

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Just a quick pop in before heading back to work. Finished up at the office after 9p last night, much still undone at my desk...

    Posting behind Allison this morning I really feel like I've got my day started extra early - you are such an early riser! (I used to be, but now enjoy my sleep more. :blushing: )

    Thanks, Laura - will keep you posted.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Jb:smile: Sending love and prayers:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: !!!

    Cynthia:smile: I know how hard it is:sad: ! Will be thinking about you today:heart: ...sending hugs:flowerforyou: !!!

    Meg:smile: Happy happy birthday:flowerforyou:!!!!

    Jane Martin:smile: Hope all goes well with the Dr. appt.:flowerforyou: !

    Hope everyone will have a good day today:heart: ! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in gorgeous NC:glasses:
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Woke up early this morning...

    Happy birthday, Meg!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hope to post a little later...
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Meg Happy birthday,may you have a wonderful year ahead :flowerforyou: :drinker: :bigsmile:
    Heather hope you have a great time:drinker:
    Kim yes back to yoga it is :laugh:
    Regards and best wishes to all
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello All, Today is Thursday, tomorrow is my DGD's second birthday. We are actually having a party next week-end but I will go to dinner with them to celebrate tomorrow as well. Saturday is the self defense class and I'm looking forward to it. My other daughter sent me a text that said "What do you want for Mother's Day"? Am I being overly sensitive to be hurt by that text? I want to reply " I want my daughter to take the time to call me" I know she has been really busy, she is the DD who just graduated and both my DGD's play soccer and run track, but seriously, can't you call. Oh well, haven't responded at all yet. Not sure what I'll say when I do.
    I just got word from the fitness board that I have been aproved to teach my ab class here at work. It is a 30 minute ab work out and I'm excited to do it. Plus I get paid for it. Not by work, the people who sign up pay for the class. The one I go to is $5 per class or 8 for $24. I think I'll charge the same. I'm really excited to do this and hope people will sign up. Next week and the week after my boss at the Y is on vacation so I will be personal training some of her clients. I'm taking half day vacation days to do this. The Y pays more for PT than when I sit at the desk plus it's what I love to do. My boss PT's 4 days a week pretty much non stop from like 7 AM to 5 PM. She is really good at it and people love her. There is actually three of us who are splitting here clients while she is gone and some aren't coming at all because they won't work with anyone but her.
    Time to get to work.

    Happy Late Birthday Susan!

    Cynthia, So sorry to hear about Charlie, prayers and thoughts with you.

    Sylvia, I can remember the times when I made the cards and gifts with my grandchildren, they are such fond memories and I can’t believe they have gotten so old now. I do have the two and soon to be three little ones but they don’t live near as close.

    Gloria, I know what you mean about Mother’s Day, my Mom has been gone 8 years now and I still feel the emptiness.
    On the subject of disposal of things, after my Father passed away three yrs ago my sister had us all pick items by our age. She went first as the oldest, then me, until we went through all 5 of us. There were numerous favorites we each had and luckily we all did the right thing and “passed” on items we knew others cherished. I think there were still a few things my younger sister wanted but I really don’t think it was for sentimental reasons.

    Rita, walking is a great form of exercise. Keep it up.

    Heather UK, Have a safe trip.

    Joyce IN, I like Criminal Minds as well, they season finale is on next week for the evening show.

    Michele NC, Hope your eyes get better. Allergies drive me crazy this time of year.

    Kim, The menu sounds yummy, I really need to cook more myself. I cook pretty basic stuff.

    Have a great day,
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Jb...positive thoughts for that special little 10 yr. Old. How devastating that the cancer returned.

    Cynthia...hugs to you. It's amazing how the passing of a pet affects us, but not surprising, given Their special presence in our daily lives that is just so short.

    Meg...happy 55 birthday. I wish you a wonderful year ahead. Taking care of yourself comes to mind.

    I went for a massage last night for the first time in a long time. Because it was in the area, I Then dropped in on preggie DD, and bathed a dirty little toddler, put him in bed and read him stories. DD's last week of teaching is next week, then she is off on maternity leave. I am going over on Saturday to help her (re)organize the baby room.

    I am going to try to fall back asleep, after waking up at 4 am. Need a few more zzzzzs.

    A new movie, called Fed Up is coming out tomorrow (fedup.com). I am interested in seeing it, once it comes to Canada.

    Have a great day, my friends.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • KellyCPalmer
    Losing weight at age 13 years is a difficult task. You need to have a diet that is high in fat and low in calories. You should not starve yourself, but eat heathy food combinations at regular time intervals and track your calories.
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi ladies have been reading all the posts just been busy to try and keep up with yous....
    :flowerforyou: Happy Birthday Meg, enjoy your day
    :heart: Thoughts and Prayers to everyone going through loss and sickness, take care
    welcome all new comers and some of our old friends who have returned...such a great group of ladies here

    well summer is finally coming to our area and dh and I have been busy raking, cleaning and unpacking all the summer stuff for the yard and patio, been such a long winter nice to be outside again

    can identify with everyone struggeling with weight gain been up a few pounds and hoping all this extra work will help get them off

    wishing everyone a great day

    juanita in sudbury
  • mejc1
    mejc1 Posts: 4
    Good morning everyone!
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good Morning,

    It's not really a surprise to me but I guess I miss a lot when I skim through all the posts too quickly. I keep reading about getting rid of the items of someone who's passed and all the drama surrounding. THANK GOODNESS that regarding my mom's stuff, I'm am the one working with my step father. One brother out of state the other not interested in drama or the effort. As hard as the process is, I'm so grateful there's no drama. My aunt, who just passed, on the other hand......... My other aunt had already hired an attorney before the funeral so the deceased aunt's fiancee received a letter a week after the funeral asking if there was a will and demanding he file in probate. SERIOUSLY?!?! Why couldn't she just talk to him and ask him about the things of their mother's that she and the family in that area are interested. Now he's pissed, hurt, offended (naturally) and no telling what's going to happen to the things that no one will be able to prove existed when they mysteriously disappear.

    He told me that I, my brother and step father are the only "family" members who offered him condolences. They were living together for 5 years, to be married, he took care of her for months in and out of the hospital and everyone else treated him like garbage. Bottom line, I just don't get the fighting over things that weren't actually yours in the first place. Awesome way to honor the memory of a loved one:ohwell:

    Got to make myself work out now.

    Happy Birthday Meg (I'm assuming it is because I keep reading other wishes):happy:

    Everyone enjoy the gift of another day.

    xo- Gloria in SUNNY and predicted to be WARM Metro Detroit
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,962 Member
    Good Thursday everyone!

    Well, the walking yesterday made my back hurt today. :grumble: It is raining here so between the rain and the pain, no walking. :sad:

    Thanks for all the well wishes. :flowerforyou: I never have time to respond to everyone individually. I miss that....:cry:

    I am so depressed. Between my back, finances, my son's problems, and my DH's pain, I just can't pull myself out of this. :indifferent:

    Thank you all for being there and letting me talk. This is like keeping a journal but with responses and encouragement. :wink:

    Gotta go. I am at work and need to do some......:grumble:

    Rita from rainy CT
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 466 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    It is raining here, we needed some rain so much. I need an icon for a happy dance. I still have some cleaning to do after the floor project. We went to Home Depot yesterday and got some new mops. We did some shopping after and found a great painting for the dining area.

    DeeDee, I understand your love for the cleaning aise in Home Depot! I stood there reading all of the labels and could become a collector of brooms and mops!:laugh:

    Cynthia, my thoughts are with you. I have loved each pet so much, I don't have children so they were my children. Such a painful time, many hugs (typing through tears):sad: :heart:

    Sylvia, my hubby laughs at me because I clean house before a trip too! :laugh: Glad you feel better!:flowerforyou:

    Meg, happy birthday,:flowerforyou:

    Jb, many prayers for your grandniece and family.:heart:

    Heather, have a wonderful trip,:smile:

    Michele, hugs, I am glad Bryan called you.:flowerforyou:

    Anamika, yoga is so good for you.:smile:

    Hugs to everyone. Wishing each of you a blessing today.

    Cindy in OK:heart:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Thurs.Another warm one-80`s.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Jane - let us know how things go with the doc.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Birthday Meg:drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Drs appt is next week,will let you know.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Happy birthday meg.

    Michele so glad you heard from Bryan.

    As for me feeling chipper today. Getting better and stronger everyday.

    was best loser at tops last night with a loss of 4.1 lbs. Now to keep with it. Got a little smile from wii this morning. Not quite but almost under 200. Be there by Monday or before I'm sure. Hoping to wear my #1 Mom necklace on Mother's day. My son bought me one and I lost it. So replaced it when I seen under 200 but since gained so had to take it off and weight also.

    Good luck to all that enter here. May your day bring nothing but Joy and Happiness.

    See you all lighter
  • natnlj
    natnlj Posts: 21 Member
  • BootCamper10
    BootCamper10 Posts: 20 Member

    JoAnne from Central Alberta, Canada
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Lots of posts to catch up on.

    I note people going through losses, it is hard no matter if it a pet or a person. And yes it is so sad the family issues that can arise from a loved one passing away. So the lesson I have learned from my father passing away is..... The personal items that I want to go to someone specific have a tag attached to them. I have a list also that is noted in my will, that assigns special items to people.

    And on a cheerier note :bigsmile:

    THE SUN IS SHINING AND IT IS NOT SNOWING OR RAINING!!!! And it is above zero Celsius in NW Saskatchewan!! :glasses:

    I had a massage this morning and I am going to walk the dogs. I am doggie sitting my son's two dogs while they are away on vacation. I would have rather babysat granddaughter but I am willing to share with the other Nana!!:bigsmile:

    Take care everyone and walking can relieve a lot of stress and clear the head..... so head on out and check it out.

    Lily in Sunny SK
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    good morning everyone, my schedule changed today! I got a call first thing this morning that my friend, Karen who was coming tonight is having to reschedule - her boss needed a major report today! - one that will take many hours to complete:grumble: . so we rescheduled and she is coming on Monday afternoon leaving Tuesday - I am a planner but this is the first time in a long time I was this organized:laugh: - all the food prep-ed, house clean, yard as good as it was going to get.... ready - oh well !!! so put what I could in the freezer and will eat what will not freeze and re-group on a menu for Monday night.

    Hope everyone with sadness :brokenheart: is hanging in - I am thinking of you all.

    Someone (sorry no notes today) mentioned that her dd texted and did not call - I have learned that for most of my younger friends and the nieces and nephews to them texting is the personal "good thing" the impersonal thing is to put it on facebook... I know this seems wrong to use who call and even send letters written on paper with a stamp:laugh: , but I try to not judge them too harshly for what seems right to them. I almost consider it dealing with someone from a different culture that I don't fully understand. Just a different view....

    Happy crazy mixed up Thursday.
    Kim in N. Cal