Is walking a legitimate exercise?



  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    ive been walking on the treadmill with 1 minute jogs every 10 minutes. an hour a day. lost 5lb this week. so it does something huh!

    Great job!

    thanks :flowerforyou:
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Walking burns almost as much calories as running per distance, But not per time. Walking is great exercise and can burn a lot of calories but it IS time consuming. When we consider running vs Walking

    Calorie Burn per Distance - Running slightly higher
    Calorie Burn per Time - Running Way Higher
    Time Required - Walking Requires a lot more
    Fitness requirement - Running way higher
    Fitness benefits - Running way higher

    There are many advantages to running. But walking is entirely legitimate.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Walking burns almost as much calories as running per distance, But not per time. Walking is great exercise and can burn a lot of calories but it IS time consuming. When we consider running vs Walking

    Calorie Burn per Distance - Running slightly higher
    Calorie Burn per Time - Running Way Higher
    Time Required - Walking Requires a lot more
    Fitness requirement - Running way higher
    Fitness benefits - Running way higher

    There are many advantages to running. But walking is entirely legitimate.

    For visual on those comments and what speed will get you closer.


    If chart preferred, here.

    edit - Strange, their gif isn't coming across, perhaps they don't like and allow that. I'll leave correct URL above in case it does. Until it does, just go to linked page.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    i haven't read all the comments on here so i don't know if this has been mentioned, but walking at a brisk pace actually burns more fat that running, as you burn the most fat when your heart rate is under 65% its maximum rate (you find your maximum heart rate by taking your age from 220) i walk around 3 hours a day at least 3 days a week and honestly i feel great! I've lost loads of weight as well as inches actually!!

    I read that somewhere too and as I mentioned in my post I lost more weight walking at a brisk pace than I did working out at the gym, this usually includes running on the treadmill. According to MFP/the machines I burn more cals at the gym but in reality lost more weight walking.

    I'm with you both! Also read an article here in Italy that brisk walking, and swimming are the best ways to tone up celulite. It's worked for me.

    er, wot?

    Tone up cellulite?

    Cellulite is a type of fat deposit and can't be "toned". Eye don unnastahnd ewe!
  • proudjmmom
    proudjmmom Posts: 145 Member
    Check out my ticker! That is proof that walking is a legitimate form of exercise! Walking was my main form of exercise through my journey.
  • brob1413kgt
    brob1413kgt Posts: 1 Member
    absolutely, depending on your fitness!
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    I've lost 23kg, 50lb, walking only,

    small calorie deficit, lots of walks & here I am :smile:
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    i haven't read all the comments on here so i don't know if this has been mentioned, but walking at a brisk pace actually burns more fat that running, as you burn the most fat when your heart rate is under 65% its maximum rate (you find your maximum heart rate by taking your age from 220) i walk around 3 hours a day at least 3 days a week and honestly i feel great! I've lost loads of weight as well as inches actually!!

    I read that somewhere too and as I mentioned in my post I lost more weight walking at a brisk pace than I did working out at the gym, this usually includes running on the treadmill. According to MFP/the machines I burn more cals at the gym but in reality lost more weight walking.

    I'm with you both! Also read an article here in Italy that brisk walking, and swimming are the best ways to tone up celulite. It's worked for me.

    er, wot?

    Tone up cellulite?

    Cellulite is a type of fat deposit and can't be "toned". Eye don unnastahnd ewe!

    "walking burns more than running"

    I call BS on that. Unless you are talking about equal distance (not equal time) in which case, if you are power walking without any bouncey bounce, I think it's possible. But in terms of time (which is what we are mostly limited by if we are employed and parental units), running burns more per hour. No question.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    But eating is exercise?
    And I'll get more out of a run than a hike.
    And more out of weights set and maybe some interval training than a steady state run.

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    In for Ravens.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    i haven't read all the comments on here so i don't know if this has been mentioned, but walking at a brisk pace actually burns more fat that running, as you burn the most fat when your heart rate is under 65% its maximum rate (you find your maximum heart rate by taking your age from 220) i walk around 3 hours a day at least 3 days a week and honestly i feel great! I've lost loads of weight as well as inches actually!!

    I read that somewhere too and as I mentioned in my post I lost more weight walking at a brisk pace than I did working out at the gym, this usually includes running on the treadmill. According to MFP/the machines I burn more cals at the gym but in reality lost more weight walking.

    I'm with you both! Also read an article here in Italy that brisk walking, and swimming are the best ways to tone up celulite. It's worked for me.

    er, wot?

    Tone up cellulite?

    Cellulite is a type of fat deposit and can't be "toned". Eye don unnastahnd ewe!

    Yes, that's what I read in an Italian newspaper in an article on the best way to eliminate celulite or at least better it's aspects. The doctor writing the article stated that genics play a big part, as well as diet. Laser is an option, as is massage---although you can worsen the situation with an overly strong massage since cellulite is also inflamation. Best results were with swimming and brisk walking. I'm going from memory since I read it 3 weeks ago in a waiting room (so don't have the article myself to rereference). Since I both swim and do alot of brisk walking and have seen great results with my celulite (which any woman can tell you is close to impossible to get rid of), I was very interested and pleased to see that I had gotten it right. By the way I do know celulite is a fat deposit. Have you dealt with it personally yourself? I'd be interested to hear how you got rid of yours. :smile:
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member

    Yes, that's what I read in an Italian newspaper in an article on the best way to eliminate celulite or at least better it's aspects. The doctor writing the article stated that genics play a big part, as well as diet. Laser is an option, as is massage---although you can worsen the situation with an overly strong massage since cellulite is also inflamation. Best results were with swimming and brisk walking. I'm going from memory since I read it 3 weeks ago in a waiting room (so don't have the article myself to rereference). Since I both swim and do alot of brisk walking and have seen great results with my celulite (which any woman can tell you is close to impossible to get rid of), I was very interested and pleased to see that I had gotten it right. By the way I do know celulite is a fat deposit. Have you dealt with it personally yourself? I'd be interested to hear how you got rid of yours. :smile:

    Being a fat deposit, those exercises don't and can't spot reduce it, you know that right? If the doctor was claiming that, then he's simply a charlatan. Now, losing weight will impact the size and magnitude of the cellulite, so anything you do for that is great. Since diet is a major contributor to bodyfat %, that's a correct statement, that diet plays a part. I know a few ironman triathletes, great women, put in a lot of hard work, but have those cellulite dimples, it's a genetic predisposition and it sucks.

    Swimming is a great exercise, and the overall impact of it in your life can't be overstated. It won't blast cellulite though, but it will support a proper diet to reducing the size of the cellulite you do have.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Diet is first and foremost of course---but then? As you've said yourself you know women in shape that have trouble bettering the look of it. Since I have been able to without doing triathalons, I just thought I'd mention it. Best :smile:
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Diet is first and foremost of course---but then? As you've said yourself you know women in shape that have trouble bettering the look of it. Since I have been able to without doing triathalons, I just thought I'd mention it. Best :smile:

    Uh. Nope. I guess you don't know what a triathlon is?

    Getting rid of cellulite is 100% diet, and 100% not relevant to the OP's question.

    I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    We were talking about briskwalking being an exercise, were we not? It is an exercise. My soul is just fine thanks, and as for points--don't need any. Good luck to you. Best :smile:
  • chi2teach
    chi2teach Posts: 29 Member
    At a decent speed (4 mi/hr), it definitely is. Not sure I'd count walking the dog, unless it's at a good brisk pace. I wouldn't count a stroll or < mile. My dietitian says "It all counts".
  • sus49
    sus49 Posts: 94 Member
    LOL Actually house cleaning IS listed as exercise. Look up Cleaning in the database
  • A brisk, 30 minute walk 6 days per week is good exercise.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    It is a very low level exercise unless you speed walk walk very long distances and a brisk pace, or use Nordic walking poles or something like that, but it is an exercise,

    Any exercise is better than sedentary, but I would not count on it to get you toned, but it will still help your heart and overall fitness if you do a lot of it.