Anyone in the 50's going for the 60's



  • sabinekiwi
    sabinekiwi Posts: 23 Member
    I know how you feel - same age and m weight is stalling :-(
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    over and above at 66 it is harder but slowly it is improving good luck with your journey
  • karenc118
    karenc118 Posts: 78 Member
    this struck a chord with me! friend request sent! Im 53 and the menopause hit recently, problems with muscles, tendons, back, helped by stretches and pilates, not helped by office job!
  • JeffTCole
    JeffTCole Posts: 140 Member
    Deep into the 50's here. I have made "trying" to be fit my lifelong life style. It does seem to get more difficult as time goes by, but one has to stick with it, work through the issues, and never give up. Things like MFP and Endomondo have helped. Anyone feel free to send a friend request. Good luck!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I am 51 and I feel great!! Truly blessed!!!!
  • janpre2001
    janpre2001 Posts: 1
    I will be 59 in August and I know just what you mean. Just started this on May 1 and already lost 2 lbs. I had been going to the gym 6X a week for the longest time and although I was not losing weight, I didn't gain. I had also had three stress tests in the past and all were good. The doctors even commented that it was obvious that I worked out.

    I knew I had to change my eating habits and I suspected portion size was my problem as I don't eat much junk food (meaning only on occasion). However, doing it was another story and to top it off, these past 6 months I went to the gym sporadically so the lbs started to come on my already overweight frame. My recent blood work showed I was heading for type 2 diabetes, I now have high blood pressure and my cholesterol, although not too bad was not what my doctor wanted for me as I have heart disease in my family. So, time to get serious. I was really annoyed with myself because I quit smoking in 1999, hence the weight gain. I felt that since I could beat that, I could also beat the weight gain. I am finding this more difficult and frustrating than quitting smoking. I was a 2 pack a day smoker!

    I had heard about MFP from a coworker, who is 5'8" and 130 - which is what I used to be. She and I are the same height with a huge weight difference. Now, yes she is also much younger than I, however I thought if I could just get started losing weight, I'd feel better. In the past no diet worked. I tried Atkins and lost a whopping 6 lbs in 3 months and that's when my cholesterol started to climb, so I stopped that. I tried eating oatmeal for breakfast and salad for lunch and then a normal dinner. I found I was hungry an hour after dinner. My workouts were OK but could be kicked up a notch, but then that's when the knees and back started to hurt more than ever. I got frustrated and just gave up on trying to diet.

    So now that I knew about MFP and joined, it was another 3 months before I actually finally took the plunge. I spoke to my hubby about it, he too is looking to change his awful eating habits. So on May 1 we dove in. I figured I would start at 1 lb per week as my goal. Hubby said I should start lower so as not to get frustrated. So I change it to 1/2 lb a week. The first day since I had not planned well, I was way over the calories I should have been eating. However, it showed my exactly why I gained weight. It was my portions! Then I got nervous thinking that cutting down I was always going to be hungry and all I would think about was food. I figured I'd give it a week or two to see what happens. On day 4 I weighed myself and saw I gained a lb. Frustrated I told hubby who I know will drop weight like crazy once he gets into it. He said it was probably just water and not to worry. The next day, just to torture myself, I weighed myself again. I was not only down that gained lb but one more so I figured a net loss of one lb. OK I was pleased. on day 8 I weighed in again and I an down another lb. All my food diaries except for 2 days which I was over a lot on one day and only over a little the other day, I have been under my allotted calories. I also worked out 7 of the 9 days so far and more than I usually do. Now I don't expect this many lbs to come off this quickly all the time, but I really needed that boost to see that cutting portions does help and I an not hungry all the time like I thought I would be. We have not really changed what we eat, just how much. I went back to eating 2 hard boiled eggs for breakfast instead of Dunkin Donuts bagel with cream cheese, a salad and fruit for lunch instead of a sandwich. One pork chop for dinner instead of 2 and more veggies to fill in for the second chop.

    Sorry to go on so long, but I wanted you to know I feel the same as you. MFP seems to have a lot of good people here that will help us and keep us motivated. I wish you and all us 50 and above (because our age is another stumbling block) success and good health!
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    Greetings from the other side of 50! When I use a piece of exercise equipment that asks for my weight and I punch in '61' I wonder how I got so old.

    Still, life is good. I used 5-2 fasting and kicked up my workouts a notch and went from 147 to 131 in my late 50s (I'm 5'7) and have maintained that. Also in my late 50s I took up sprint triathlons and 50K (about 35 mile) charity bike rides. I know I'm blessed- wasn't very athletic as a kid so no injuries to haunt me, and no issues that can creep up on you if you're seriously overweight. I just quit my job (got so nasty politically it wasn't fun anymore) and am retiring, so will probably be spending more time here (and more in the gym). Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • walk757
    walk757 Posts: 96 Member
    I am 56, turning 57 this summer. Trying to get back to a healthier me, with a few less pounds. I struggle with low metabolism because of thyroid issue. Every ounce is a struggle to take off but oh so easy to put on. Also struggle with those joint pains so I hear you ladies! My advice for us would be strength training, however you can get it in. I have been looking for a thread like this one for us 50 ladies so thank you. Please feel free to add me friends!
  • Schila64
    Schila64 Posts: 240 Member
    50 going to 51 and noticing that is not like it use to be. I don't loose as easily as I use to :(
  • cjonthehill
    cjonthehill Posts: 5 Member
    I joined the 50 club last did that happen?? I recently started running and exercising again and getting out of bed in the morning has become a slower process than when I was younger!! I want to shed pounds and bad eating and sedentary habits that have settled in the last few years. I was a regular runner, bicycler and swimmer for many years intertwined with dance, skating and about any activity I could do. I want to get back to ACTIVE! Goodbye armchair! I'm glad to see that I'm not alone in this age group!!
  • Tiggr2
    Tiggr2 Posts: 1
    Warm lemon water helps curb the appetite and if you find you're still hungry go for the veggies! Snack on those in between meals. If you're working out remember its not always about the weight but about the inches. You're doing great! Keep up the good job and don't get discouraged. You can do this!!: :wink:
  • tryett
    tryett Posts: 530 Member
    Just turned 55. Trying to get serious about the extra weight I have had for way to long and get active. Working with a nutritionist/dietitian. Prediabetic, PCOS and post menopausal (since 38).
  • Pamelicious1988
    Pamelicious1988 Posts: 16 Member
    My doctor told me that for every 10 pounds I lose, it takes 40 pounds of pressure off my knees. After years of trying and failing to lose weight on my own and with various programs (Weight Watchers, Weight Loss Clinic), I've been logging my food intake and recipes consistently for about two months, have dropped over 20 pounds.

    My pants are falling off, and I dug out a new leather belt that my sister bought me; it's a size 3X, and it never fit me. When I tried again recently, I managed to notch it in the first hole, and just a couple of weeks later I can do it up to the fourth. I work as an editor, so my job is sedentary, but I have set a goal to lose 125 pounds (down from 302) in a year and a half, and I feel as if I'm well on my way. I LOVE MyFitnessPal.
  • hlbrennan
    hlbrennan Posts: 39 Member
    I'm 56 now, and yes, some mornings I'm a bit "stove up" as my husband says. In fact that's one of the reasons I'm here and working
    on staying fit! Also, sitting and not moving around for long periods of time will make me feel stiff and achy too. So, I've started combatting that. I find that the more I move around during the day, the better it is for you. Please forgive me if I'm stating the obvious, but it wasn't always this way for me! Anyway, I also take a HOT shower in the morning and do stretching after I get out, and what a
    difference that makes! Plus, walking at a brisk pace 3.5 - 4 mph, for say 20-30 minutes a day makes all that achy stove-up feeling in the morning go away!
    And, any amount of moving to start, is helpful. Small steps lead to big changes!
    Good luck everyone! :)

  • raggiemom
    raggiemom Posts: 139 Member
    Hi all. I'm 62, and, like most of you that have posted, it's harder to lose weight now than when I was younger. It's a longer, slower journey. I know it's worth the effort, and I shouldn't compare this journey to previous ones, but it's hard not to do that!! Don't misunderstand me. I'm proud of losing the weight I've lost so far this time around, but I still have a long way to go, and just wonder how long it will take!! With the medical conditions I have that come with aging, I am determined to have this be the last time I have to lose weight!! I like my new outlook on living a healthier more fit lifestyle.

    Feel free to add me. I log in daily, have an open diary, and like and/or leave feedback on friends' posts. We all need support and encouragement, and that is the beauty of our circle of friends on MFP!!
  • irisized
    irisized Posts: 7
    hi, I am 59 with a knee replacement, so exercise is hard. I am trying paleo so far 2 weeks and about 5 lbs. I care for my husband who has memory issues and the stress and a lot of excuses I went up to 207 on a 5'8 body...not good for knees .... I am training a 50 lbs.boxer pit bull we walk and then I try to bike. its a slow process, but my goal is to get down to 165...would love "older" friends having a tough time losing the weight. I also found I write down everything....(including my several glasses of wine at night) makes me look at what i:ohwell: s going in this old body..
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Hi. I just turned 51 and been having a hard time losing weight. My friend who sells TLS Solution products got me motivated to try this program. This program has taught me how to eat healthy again. I guess we're never too old to learn especially if you're serious about losing weight. I have a sedentary job and I never get a chance to eat lunch. It was always easier to grab a bag of chips to curb my appetite! Now I make sure I pack veggies for my snack and bring a lunch. :smile:

    Been here since 2009? Third post? Against MFP guidelines to promote what you're selling.
  • StrongLife
    StrongLife Posts: 525 Member
    52 yrs here. Wake up call kind of came when I herniated a disc out of the blue. Still love working out but am a little more guarded when trying new workouts. Oh well, as long as the mind stays young!
  • cjonthehill
    cjonthehill Posts: 5 Member
    Thats a shocking statistic....10 lbs off the body equals 40 pounds off the knee joint. Makes sense since our pounds are in motion adding to the stress on joints. To me that makes keeping weight off as I age even more important. Save the joints!
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I just turned 62 and things definitely don't work like they used to so I had to make adjustments to my diet and exercise. I am open to having new friends that log daily and participate and that have open food diaries!