PYB: Post your breakfast!



  • melissat888250
    melissat888250 Posts: 79 Member
    1/2 of a sun-dried tomato bagel
    3 slices of deli ham
    1 egg, microwaved for 30 seconds

    The egg ended up only covering half of my half a bagel, so I only ate a quarter of the bagel. There was supposed to be some cheese on this open faced breakfast sandwich, but loving SO forgot it on his grocery quest this weekend.
  • wanttolose40lbs
    wanttolose40lbs Posts: 239 Member
    Steel cut oatmeal packet made with skim milk, 1 tsp sugar, cinnamon
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I don't do photos or I'd have posted one, but I had an egg taco with veggie bacon and green tomato relish on it, and my standard cup of coffee with almond milk. Very tasty breakfast under 200 cal.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    2 eggs, scrambled with a splash of 2% milk, Franks Red Hot sauce on top
    2 slices pre-sliced ham from Aldi (I love Aldi)
    3 cups coffee with splenda (1 with a splash of 2% milk, the other 2 with 1 of those mini 1/2 & 1/2 creamer tubs)

    Totals: 250 calories, 25g protein
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    1/4 cup Bear Naked Honey Almond Protein granola
    1 Tbsn peanut butter (Skippy natural)
    1 banana

    Keeps me full til I can eat my Indian food leftovers for lunch! Nom nom naan!
  • trishfit2014
    trishfit2014 Posts: 304 Member
    One whole egg, one cup of egg whites with just a little milk, red pepper scrambled in butter with some turkey sausage,.
  • renegadegeek
    renegadegeek Posts: 24 Member
    Decaf coffee, black
    1 slice of cantaloupe
    ~ 2 scrambled eggs, made with ghee and almond milk
    Spinach and arugula (1/2 cup each, before cooking), sauteed in coconut oil and about a tablespoon of raw sprouts on top
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    1 cup of mixed fresh fruit (pineapple, cantaloupe, mango, grapes
    2 cups of black coffee
    1 banana if I'm hungry after the fruit bowl.

    For a while I was eating pre-made frittatas that I whipped up one Sunday afternoon. I'm not very hungry this morning because I'm a little hungover from a late brunch yesterday (yikes).

    ive never even heard of frittatas! haha. i'm gonna look that up. and wow, doyou get your protein later in the day? are you vegetarian/vegan? i just ask because i'm so used to getting protein immediately when i wake up haha

    Frittatas are like quiche without crust. I made mine with eggs, low-fat half-n-half, spinach, red onion, bell peppers, feta, and some spices (I think cayenne and basil with a little parsley, and minced garlic). I weighed every ingredient and divided it into the total number of frittatas (cooked in a mini-pie pan) to get that each one was 82 calories. Then I kept about 5-6 in the fridge and the rest in the freezer in individual ziplock bags.

    As for protein, I eat a relatively early lunch (11 am) every day and get plenty of protein between lunch and dinner. I'm not really a hungry morning person. I always bring my fruit/frittatas with me to work and eat them after I've had at least one of my cups of coffee. I wake up at 5:40-6:20 and don't eat until 8:30.
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    I eat a breakfast burritos almost every week days:

    - 1 high fiber tortilla from La Tortilla Factory
    - 2 or 3 egg whites
    - 1/4 red bell pepper, diced
    - 1 green onion, thinly sliced
    - 20g of cheddar, grated
    - Hot sauce

    If we have some leftover meat (chicken, turkey, beef or lean deli meat), i'll had a bit of those too, so it cranks up the protein content. This morning, we had some leftover grilled corn, so I add about a tablespoon of those with the veggies, with a slice of deli turkey breast roast.

    296 cals, 24g of carbs, 11g of fat and 24g of protein. And add about 12 calories for the nice espresso my fiancé makes every mornings.

    I find this breakfast quite balanced.
  • willowdragonfly
    willowdragonfly Posts: 64 Member
    Coffee with Cream and sugar *sorry i'm an addict* =)
    4 oz fresh strawberries
    2 egg whites
    2 pieces of 35 calories bread "One with honey and the other I ate with the eggs"
  • RebeccaP1972
    RebeccaP1972 Posts: 101 Member
    I'm not a huge breakfast eater... I had a boiled egg and some fresh strawberries oh yeah I had to stop at sonic for my large Un-sweet iced tea to drink on at work.
  • ness8484
    ness8484 Posts: 42 Member
    I had my normal Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino (9.5oz) bottle and a Quaker Chewy peanut butter and choclate chip granola bar. We are having a Cinco de Mayo pitch-in at work today so I'm planning to not eat very well so I didn't want to over do breakfast.
  • blackizbutiful
    blackizbutiful Posts: 103 Member
    already ate it but it was half of a medium canteloupe
  • skyekeeper
    skyekeeper Posts: 286 Member
    Raspberry yogurt
    Nutrition Wholesome Nut mix and
    1/2 fresh blueberries
  • pinkshiningstar
    pinkshiningstar Posts: 140 Member
    I already ate mine... but...

    Light English Muffin w/ PB2 and strawberry jam
    Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Banana Cream Whey

    Nom nom!!

    Happy Monday, All!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Greek yogurt mixed with tsp of whey protein and kashi go lean
    Egg/Spinach muffin
    lots of coffee
  • KGray12385
    KGray12385 Posts: 11 Member
    Overnight oats (mix and let sit in the fridge overnight): 1c plain Greek yogurt, 1/4c old fashioned oats, 1 packet Truvia, 1c berries. Yum!
  • trinity5703
    trinity5703 Posts: 78
    Srambled egg
    2 slices of whole wheat toast with strawberry jam
    5 oz of greek yogurt
    4 oz of fresh pineapple. ( like to dip it in my yogurt)
    24 oz of water.

    Snack time will be a fresh pear :)
  • Siegeljanet
    Siegeljanet Posts: 31 Member
    100 grams spinach chopped,
    mixed with a handful of fresh basil leaves,
    and two large eggs,
    seasoned with garlic,
    fried in one teaspoon olive oil,
    served with 125 grams 5% fat cottage cheese.
    330 calories.