Any gastric bypass patients on here



  • guardianwill
    guardianwill Posts: 54 Member
    I had my Surgery RNY Gastric Bypass back in Sept 2013 and have surpassed what the doctor thought I would loose already and 5 months to go while its still a very viable tool to use. Nice to meet you all.
  • I had a vertical banded gastroplasty 22 yrs ago and if I knew what I knew now I would never choose to do it again. I would go for losing weight without WLS and try for a year to get the weight off using my fitness pal and other methods. The surgery made my eating habits WORSE for me and for many years I was a "surgical bulimic " as my dear husband put it. I lost initially 100 lbs but after about 5 yrs I regained 40. At this point I'm still 100 lbs from goal and trying to lose again through traditional methods and it is very slow going. For me I have trouble eating enough protein and vegetables so I became a carb and fat only eater. Over the past month I have lost 9 lbs but doing an Atkins reduction. Eating enough vegetables is a challenge always. I'm going to increase my good carb intake and reduce the fat over the next few weeks and if I continue to exercise enough while I follow a 30 gram fat/ <130 gm carbs and 60 or more gm protein a day plan then I hopefully will get closer to my goal. Mentally the struggle is trying to stay on the path knowing the journey will be slow. I have a dear friend who has lost 80 lbs after having the gastric sleeve and is thrilled she did it. She has followed every instruction to the letter so if you decide on WLS make sure you are the type of person who will listen to everything they say and get lots of support. Back in the day I had no support or counsel. If I had I may have a different point of view. I welcome any suggestions especially on transitioning to a lower fat higher complex carb diet. I am also planning to do the 5 day pouch test in a couple weeks when I have a long stretch of days off from work.
  • I don't know how to "friend" ppl here but if you can tell me or want to friend me please do and we can give each other support and encouragement
  • 5 years out. I was originally over 550lbs. I lost down to 175lbs at my smallest then I suffered 3 miscarriages, then a successful pregnancy that ended with two major surgeries. So now I'm healed from both of those and looking to lose weight. I started out two weeks ago at 300, tonight when I weighted after working out 284. I think it's helping that I finally have my PPD under control. If either of you want to be friends feel free to add me :) But a little warning I'm an american living in Sweden. So my time zone is very different than many people.
  • @Misscriss33
    Are you pregnant? That is what happened to me. Suddenly bacon would make me barf... I love bacon more than I love breathing.
  • Hi, I had my gastric bypass surgery at the end of October 2013 and am currently down 46 pounds. I visited with the dietician today at my visit and she recommended this site so here I am so.....hi!
  • I went through that too. I would like to say that it gets better but I had surgery back in October and am still struggling with fatigue. My guess is that its due to the decreased food intake. I wish that I had a magic cure but I dont and I just wanted you to know that you are not alone!
  • CDawn1974
    CDawn1974 Posts: 4 Member
    Me! I had gastric bypass surgery in April 2010. It has been a journey! Sometimes it has been wonderful, other times it has been a struggle. But overall I do not regret my decision and each day I realized my life is a gift so I start over at the end of every 24 hour period.???? I'm reaching out to gastric bypass patients, so that I can have some friendly advice on what you all do that may be different from what I do. I find it difficult to get information once you are a few years out from gastric bypass.
  • CDawn1974
    CDawn1974 Posts: 4 Member
    I would love to add you as a friend, and get advice on how you went from your highest weight to your goal weight. Congratulations on all that you have lost! I still have about 40 pounds to go and I am determined to get there even though I am four years out.
  • candace71
    candace71 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm here‼️???? I had gastric bypass RNY June3,2009. Coming up on my five year anniversary. It's been a long five years that I have came off of all my medicines!! For type2 diabetes, cholesterol and two different blood pressure medicines! I have gained some of my way back considering... My first year I lived with a stricture throwing up every single meal and other complications. I basically starve myself down to 113 pounds! Since then had a hysterectomy and have gained up to 148 pounds. But would really like to be around 130. Since my surgery I would say the past year has been the easiest!! Anyway how are ya'll❓ I have never regretted my decision through it all!! I live life to its fullest and take it only one day and a time!
  • Sanchezct
    Sanchezct Posts: 1 Member
    me too got 40 more i would love to loose
  • sandramackenzie1
    sandramackenzie1 Posts: 4 Member
    I had RNY GBP done in 2003 and It changed my life. I have never regretted my decision, how ever now that its been 11 years out - and older I am fighting to not gain. I have gained about 30 pounds back in the last 2 years. I am sad and need to get back to really understanding what I am doing with my food. Need to loose about 50 pounds I need to have knee surgery. I need support and encouragement.......
  • i had gastric sleeve on 12-11-13 soo im almost 5 months out and i am down 115 pounds feeling great if anyone wants too they can add me i know us wls ppl need all the support we can get
  • SusieQWebb
    SusieQWebb Posts: 1 Member
    I just had gastric bypass last week. I have lost 6lbs so far. I am still having the craving of the foods I loved. But I get through it. I weigh in at 215 before surgery and my goal weight is . So my journey has begun.
  • pec447
    pec447 Posts: 2
    I know the feeling on the salty chips. I got laid off from my job and found myself putting something in my mouth and that happened to be chips. I have gained 60 pounds. I came across MyFitnessPal and it seems that the journal I keep on the foods I am eating is helping me a lot. It makes you aware of what you are eating and the calorie intake. Now I have to get myself to do exercises again. That is a tough battle for me, since I don't have anyone to motivate me and there is something that always comes up.
  • Alannah780
    Alannah780 Posts: 32
    I am post-op and would love friends ♥
  • melady59
    melady59 Posts: 2 Member
    I had RNY GBP on January 21, 2014. I'm down 45 pound since surgery 75 overall. Friends are a good thing. :)
  • steezymom
    steezymom Posts: 9
    Hello all! I started MFP about a month after GBP(9/18/13) to track my diet. I was having alot of trouble with blood sugar crashing so nutritionist suggesting keeping track. I had a great friend who used MFP and suggested it. WOW, talk about life changer! I was immediately able to put together the correct balance of things so my blood sugar wouldn't drop. Turns out I needed a little carb with my morning protein :). I had lost around 20 pounds in that first 4-6 weeks and with the help of MFP I have lost 79, so as of today I am down 99 pounds just shy of 8 months out.

    Last week was my first stall in the journey and it really messed with my head. I read(too much) online about when weightloss slows down etc. I am NOT ready for it stop. I get it has to slow but I get a little nervous about it stopping. I want to lose another 20 pounds then I acutally think I will be satisfied.

    I try to keep my carbs under 80 a day, protein around 70 and eat between 850-1000 calories a day. I have a hard time eating more than that amount of calories without eating too many carbs. I would looooove to be buddies with any fellow WLS folks!

    I had chocolate for the first time last night only a couple squares and was honestly scared because I was so sure I would dump. I didn't and that makes me nervous. I purposely do not buy things with lots of sugar because it is seriously like buying drugs for a drug addict. Just don't want the temptation! I am working out 3-4 times a week doing a combination of hour long Yoga classes and walking.

    I know that fast food, sweets etc are something I JUST CAN NOT HAVE or I will be certain to regain. I feel better than I have in years, off all of my fibromyaliga medications etc....I hope everyone finds there way to be succesful:)

    Sorry for the long rant, just reading through the previous posts sparked so much. So relatable. Thanks!
  • vaponte12
    vaponte12 Posts: 7

    I always wondered how good gastric bypass would be, because my aunt got it but she gained the weight back so is this something you recommend?
  • steezymom
    steezymom Posts: 9
    Personally, I would highly recommend it IF, you go through the riggerous training ahead of time.

    I had to take classes, do monthly nurse phone calls, homework etc. The classes train you for what to expect, what to do, what to eat, how to eat, how to move etc. It is set up to relearn to eat and the purpose of food. I have a very close friend who had the surgery without all this prep work and gain prob 75% of the weight back because old habbits continued.

    I believe 100% that if I had NOT done the prep classes in addition to regular dietition visits I wouldn't be as sucessful as I have been thus far.

    I learned to treat food as fuel not treats. Now, a piece of fruit is a "treat". The old me would have killed a box of oreo's! I hope that helps!