Is walking a legitimate exercise?



  • jennk5309
    jennk5309 Posts: 206 Member
    Movement is movement and will burn calories and is good for you. Even fidgeting burns calories. Now, walking will not burn as many calories as other, more strenuous exercises, but IMO ANY MOVEMENT is better for you than no or little movement!!! Just keep doing it! Consistency is what is most important.
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    Who cares what other people think is or isn't exercise? If you find that going for walks helps you in your goals, then do it. If not, don't and find something else.
  • VoodooSyxx
    VoodooSyxx Posts: 297
    I feel as though walking is an exercise. I used to do it a lot during the summer and it helped me to lose a lot of weight. I even progressed to jogging then running. ***If you want to burn more calories I suggest a sweat band around your waist.

    I wore an onion on my belt because it was the style at the time, but I don't know what that has to do with burning calories.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    I feel as though walking is an exercise. I used to do it a lot during the summer and it helped me to lose a lot of weight. I even progressed to jogging then running. ***If you want to burn more calories I suggest a sweat band around your waist.

    I wore an onion on my belt because it was the style at the time, but I don't know what that has to do with burning calories.

    I remember we had to use yellow onions, we couldn't get white ones 'cause of the war.
  • tdotgirl
    tdotgirl Posts: 95 Member
    Yes walking is exerise! I've lost 84 lbs walking
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Everything you say is a fact? If we don't find you interesting, we don't think? Strong logic.

    And I am sorry for saying you were annoying. Just being honest here.
    When the 'fact' in question is whether or not I have said something, yes whether or not I have said that thing is THE fact.
    To be clear: If someone claims I've said it and I haven't said it, they are not being 'factual'.

    Further, did I specify that you "don't think" if you don't find what I said interesting?
    It would seem to me you've extrapolated that as it meets your view of the topic rather than the reality.
    Again, try *thinking* about what I've written ;).

    I'm not sorry some people find me 'annoying', as it goes.
    Especially if those are the sort of people not likely to bother to read what I've written, making it up instead!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    So people haven't got the time to check up on facts - just make them up because it's easier!

    I do apologise if I've caused annoyance by forcing people to need to *think* about what I've said a little ;).

    Apology accepted. Thankyou. :smile:
  • hospitablegirl
    hospitablegirl Posts: 64 Member
    I count anything done intentionally to improve health regarding movement as exercise. If i go for a walk, it's exercise. If I run, it's exercise. Swimming, bowling, jogging, changing channels on the television :)
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    Haven't you seen the blog post that MFP featured on Facebook yesterday of the member that lost 75# just from walking and counting calories? MOVING is exercise. If you move enough (she was walking like 6-7miles per day) you'll burn enough calories to melt away the pounds.

    Walking doesn't help you lose weight on days you're already below or at target, as you're supposed to eat back your exercise calories to maintain your goal / healthy 1-2lb weight loss. It can help if you're above target! Even then, the benefit is minor--I burned only 136 kcal yesterday walking briskly for 36 minutes.

    I can't even get my heart rate in zone 2 walking, to build my aerobic base or cardio. At most it helps maintain. For more, I would need to transition to hiking (hills!) or jogging or bicycling or rowing or an elliptical.

    I loved walking the past 4 months. Alas, improvements require challenges. :)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I recently walked a 2 mile trail with 40 pounds on my back and a total gain of 2200' over snow.

    I totally think it was a legit exercise.
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    I recently walked a 2 mile trail with 40 pounds on my back and a total gain of 2200' over snow.
    Normally I call that "hiking". I do suspect that was very good exercise. If only I had a 2200' mountain in my backyard, I wouldn't need to find a better tool than walking, to build a strong aerobic base. ;)
  • ddixon503
    ddixon503 Posts: 119 Member
    I use to say walking wasn't an exercise...but that was 130 lbs ago.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I recently walked a 2 mile trail with 40 pounds on my back and a total gain of 2200' over snow.
    Normally I call that "hiking". I do suspect that was very good exercise. If only I had a 2200' mountain in my backyard, I wouldn't need to find a better tool than walking, to build a strong aerobic base. ;)

    Hiking just implies fancy shoes. Look at your fancy shoes ooooooo! ;)
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I recently walked a 2 mile trail with 40 pounds on my back and a total gain of 2200' over snow.
    Normally I call that "hiking". I do suspect that was very good exercise. If only I had a 2200' mountain in my backyard, I wouldn't need to find a better tool than walking, to build a strong aerobic base. ;)

    Hiking just implies fancy shoes. Look at your fancy shoes ooooooo! ;)

    ^^^ yeah, this.... hiking = walking through countryside. you don't even need fancy shoes. I've done loads of hiking in trainers (aka sneakers) or doc martens (I don't know if you even have them in the USA)
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    Of course it is exercise. However, just like everything you body will get immune to certain things and you may need to step it up a notch. I own a dog walking and pet sitting business and I walk for 5-7 hours a day and I am not thin from it. However, my legs are hard and I am in fairy good shape from it. In order for my body to start losing weight I needed to up my level of fitness...jog instead of walk, bootcamp classes, lifting swimming etc. If you walk, walk at a good clip, don't stroll!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Everything you say is a fact? If we don't find you interesting, we don't think? Strong logic.

    And I am sorry for saying you were annoying. Just being honest here.
    When the 'fact' in question is whether or not I have said something, yes whether or not I have said that thing is THE fact.
    To be clear: If someone claims I've said it and I haven't said it, they are not being 'factual'.

    Further, did I specify that you "don't think" if you don't find what I said interesting?
    It would seem to me you've extrapolated that as it meets your view of the topic rather than the reality.
    Again, try *thinking* about what I've written ;).

    I'm not sorry some people find me 'annoying', as it goes.
    Especially if those are the sort of people not likely to bother to read what I've written, making it up instead!

    Well, it's just my opinion that your clarity needs improvement.

    Also, I was not the person that said you said something.

    This is a very pointless discussion.

    All I said was that you weren't clear. You are the one making up what I said and blowing this way out of proportion.
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    Walked 11 miles yesterday at a pace of just under 4.5 miles per hour.

    Burned over a 1000 calories.

    Come talk to me again about walking not being "legitimate" exercise.
    I mostly sat on my back side yesterday (brief leisurely commute on the push at a slow pace thanks to dog running beside me) - I ate 2531 calories and lost weight.

    Tell me again about sitting on my backside not being "legitimate" exercise?


    That's lovely.

    And this has what to do with the 1000+ calories I burned on top of my already near 3000 calorie daily, "normal" expenditure?
    You've lost a lot of weight seems you know what you're doing!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I recently walked a 2 mile trail with 40 pounds on my back and a total gain of 2200' over snow.
    Normally I call that "hiking". I do suspect that was very good exercise. If only I had a 2200' mountain in my backyard, I wouldn't need to find a better tool than walking, to build a strong aerobic base. ;)

    Hiking just implies fancy shoes. Look at your fancy shoes ooooooo! ;)

    ^^^ yeah, this.... hiking = walking through countryside. you don't even need fancy shoes. I've done loads of hiking in trainers (aka sneakers) or doc martens (I don't know if you even have them in the USA)

    We do.

    It's simply accountrements for light hobbit play.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I recently walked a 2 mile trail with 40 pounds on my back and a total gain of 2200' over snow.
    Normally I call that "hiking". I do suspect that was very good exercise. If only I had a 2200' mountain in my backyard, I wouldn't need to find a better tool than walking, to build a strong aerobic base. ;)

    Hiking just implies fancy shoes. Look at your fancy shoes ooooooo! ;)

    ^^^ yeah, this.... hiking = walking through countryside. you don't even need fancy shoes. I've done loads of hiking in trainers (aka sneakers) or doc martens (I don't know if you even have them in the USA)

    We do.

    It's simply accountrements for light hobbit play.

    Yeah last time I did a 14 day pack over 180 miles I did it in basically sneakers. Screw boots, just makes things harder than it needs to be.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I recently walked a 2 mile trail with 40 pounds on my back and a total gain of 2200' over snow.
    Normally I call that "hiking". I do suspect that was very good exercise. If only I had a 2200' mountain in my backyard, I wouldn't need to find a better tool than walking, to build a strong aerobic base. ;)

    Hiking just implies fancy shoes. Look at your fancy shoes ooooooo! ;)

    ^^^ yeah, this.... hiking = walking through countryside. you don't even need fancy shoes. I've done loads of hiking in trainers (aka sneakers) or doc martens (I don't know if you even have them in the USA)

    We do.

    It's simply accountrements for light hobbit play.

    Yeah last time I did a 14 day pack over 180 miles I did it in basically sneakers. Screw boots, just makes things harder than it needs to be.

    Hiking boots suck