Did you lose weight after having the Mirena taken out?



  • So far I've gained :-(
    Had mirena out for 3 weeks and hunger has been through the roof. Still waiting for proper totm and hoping after that I'll lose this weight.
  • galooshka28
    galooshka28 Posts: 31 Member
    I had it out a month ago still have lactating breasts and only lost 0,5 kg. I had mirena inserted a year ago in march was wondering why i was gaining weight . I am active cycling all the time and walking and lead a healthy lifestyle.In a year a gained about 12 kilos and i never been as heavy in my whole life even after having 2 kids :angry: I am still feeling dizzy and started taking multivitamins to help my body to recover.
  • I was beginning to think I was alone and my thoughts about Mirena were crazy! I just had my Mirena removed today! I gave up on it shortly after having my thyroid tested and my results coming back wnl. My NP told me that since I am working out 5 to 6 days a week for 45 min each session and tracking my calories that if my thyroid test came back okay it was probably my mirena causing all my issues:
    1. lack of sex drive
    2. hair falling out in chunks
    3. intermittent abdominal pain and nausea
    4. lack of energy
    6. oily skin- which I have never had

    So I went to the OB-NP and had it taken out. When discussing with her about mirena and not losing weight, she said I don't think it is the mirena. When I asked her what she thought it could be, based on my normal thyroid, not on any meds and my lifestyle efforts, she was unsure. hmmmm.................

    I am just really hoping that having this removed is going to get me back on weight loss track, that my hair will stop falling out in large handfuls and well all the above listed!

    Its just nice to know from reading other posts that THERE ARE OTHERS OUT THERE THAT HAVE SOME OF THE SAME ISSUES.
  • nnix64
    nnix64 Posts: 21 Member
    I have my 3rd Mirena in right now! Yup I have had one that long! I'm 49 and Love never having a period and my sex drive has only gotten better! Weight gain last year came from eating too much and never exercising. Now I'm back on track and losing. I have recommended it to all my friends. Mine is due to be changed out in March of 2015 so I will get another at that time and hopefully it wil take me all the way through menopause!
  • Reneewallace76
    Reneewallace76 Posts: 2 Member
    Im 37. I had two mirenas for nine years and I was one who liked it. I lost weight. I didnt have periods. I had it taken out bc we decided to have a baby. Thats when the problems came. Ive always had migraines so I dont blame the mirena for them but they were worse because of them plus im super dilligent with my diet and exercise and I continue to gain weight no matter what. What a racket! Im not stuffing my face, actually my nutritionist says I have to eat more n learning how to eat more has been weird. Im not sueing anyone but I wanted to show how it could go from being great to being a real pain in the neck. (I lost most of my vision from the severe migraines)
  • monatawad
    monatawad Posts: 2 Member
    Omg can so relate to the messages had mirena in just over a year ago put on 15kg like everyone else watching what I'm eating 1000 calories exercising loads . No difference at all! Just had it taken out a week ago tummy cramps but no period yet hope I lose the weight ! Going to continue watching what I eat but not going to exercise much want to see if it's the mirena
    I was 59 kg perfect size 8/10 now I'm 75 kg and can hardly fit in to a 12!

    I had so much condecending attitude from the drs that I'm getting old (I'm 34) matabolisim slows what am I really eating !!!!
    My whole life struggled to put on weight! Only in pregnancy put on max 15 kg in my first 10 kg in my 2nd lost all in 3 months both times!

    Then I got coil fitted I have also had every possible blood test
    Apparently very healthy blood results

    Will see if weight drops!
    Can't wait!
  • cwolf4
    cwolf4 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. I have no idea if any of those symptoms were caused by the mirena, but there is a copper iud out there with no hormones. It wont take away your period, but it also won't chemically mess with you as much. I was surprised no one mentioned it on this thread.
  • arainiday1
    arainiday1 Posts: 1,763 Member
    I am on IUD number 3.... second mirena now. the last time i lost a bunch of weight (64lbs back in 2006-2008) i had my first mirena. i loved it. i got another one in january this year and am not having any trouble losing weight. it just takes time. i had more of an issue with birth control pills then witn mirena. i saw you had it removed. good luck. i know everyone if different. my BFF had one and had all sorts of trouble with it.
  • arainiday1
    arainiday1 Posts: 1,763 Member
    Hello. I have no idea if any of those symptoms were caused by the mirena, but there is a copper iud out there with no hormones. It wont take away your period, but it also won't chemically mess with you as much. I was surprised no one mentioned it on this thread.

    Yep, the copper one lasts 10 years too! I had that one also and it made my periods very heavy and painful so thats when i got my first mirena
  • jlgab345
    jlgab345 Posts: 1 Member
    I've had Mirena for 7 years, had a 2nd inserted 2years ago. Like many of you, I loved it and told everyone I knew all about it, mostly because I had no period or only very light spotting. I can't believe it took me 7 years to figure out it was actually wrecking my life!

    I always attributed weight gain to poor choices, too much intake, lack of exercise, and I had equal success losing weight when I really tried. But I did gain almost all in my stomach.

    My other symptoms were the main issue and it literally took me 7 years to figure it out, because they were for the most part progressive. Horrible cystic acne usually once every other month and back acne. Followed by short-term memory loss/brain fog, constant hair loss, multiple yeast infections a year, never ending discharge, Zero sex drive, mood swing and total lack of patience, low energy, weird hair growth on jawline. I never got depressed thankfully, but I have been completely mentally absent from my family's life for years now. I can't even believe my husband has put up with me all of these years. I never once asked any of my doctors about any of the issues.

    I had my Mirena removed two days ago and had a tubal, ablation and urethral sling placed at the same time. I'm truly looking forward to getting my life back if the Mirena was in fact causing those issues. Because I just had pretty extensive procedures I'm not sure I see any difference yet but I will try to come back and post an update over the next few weeks.
  • Okiedokiez
    Okiedokiez Posts: 17 Member
    I just got Mirena for the first time on April 2nd. Almost 2 weeks ago, according to my doctor very little hormones enter your body. She told me that most of the hormones released stay in the uterus. not sure how true this is. I've lost 1.8 lbs since getting it. It really hasn't affected my diet/appetite or cravings however I am irritable at times. I am spotting, then suddenly I'm bleeding, then I'm back to normal. It's kind of frustrating. I got it because I bleed heavily not for birth control. My husband had a vasectomy so I don't really need birth control. In my situation I would not be able to use a copper IUD. My last 2 dinners ended up getting flushed in the toilet, apparently some of the less common side effects are nausea and vomiting...and just my luck I got them :sick: I'm just hoping my body adjusts to it soon.
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 286 Member
    I had it for two years and its the only bc that didnt make me hormonal crazy but I had to take it out because Istarted getting bladder infections left and right. But I didnt gain any weight why I was on it or afterwards
  • monicapatituccijones
    monicapatituccijones Posts: 68 Member
    I have a Mirena, and it's hard to say whether it resulted in me being unable to drop the last 10 lbs of baby weight. I'm still nursing, so that might be part of it. Also, I needed to put down the goddamn fork. Now that I'm counting calories, I'm losing weight.
  • kat44849
    kat44849 Posts: 1
    I am having Morena taken out in 17days I hope to god I lose this weight. In 5 months I put on 25lbs, got acne and am losing hair. Never weighed this much in life an have changed nothing but having mirena in. I've been to doc 3 previous times asking it to be removed because of continuous period and finally threatened to take it out myself. This is the worst birth control ever. I put on weight and am to embarrassed to have sex now! Don't need birth control at this point. Very disappointed.
  • nicholep1
    nicholep1 Posts: 1
    Reading your posts, I cannot wait until next Friday 5/9 for my appointment. I just got my $1000 bill after my ER visit back in March due to an ovarian cyst rupture. I am currently cramping right now badly and I think another one ruptured Thursday night as I was getting ready for bed. (Symptoms were similar to that of my ER visit) I have gained at least 10-15 lbs since I had the Mirena put in in May 2013. My activity level actually increased greatly during the Summer of 2013 as I started running and participated in my first two of what I hope to be many 5K's. I kept it up all Summer and only slowed it way down due to the horrible long/cold Winter. I started back up again in March but have had trouble running now due to all the cramping and discomfort I constantly feel. I am participating in another 5K next Saturday, but with the way I feel today, no way will I be able to run. I have been to the doctor 3 times prior to my ER visit with various infections. I never want to self diagnose myself with what I read online, but I do think Mirena is the source of my misery. Considering all the other tests they did during my ER visit, everything was normal, except for the fluid that was in my pelvic region that showed up on the CAT scan. Prior to Mirena, I had been very healthy, hardly any doctor visits. Please wish me luck, I really am nervous about the doctor not agreeing with me. But I know my body, and it HAS to be Mirena related...
  • galooshka28
    galooshka28 Posts: 31 Member
    I had my mirena removed about 2 months ago.Still have the weight and dizziness. Also it has messed up my periods.There is not a real period at all just spotting every month. Before I had the mirena I had very heavy periods. I am still moody and have lactating breasts. I am not pregnant as I am doing pregnancy tests regularly.
  • twabel1031
    twabel1031 Posts: 3
    Have you seen any weight loss post mirena? It's been 4 months post mirena for me and none yet. It's so depressing. I do yoga and eat clean, and nothing is happening!!!! ????????
  • galooshka28
    galooshka28 Posts: 31 Member
    I haven't lost anything I cycle and count calories. Still got massive belly and lactating breasts. I just want to return back to normal very frustrating.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Hi, new here but not new to the diet/excercise world. I had my son in July 2010. About a week after he was born, I weighed in at 6 lbs less than I weighed before I got pregnant with him. 5 weeks later I got a mirena put in. I have gain 20 lbs since then, have extreme insomnia as in I rarely go to bed before sun up. Thank god my husband is home in the mornings to watch our son while I sleep. I have had bouts of anxiety and depression. I crave nothing healthy at all which is very unusual for me, especially in the summer. I also am not ever hungry until the late afternoon and then I just eat whatever. I gained the 20 lbs over about 3 months after getting the iud. About 6 months ago I wnet on Atkins hard core and started a three day a week/ 1hr workout program with a workout instructor and after a solid month on both, I didn't lose a single pound. That is unheard of for me, on any diet plan I can typically drop 5 lbs a week for the first month and then I drop back to like 2 lbs a week. After that huge let down and the let down from my midwife telling me over and over to just give it more time not to have my iud removed. I just gave up. I figured screw it, its not coming off, my midwife is pressuring me hard core to keep this thing in, so whatever, guess ill lose weight when I'm ready to get pregnant again. Well, I've not lost or gained a single pound since and I don't work out at all and like I said before, I eat whatever I want once or twice a day and I'm at the highest weight I've ever been which is about 70 lbs higher than the range I hovered at for the majority years. Now I'm fed up and really thinking I'm going to go to planned parenthood and just ask them to take it out and just not go back to my midwife until I'm pregnant again in a few years. She'll forget all about it. So I am thinking that I can expect to atleast have the sleep/anxiety/depression and cramping after sex which I never have because that drive has been shot too, poor husband, cleared up and maybe lose the 20 lbs I've been storing since I got it. I don't mind working at the other 50 lbs, that's easy as long as it is actually coming off. Its when your working your butt off and not a damn thing happens that's hard. Working out and eating right is so easy when your seeing results, you start to crave that burn because of the results and I used to crave things like chicken salad and watermellon like it was going out of style, now its just non breaded hot wings, whole milk, and chicken strips with ranch/barbique sauce. I once went a year eating nothing but caeser salad followed by a year of avocado chicken salad. Now the thought of salad just is not appetizing at all.

    Anyway, anyone have issues like this that were cleared up by removing the IUD?

    Sheesh woman, what are you waiting for? GET RID OF IT!

    Go on some other form of contraception! You don't have to have that. Go on something like the mini pill and forget this hideous thing.

    And as to your midwife, she's there to do what YOU tell HER to do, not the other way around. She's there to help you get babies out and otherwise bugger off.
  • fknlardarse
    fknlardarse Posts: 210 Member
    I see the original post is 3years old, I'd love to know how you're doing now if you're still on MFP.

    I had a mirena coil several years ago, I ended up fat, spotty and grumpy! So grumpy! Took a while to wonder if it was the mirena, did some research, had it taken out, actively changed my diet (no motivation to do so while I had the coil) and the weight and spots disappeared.

    I'm glad I found this thread, I was never really sure if the weight gain and spots were truly down to the mirena, my doc persuaded me to have another one fitted (appointment tomorrow) as my periods are getting heavier as I get older and all I could really remember were the wonderfully light periods but this has reminded me that no way I'm risking putting on weight and getting grumpy again! Appointment cancelled, I'm staying hormone free!
