How to hit protein macro?



  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    I can't tell you how to do it because I don't know your tastes but here's how I do it.

    breakfast: 5 scrambled eggs, two yolks removed
    lunch: fage yogurt with honey, some sort of soup usually with beans/sausage in it
    post workout: 1 serving whey protein with 1 cup milk
    dinner: chicken/beef/pork, upwards of 30-40 grams worth

    And assorted foods that go with my dinner that contain a bit of protein. That usually nets me over 115 grams a day.
  • Youngcris
    Youngcris Posts: 34 Member
    Low fat turkey and low fat cottage cheese are my favorites that add a big punch.
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    I'll make a drink of a cup of skim milk and a scoop of whey protein. That gives me 200-300 some calories and around 30g of protein.
    Almond milk has more protein and calcium than a cup of skim milk. The unsweetened is 30 calories and great for smoothies.
    I heard that PB2 is really good with less fat than PB. Lot of people use it for low-cal smoothies or dessert.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    work out your total protein target. Take a small amount off. Divide by no. of meals you have per day. That is how much you should have in each meal. If you are lower in one, you will need more in another.

    You can get small amounts of protein in plenty of snack foods too.

    That gives me 40 g per meal, approximately. So my 100 grams of scrambled egg (3 eggs) gave me 11 protein. So I would need to eat a dozen eggs for breakfast?? I know that's not really a realistic meal, lol, but it just seems way to much?

    1 egg has 6g of protein. 2 whole eggs and some egg whites is how I would do it. Or add bacon.

    And I know people that regularly eat a dozen eggs for breakfast :smile:
  • jamiesokd
    jamiesokd Posts: 99 Member
    work out your total protein target. Take a small amount off. Divide by no. of meals you have per day. That is how much you should have in each meal. If you are lower in one, you will need more in another.

    You can get small amounts of protein in plenty of snack foods too.

    That gives me 40 g per meal, approximately. So my 100 grams of scrambled egg (3 eggs) gave me 11 protein. So I would need to eat a dozen eggs for breakfast?? I know that's not really a realistic meal, lol, but it just seems way to much?

    1 egg has 6g of protein. 2 whole eggs and some egg whites is how I would do it. Or add bacon.

    And I know people that regularly eat a dozen eggs for breakfast :smile:

    I thought I was supposed to weigh everything, and not use generics like 1 egg is 6 g.?
  • servicedograiser
    servicedograiser Posts: 38 Member
    Get a good whey protein powder.

    I use eidpro. When I add 1/2 scoop (15 g) to my Greek yogurt with a little water...goes from 12 to 24g of protein. Add it to oatmeal likewise. Also good for shakes and smoothies.

    Consider investing in protein shots -- 42g or 26 g, as well as ready to drink whey shakes six star 20g or premier protein 30g. for times when you are too tired or rushed to eat.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    For me:

    protein powder
    eggs/egg whites
    quest bars
    cottage cheese
    greek yogurt
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    OPen diary

    200+ grams of protein daily

    Feel free to look.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Can't wait to check out the websites and links!
  • TiberiusClaudis
    TiberiusClaudis Posts: 423 Member
    I put protein powder in just about everything I drink...including get floaters (whey) but it all taste great.

    If your macros allow, Choc Milk is awesome..but darn it..usually full of sugar unless you find the right brands.

    Chicken is just about king in my eyes...low calories, high protein. Fish is similar but not that big of fan.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    work out your total protein target. Take a small amount off. Divide by no. of meals you have per day. That is how much you should have in each meal. If you are lower in one, you will need more in another.

    You can get small amounts of protein in plenty of snack foods too.

    That gives me 40 g per meal, approximately. So my 100 grams of scrambled egg (3 eggs) gave me 11 protein. So I would need to eat a dozen eggs for breakfast?? I know that's not really a realistic meal, lol, but it just seems way to much?

    1 egg has 6g of protein. 2 whole eggs and some egg whites is how I would do it. Or add bacon.

    And I know people that regularly eat a dozen eggs for breakfast :smile:

    I thought I was supposed to weigh everything, and not use generics like 1 egg is 6 g.?

    I'd say I weigh pretty much everything except eggs :smile: Some you can visually see are a bit smaller but I always get free range and seem basically the same size.

    I always weigh egg whites that I get in a carton.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    2 scoops whey 50
    1 cup 2% greek yogurt 23
    8oz lean meats 60



  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    protein shakes
    protein bar
    greek yogurt
    I can hit around 100 with protein shake each day, greek yogurt, and meat with lunch and dinner.

    I'm supposed to hit 131 according to Mfp, so I'm guessing protein powder or shakes would be essential?

    No. I hit over 200 often without bars or powders.. They have their place.. but are not essential.
  • chelsealeah0423
    chelsealeah0423 Posts: 2 Member
    Most people here seem to be missing the vegetable protein sources along with meat. like 2 eggs and 2 cups of lightly steamed spinach, or brussell sprouts.

    It's really not a MEAT MEAT MEAT DAIRY game when it comes to protein...
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Most people here seem to be missing the vegetable protein sources along with meat. like 2 eggs and 2 cups of lightly steamed spinach, or brussell sprouts.

    It's really not a MEAT MEAT MEAT DAIRY game when it comes to protein...

    Last time I checked eggs, cheese, yogurt, shakes and protein powders were not classified as meat.. did something change?

    yes you can get protein from vegetable, but not as much. You want high protein satisfying meals add chicken (or even steak) to that omelet above. :)
  • leodru
    leodru Posts: 321 Member
    I hit 171 grams yesterday - sources were:

    shaved turkey 4 slices 200gram 15g
    more shaved turkey 4 slices 200gram 15g
    Naan bread - 8g
    cheese - 5g
    Greek yogurt - 8g
    Sirloin steak 6 ounces - 33g
    quinos and black bean salad (1/2 cup) - 6g
    200 grams of chicken breast - 46
    1% milk - 9g
    and miscellaneous other items.

    Hope that helps. Oatmeal helps too.
  • leodru
    leodru Posts: 321 Member
    i also use chocolate vegan protein powder (cant handle the whey or i would) that gives 17g a scoop. good blended with water, ice, strawberries and half a banana.
  • leodru
    leodru Posts: 321 Member
    One more - i use Clif bars in a pinch (like stuck at work) - 10g protein but 250 calories - use sparingly.
  • BobOki
    BobOki Posts: 245 Member
    I cannot NOT hit my protein.... I have issues hitting my fiber though.
    I guess being a Meatasaurus.. or a Meatatarian might have something to do with that....
  • Rocky52985
    Rocky52985 Posts: 3 Member
    I've also been having the same problem, so I've started adding in a whey protein shake. I'm still coming in under my protein, but it's been better and not as much of a deficit in that department.