What helps you to get a sufficient amount of water???



  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I have a lemon and a lime in the fridge. When I have water I put a slice in it.
    Tastes nicer than just plain water.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I use 32 ounce evian bottles and refill them over and over... They last a long time and they're the right size for me. I can just about chug a 32-ounce bottle if I'm really thirsty. Always room temperature or close to it... Hot water isn't as satisfying, and cold water is harder to chug.

    I drink half a bottle right before bedtime and keep the rest on the nightstand. I will usually wake up thirsty during the night; when I do, I finish the bottle. I keep a second bottle on the nightstand for when I get up. On a good day, that bottle will be drained before I get in the car.

    I take a bottle in the car, drink some during my commute, and drink the rest at work.

    When I lift weights, I have a bottle with me and I take sips between sets. My workout takes a little over a bottle.

    In Krav class, I drink between intervals when they tell us to. Again, a bottle per workout.

    The main trick for me is having enough full bottles available during the day, so I refill them from the RO filter in my sink at night.

    I only log water as water... If I put a tea bag in my water bottle, which I like to do, then it becomes tea and is not logged as water. I don't like to drink wart with my meals; I'd rather drink soda or tea. So yeah, I'm taking in a LOT of fluids every day. This helps offset my insane sodium intake, and both of those things help me stay comfortable in our desert climate.

    Sometimes I don't manage to follow this routine, and I have reason to regret it! If I don't get 6-8 cups of water at an absolute minimum, not counting other drinks, I will suffer. 12 cups or more is much better.
  • happyjack1976
    happyjack1976 Posts: 74 Member
    I keep a 1 qt bottle at my desk. I make myself drink one full bottle before lunch and one full bottle after lunch. I pee all damn day.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Drink a few pots of black coffee and consider it your water intake.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I like the coffee idea!! I think I will just add some fresh fruit to my water. Maybe if I start drinking one bottle when I get up in the am. I can force myself to wait to have my coffee when I have finished it. Then I can drink another bottle after for the rest of the day. If I do that, I may even get more :)
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Maybe your not thirsty because you don't need water. Not everyone's water needs are the same, and for the most part the "drink more water!" campaign is a bit overblown.

    Do you have symptoms of dehydration? Is your urine dark in color and infrequent?

    If not, I wouldn't worry.

    Yes I have been to the doctor and the ER for constant headaches just about every day. I was told that I need to drink more water, get enough sleep, and try to be stress free. I honestly drink maybe 4 oz and call it a day. Sometimes I go through the day with out any. All I will have is my coffee and that is it (on no workout days of course). I actually really need to be drinking a lot more water or I feel like crap.

    In addition to what's already been said, my advice would be to eat a lot of water rich foods. Soups, fresh fruits and vegetables, and grains and legumes cooked in water are all good choices.

    Also it's better to sip water than to chug it, in terms of hydration, because your body will just flush out the excess water without absorbing it if you drink too much at once. It's also better to consume water with food instead of between meals because the electrolytes in the food aid in your body's absorption and use of the water.

    Use habits you already have in place to build a hydration habit. After meals, after brushing your teeth, after doing the dishes, etc. Drink any non-alcoholic fluid you like, it doesn't have to be straight water.
  • kendall916
    kendall916 Posts: 4,222 Member
    What I do sometimes is eat a small portion of a dessert that is too sweet so I'm forced to drink a lot of water.
  • dejareedubose
    dejareedubose Posts: 39 Member
    try to add flavoring i like to add the 0 cal packets my favorite is the wal-mart brand pink lemonade flavor packets
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Just drink stuff. when they say to drink so many glasses of water, it's only an 8 oz. glass of water. That's really not very much, if you measure it out. takes about a second or two to drink it. And everything you drink (other than alcohol or caffeine, which are diuretics) counts in your daily intake. I personally carry a bottle around with me most of the time and just keep refilling it. I also carry a little squirt bottle of Mio or whatever little flavoring I feel like at the time in my purse and add it to my water at restaurants and bars if I want flavor.
  • HealthySideofLife
    HealthySideofLife Posts: 80 Member
    I bought myself a thermos water bottle a couple of months ago, and I'm pretty sure it hasn't seen a dry minute since I've had it. I constantly fill it, and by the end of the day ive gone through it 4 or 5 times. Maybe that'll help?

    I agree with what the others say too about flavoring water. My fiance's mother can't drink plain water without it tasting like something fruity. The actual fruit in there is a great idea, too.

    I wish you luck!
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    Coffee, Tea, Flavored Water, Fruit, Vegetables, and even the dreaded soda/ pop. They all contain water. The whole 8 glasses of water a day or a gallon of water a day myth has been flushed awhile ago. As long as your urine is pale yellow you are getting enough. I drink a glass in the morning and sometimes before bed. Other than that I hardly touch it. My urine is usually always pale yellow or even lighter.

    Anything above and beyond that literally just goes down the drain. Your body does nothing with it but send it right to the bladder. It does not magically flush your body of toxins.
  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    I down 32 oz as soon as I get up. Then about 8oz every hour after, until I have at least 128oz done.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Coffee, Tea, Flavored Water, Fruit, Vegetables, and even the dreaded soda/ pop. They all contain water. The whole 8 glasses of water a day or a gallon of water a day myth has been flushed awhile ago. As long as your urine is pale yellow you are getting enough. I drink a glass in the morning and sometimes before bed. Other than that I hardly touch it. My urine is usually always pale yellow or even lighter.

    Anything above and beyond that literally just goes down the drain. Your body does nothing with it but send it right to the bladder. It does not magically flush your body of toxins.

    The OP has expressed that she has had medical issues due to dehydration in the past.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I just saw that other post about coffee being counted as water. Many people on there said that no coffee should not be counted as water and then some said yes. That confuses me.
  • 709sherry
    709sherry Posts: 33 Member
    I have the same problem with drinking water. Even after working out and sweating a lot I rarely get thirsty but I will drink some. All I drink is coffee (about 5 cups a day) and I have been counting those as intake. I drink a tall glass with my vitamins and that is about all I drink. I don't feel bad physically at all, however. I would like a straightforward answer as to whether coffee can be counted. I tend to be of the camp that fluid is fluid... coffee, water, food... it all gets processed by the kidneys.

    One of my friends cured her persistent headache problem by drinking more water.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I just saw that other post about coffee being counted as water. Many people on there said that no coffee should not be counted as water and then some said yes. That confuses me.

    Caffeine is a diuretic (as in, in makes you pass water out of your system). So if it is all you are drinking, it's not going to be that productive for you.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    I just saw that other post about coffee being counted as water. Many people on there said that no coffee should not be counted as water and then some said yes. That confuses me.

    Caffeine is a diuretic (as in, in makes you pass water out of your system). So if it is all you are drinking, it's not going to be that productive for you.

    Caffeine is a fairly weak diuretic, and it's been pretty well debunked that the diuretic effect of caffeine in coffee comes even remotely close to offsetting the amount of water in coffee.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    Okay that makes me happy then! Having my coffee right now and also had 2 cups of water already. I might add is gross in the morning unless I am exercising. Ugh