What's the most ridiculous diet you've heard of?



  • LeiaLemon
    LeiaLemon Posts: 25
    The ABC diet with a close second of the 900 cal a day 'Liquid Cleanse' diet where you have 1 300 cal smoothie per meal for up to 3 weeks... yeah, stupid girls at my school engaged in that, glad I never did.

    However I will admit anorexia in my youth mainly because I was made fun of when I ate, not for what I was eating but because of the fact that I actually ate... so I would eat at home and then my family did the same thing saying I gorged too much so I turned to eating once a day in the middle of the night, usually only raw foods like carrots and salad so no one could hear me.... stupid me in that case, who gives a damn what or how or when I ate, am I right?
  • irleshay
    irleshay Posts: 102 Member
    It seems like at least half of the people I know have tried that awful cayenne/honey/lemon juice cleanse or whatever. I have yet to actually meet someone who has finished it in its entirety on account of how sick it makes them. :ohwell:

    Two friends recommended that to me years ago and I thought they were nuts! I don't think either of them lost weight, or maybe it was only meant to "cleanse." I asked what was the point of the cayenne, and my friend said to kick-start your gut. Translation: squirt your brains out and be hungry for days. No, thanks.
  • MBrothers22
    MBrothers22 Posts: 323 Member
    Any diet that advocates anything other than a simple calorie restriction. That includes any "cleanse," any pills, any "super food" (unless it's wearing a cape, then it really is a super food), any diet that says "don't eat ________" (ie, white foods, bananas, pizza, etc), any super special exercise, and anything that promises you that you will lose at an unreasonable rate.

    btdubs, did you guys know that fried chicken is a super food?


    Is it just me or does it look like that chicken has... well never mind.
  • irleshay
    irleshay Posts: 102 Member
    Any diet that advocates anything other than a simple calorie restriction. That includes any "cleanse," any pills, any "super food" (unless it's wearing a cape, then it really is a super food), any diet that says "don't eat ________" (ie, white foods, bananas, pizza, etc), any super special exercise, and anything that promises you that you will lose at an unreasonable rate.

    btdubs, did you guys know that fried chicken is a super food?


    Is it just me or does it look like that chicken has... well never mind.

    My mind went there also.
  • AeonAi
    AeonAi Posts: 60
    I think 80/10/10 should be renamed the poor country diet so everyone will stop bashing the way me and generations of my family have eaten on the lovely island of Barbados :-) . what can I say meat tastes like death to me. I think the cabbage soup diet is the worst.
  • tators19
    tators19 Posts: 18 Member
    Drinking 6 liters of apple cider vinegar a day for 6 weeks. No exercise, no food. Just apple cider vinegar.

    She gave up after 4 days, and gained weight as a result. Dumbest diet ever.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    The candy bar and coca cola diet. Not even kidding.
  • blueberrykitten
    blueberrykitten Posts: 28 Member
    I did the 3 day hot dog diet a while ago and I see that someone mentioned it. It actually helped start up my weight loss - but there is no way I could ever do it on a weekly basis!
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    Any diet that advocates anything other than a simple calorie restriction. That includes any "cleanse," any pills, any "super food" (unless it's wearing a cape, then it really is a super food), any diet that says "don't eat ________" (ie, white foods, bananas, pizza, etc), any super special exercise, and anything that promises you that you will lose at an unreasonable rate.

    btdubs, did you guys know that fried chicken is a super food?


    Is it just me or does it look like that chicken has... well never mind.

    My mind went there also.

    Yep you guys definitely are not alone!
  • JessieSky
    JessieSky Posts: 79
    The Haribo sugar free "Satan bears" and water diet. Considering the context I assumed it could be nothing other than a joke, but I know someone personally (and have heard of even more O.o) who take it rather seriously. People always want some magic solution, when the truth of the matter is much simpler than what they're trying for anyway.
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    Lemon detox diet...lol. I tried it when I was a teen, and felt so bad.
    These new 3-5 day 'juice detoxes' or 'cleanses' sound more or less the same thing- just people think it's healthier because it's all fruit and veg.

    I hate how they target gullible young people people by saying stupid things like "Oh you may feel weak and lethargic, get headaches etc but keep going, this is just a part of the body detoxifying process but you'll feel and look so much healthier after"
    No....it's a part of the STARVING YOURSELF.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    The cutting gluten out of your diet for less than 20 hours to magically correct undiagnosed illnesses.

    Now that's ridiculous.
  • PearlAng
    PearlAng Posts: 681 Member
    The cutting gluten out of your diet for less than 20 hours to magically correct undiagnosed illnesses.

    Now that's ridiculous.
    +1, I've only ever known one person who is legitimately intolerant to gluten. Everyone else is like "I eat bread at times and I get full. I have celiac's !!11!"
  • RenaTX
    RenaTX Posts: 345 Member
    My boyfriend decided to go on a one fried egg sandwich a day diet years ago. He said that it was totally healthy and "recommended by doctors".

    What is the craziest/stupidest diet someone you know has tried?

    I think it has to be the banana diet or cabbage diet. I tried the cabbage diet back when I was 17 years old but I didn't try the banana diet. The cabbage diet got old fast.
  • shawmutt
    shawmutt Posts: 74 Member
    Anything touted by "Dr." Oz. One of the worst is that HCG diet. 500 calories a day and daily hormone injections...
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Basically any of those water + ______ (lemon, etc) only diets.

    I don't know if this counts, but Breatharianism seems pretty odd to me.
  • Iishasears84
    The craziest one for me is the cotton ball diet. With every meal you eat at least one cotton ball. This was from THEE dumbest girl I have ever met in my life. I was in high school. To this day the craziest thing I have ever heard!
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    The Blood Type diet.

    A quick look at the list of forbidden foods and I was OUT!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    The Air Diet

    Also known as "L’Air Fooding" this French fad diet was popularized by a Dolce & Gabbana campaign. It showed Madonna and a few other celebrities holding up delicious foods to their mouths but not eating them. The concept of this diet is that you cook the food, put it on the plate, serve a setting like you were actually going to eat it and then rather than consume it, you hold it up to your mouth but do not take a bite. It is supposed to fool your body into thinking you've eaten. However, the diet is not completely without substance (no pun intended), dieters are allowed to drink water and have some salt soup (which is exactly what it sounds like: hot water and salt).

    for me I think this wins