What's the most ridiculous diet you've heard of?



  • moondazed
    moondazed Posts: 73 Member
    The Mono Diet. You eat only one food per day. (For example, monday you will ONLY eat eggs. nothing else)

  • Letshopeforthebest
    Letshopeforthebest Posts: 85 Member
    Morning banana diet
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Not sure about ridiculous but maybe extreme/peculiar is perhaps a diet (truly of biblical proportion) of "locust and wild honey" ?

    Hmm. Bugs are full of protein and fiber. Honey is a great carb source. However, it does not indicate that that was ALL John ate. :smile:
  • LiaBunny
    LiaBunny Posts: 7 Member
    Rainbow Diet
    Monday (white):
    Breakfast: ½ apple (40.5 cals)
    Lunch: ½ apple (40.5 cals)
    Dinner: 1 cucumber (24 cals)
    Total: 105 cals

    Tuesday (yellow):
    Breakfast: 1 banana (108.5 cals)
    Lunch: 1 banana (108.5 cals)
    Dinner: ½ cup corn (66 cals)
    Total: 283 cals

    Wednesday (fast):

    Thursday (orange):
    Breakfast: ½ orange (31 cals)
    Lunch: ½ orange (31 cals)
    Dinner: 1 carrot (26 cals)
    Total: 88 cals

    Friday (red):
    Breakfast: ½ cup strawberries (21.5 cals)
    Lunch: ½ cup strawberries (21.5 cals)
    Dinner: ½ red pepper (16 cals)
    Total: 59 cals

    Saturday (purple/blue):
    Breakfast: 10 blueberries (8 cals)
    Lunch: 10 blueberries (8 cals)
    Dinner: 10 raspberries (24 cals)
    Total: 40 cals

    Sunday (green):
    Breakfast: ½ cup grapes (57 cals)
    Lunch: ½ grapes (57 cals)
    Dinner: 1 cup lettuce (7 cals)
    Total: 121 cals

    Week total: 696 cals

    Russian Gymnast Diet
    Glass of either orange or apple juice

    Fruit Salad (made off kiwi fruit, orange, pineapple, and peeled apples)
    Glass of fruit juice (from one of the above fruits)

    Glass of non carbonated water*
    Green apple
  • LiaBunny
    LiaBunny Posts: 7 Member
    also, The Atkins Diet, lololol
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    The photosynthesis diet. Basically, no food. Period. You get water and sunlight. Granted, the only people I've ever heard of attempting this were doing it for ethical reasons (ie, don't kill anything ever, even plants), rather than weight loss reasons.

    ^ That's the diet that Human Barbie is on.

    So when the person doing this diet dies, how is that ethical? Never mind. I seek logic where there is clearly none. Dear breatharians and assorted ethical others, if you ever stumble across this thread: Stop killing yourselves and go into the sciences. Find a way to make it so humans can live without taking life, and you will be the most ethical creature in the Universe. Plus I'll be happy because I'd gladly give up eating as long as it doesn't involve a feeding tube.
    One less idiot in the world, IMO. :heart:

    ETA: And who the eff wants to give up eating? :noway:

    I do. It's expensive, time consuming, and annoying. Plus I'm not a very good cook.
    BENNYDOOR Posts: 23
    Every diet is ridiculous & was created to make somebody rich. If doctors would prescribe a whole food, gmo free diet then we would all be healthier then ever!

    I think the dumbest diet I've ever heard of is the Atkins diet. This guy at my work has done this diet for the last year and amazingly enough has just gained weight and looks greasy and gross! He eats a pound of ground beef with a pound of cheese for lunch, makes me nauseated.
  • tl_dr
    tl_dr Posts: 96
    On this other forum I am part of there is a thread about a 7 day diet which promises to get you to lose 14lbs. The diet is basically a 7 day starvation diet and obviously most weight lost will be water weight and not fat. Everybody on there seems to be having 'problems' yet all seem to think the diet is a great idea. When I tried to help (bad idea I know) I got told to move on and by the way the diet does work because they have all done it 15 million times already....obviously gives long term sustainable results then.....

    One person earlier (who is at the end of the 7 days) wrote:

    "Overall this diet was ace to lose so much but I did get spots, felt weak, aches, tiredness and muscle cramps... Basically a cold without snot. I'm definitely doing it again but I'll be taking vitamins throughout and try to get more sleep."

    Really. So it made you feel like **** but you will be repeating it :noway:

    Good luck to the person taking multivitamins on a totally empty stomach... Even if I just take them before breakfast instead of after they make me throw up. :ohwell:

    ... I wonder if the flintstones ones are better for that... I never remember those making me sick... :huh:
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    ahh where's the water fasting guy...with the sweet abssss
  • freddi11e
    freddi11e Posts: 317 Member
    cotton ball diet and tape worm diet
  • KimiSteinbach
    KimiSteinbach Posts: 224 Member
    When I was in high school I remember doing a honey and vinegar type diet. It tasted awful and of course I failed.
  • iPlatano
    iPlatano Posts: 487 Member
    All diets that eats too much of a macro-nutrient while eating too little of the others.
  • iPlatano
    iPlatano Posts: 487 Member
    the bite diet. Don't count calories, count your bites. It actually works for some.

    I would destroy this.. LOL... whole chicken..two bites..done... :laugh:

    hot sauce diet....basically you make it run through you system as fast as possible to "flush" out excess.

    Hahaha!! x5
  • RiotGirlll
    RiotGirlll Posts: 20
    The apple diet, simply just eating apples all day everyday. Apparently something models do.
  • rosehips60
    rosehips60 Posts: 1,030 Member
    I really enjoyed reading thru this and was surprised by how many of them I've tried in my life!

    Grapefruit Diet-check just got bored
    Cabbage soup Diet -check, got light headed after 1 1/2 days
    Is Adkins the one with no carbs? yeah check on that one too, gave it up when I caught myself salivating over a banana!
    in high school I ate a granola bar for breakfast, had a can of TAB for lunch and ate a very small supper, it worked but couldn't keep it up
    Also tried Slim Fast and one where you drank these shakes and soups made from a mix in an envelope, so gross, and that's when I learned I need actual food to chew!
  • l_ashley
    l_ashley Posts: 154 Member
    The Haribo sugar free "Satan bears" and water diet. Considering the context I assumed it could be nothing other than a joke, but I know someone personally (and have heard of even more O.o) who take it rather seriously. People always want some magic solution, when the truth of the matter is much simpler than what they're trying for anyway.

    The reviews on Amazon killed me. I think you would die of dehyration first.
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    The IV drip diet. I thought it was a hoax, but dang. People really will do anything.