Workouts with S/O?



  • PteFabulous
    PteFabulous Posts: 16 Member
    I workout with my boyfriend on occasion, but I'm comfortable being in the weight room by myself. Honestly, there's no need to be worried about being one of the few women in the weight room, no one is going to look at you funny. Guys are not a judgey as girls lol. I have done my partners work out a few times, but I didn't love what he does. We usually go to the gym together but I'll do my own thing and have him spot me when the sets gets heavy. We also run together at the gym on side by side treadmills which works out well because we can go at our own paces, but since he runs faster then me it's a great motivator to get me to keep increasing my speed every few days.

    I like going to the gym with my SO since we are both busy people, it's just more time we can spend together while getting things done at the same time.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    We never work out together. My husband is not an expert on weightlifting, and neither am I, but it bugs the hell out of me when he offers suggestions or corrects my form. Unsolicited opinions are not good when it comes to our relationship!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    We never work out together. My husband is not an expert on weightlifting, and neither am I, but it bugs the hell out of me when he offers suggestions or corrects my form. Unsolicited opinions are not good when it comes to our relationship!

    why must one be an expert to give advice? maybe he's just seeing something that is slightly wrong and could use some correction.

    unless he's being a d!ck. that's different.
  • ktg503
    ktg503 Posts: 20
    And to the OP: seriously, work out alone - a SO will just be a distraction. My dog just lies on the couch while I work out. We exercise together when we go on walks but generally a dog will just get in the way, and your SO will also get in the way. Don't be so clingy!

    lolololololol I like the assertion that I'm clingy - like I said, the boyfriend and I have opposite work schedules, so I see him about an hour or two a day, and we LIVE together.

    To everyone else, thanks for sharing your experiences. I've lifted heavy in the past under the supervision of a pro so I know I have decent form - I'll just suck up the self-consciousness at the new gym and get it done.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    You're not allowed to hit on Your clients at a gym. People should be able to work out without sexual comments being made or their *kitten* being grabbed by the staff.

    And to the OP: seriously, work out alone - a SO will just be a distraction. My dog just lies on the couch while I work out. We exercise together when we go on walks but generally a dog will just get in the way, and your SO will also get in the way. Don't be so clingy!

    Don't listen to this crap. Sounds like bitterness. My husband and I go for walks and runs together frequently and the company makes exercise more pleasant. It also has brought us closer as a couple!
  • Catfriend25
    Catfriend25 Posts: 95
    You shouldn't live with someone if You're not married - You are dishonouring the sanctity of marriage.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    No. Just like my shower time is my own time (I can't believe the amount of moms who take their baby or child into the bath with them) I don't want to workout with a kid or husband. You can't pocus on yourself if you're taking care of someone else.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    You shouldn't live with someone if You're not married - You are dishonouring the sanctity of marriage.

    What century do you live in? You really seem to have some relationship issues that you're taking out on others.
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    I met my husband at a powerlifting meet. We were both competing in it. Naturally we train together and have, over time, built a gym in our basement. 95% of the time it's good because we've now been together for years and have seen each other get better, get injured and change technique. We know each other well enough to know when to push it and when to lay off of each other. Sometimes though, I get pissy when he's calling depth on my squats and they aren't good or I'm thinking about program changes and he's picking them apart.

    I know a number of couples that compete and train together and they all have different dynamics. Try it out and see if you like it. Give it time though. Our training relationship, like our marriage, was built over time and they are different things.
  • tquill
    tquill Posts: 300 Member
    My wife and I work out and do the same weight lifting routine together.

    As for her being a distraction... we've been married 4+ years, I think we can handle an hour and a half of non-sexy-time.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    You're not allowed to hit on Your clients at a gym. People should be able to work out without sexual comments being made or their *kitten* being grabbed by the staff.

    And to the OP: seriously, work out alone - a SO will just be a distraction. My dog just lies on the couch while I work out. We exercise together when we go on walks but generally a dog will just get in the way, and your SO will also get in the way. Don't be so clingy!

    You are comparing her SO to a dog? Because that is certainly what is sounds like what you are doing!

    OP - I would go ahead and go with him. He can help you get started in learning property technique and form and give you good pointers. Don't be afraid of being the only lady there. Maybe you will make some of the other men there wish their ladies would come workout with them. :smile:
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    We never work out together. My husband is not an expert on weightlifting, and neither am I, but it bugs the hell out of me when he offers suggestions or corrects my form. Unsolicited opinions are not good when it comes to our relationship!

    why must one be an expert to give advice? maybe he's just seeing something that is slightly wrong and could use some correction.

    unless he's being a d!ck. that's different.

    Hehe, he's not being a d!ck, or not intentionally anyway. He's just the type that if he knows a little more about something than I do, he's not shy to let me know it. This goes for other things as well, like cooking.

    And I just don't do well with criticism, unless I ask for it specifically. :-)
  • peacelovelose
    peacelovelose Posts: 63 Member
    I work out with my boyfriend. It's a great way to spend time doing something together.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You shouldn't live with someone if You're not married - You are dishonouring the sanctity of marriage.

  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    My lifting and cardio sessions with my husband are my favorite! We push each other, we can spot one another if need be, and we just generally have a good time. He's my best friend and a damn good lifting partner/trainer so why wouldn't I want to work out with him?

    Besides, I can give him kisses during rests and make sexual innuendos. That's like all my favorite things combined!
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    You shouldn't live with someone if You're not married - You are dishonouring the sanctity of marriage.

  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    You shouldn't live with someone if You're not married - You are dishonouring the sanctity of marriage.

  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member

    Besides, I can give him kisses during rests and make sexual innuendos. That's like all my favorite things combined!

    Exactly. We've spent many training sessions goofing around and dirty dancing in the rack.
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    I love working out with my hubby - even though we both go together, put in our headphones and ignore each other for our whole session lol. It is nice to feel accomplished together, afterwards. And then we can hop in the shower! :>

    Plus if I don't go (like these past few days after my surgery I haven't gone) he doesn't feel inclined to go either, so I like being motivated for both of us. It's a good habit to get into together, even if you're doing your own thing.
  • ktg503
    ktg503 Posts: 20
    Who knew a thread about working out with my boyfriend would devolve into me getting told off for my living situation? :bigsmile: