<1000 calories and still not losing weight?



  • NadiaGH
    NadiaGH Posts: 68 Member

    That's what I have to get used to. As of tomorrow, I'll have to consume at least my BMR to get started... That's going to be different, because I've eaten so little for the last year, at least. :-/

    OP I am sorry but you really seem to be cherry picking the advice you listen too. Some that have offered help are some very experienced people here on MFP. You have not eaten so little for the last year.....it is IMPOSSIBLE, unless you have a severe undiagnosed disorder. I am not sure how tall you are but at 130 your BMR (if your were in a coma) is probably about 1400 and if you are slightly to moderately active your TDEE (what you burn a day with activity, including exercise) is probably 2100-2300. So if you have not lost weight that means you have been eating at TDEE, if you gained you ate over. To lose you MUST eat less. For roughly every 3500 calories you burn that you have NOT consumed you lose a lb.

    Put your info in mfp, set a .5 goal, you are too light for more aggressive. 10lbs is considered vanity lbs. Set your activity level, try slightly active. Log EVERYTHING, weigh everything, measure all drinks. Log exercise, unless you are positive do not eat all the calories back, you are working with a tiny range for a deficient and 10 cookie can wipe it out for a week. Then read a lot, look up the TDEE method. Give it 4 weeks if no loss then adjust. The reason you need to know BMR is because you should never eat less than that number, trust me if you have been eating anywhere near your BRM for the last year you would have no weight to lose.....you could be in a coma and not gain a lb. while in taking your BMR. It is all math, and once you start weighing and logging you will see how easy it is to be off, and with such a small loss you have zero wiggle room.

    Also....Starvation mode is a myth, mild adaptions happen but nothing to prevent weight loss at a deficient and never to gain on a deficient. Lifting will not make you big and bulky....you do not have enough testosterone and muscle is harder to gain than fat is to lose. When it comes to weight....calories are calories either ice cream or spinach, nutrition and body composition is the only time a "clean diet" matters unless you have health issues. With 10lbs. only to lose...body recomposition would most likely work best, drop the size and give you the better body...not only would you look great in clothes but you would look awesome naked. Look in the success forum for women who lift, the results are amazing.

    Thank you, I just used the IIFYM website for some calculations.
    The BMR Calculator gave 1386 as BMR.
    The TDEE Calculator resulted in the BMR as 1279 and TDEE as 1871.
  • NadiaGH
    NadiaGH Posts: 68 Member
    Okay understood. But you do seem to be agreeing with the notion that you need to eat a couple hundred more calories per day. And agreeing with the ones giving you bad advice, not the ones giving you much better advice.

    Well, as a newbie to calorie counting, until a few hours ago, I was under the assumption that I was eating way less calories than I may actually be eating. Based on that alone, I have been agreeing that I should be eating more than 1000 calories a day, and should be at least reaching my BMR. Thanks to this handy dandy app, I'll be able to keep an accurate log of calories consumed and calories expended.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member

    Thank you, I just used the IIFYM website for some calculations.
    The BMR Calculator gave 1386 as BMR.
    The TDEE Calculator resulted in the BMR as 1279 and TDEE as 1871.

    These number s are just as good as a place to start. TDEE includes exercise so you can log it but change the calorie burn to 1. If you want you can put a custom calorie goal in MFP, maybe choose 1371....this will be near your BMR and give you a 500 calorie deficient per day...(500*7=3500) this is a 1 lb per week loss. For your size that is probably too aggressive but you could try it. Because of the small range you MUST weigh everything. The best bet if you are only looking for the number on the scale would be eating 1350-1600 per day this is a 1/2 to 1 lb. loss per week, with this method you do NOT eat exercise calories back. Lifting heavy will shape your body best and will help to keep your lean body mass (muscles and bone density). Eating at this level will also help maintain your lean body mass, eating below BMR can cause your body to attack the muscles more severely. Also pay attention to your macros. Protein is normally the most important you need to try to hit your numbers, fat will help you feel full longer and carbs are not the devil. Start here with the above and then read, do not make adjustments until 4 weeks...it takes that long to know for sure. Also as a female you will fluctuate 2-10 lbs during the month in water weight...my normal is 4 lbs. but some are less and some are more.

    Start reading on heavy lifting, there are women my height (5'4") that weight 15-20lbs over my goal weight (135) and wear jeans size 2-4, at that weight I wear a 4-6.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Okay understood. But you do seem to be agreeing with the notion that you need to eat a couple hundred more calories per day. And agreeing with the ones giving you bad advice, not the ones giving you much better advice.

    Well, as a newbie to calorie counting, until a few hours ago, I was under the assumption that I was eating way less calories than I may actually be eating. Based on that alone, I have been agreeing that I should be eating more than 1000 calories a day, and should be at least reaching my BMR. Thanks to this handy dandy app, I'll be able to keep an accurate log of calories consumed and calories expended.

    How to word this.....in your mind it would be more but in truth it would be less, 2 sodas could wipe out your deficient for the day. Peanut butter in grams can be a 30% difference from measuring with a table spoon, that could be about 60 calories right there, ranch dressing 2 tablespoons is very little most use 4-6 so instead of 220 it is now 440-660 you could have a burger instead, little things like this is what make all the difference when you have so little to lose. You need to be accurate to the gram and fluid ounce about everything that passes your lips, then you will be eating less but when logging will see the calories total to more than your current. Also you must be as active as you said on the calculator for TDEE or the numbers will be off....this is also just an estimate and with little to lose finding the majic number can be hard. That is why most recommended body recomposition.
  • NadiaGH
    NadiaGH Posts: 68 Member

    Thank you, I just used the IIFYM website for some calculations.
    The BMR Calculator gave 1386 as BMR.
    The TDEE Calculator resulted in the BMR as 1279 and TDEE as 1871.

    These number s are just as good as a place to start. TDEE includes exercise so you can log it but change the calorie burn to 1. If you want you can put a custom calorie goal in MFP, maybe choose 1371....this will be near your BMR and give you a 500 calorie deficient per day...(500*7=3500) this is a 1 lb per week loss. For your size that is probably too aggressive but you could try it. Because of the small range you MUST weigh everything. The best bet if you are only looking for the number on the scale would be eating 1350-1600 per day this is a 1/2 to 1 lb. loss per week, with this method you do NOT eat exercise calories back. Lifting heavy will shape your body best and will help to keep your lean body mass (muscles and bone density). Eating at this level will also help maintain your lean body mass, eating below BMR can cause your body to attack the muscles more severely. Also pay attention to your macros. Protein is normally the most important you need to try to hit your numbers, fat will help you feel full longer and carbs are not the devil. Start here with the above and then read, do not make adjustments until 4 weeks...it takes that long to know for sure. Also as a female you will fluctuate 2-10 lbs during the month in water weight...my normal is 4 lbs. but some are less and some are more.

    Start reading on heavy lifting, there are women my height (5'4") that weight 15-20lbs over my goal weight (135) and wear jeans size 2-4, at that weight I wear a 4-6.

    Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it! I'm looking forward to making the changes you and others have suggested, finding which method works best for me. :-)
  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good luck and log EVERYTHING :smile:
  • Lundatica
    Lundatica Posts: 16 Member
    Okay understood. But you do seem to be agreeing with the notion that you need to eat a couple hundred more calories per day. And agreeing with the ones giving you bad advice, not the ones giving you much better advice.

    Well, as a newbie to calorie counting, until a few hours ago, I was under the assumption that I was eating way less calories than I may actually be eating. Based on that alone, I have been agreeing that I should be eating more than 1000 calories a day, and should be at least reaching my BMR. Thanks to this handy dandy app, I'll be able to keep an accurate log of calories consumed and calories expended.

    How to word this.....in your mind it would be more but in truth it would be less, 2 sodas could wipe out your deficient for the day. Peanut butter in grams can be a 30% difference from measuring with a table spoon, that could be about 60 calories right there, ranch dressing 2 tablespoons is very little most use 4-6 so instead of 220 it is now 440-660 you could have a burger instead, little things like this is what make all the difference when you have so little to lose. You need to be accurate to the gram and fluid ounce about everything that passes your lips, then you will be eating less but when logging will see the calories total to more than your current. Also you must be as active as you said on the calculator for TDEE or the numbers will be off....this is also just an estimate and with little to lose finding the majic number can be hard. That is why most recommended body recomposition.

    How to word this...

    If I understand you correctly (and the above is so convoluted, it's quite possible to missunderstand you despite trying really hard and applying the charity principle (look it up, you may need it some day)) you seem to be saying that she should aim to be eating below 1000kcal/day, even if most of the world agrees that is way too little, and keep guesstimating her intake.

    What others have suggested - and which OP has taken to heart - is to be more accurate with the logging, to start using the food scales she already owns but hasn't used up until now and aim a little higher than the 1000. And you have a problem with this because..?

    OP has been given good advice and she has committed to following it. I see no problem with her here, only with you.

    Are you sure you understand what OP is writing? (Or anyone else?)

    OP: What is wrong?
    Nice People: 1000 is way too little for most people in the world and estimating intake and expenditure is hard. Aim a little higher and find a better way to log both. (i.e start using food scales and get a heart rate monitor, et.c)
    OP: Scales, Monitor and more realistic intake goal - check!
    Not so Nice People: Y U ONLY <3 THERE ADVICE*???11!!! U SUK!

    * Because she can read for comprehension. Oh, and Not so Nice People aren't really giving advice, only shouting abuse.
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    Your body is in starvation mode because you're not feeding it enough!! As strange as it sounds, you have to eat more to lose weight, especially since you're consistently working out. And make sure you have at least 8 glasses of water a day. I just read a medical report that said you should never eat less than 1200 calories a day, which is the absolute lowest MFP allows. Then your workouts earn calories that you should also use-though MFP seems to overestimate the calories there, so I try to only eat half of them. Weight Watchers says the same thing, so it's obviously been researched to death. try it for a week or two and I'm sure you'll see a huge difference. And those last 10 pounds are just as hard to lose as higher amounts

    No please stop spewing terrible information
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    A couple more links for you OP to help you with logging accurately and re-evaluating how much you are really eating.



    Good luck!
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    Your body is in starvation mode because you're not feeding it enough!! As strange as it sounds, you have to eat more to lose weight, especially since you're consistently working out. And make sure you have at least 8 glasses of water a day. I just read a medical report that said you should never eat less than 1200 calories a day, which is the absolute lowest MFP allows. Then your workouts earn calories that you should also use-though MFP seems to overestimate the calories there, so I try to only eat half of them. Weight Watchers says the same thing, so it's obviously been researched to death. try it for a week or two and I'm sure you'll see a huge difference. And those last 10 pounds are just as hard to lose as higher amounts

    No such thing.
  • brydensholt
    You need to eat way more!! You should be eating at leasy 1800 cals a day, especially if you're also working out. When the body isn't getting enough food, it'll slow down your metabolism, since it doesn't know excactly how much energy it can afford to lose. Eat more and you'll see results! Lots of really fit women are eating 2000+ calories a day. Remember, also, that your goal weight might not be reasonable, since you'll be putting on muscle mass from working out.
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    You need to eat way more!! You should be eating at leasy 1800 cals a day, especially if you're also working out. When the body isn't getting enough food, it'll slow down your metabolism, since it doesn't know excactly how much energy it can afford to lose. Eat more and you'll see results! Lots of really fit women are eating 2000+ calories a day. Remember, also, that your goal weight might not be reasonable, since you'll be putting on muscle mass from working out.

    She does not need to eat more because she is not in a deficit. She isn't eating less than 1000 calories a day and it is painfully obvious.

    This thread is full of absolutely horrendous information. 7 more lbs to lose and I graduate from this forum. Its pretty much the slums of MFP
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Okay understood. But you do seem to be agreeing with the notion that you need to eat a couple hundred more calories per day. And agreeing with the ones giving you bad advice, not the ones giving you much better advice.

    Well, as a newbie to calorie counting, until a few hours ago, I was under the assumption that I was eating way less calories than I may actually be eating. Based on that alone, I have been agreeing that I should be eating more than 1000 calories a day, and should be at least reaching my BMR. Thanks to this handy dandy app, I'll be able to keep an accurate log of calories consumed and calories expended.

    How to word this.....in your mind it would be more but in truth it would be less, 2 sodas could wipe out your deficient for the day. Peanut butter in grams can be a 30% difference from measuring with a table spoon, that could be about 60 calories right there, ranch dressing 2 tablespoons is very little most use 4-6 so instead of 220 it is now 440-660 you could have a burger instead, little things like this is what make all the difference when you have so little to lose. You need to be accurate to the gram and fluid ounce about everything that passes your lips, then you will be eating less but when logging will see the calories total to more than your current. Also you must be as active as you said on the calculator for TDEE or the numbers will be off....this is also just an estimate and with little to lose finding the majic number can be hard. That is why most recommended body recomposition.

    How to word this...

    If I understand you correctly (and the above is so convoluted, it's quite possible to missunderstand you despite trying really hard and applying the charity principle (look it up, you may need it some day)) you seem to be saying that she should aim to be eating below 1000kcal/day, even if most of the world agrees that is way too little, and keep guesstimating her intake.

    What others have suggested - and which OP has taken to heart - is to be more accurate with the logging, to start using the food scales she already owns but hasn't used up until now and aim a little higher than the 1000. And you have a problem with this because..?

    OP has been given good advice and she has committed to following it. I see no problem with her here, only with you.

    Are you sure you understand what OP is writing? (Or anyone else?)

    OP: What is wrong?
    Nice People: 1000 is way too little for most people in the world and estimating intake and expenditure is hard. Aim a little higher and find a better way to log both. (i.e start using food scales and get a heart rate monitor, et.c)
    OP: Scales, Monitor and more realistic intake goal - check!
    Not so Nice People: Y U ONLY <3 THERE ADVICE*???11!!! U SUK!

    * Because she can read for comprehension. Oh, and Not so Nice People aren't really giving advice, only shouting abuse.

    Not sure why you could not comprehend the previous post, as it was as clear as any of the other posts here so far.

    I believe the OP understands what she needs to do, now, and bless her heart she has been the most patient and gracious with all the conflicting advice that always comes with these posts. OP- You win the internet for the day! :flowerforyou:

    What always boggles my mind with the majority of advice given on these type threads is that many people will say "You need to eat MORE" and then in the same sentence, admonish the poster for not accurately measuring/weighing and logging their intake, which usually results in the poster OVER eating.

    So which is it people? Is she eating too LITTLE, or is she eating too MUCH, but not accurately measuring and logging??

    The OP has already agreed that she has not been accurately measuring and logging her intake for the past 8 weeks, and has agreed to start doing that. check.

    She has also listened to the advice about starting a lifting program, and agrees that sounds like a good idea. check.

    And the OP has been extremely nice and polite to every poster, whether they gave good advice or not. Heck, she was even nice to one of the rudest and most arrogant posters on this site, and he continued to attack her even further, because he doesn't know how to LISTEN. For that alone, the OP deserves a medal! :drinker:

    So we can all back off now, and let the OP take the info she has learned today and apply it.

    Great job, OP! We will be waiting to read your success story on here soon!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I agree 1000 calories is way too low. Long story short, find out what your Resting Metablic Rate (RMR). Use this RMR calculator: http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/rmr-calculator.html
    That should tell you what your minimum calorie intake should be.
    Wear a heart monitor when working out so you know how many calories your burning, enter the amount on your exercise diary and MFP will automatically add the calories to your food diary. The extra calories you eat should be lean protein and carb balanced.This will add lean mass and decrease fat in your body. You may see a small weight gain at first but you will notice your muscles become more toned as the fat melts away.

    I hope this helps :smile:

  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    If you are at a deficit, you will lose weight. PERIOD. Some people apparently believe they are immune to physics. The metabolism never slows down to a point where you stop losing weight if you are truly eating at a deficit. The more logical answers have been given to you.

    Ok, so does that mean if I'm eating 1200 calories, I need to burn off 1500? I mean how would I do that? I couldn't possibly be at the gym for hours, and I wouldn't have the energy. I'm not trying to come off as argumentative, but I don't understand?
  • arl1286
    arl1286 Posts: 276 Member
    Ignore all of the starvation mode bull****.

    You're not losing weight for two reasons:

    1. You're probably not logging properly, and you're actually eating more than you think you are.

    2. If you've never exercised (or haven't in a while) and just started, your body is going to start clinging to water for muscle repair, etc.
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    You've gotten some good advice. Definitely read the threads that were recommended, and get your food scale out of the box and use it. :smile: Let us know how it goes!
  • librarianjenne
    librarianjenne Posts: 66 Member
    Good luck! I'm glad you're committing to logging accurately! It really makes a huge difference!