If you eat clean, your cravings go away



  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    What is eating clean?
    To me, it's when I shower then eat.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
  • regions02
    regions02 Posts: 154 Member
    Totally agree. I no longer crave sweets. Yay!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I have never met a single person in my life who has become fat while eating clean.
    Oh, I definitely have. I grew up in a very hippy-ish community (Marin County, CA). Most of my friend's parents including my own were all about eating as clean and naturally as possible. I can think of very few who were not overweight. Also, you know all those paintings of people such as Henry VIII, fat peasants, women by Rubens? Do you think they ate clean?

    As for as the original topic goes, I think it's somewhat of a placebo effect. You want so badly for it to work that it does. Also, we are creatures of habit. I know if I don't eat something for awhile, I stop craving it. I used to live off Ramen and Kraft Mac & Cheese. It's been years since I ate it and haven't craved it in years.
  • spidey647
    spidey647 Posts: 1
    It's funny, but I've been on a super-clean diet for a week now - at the beginning I used to get insane food cravings (junk or otherwise), but yesterday I noticed that I didn't get those cravings anymore - my calorie intake/exercise has remained constant for the past week. I wonder if quitting unhealthy eating is like cigarettes - the cravings subside after a while?