. It is far to easy to say later, or I'm busy, if I do it at home.

    It has been quite cold, for here anyway, for most of December; however the last several days have been in the 70's. Our resident flcker thinks it's spring. I just had to run outside and get him to stop drumming on the gutters on the house. It must be that all the unattached female flickers are a sucker for drummers. :laugh: The little stinker loves to start that around 6 am usually. Fortunately it's 9:30 right now but DH and DGS are still in the bed, They went to a football game yesterday and got home late.

    Talk to you all later!

  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    Oh Lord please help me! and I mean that will all sincerity.....going to my mom's house for lunch. Typical Southen New Years meal that we didn't get yesterday because I was working. I am taking baked chicked and salad just to try to have something not cook with ham or pork fat. There will be peas cooked with pork, collards cooked with ham, cornbread, fried okra, and all the things she loves to have for New Years including homemade pecan pie and coconut cake! I have posted to my food diary already what I plan on eating and will do my best to stick to what I already have down......say a little prayer!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    A very Happy New Year to all!!!!:flowerforyou: May you all be Blessed with an attitude of "One Day At A Time" as I know that is what made the difference for me! :blushing: I try hard not to think about tomorrow or next week etc accept to plan on having plenty of healthy food in the house to make healthy choices for each.... today!!!! Everyone can deal with 24 hours! If you keep that mentality then it helps to be consistant! This YEAR can only be a great year if it is made up with many "One Day At A Time" days! It makes this program doable....:happy: and helps us to get right up when we make bad choices....:ohwell: .and we all do!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: So here's to a year of kindness to oneself....patience...and gratitude!!! The rest will follow!
    God Bless!!!!:drinker: :love: :bigsmile: :love:
  • julieoem
    julieoem Posts: 37 Member
    Happy New Year everyone!!

    I have been off to parties the last 2 days and haven't posted...but I did get up and walk both days and left the house comitted to eatting better than I would normally do! I found if I "chatted" away from the food, used a small dessert plate, only went through the food line one time, totally avoided going near the dessert table, and alternated drinking a diet soda and water, that I would make it!! And sure enough I did!!!! :bigsmile: Now I didn't loose any pounds...but I know that it will come, and knowing that I didn't back slide was HUGE for me!!!

    :flowerforyou: So good luck to everyone today...and in the days ahead! My calendar is starting to glimmer with its stars for exercise! I can't wait to see it at the end of the month...I may have to even wear sunglasses to see it! :bigsmile:

    Hugs to all....We can do this together!!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Oh Lord please help me! and I mean that will all sincerity.....going to my mom's house for lunch. Typical Southen New Years meal that we didn't get yesterday because I was working. I am taking baked chicked and salad just to try to have something not cook with ham or pork fat. There will be peas cooked with pork, collards cooked with ham, cornbread, fried okra, and all the things she loves to have for New Years including homemade pecan pie and coconut cake! I have posted to my food diary already what I plan on eating and will do my best to stick to what I already have down......say a little prayer!

    Darlis - good luck! Try drinking more water the next few days to help wash away the sodium. It usually works. Then just take the next day as it comes with no guilt and just do better.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I hope everyone is having a good start to the New Year. My bronchitis is finally starting to shift, although I'm still coughing like someone with a forty a day habit! (This from a non-smoker!)

    DH and I went for a lovely, relaxed walk today. It was wonderful just to spend some time together alone - family and company are fine, but it's nice to be 'couply' for a change.

    I have an appointment at the hospital later this week, to find out when I am to have my heart valve replacement operation. By choice I am going to try to have it postponed until March time as I would like to be available to help my DD#1 with the twins until they are a little older. Also, I feel that my DD#2 needs my support to help get over yet another failed attempt at IVF.

    Obviously, if the cardiologist says that I need the surgery sooner, then I will have to accept that.

    It is strange for me to think that I don't actually have to lose any more weight as I am now below my target. However, I am keen on losing at least another eight pounds or so - then I will reassess the situation.

    One other thing that I want to do this year... learn to read a bicycle! Can you believe I can't do it? I will have to take it easy with my arthritic knee, but I'm going to give it a go.

    Time for me to get moving.

    Good wishes and love to all.

    Amanda x
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Day 2 starting out with Dance DVD, wii and a few minutes on the floor, still feeling pretty "GOOD". :wink:

    Thank goodness for all these inside alternatives, temps here ranging from single digits to the 20s with wind that makes outdoors unappealing. And thanks Michelle for the Play it again sports lead. I don't mind getting 1/3 original price back as long as its not store credit but CASH... :laugh:

    Anybody played the Zumba fitness game for wii? :huh:
  • Kandy3
    Kandy3 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi it sounds really good. I would like to join and need lots of help to keep motivated, have only joined yesterday but am going to make it work! Nice to meet you
  • ValleyDiva
    My hope for this journey is to be consistant. I can't tell you how many times I have started then stopped. I know I can do this, but I will be difficult.
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    Hi Kandy and Diva.....I'm new here too. Just jump in and we will all help each other got those healthy bodies we know we deserve!
  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member

    My house guests left this AM despite road conditions reported to be in only "fair winter driving condition" and snow falling. I did try to persuade my parents to stay until the road conditions were reported as good but they were determined to head home. So far I have received 2 cellphone calls from them as they proceed on the long trip advising that things are not too bad and they believe the road conditions are improving. Must admit, it is difficult to respect that of course my parents still make their own decisions. It would be so much easier if they would just listen to me!???

    Despite not wanting Dad to drive in the current road conditions, it is very nice to have my house back. Silly but with Dad and Mom here, I didn't use my some of my usual "tricks" to manage my eating and now I can. For example, when I am very "snacky" and need to eat a lot, I hot air pop a big bowl of popcorn, spray it with a little olive oil, sprinkle with a little parmesan cheese and eat it all myself very slowly. I allow myself to eat this whenever I want (as long as I include it as part of my calorie total) and sometimes this is my breakfast! Now my husband, hates the dry popcorn so he doesn't even want any but also has no comments or opinions on the normalcy of this "trick". But my parents, well this isn't an acceptable or normal thing to do (or anything they have seen before) so they are full of comments and opinions, and well, it is just easier not to have popcorn when they visit. Now that my visitors are gone, I will have popcorn anytime I want again! Funny that at 53 my parents influence over my actions is strong but my influence over them?? Well they are currently driving in road conditions that I wish they were not!

    I am hoping that eating healthy and exercising will also be easier with the holiday season over. I look forward to getting into a good rhythm of healthy habits.

    Darlis I will keep you in my thoughts today and send out good wishes as you enjoy the family times, cherish the traditions and are tested by the tastes of the family favourite foods. I second Jeannie's recommendation: H20 is a great help for big or little slips. The important thing: tomorrow family temptations/triggers (and really any of today's successes and slips) will be over and the water will be available! Rereading the last sentence, I realize I will take that advice myself!:embarassed:

    Today, I was very challenged to maintain my goal of inner calm. I may have made some bad decisions and eaten a little too much at lunch to salve my spirit. Only 140 calories left for my supper: so soup is now on the menu and perhaps some extra exercise for the evening agenda. And I too will put the family triggers in the past and drink water!

    Take care all,
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Hi Jane. Which kinds of horses do you especially like?

    Anyone who wants to get rid of foods: my local soup kitchen will take donations of even homemade things like cookies. Before you throw it out, see if some poor person can use it.

    wizzywig - I used to sometimes have a problem where I'd be ready to post something (have it all written) and then I must hit a button by accident all the entire document disappeared! Oh, that's frustrating! Then Vince looked at it and showed me to hit the "undo" tab. Hopefully, next time that'll work for ya, try it!

    auntiebk - Hope the Play It Again Sports works out for you. Yes, they gave me cash. That I didn't have a problem with. I would have liked more...but still.

    Today I did an hour on the Wii of balance games. Tomorrow I'll take the xtremepump class. Didn't even know that there was a zumba fitness game for the Wii. That might be interesting. I wanted to take a zumba class, but for me I need a small class to start out, I'm so uncoordinated. Let me know what you find out, OK?

    Hey Kandy and Diva! You've come to the right place.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful evening and day tomorrow.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :wink: Happy New Year :wink: Anyone have any liposuction tools? ......:bigsmile:

    :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: today is our Isagenix cleanse day so we're taking it easy....chores, errands, dogs to the dog park, laundry, funny movie :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Rebel, it is so good to hear from you again......I've missed you

    :flowerforyou: Jane, welcome to the thread......have you tried yoga or water aerobics for exercise.....they're good exercise without taxing your knees and they don't feel so much like exercise

    :flowerforyou: Karlene, having your house to yourself again must feel great.......I wish your parents a safe trip home....the only person I feel comfortable with in my house is my husband....he accepts all my "crazy" behavior and lets me be me.

    :flowerforyou: viv, I read somewhere that many people actual hit their computers out of frustration.....losing a great post would be one of the biggest reasons to be angry at your computer....stay positive anyway :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, good luck on finding new shoes for walking...there's nothing like good shoes to give you a spring in your step :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Alice, doing some walking exercise at bedtime is one of my favorites

    :flowerforyou: kc, take it one day at a time and don't let your family get you down :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: boubat, welcome to the group......read this thread every day and you'll find the encouragement you're looking for....we all started somewhere and some of us had to start more than once

    :flowerforyou: Faye, how wonderful that you have a 16 year old grandchild that brings you joy.....so many teenagers are hard to get along with

    :flowerforyou: Darlis, good luck to you.....one of the hardest lessons for me to learn was how to politely refuse food that I knew wasn't healthy for me and it's especially hard to do that when the cook is your mom

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, you explain One Day at a Time so well......it is such an important approach to life :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Julie, talking instead of eating is such a great way to deal with a holiday party.......I'm glad that there are stars on your calendar :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, I'm glad you're feeling better....my weight now is lower than my original goal...I kept modifying my goal as I realized that losing a few more pounds would look and feel great...keep us posted about your surgery

    :flowerforyou: Barbara, it's not as cold here as it is where you are but even so, I'm staying in more....we took a 10 minute walk this morning and that was long enough

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Kandy and Diva, welcome......I hope we'll get to know you better

    :flowerforyou: Michelle, you are so right about giving food to people who can use it.....when I cleaned out the last of the foods at my house that I wouldn't be eating (pasta, processed foods, baking supplies) I gave them to a young couple living on very limited funds and they were ecstatic.

    :flowerforyou: my 30 minutes allowed at the computer are done so now I need to get up and get moving.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I had to skim a bit as I'm supposed to go the store for the weekly groceries.

    Viv - if you want to have a serious go at running, it's very important to have good fitting running shoes. The running stores have people and equipment to evaluate your running gait and get you in a good shoe for you that will minimize injuries.

    Likewise to Amanda- a good bike fit is important too. I know I was having knee issues with my first bike before I got a bike fit.

    Does anyone here use a FitBit? I bought one with my Christmas money and when it came, I realized it wasn't what I was expecting and it wasn't going to work for me. (1) It doesn't work in the water so no swim workouts would be recorded and (2) it doesn't work with road cycling because it's just an accelerometer and has no other sensors. (So it thinks you are running really, really fast when you bike.) But for someone who wants to evaluate their sleep and count their steps and does workouts the involve mostly running, walking or otherwise stepping, I think it would work quite well.

    I know a lot of people love theirs. But it's not going to do enough for me over what my current pedometer does (that I'd still have to keep wearing because it's tied to a program at work where you earn $$ for the steps you take). I thought I was buying the BodyMedia FIT when I ordered it. I guess next time I should pay better attention. :indifferent: