21 Day Fix - what is so special about it?



  • joyfulhappyheart
    joyfulhappyheart Posts: 63 Member
    PJ-- I may be imagining things, but I sense alot of hostility in that post. Was that towards me or the Beachbody 21 day fix program?
    (and I'm having a really bad day-- putting dog to sleep tomorrow night, so today is full of tears with the kiddos, so maybe I'm just being ovesenstivie?)

    I am NOT a beachbody counselor or salesperson or "coach"
    I have my reasons for purchasing 21 day fix. None worth typing out, as I seriously doubt it would matter ot the people hwo seem to hate this program yet post in these threads....

    Have you tried it? Did it fail for you? If you have tried it and have innput, please let me know. I'd love to hear it. If you never touched the program, how can you know how bad it is?

    Not defending it myself, as I haven't tried it yet.

    I will say my life is so stressful busy and crazy, I need something that doesn't require thinking, or weighing on scales, or learning anything. I need it so simple my child could follow it== because some days I'm so stressed out that's all the brain cells I seem to have available at any given moment. lol

    Sorry for typos-- holding sick dog and emotional kiddo while typing and dora the explorer singing is driving me to distraction. LOL.
  • I just purchased this program and I just finished day 2. Not sure what the results are going to be like because its only been 2 days but I can tell you I am already sore and my muscles are definitely feeling it. I have done various workout videos in the past including insanity and the Jillian Michael's 3 month program. A lot of the moves in the 21 day fix are similar to those included in the videos created by Jillian Michaels but I will provide an update when I am further along.
  • astylla
    astylla Posts: 118 Member
    I just don't think these types of plans work long term. We all have such different needs depending on health history , age , pre-existing possible conditions , vegetarian/vegan/gluten free , etc. I have so many FB friends who try to peddle this onto me and others and hey if you feel better and get results - that's great - but if I wanted to join I would seek out the information not be suckered in by a sales pitch.

    I've tried many different options to weight loss. Lowering my white/starchy carbs and increasing protein has worked the best for ME. This could have horrible or no positive effects for the poster above or below me. This is partly due to a medical condition I have. Does that program account for that ? I doubt it. I had to learn with trial and error what works. If I eat high protein in the first part of the day I have more energy and want to work out. If I limit myself too much I feel groggy. These programs are far too cookie cutter to cater to such a large group effectively.

    I think also people with significant weight to lose ( that is dependent on the person mind you) would have limited success.
    I had to teach myself how to eat well - not just for a week or month - but for a lifetime. I'm making lifestyle changes and that takes time. I hope those that do have success are able to transfer that over to a day to day thing so they don't gain the work they did. I just can't imagine paying for some drink or powder. I'd rather spend that money on fresh fruits , vegetables , meats and items I enjoy and learn to incorporate them together daily. If these shakes or diets went away tomorrow as in you had no way to access it or a community..could you do it alone ? That would be the single most important question in deciding for me.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Oh where to start... no you do not need to use these programs to lose weight. It is all up to personal preference.
    To the person who said that they save 5k by not doing shakeology really needs to do the math right and if you are going to claim to be a personal trainer and give advice as such then you need to do your research. Shakeology is $129 a month which adds up to a little more than about $1500 a year. That averages out to $4 a day.. That is less than a cup of coffee from Starbucks people. It just seems like a lot because it's all at once. However, once again it goes to personal preference. In my case, I love the shakeology, I've used protein shakes and other supplements for years before I got pregnant and they get old fast. Plus I never felt like I got an energy boost from the protein shakes or supplements even when I went to places like Max Muscle and had a whole thing done just for me. With shakeology, because it has the nutrients that you end up lacking from dieting you aren't miserable. It's no different than drinking something to get more electrolytes when you are dehydrated. Plus they offer a vegan option which I think is awesome! Once again it's about person preference.

    As for the Beachbody programs... No they are not the only way you can lose weight and to be honest yes the programs are amazing, but what makes it work even better is the HUGE support and community you get when you do them. There are even Facebook groups and you get a free coach. It's like having a personal trainer with you in your own home, but teaches YOU to have the will power. I think they are awesome, plus of you compare what you spend w these programs compared to what you will spend on a gym that let's face it most people don't actually use their memberships, the price really isn't bad.


    Niner does his research....

    Keep rock'n the sales pitch though.
  • CLA2801
    CLA2801 Posts: 50 Member
    I love how some people in this thread are acting like people are coming up and holding a GUN to their head and INSISTING that they buy the product.

    This response, in particular, is unnecessarily hostile and preposterous.
    I'm getting into the "rest of my life habit "of watching my calories, exercising and not smoking. No gimmicks, no funkified shakes, no spending money on pre-packaged foods, and I'm certainly not going to spend MORE to eat less! REALLY?

    ummm... good for you? Everybody has a different path in life to take. yes REALLY. Why open up a thread just to be negative and condescending about a product you don't own (and clearly know nothing about).
    So you're 21 days are up.... you've had someone do portion control FOR you. How is that getting YOU in the habit of portion control??? You now depend on these folks to hold your hand to lose weight. They will gladly do this for a PRICE.

    Learn portion control with a scale for a whole heck of a lot less money. Buy some tupperware or baggies for a lot less money. Buy a book on weight training, watch videos or buy a couple DVDs for a lot less money.

    This once again shows that you know LITERALLY nothing about it. YOU CAN CONTINUE TO USE THE CONTAINERS INDEFINITELY. It is NO different than using measuring cups and spoons.... which I'm assuming you use since you do track your calories here in MFP, right?

    I haven't had a cold in so long I don't remember. I spend most of my time around sick folks at work. What the hell has that got to do with some gimmicky eating program?

    About as much as your ****ty attitude and ignorance have to do with contributing to this thread.

  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Umm... yeah I'm NOT a coach, nor do I have any financial affiliation with Beachbody whatsoever. Go ahead and read my other posts.

    And then kindly GFY.

    How is this hostile....even more, how is it preposterous?
    I'm getting into the "rest of my life habit "of watching my calories, exercising and not smoking. No gimmicks, no funkified shakes, no spending money on pre-packaged foods, and I'm certainly not going to spend MORE to eat less! REALLY?

    You should probably settle down on the profanities, mods aren't really big on it.
  • I understand what you are saying but I want to offer a different perspective if that is okay. I am a firm believer in Shakeology but not for the reasons everybody would assume. Yes it is a great tool to assist with weight loss but I didn't start drinking it for that reason. I started because of my mother. She was a colon cancer survivor. She had a third of her colon removed and was told from that day forward she would have to live on a steady diet of anti-diarrhea medication in addition to fiber powder and veggies and anything to help absorb the extra water in her digestive system that causes diarrhea. No matter what we tried nothing worked and I can't tell you how many pairs of undies and outer pants she ruined because of accidents. A friend of ours suggested we try Shakeology. Of course we were skeptical. However mom was tired of downing anywhere from 6 to 12 Immodium a day. So we thought what the heck. Something amazing happened. There was something (we don't know what and to be honest we didn't care) in the Shakeology that worked for her. She went from 6 to 12 Immodium to at max 2 a day. She also got to the point where there were no more accidents. It replaced whatever it was she was missing to help her get back to leading a semi normal life again. Now I'm not saying it is a "cure all" for everything and everyone and if what you are doing is working for you then great. Keep up the good work. Just please don't discount the value of Shakeology totally.
  • joyfulhappyheart
    joyfulhappyheart Posts: 63 Member
    that's great that it helped your mother.

    I don't have a problem with it-- other than the price. I'm personally allergic, so it's not an option for me.

    I wonder why all these threads always go to shakeology when usually the intention of the thread is the PROGRAM. Not shakeology which is an optional tiny piece of the program.... (and it seems mostly the sellers that are glorifying it-- which makes it difficult to sort truth from sales pitch)
  • thqueenbe
    thqueenbe Posts: 2
    It's all in the difference between "losing weight" and "getting healthy" or "getting fit"

    Sure, calories in vs. calories out will help you lose weight. But then what?

    Shakeology & science-based, perfectly tuned workout PROGRAMS help you to get to the next level - healthy and fit. It's about NUTRITION and not just counting calories. It's about a diverse workout rather than running or walking every day.

    But, it's all about your goals...whatever makes sense!
  • MClarke32
    MClarke32 Posts: 1
    It's all in the difference between "losing weight" and "getting healthy" or "getting fit"

    Sure, calories in vs. calories out will help you lose weight. But then what?

    Shakeology & science-based, perfectly tuned workout PROGRAMS help you to get to the next level - healthy and fit. It's about NUTRITION and not just counting calories. It's about a diverse workout rather than running or walking every day.

    But, it's all about your goals...whatever makes sense!

    Losing weight/getting healthy/getting fit...shakeology helps NONE of these.

    Take your pitch somewhere else, salesman.

    I had to comment, HAHA!

    Nothing BB or Shakeology or whatever their gimmick of the quarter does you can't do alone.
    And all this advice on how cardio burns more calories then lifting... Lord, look where cardio has gotten you. Sheesh. All these BB drones crack me up.
  • alaskangrl99
    alaskangrl99 Posts: 1 Member
    On the topic of Shakeology, like grettaschay I am a firm believer in Shakeo, but not becuase of dieting or fitness goals. I was deployed recently and my stomach never did adjust to the food over there. I had constant issues with diarreah and nauseau and food poisoning like symptoms (I did get REAL food poisoning once or twice, but this was just a constant set of symptoms) A friend of mine hassled me and hassled me to get Shakeology because she knew it was loaded with nutrients to support gut health. About 6 months in I finally caved and thought "what the heck, why not try it"

    Within a few days most of my discomfort was gone. I would have one shake for lunch, and was able to eat a regular breakfast and dinner at the chow hall without being ill. I did notice a significant energy boost, although, that could simply have been because I was getting 3 full meals a day, rather than picking at things I hoped wouldn't make me sick all day.

    It IS an easy way for me to get a nutrient dense meal, for lower calories, and with almost no time invested which is huge for me. And Shakeology does fall in line with my fitness goals as well. For full disclosure, I am a coach, because I wanted the discount, but I haven't sold a single thing or pushed it on someone else. I am doing it for my own well being.
  • AxellFoley
    AxellFoley Posts: 1
    I will add, I'm excited about the 21 day fix, and have been since last fall, because I'm a LAZY food prepper. There, I said it! I waited for Christmas to get my food scale, and shocking, its still in the box. Will I use the containers and prep my meals that way? Its Up To Me. I'm Telling myself I WILL take that next step. I would imagine after time I'll have a better visual and keep at it, or I won't be so adverse to weighing my food.

    Lazy people Unite! I'm Excited about the 21 Day Fix and I hope I get a great group of people to join me because THAT accountability helps me.


    Have a great day!

    I'm a lazy food prepper too! Well, maybe not a lazy food prepper, but too busy. I need convenience!!! Single mom, 2 kids, career, take care of my mother.... It's all about the convenience for me! I really like the premeasured cups. If I could purchase the diet plan alone, I would. Right now I keep protein bars in my office and shakes in the fridge because of the convenience! Otherwise I'm hitting the fast-food drive thru or heading out to lunch with a co-worker, hoping to make wise choices.

    I'm guessing any 30 minute workout would be sufficient. I'm probably more excited to get the premeasured containers with diet plan to see how that will help. Plan my week of meals at one time. If I get bored with the DVD's or don't like them, I will move to any workout plan - Zumba, Jillian Michaels, P90X, etc...

    It clearly states that after 21 days, you will be motivate to do 21 days again, resulting in the great success stories. No surprise there, only common sense. It's a change of lifestyle! Not a 21 day fad. Short-term goal of 21 days - great mind set to be in. Just hang in for 21 days and you will be so happy with the results, you will add another 21 days.... eventually developing a more healthy lifestyle.

    Anyone have a success or failure story to share on the 21 Day Fix? Specifically with the diet portion?
  • manicrover
    manicrover Posts: 7
    As a Beachbody Coach, I agree with many of the posts here. There is no one necessary solution for everyone. Anyone that you can get fit is great. Probably the cheapest exercise is running, but even then you need to purchase running shoes. That said te 21 Day Fix is a great product. In the challenge groups I run, people get excited and invested in exercise and eating clean, many for the first time in their life. For my groups, shakeology is optional so you don't have to do that if you don't want too. People see amazing results especially for those who don't want to minutely track everything they eat..

    The other reason that this program works is nothing to do with the program...when you join a group you have a built in small community to keep you engaged. People notice if you're not there and you get support from a coach. None of which costs you another dime.

    The 21 day fix is getting a lot of hype but I will tell you that it works. If it's not for you....great....keep running, going to the gym, whatever. Beachbody products work, it's as simple as that. If you like them great, if not keep trying other exercise til you find the one that clicks for you. That's when you will become engaged. Anyway, my two cents
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    People, if you want premeasured containers - Rubbermaid. Available in grocery stores or Target. Can get several containers and an ice pack for $10-16. No need to spend $60 plus $13 in shipping for plastic containers.

  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    I will add, I'm excited about the 21 day fix, and have been since last fall, because I'm a LAZY food prepper. There, I said it! I waited for Christmas to get my food scale, and shocking, its still in the box. Will I use the containers and prep my meals that way? Its Up To Me. I'm Telling myself I WILL take that next step. I would imagine after time I'll have a better visual and keep at it, or I won't be so adverse to weighing my food.

    Lazy people Unite! I'm Excited about the 21 Day Fix and I hope I get a great group of people to join me because THAT accountability helps me.


    Have a great day!

    I'm a lazy food prepper too! Well, maybe not a lazy food prepper, but too busy. I need convenience!!! Single mom, 2 kids, career, take care of my mother.... It's all about the convenience for me! I really like the premeasured cups. If I could purchase the diet plan alone, I would. Right now I keep protein bars in my office and shakes in the fridge because of the convenience! Otherwise I'm hitting the fast-food drive thru or heading out to lunch with a co-worker, hoping to make wise choices.

    I'm guessing any 30 minute workout would be sufficient. I'm probably more excited to get the premeasured containers with diet plan to see how that will help. Plan my week of meals at one time. If I get bored with the DVD's or don't like them, I will move to any workout plan - Zumba, Jillian Michaels, P90X, etc...

    It clearly states that after 21 days, you will be motivate to do 21 days again, resulting in the great success stories. No surprise there, only common sense. It's a change of lifestyle! Not a 21 day fad. Short-term goal of 21 days - great mind set to be in. Just hang in for 21 days and you will be so happy with the results, you will add another 21 days.... eventually developing a more healthy lifestyle.

    Anyone have a success or failure story to share on the 21 Day Fix? Specifically with the diet portion?

    I'm not sure Axel, but try it with a lemon twist you'll like it. Sincerely, Serge
  • Never heard about this. Will have to look it up.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I've worked out most of my adult life. At 62 with menopause and thyroid, I had gained 31 unwanted pounds and that's WITH working out an hour a day every day!

    I gave T25 and Shakeology a try and have lost 13 pounds. My husband tried shakeology after me and has lost 26 pounds. I love it and feel better when I drink it. As to the cost. It's a meal replacement. I drink it for one meal every day. That's $4 a meal. Add to that we no longer eat snacks/sweets (it kills your desire for those foods) and we no longer eat as much. When I go out to dinner, I bring half of it home for another meal! It turns out we are saving money! We no longer take the vitamins we used to take as Shakeology has the nutrients we need. It turns out Shakeology has saved us money! Yes... I have since become a coach. Too many people started asking us what we were doing to and I would be giving the business to another coach...It just makes sense to be a coach!

    Did I mention our doctors were thrilled????

    No... I'm not looking for your business.... This is honestly how I feel about the product.

    Amen. Well said.
    I have been on this site for 5 years and I too being a BB coach have never pushed product and most of the people on my FL don't even know I'm a coach. I lost all my weight using BB workouts. I got knowledge from BB. I tried everything before and nothing worked for me. I learned how to eat and exercise from this company.
    As for shakeology, yes...it's expensive. Try going out and making a healthier meal for $4. You can't do it. BB wants to help you to be a healthier you. Yes, they make a LOT of money but I'm still here. If I didn't change because of them the road I was heading down was not a good one and I might not be here now. I credit them and P90X with not only changing my life but saving my life.

    I am a certified personal and boot camp instructor. I now do this to help and educate others.

    God Bless
  • I respect your thought. Here is why I chose a program, because no matter what I WAS NOT losing weight on my own. Nor do I see thepoint in me spending hours at the gym or exercising when I can get the desired results in soooo much more realistic time vframe for me. Really its a way of forming a habit for me when I could not stick to the fitness journey before.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    People, if you want premeasured containers - Rubbermaid. Available in grocery stores or Target. Can get several containers and an ice pack for $10-16. No need to spend $60 plus $13 in shipping for plastic containers.


    But are these the correct size. It's the volume that's important.
  • joyfulhappyheart
    joyfulhappyheart Posts: 63 Member
    I am starting today.

    Spent yesterday menu planning, plus about 1 1/2 hours prepping ALL meals for the week. I really like that. I'm usually so busy for every meal, I just usually grab something unhealthy and gobble it down so I can move on to the next thig to do... So this morning, while running around with company in the house, I just looked at my calendar, grabbed my pre-packed breakfast and ate. That was cool!

    This morning I'm trying to nag a child to help me take the before pictures (we've all been sick with colds all weekend, he's not cooperating. LOL). I just took my measurements. Bleck.

    About to do the video too-- but am wanting to do the before pics before I work out, because I don't want to look all sweaty in the pictures.

    I am NOT doing the shakes-- highly allergic to their brand. I am doing my own shake and adding Genessentials Green powder. I've been told by 2 BB coaches and 1 dietician (nobody knew each other) that this is comparable (and in some ways better) to the calories, carbs, and nutrition guidelines of Shakeology. Actually, my version has higher protien, but everything else is similar.

    I am not a coach, no desire to be a coach.