Birth Control SUggestion...



  • I had Mirena implanted right after giving birth to my son. I had one side effect - my menstrual period has stopped. I physically know when I am about to hit the cycle but I don't have Aunt Flo visiting anymore. I swim, bike and run so I totally love the freedom of not having to wear a mattress in between my legs.

    I do agree with women on the forum about some side effects experienced by other women. A friend of mine had difficulty with the actual implanting process that they had to switch to another birth control method.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    I had Implanon put in 4 months ago. Its a small matchstick size rod that is placed in your arm. I love it! I had little side effects, my mood swings are gone, but I did break out a little worse than normal

    I had Implanon & HATED it. I gained 25lbs in 5 months & then had it taken out early...taking it out also left an inch long scar on my arm because the dr said it was put in wrong :grumble: sheesh.

    Good luck!!!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Okay, so this may be the only area of my life that I am an expert lol... I have done everything except for the shot just about. Here are the problems and benefits that I had with them: (note: I don't know what weight was gained/lost specifically due to the medication--- how are you suppose to know?)

    pill easy to take, no surgery, more consistent period/couldn't remember to take it all the time

    nuvaring easy, can't feel it (well the man can), no side effects/ Ijust didnt think it was sanitary, not regular

    patch easy to wear/rash, irratation, looks gross, not regular

    implanon no remembering for 3 years/I catch it on my bra all the time- that pinches!, sore arm sometimes, requires a doctor to go off of it, not regular, I just had a 9 week one!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I LOVE my Implanon. No weight gain, no side effects. It has been my very favorite form of BC. I need to get it replaced in July, and I'll be good for another 3 years! Love it!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm on Depo but considering switching to the implant or Mirena next time I'm due. I love being free from visits from Aunt Flo, but I gained weight on it. Not much, maybe 10 pounds, but in places I never gained weight before: lower abdomen and my back. A friend had the same experience while on Depo.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Bump....need to read this later.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I think I'm going to go on the mini pill here soon, possible the regular pill. I've never had an issue with either.

    I just got off the mini pill since I haven't breastfeed in months. The Dr told me that type of pill is only 80% effective! I had no clue and I hardly been taking it...hahahaha I would go days without taking the pill since I forgot.

    I'm surprised I didn't get pregnant! Unless some who my husband and I had good timing and did it whenever I wasn't fertile. LOL

    I'm back on Ortho Novum. I don't remember if I gained weight strictly from the pill. Guess I'm going to find out since I track my cals and workout!
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    I have been on about every pill out there and I am now on Yasmin (pill). I have literally had bumps/hives/weight gain/headaches- you name it with other pills out there. No weight gain or major side affects and everything is regular/normal for me on Yasmin (which it was NOT before I started the pill). Yaz, in particular, is not good for me- gave me brown spots on my face (NOT COOL) and I was moody all of the time.

    I have never tried the iud or shot, however my sister-in-law was on the shot and has 2 kids to show for it lol.
  • I take a generic brand of Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo birth control pills. I had been taking it for years before I started gaining weight so I'm pretty sure the pills are not the reason for my weight gain. Overall, I'm pretty pleased with it!
  • jmanthei98
    jmanthei98 Posts: 85 Member
    I used the diaphragm at first, but I wanted to get my cycle switched around so I didn't have Aunt Flo visit duing my honeymoon, so I started the pill. I used both for awhile. After my second child was born, I did the pill only and ended up with a 3rd child in '02. :-O I started the Depo injections after that. The only side effect was I didn't get my period until just a few months ago. :-) Actually, that's not true. It's not meant for long term use, so I had some mild bone loss in my back, but was able to regain it. I definitely don't want any more children, so I had the Essure procedure done about a year ago...the tubes are blocked and it is done in the doctor's office. It is permanent and less invasive than a tubal ligation.
  • i also have this. i got it in started out ok but now im spotting everyday. not gud just plain annoying
  • Well honey, you better get on that! ;) Don't want a third one yet do ya?! hahaha!! Anyway, well I'm on the IUD also and haven't had any side effects on it except for a few headaches the first couple weeks I had it put in, but thats normal. I have all the birth control list of things that are recommended that I learned in Human Sexuality ;) Some are not recommended and some are very dangerous to get!!
  • i just started Loestren 24 Fe, but have only been on it for about a month. So far, so good. I will admit my skin got pretty dry for about a week, and it was concerning because I've never had bad skin before, but then it went away. I think I was just getting used to all the hormones. but loestrin is one of the lowest doses so theres usually not that bad of side effects and it would be a good one to start out on. no weight gain so far which i know a lot of people on birth control tend to have problems with. good luck!
  • leslielove
    leslielove Posts: 251 Member
    I'm gonna throw another vote in for the NuvaRing! I've been on Yaz and Ortho Tri Cyclen. Both caused almost immediate weight gain that has STILL not come all the way off after over a year, I was a crazy raging emotional wench almost constantly, my skin got icky, I had weird issues with food. Will not go back on the pill.

    I am hypothyroid and may have PCOS (I have the symptoms but I've never officially been diagnosed), just in case that makes a difference in your decision making.

    With the ring, I put it in and forget about it till the little timer on my phone app goes off. I get my period 2 days after I take it out and its nice and light, short (4 days or less with minimal cramps and I've all but stopped passing clots). I've had the same partner the entire time I've been on the ring and he's only ever felt it once. Its never come out and I can't feel it at all once it goes in. I really don't think it could be easier or more pleasant to deal with and I seriously tell everyone about it if BC ever comes up in conversation!

    Do be aware though that some of the options mentioned in this thread aren't available in the US, if that's where you're posting from. Good luck with your decision!
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    I'm also using Nuvaring, just started a few months ago. I didn't notice any weight gain or emotional side effects. I like it so far, as it's very convenient. I didn't think I'd go for the "in you" type of thing but you really don't notice it. My husband doesn't notice it either. I've never had it come out. So far my period hasn't changed much, maybe a little lighter overall but still the same length.

    When I was on pills, I'd inevitably end up having problems with low libido and dryness. This happened with Yasmin, Ortho Lo, as well as Mircette. So far, Nuvaring seems better in that respect.

    One I would advise AGAINST is Yaz or Yasmin, which has a different hormone called DRSP that normal b/c pills don't have. I took Yasmin for over a year and am convinced it killed my gallbladder, I had to have it removed last year because it was completely non-functional and prone to infection. No history of any health problems or gallbladder pain it was completely dead (usually with gallbladder disease it still functions a little--mine was not functioning at all), diagnosed while I was getting tested to find the cause of other GI problems. There are class action lawsuits now against the makers of Yaz alleging things like gallbladder disease as well as adrenal disease. A coworker of mine actually suffered severe adrenal problems due to taking the same pill.
  • kris2683
    kris2683 Posts: 41 Member
    I did have a IUD, but had some bleeding problems. I'm now on the nuvaring and it is fantastic, no pills and short periods!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I'm on NuvaRing and I love it. You use it for 3 weeks, leave it out for a week to have your period, then put a new one in for 3 more weeks. It's good because there aren't many side effects. My periods are shorter & lighter and I feel "normal" as far as hormones. I was a bit more emotional than normal the first couple months while I was getting used to it, but after that, I feel like myself emotionally again.

    Sometimes it slips out but as long as you rinse it off & put it back in within 3 hours, you're still protected. I've been on it for a year and we also use the pull out method, and no accidents yet! :happy:

    I also have the NuvaRing and absolutely love it! I've never had problems with mine slipping out. I haven't had any mood issues or side effects and I've been on it for about six months. I've noticed that my periods have gotten lighter and my gynocologist said that it was the most reliable birth control out there (due to the fact that the hormones are delivered consistantly, without the human flaw of forgetting a pill).

  • hismuse
    hismuse Posts: 26 Member
    IUD. Best BC I've ever used. Been on it for several years now.
  • aleslie
    aleslie Posts: 54
    I use Loestrine...I love weight gain, no acne, and no cramps...also it makes my period 1 day, and this barely counts as a's almost not there...I have been on it for about 6 months now
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Nuva ring! I LOVE IT! Not permanent, but does the job. Also, the lowest dose of hormone that is effective, so I had basically no side effects, no weight gain...nothing. HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT :)
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