May Walking Challenge 2014



  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    May walking miles:

    Total: 5.36

    May 1 = 1.98
    May 5 = 0.86
    May 6 = 1.67

    Raining here today so I hope it lets up so I can go out to walk.

    34.63 to go
  • maddoxnjl
    maddoxnjl Posts: 25
    Another 5 miles, hoping to do the same again walking home from work later on, but so far at 23 miles all together
  • msmariimac
    msmariimac Posts: 27 Member
    Another 5 miles today
    Total: 8.6 miles
    May goal: 100 miles
  • maddoxnjl
    maddoxnjl Posts: 25
    I would love to get in on this. Actually just started a new walking group with some of my friends today. Did a 1.3 mile walk today! What is the best app to track that will link to MFP?

    I use map my fitness to track my walks and runs
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    This morning I walked outside as it was soooo nice -
    but not lasting long as it is going to be in the high 90's with wind gusts up to 45 mph .:sad:
    This morning I did 1 mile in 21 minutes. I am going to work on distance before I work on quickening the pace. When I walk with Leslie I work on pace.

    Walk, walk, walk all the way through May!!
  • salevy
    salevy Posts: 208 Member
    I'm ready to try this again. I didn't join last month because I hit a plateau and thought I had to find a different exercise to do. I spoke to a dietician in my nutritionist's office who is also a personal trainer.

    She gave me a different way to do my walks so I'm a happy camper right now.

    I've been sick for 2 weeks and I'm just now starting to feel better. I'm still tired, but not as bad as last week.
  • RoseSinister
    Glad to see there are other walkers our there! I usually do 2-3 walks a week; I go for 45 minutes and generally hit 3 miles, or just under (sometimes over!). once or twice a week I supplement this with 45 minutes or so of swimming and water aerobics- I find the two go really well together. I do a lot of core work in the swimming pool, which makes my walks more efficient, and because of all the walking, my legs are getting much stronger in the pool; my form is improving, which means I'm working my core out more efficiently, etc.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    I would love to get in on this. Actually just started a new walking group with some of my friends today. Did a 1.3 mile walk today! What is the best app to track that will link to MFP?

    I use map my fitness to track my walks and runs

    There is one specificly for walking MapMyWalk, I think it is the same company. They make MapMyRun, MapMyRide...
    The cool thing is it uploads to MFP!

    good luck, keep walking!
  • maddoxnjl
    maddoxnjl Posts: 25
    Just got home from an 8 mile walk, so 13 today brings me up to 31 for May so far, my legs are aching quite a lot now though!
  • OldHobo
    OldHobo Posts: 647 Member
    Hi folks, starting late here but would like to play too. I joined MFP 8 days ago and have spent the first week finding my way around. Was totally sedentary before then. I had no idea what an appropriate exercise goal would be and originally said 20 min. per day. I don't really know how, or care to learn, to exercise; I don't mind walking though. The night before, I decide where I need to go and get the distance from google maps. Turns out I'm going 5 to 7 miles a day. The problem is a guy only needs so many haircuts or trips to the hardware store, so if I'm going to keep this up, I probably need to join your group.

    Here's the numbers so far.
    05/01 Don't remember.
    05/02 5.6 mi.
    05/03 .7 mi.
    05/04 was a Sun and, although I walk far, it's sorta work related and no way to measure time or distance.
    05/05 7.5 mi.
    05/06 7 mi.
    05/07 6.8 mi.
    Month to date 27.6

    100 miles in May seems reasonable and I see there are a couple other folks with goals in that neighborhood.
    Happy trails everybody.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Just did another 1/2 mile

    Hopefully will walk later after dinner!!

    Back later
  • libbyco2208
    libbyco2208 Posts: 9 Member
    My km goal for this month is 150

    May 1 = 10km
    May 2 = 7km
    May 3 = 4km
    May 4 = 4km
    May 5 = 9km
    May 6 = 6km
    May 7 = 6km

    KM todate: 46

  • ktloo
    ktloo Posts: 90 Member
    5/4 - 4.8
    5/5 - 1.7
    5/6 - 2
    5/7 - 2

    Total 10.5 out of 40
  • kathrineb57
    kathrineb57 Posts: 44 Member
    I am back, finally, I feel like I have been working for weeks. It has only been 5 days. I did not cardio walk at all. But, I do get plenty of steps in at work. I average about 11,000 each day. Today was 12366, that is 5.85 miles, so says my pedometer. I got a Fitbit for Moms Day. Still trying to figure it out. My goal for May it to get a min. of 30 minutes of exercise walking on my days off. And a total of 10,000 steps on my off days. Keep on trucking! (does anyone remember that?)

    Be Healthy and be strong.

    Kathrine from Kansas
  • Earthgirl51
    Earthgirl51 Posts: 73 Member
    I didn't walk as such today. I tried to keep up with A.J. Who is a 4 yr old. We "marched in a band" and ran from "grizzley bears" and crawled on the floor. I was the elephant. Lol. I counted major motion at 33 minutes out of 65. I was red faced and wore out by the end of it.
  • KJ14
    KJ14 Posts: 287
    May 3 - 3hrs 15mins (approx 9 miles)
    May 4 - 1 hr (3.6 miles total 12.6 miles)
    May 5 - 1:20 (3 miles walking 4 miles stationary bike total 19.6 miles)
    May 6 - 0:40 ( 2 miles 21.6 total miles)
    May 7 - 1:00 (4 miles total 25.6 miles)
  • tffcx
    tffcx Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in! :happy:
    I hate almost all forms of exercise, but I like walking - at the pace of a crippled snail, it must be said.

    3 May - 7km
    4 May - 7km
    5 May - 2km
    6 May - 10km
    7 May - 1km
    8 May - 0km
    Total so far - 27km

    Aim for May: 160 km (that'd be 100 miles!)
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    May walking miles:

    Total: 6.92
    May 1 = 1.98
    May 2 = 0.86
    May 5 = 0.86
    May 6 = 1.67
    May 7 = 1.56

    It rained yesterday and I usually try to do two 15 min walks but had to do a 30 min walk all at once after the rain quit.

    EarthGril - That is a GREAT way to get some activity in!

    33.08 miles to goal
  • OldHobo
    OldHobo Posts: 647 Member
    Here's the numbers so far.
    05/01 Don't remember.
    05/02 5.6 mi.
    05/03 .7 mi.
    05/04 was a Sun and, although I walk far, it's sorta work related and no way to measure time or distance.
    05/05 7.5 mi.
    05/06 7 mi.
    05/07 6.8 mi.
    05/08 5.6 mi. (Found a Mexican Grocery and a Mexican Bakery I didn't know were there.)
    Month to date 33.2
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    It is afternoon in Kansas. I just did a 20 minute walk that is the first for the day. There will be more coming!

    May 1st = 2.46
    May 2nd = 3.04
    May 3rd = 2.8 miles w/ 16 minutes of Cardio 
    May 4th = 2.1 miles w/ 0 min of cardio 
    May 5th = 2.3 miles w/ 0 min of cardio 
    May 6th = 2.76 miles w/ 30 min of cardio.
    May 7th = 3.46 miles w/ 32 min of cardio

    Have a great day!!