If I Can't Actually Look Skinny, What's the Point?



  • ncrugbyprop
    ncrugbyprop Posts: 96 Member
    Three things:

    1. Many photos are either staged or altered to make the subject look better. Its quite possible that the person(s) you are idolizing don't actually look aything like the photos in real life.

    2. You are still trying to get to your goal weight, correct? The most dramatic changes (results) usually occur at the end when a small weight loss really shows in the body fat percentage. Stay on target and don't get depressed.

    3. Its your body and your health. You may want to be taller, shorter, smaller bone structure, etc. but that's not who you are. Don't compare yourself to some subjective ideal of beauty, and don't ever believe any media guru's opinion of what's attractive. Make your body healthy and strong, take pride in the work to achieve those goals and live happily.
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    god, looking like Kim K in a bikini. what a nightmare **bangs head on wall**
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I always tell fat people, forget having a high self image, you are disgusting and need to shed weight.

    You on the other hand are not obese, and you just need to have a higher self image. - what you should do is smile at yourself everytime you look in the mirror - guarantee you will be more attractive, and will begin to find yourself more attractive.

    Well. You probably won't last long here.
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    You really don't look wide.

    If you think you should break up with your boyfriend because you aren't skinny enough, do it. Be on your own for awhile and find your self worth.
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    You're not wide at all. I looked at your profile pic. It's all in your head darling. And your boyfriend likes You, so that's really all that matters. Kim Khardashian is considered one of the most beautiful women alive, so be glad if you can look like her! Everyone is different, and skinny doesn't mean tiny. I am skinny, but I'm still a size 10. That's my bone structure. There's no fat there, just the way I'm built, and that's okay. Men like curves. They don't really want a toothpick, even though they may pretend they do. In all reality, you are beautiful, and you ARE skinny. You just have to convince yourself of that now, and it shouldn't be too hard because it's true.
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    not feeding into this...there are other places you can troll for complements
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    You're not wide at all. I looked at your profile pic. It's all in your head darling. And your boyfriend likes You, so that's really all that matters. Kim Khardashian is considered one of the most beautiful women alive, so be glad if you can look like her! Everyone is different, and skinny doesn't mean tiny. I am skinny, but I'm still a size 10. That's my bone structure. There's no fat there, just the way I'm built, and that's okay. Men like curves. They don't really want a toothpick, even though they may pretend they do. In all reality, you are beautiful, and you ARE skinny. You just have to convince yourself of that now, and it shouldn't be too hard because it's true.

    I just want to say that not all men like curves, or what they mean by curves may be different from someone else's definition. Who cares if some men don't like curves, though? Personally I'm not going to change my body to suit someone else's preference.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You have the body you have.

    You cannot do anything about it.

    You can work on it- and shape it and mold it- but it is your body - so work with what you have.

    I'll NEVER safely have thin legs- I am stuck with fat thighs and that's all there is to it.

    BUT- I can squat over 200 lbs- I can DL almost 300- and I can bench almost 200.

    My body is AMAZING.

    It doesn't look like anyone else's- and yeah- I get frustrated that it's hard to shop for clothes- when I'm in dance class doing something makes me look different than other people because my body shape is different- but it is what it is- comparing to other people gets me no where.

    Work with what you have- make the most of your body. Stay the course- you can do it.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    You're not wide at all. I looked at your profile pic. It's all in your head darling. And your boyfriend likes You, so that's really all that matters. Kim Khardashian is considered one of the most beautiful women alive, so be glad if you can look like her! Everyone is different, and skinny doesn't mean tiny. I am skinny, but I'm still a size 10. That's my bone structure. There's no fat there, just the way I'm built, and that's okay. Men like curves. They don't really want a toothpick, even though they may pretend they do. In all reality, you are beautiful, and you ARE skinny. You just have to convince yourself of that now, and it shouldn't be too hard because it's true.

    TIL: This one woman on MFP knows what all men everywhere want regardless of what they think they want.

  • Trindilicious
    Trindilicious Posts: 3 Member
    not feeding into this...there are other places you can troll for complements

    I am with you there......
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I think you look beautiful.

    Don't look at the scale.
    Don't compare yourself to other women.

    Get strong, get fit. Love yourself.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    If you have to ask, then give up, live alone and get fat. You are never going to look like someone in a magazine. Those women are photoshopped. Learn to love yourself. If you don't, that will be the reason why your boyfriend leaves you. You will be the driving force to getting rid of your boyfriend, not the fact that you are skinny.

    What happens when you get skinny? Will you be happy or will there always be something wrong? Also, getting to your desired weight doesn't suddenly open a portal to a world of happiness, rainbows and unicorns. That happiness has to come from within and being skinny will probably still not be good enough. You need to seek some help on how you view yourself. That is the best thing you can do to accept the things about you that will never be perfect.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Girl... it's all in the angles. For what it's worth, you look like a mesomorph to me - a body type with endless possibilities as long as you accept that you aren't going to suddenly have the bone structure and fat distribution of an ectomorph.


    legit lawls
  • bc2ct
    bc2ct Posts: 222 Member
    Girl... it's all in the angles. For what it's worth, you look like a mesomorph to me - a body type with endless possibilities as long as you accept that you aren't going to suddenly have the bone structure and fat distribution of an ectomorph.


    legit lawls

    I mean... I wasn't tryyyying to be funny. Did I say something wrong or is the idea of body type changing just naturally funny?

    Kinda like... ya, everyone can have thigh gap, all we need is for our hips to re-align. No worries, right?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You obviously have some serious body image issues to work through. Get help.

    And a mirror ...
  • Alissa_Sal
    Alissa_Sal Posts: 141
    I always tell fat people, forget having a high self image, you are disgusting and need to shed weight.

    You on the other hand are not obese, and you just need to have a higher self image. - what you should do is smile at yourself everytime you look in the mirror - guarantee you will be more attractive, and will begin to find yourself more attractive.

    What you should do is find a nearby fire and jump in.

    Yep. I brought the matches.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Girl... it's all in the angles. For what it's worth, you look like a mesomorph to me - a body type with endless possibilities as long as you accept that you aren't going to suddenly have the bone structure and fat distribution of an ectomorph.


    legit lawls

    I mean... I wasn't tryyyying to be funny. Did I say something wrong or is the idea of body type changing just naturally funny?

    Kinda like... ya, everyone can have thigh gap, all we need is for our hips to re-align. No worries, right?
    body types have been proven to be bunk. sure some people have slightly faster metabolisms than others but it all comes down to overeating or not
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    not feeding into this...there are other places you can troll for complements

    I am with you there......

    I'm hoping this is the case.

    OP, heavy lifting and body acceptance. You're welcome.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    It's your age.

    You'll grow up someday.
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