Where is everyone from?



  • Nova Scotia, Canada
  • Plattsburgh NY UPSTATE!!!
  • thelima
    thelima Posts: 234
    Former Texan (San Antonio/Hill Country), now in Alexandria, VA (just across the river from DC)

    ::waves to new folks::
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I am the only Montana to post so far? Yeah we have LOT"S of snow and I am darn sick of it!! It's more work bundling up and then taking it all off than the actual jog itself!! Spring is around the corner right?????
  • angelsandwolves09
    angelsandwolves09 Posts: 264 Member
    So far I'm the only one from Tennessee!! Down by Memphis to be exact! No snow, Just cold, windy partly cloudy days!! lol Miss the Michigan snow!! Was up there for almost 2 years. Anyone down here by me?? I could use some new buddies!! :)

    I live in Nashville, TN but I'm from Texas.

    It's about time we got some TN love!! lol Nashville is like 2 1/2 hours from where I am!!

    Seems I am between both of you. Little closer to Memphis though. I live in a small town on the outskirts of Jackson, Tennessee. I have always lived here and plan on staying put.

    I'm not quite at Memphis. In a little podunk town called Bolivar. Grew up here, moved away for about 2 years...and had to come back home...lol
  • christylynnrn
    christylynnrn Posts: 32 Member
    Plainview, TX.....about halfway between Amarillo and Lubbock. Grew up in Panhandle (yeah its a town). Gotta love the area of the Texas Panhandle......always windy, and constantly changing. We had snow in November, then 70's in December, now been down in the 30's for a few days but no snow.
  • sabrina_11
    sabrina_11 Posts: 28 Member
    Bay Minette, Alabama....would LOVE some snow!! :)
  • Jinji
    Jinji Posts: 20 Member
    Portland, Oregon, the River City! We've got sun today and the rain's stopped for a hot second, so I'm having a happy day.
  • philip31
    philip31 Posts: 57 Member
    Little ol New Zealand.. Nice hot and sunny here at the moment :)
  • I grew up in a "village" of less than 600 people near Cleveland, Ohio. Been in tucson arizona for the past three years! LOVE the weather here (and the guys ;))

    Any chance that was "Orange Village"? I used to live there yrs ago!
  • So far I'm the only one from Tennessee!! Down by Memphis to be exact! No snow, Just cold, windy partly cloudy days!! lol Miss the Michigan snow!! Was up there for almost 2 years. Anyone down here by me?? I could use some new buddies!! :)

    I live in Nashville, TN but I'm from Texas.
    HI All - I live in Cosby, TN - almost at the NC line. and close to Gatlinburg! Cold and sunny here today!

    It's about time we got some TN love!! lol Nashville is like 2 1/2 hours from where I am!!

    Seems I am between both of you. Little closer to Memphis though. I live in a small town on the outskirts of Jackson, Tennessee. I have always lived here and plan on staying put.

    I'm not quite at Memphis. In a little podunk town called Bolivar. Grew up here, moved away for about 2 years...and had to come back home...lol
  • parakeet
    parakeet Posts: 28 Member
    I am from Monroe,NY 48 miles away from NYC!I hate the winter:(Can't wait for spring to come and do my workout outside again:)
  • Mwuahaha New Zealand! Super hot and sunny....trying to work on a tan, but not ready for a bikini!

    that's so unfair, I'm from Queensland and it's been raining for WEEKS! Everyone's flooded in too...

    It's usually around 35-40 and it's been around 25 the whole time.. Siiiigh.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    *bump* still no one from Vegas??? not even Nevada?!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    sorry for double :)
  • Cumming, GA (don't laugh...it's a real town)

    That's funny! So how does the Chamber promote tourism to the area? Sounds like a good place to visit now and then!

    Here in Michigan we have towns of Climax and also Hell. Can anyone top those?

    Toad suck Arkansas
  • Southampton, Hampshire, England, Britian (note i have not used United Kingdom/UK or "Great") not in Europe, Europe is to the right, the big bit, they speak funny,
  • noiinteam
    noiinteam Posts: 92 Member
    Fort Wayne Indiana ...... cold as usual
  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    Born, raised, and still living in SE Minnesota! I live in a little town of 800 people about 25 miles north of Rochester MN. I love small town living excpet that everyone knows what you have done before you do it! BTW we have lots of snow too! -15 degrees here yesterday.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Southern California (Northern OC)

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