Goal reached. Family horrified.



  • Travelbug1955
    Travelbug1955 Posts: 61 Member
    You look awsome! Your family is jealous.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    It's really not suprising that you have body image issues. In spite of their credentials, I would recommend not turning to your family for health-diet-fitness advice. You seem to have things under control.
  • tdotgirl
    tdotgirl Posts: 95 Member
    You truly look fabulous!! Got the same reaction from my family.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Your family has an image in their head of what you "look like" based on the pre-loss weight. While I agree they are being appalling, it may take awhile for them to get used to the new you.

    Based only on your "now" picture (the others are blocked for me at work), you don't appear to be an unhealthy weight to me. Unless your own medical professional (rather than your sister) tells you you are underweight, I would let what they say go in one ear and out the other as much as possible as regards your health/fitness plan/goals.
  • squiguk
    squiguk Posts: 29 Member
    There is nothing 'EW' about you at all, you look amazing, happy and healthy! Maybe your family didn't think you would reach your goal and are a little jealous so they have to turn it into something negative?

    Whatever the reason for their comments, they cannot force you to gain weight and as long as you are happy just ignore them! I think it's totally out of order to say something like that especially to a family member. Maybe say it back to her and see how she likes it haha!
  • nikkinoellemary
    nikkinoellemary Posts: 119 Member
    I think you are just beautiful, then and now. You look so healthy! Don't worry about their "educated opinions". Maybe they have body issues of their own that they're projecting on to you. Maybe they are just being resistant to change (if I'm going to be frank about it). Either way it's on them, not you. You just keep being perfect and they can accept it when they get over themselves. <3
  • You look great! Congrats on hitting your goal.

    I think the situation with your family comes down to they're used to seeing you before the weight loss so for them you looked normal. It may not have been healthy but now that you've lost the weight it seems like a big change.

    I lost 60lbs and I still have maybe another 20 i want to lose. My grandma keeps saying that i shouldn't lose too much more cos they can see the loss in my face. Problem is my cheeks and neck were twice the size before so it looks like a big change.

    If you feel happy and healthy then that's all that matters.

    Keep up the great work!
  • Sharonwalkergmailcom
    Sharonwalkergmailcom Posts: 20 Member
    You cant please everyone. As long as you feel good about yourself, that's all the matters. You look great.
  • Ohio4Me
    Ohio4Me Posts: 22 Member
    You look great. You'll find the perfect weight for you. Maybe you will gain/lose a few pounds but you if you feel good then turn a deaf ear.

    My sister recently lost quite a bit of weight. I struggle with it because I am jealous! In reality, she is more confident and in better physical shape than she has been for many, many years. Again, I'm jealous but I sure find ways to encourage her because she is succeeding and I cannot begrudge her good health.

    I'm in the stage where I am trying to use her success to motivate me. Don't let joy busters get you down.
  • Rainboots80
    Rainboots80 Posts: 218 Member
    I think you look perfect! Not too skinny at all! They are just used to seeing you the way you were before.
  • dcshellz
    dcshellz Posts: 40 Member
    you Look Fine. Just know folks get used to seeing us in our soft fluffy skin, and then they see the change and they are caught off guard.
  • brod405
    brod405 Posts: 44 Member
    Honey you look perfect. You are toned!
  • braechel
    braechel Posts: 2
    I think you look absolutely fantastic! If they can't really see that then it's a loss to them. To be honest, you should just do what makes you happiest. If working out and eating right and losing weight makes you happy, and your healthy, then I don't think you have anything to worry about. :)
  • Changeisachoice
    Changeisachoice Posts: 63 Member
    I am going thru the same thing with my family as well. I keep telling myself that its their own insecurities that are the issue not my weight or appearance. Keep up the great work. You look amazing!
  • You look terrific.
  • joifulblonde
    joifulblonde Posts: 4 Member
    You look great! I know that You know, you look great too!! So please do not let your family sabotage you!!

    As many of us are familiar, there are often crazy emotional reasons for our weight issues.

    Sometimes our friends and families will even try and sabotage us. Many times they are not supportive because they, are afraid of change, or afraid that something about our "dynamic" will change, and that it will affect our relationship with them.
    for example, "They cannot feed us cake and then tell us we need to lose weight anymore" :)

    Think about it, they do have to treat you differently now. You are more confident, you look a lot better, you are in better shape, and you are caring for yourself! They cannot complain about you being overweight anymore, etc. etc. You may even have a relationship which is competitive with them in some way and now because of your weight-loss YOU are in the lead, or ahead of everyone, and you seem more successful. It could be that your weight loss may make them feel insecure about their own fitness etc. any number of things. Whatever it is,... it is their issue to get over,Not yours, because YOU look great and you are doing fabulously!

    Try not to invest in what they say, keep up the great work and self care!
    I am very happy for you!
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    You look great, i got similair responses and my BF ratio is probably around maybe 20 percent at the most. People have to take a look at themselves thru you and they dont like wha they see.
  • kayscholl93
    kayscholl93 Posts: 10 Member
    I don't think you look sickly thin. You look perfect to me.
    I've seen what sickly thin women look like... their jaws are sunken in, their bones are poking out of their skin... but you look fit and healthy! I have no idea what in the world gives them the impression that you look awful.

    Fantastic work reaching your goal! *high five*
  • BurntCoffee
    BurntCoffee Posts: 234 Member
    I don't have time to look through everyones responses so perhaps this has already been said. If you do not see your family very often they are not able to see the weight slowly come off daily so it comes as a shocking difference. If you come from a loving family they are probably just genuinely concerned, even though it is based on shock rather than any sort of real health issue. If that's the case maybe you could reassure them by getting a checkup with your doctor.

    If they are just being mean spirited I got nothing for ya. If you know you are healthy and your doctor says you are healthy then I wouldn't worry too much about what a few family members have to say over skype.

    I've had issues with ED's before and I didn't appear too thin. Nobody here can say that you are healthy or not based on before and after photos. That's is something you have to conclude with your doctor. But you do look lovely.
  • xPeacefulx
    xPeacefulx Posts: 59 Member
    I think you look fine. Your face is beautiful your family dont know what there talking about. Your fathers view on what is healthy isent what is healthy for everyone. Id stick with what your doing because to me you look Healthy and Happy :)
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