21 Day Fix - what is so special about it?



  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I've worked out most of my adult life. At 62 with menopause and thyroid, I had gained 31 unwanted pounds and that's WITH working out an hour a day every day!

    I gave T25 and Shakeology a try and have lost 13 pounds. My husband tried shakeology after me and has lost 26 pounds. I love it and feel better when I drink it. As to the cost. It's a meal replacement. I drink it for one meal every day. That's $4 a meal. Add to that we no longer eat snacks/sweets (it kills your desire for those foods) and we no longer eat as much. When I go out to dinner, I bring half of it home for another meal! It turns out we are saving money! We no longer take the vitamins we used to take as Shakeology has the nutrients we need. It turns out Shakeology has saved us money! Yes... I have since become a coach. Too many people started asking us what we were doing to and I would be giving the business to another coach...It just makes sense to be a coach!

    Did I mention our doctors were thrilled????

    No... I'm not looking for your business.... This is honestly how I feel about the product.

    Amen. Well said.
    I have been on this site for 5 years and I too being a BB coach have never pushed product and most of the people on my FL don't even know I'm a coach. I lost all my weight using BB workouts. I got knowledge from BB. I tried everything before and nothing worked for me. I learned how to eat and exercise from this company.
    As for shakeology, yes...it's expensive. Try going out and making a healthier meal for $4. You can't do it. BB wants to help you to be a healthier you. Yes, they make a LOT of money but I'm still here. If I didn't change because of them the road I was heading down was not a good one and I might not be here now. I credit them and P90X with not only changing my life but saving my life.

    I am a certified personal and boot camp instructor. I now do this to help and educate others.

    God Bless
  • jenniferwurn
    I respect your thought. Here is why I chose a program, because no matter what I WAS NOT losing weight on my own. Nor do I see thepoint in me spending hours at the gym or exercising when I can get the desired results in soooo much more realistic time vframe for me. Really its a way of forming a habit for me when I could not stick to the fitness journey before.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    People, if you want premeasured containers - Rubbermaid. Available in grocery stores or Target. Can get several containers and an ice pack for $10-16. No need to spend $60 plus $13 in shipping for plastic containers.


    But are these the correct size. It's the volume that's important.
  • joyfulhappyheart
    joyfulhappyheart Posts: 63 Member
    I am starting today.

    Spent yesterday menu planning, plus about 1 1/2 hours prepping ALL meals for the week. I really like that. I'm usually so busy for every meal, I just usually grab something unhealthy and gobble it down so I can move on to the next thig to do... So this morning, while running around with company in the house, I just looked at my calendar, grabbed my pre-packed breakfast and ate. That was cool!

    This morning I'm trying to nag a child to help me take the before pictures (we've all been sick with colds all weekend, he's not cooperating. LOL). I just took my measurements. Bleck.

    About to do the video too-- but am wanting to do the before pics before I work out, because I don't want to look all sweaty in the pictures.

    I am NOT doing the shakes-- highly allergic to their brand. I am doing my own shake and adding Genessentials Green powder. I've been told by 2 BB coaches and 1 dietician (nobody knew each other) that this is comparable (and in some ways better) to the calories, carbs, and nutrition guidelines of Shakeology. Actually, my version has higher protien, but everything else is similar.

    I am not a coach, no desire to be a coach.
  • kara0126
    kara0126 Posts: 1
    I just ordered the 21 Day Fix, I will tell you why it appealed to me vs. other weightloss methods. The containers are color coded by food group and it shows you how much of each food group to eat. I have struggled with portion control for as long as I can remember and I think this will help with that. Also I don't agree with just counting calories and measuring out your food. People need to eat a balanced diet from all food groups which few people actually do. I have been to dieticians and they focus on counting calories and carb choices. I have scoured the internet and have not found a good way to figure out how much of each food group to eat. The 21 day fix has changed that all for me.

    As far as shakeology or meal replacement shakes in general. I like to use them for breakfast, I think they are a quick and convient. That is not to say I will use them every day, its just an alternative. I do not beleive that people should use them long term either.
  • bopper
    bopper Posts: 352 Member
    I agree with you on the containers. I am only on day 2 and my breakfast and lunch and my starch/carbs are already done for the day. I need my sandwich at noon and cereal or oats in the morning. I think I was making it harder than it had to be though because I am used to counting calories on mfp. I am not a veggi person either, ( know that's not good) but I don't like much. Anyway the workout, I did upper yesterday and lower fix today. I felt like a weakling and I have been working out for years and years. I use a Total Gym regularly, and do lots of walking and biking but I had to put my weights down on lower body fix today. My heavy were 8 lb.s and lighter were 5 lbs. I ended up using none. My HR was through the roof! I am almost 60 years old too. so I just wanted to reply to your post about the containers...I haven't looked at all the workouts yet but I agree that the instructor isn't annoying and the workouts are easy to follow.
  • joyfulhappyheart
    joyfulhappyheart Posts: 63 Member
    I am not a veggie person either. that's my biggest struggle of all-- getting in those veggies. I tried hiding some in a shake lastnight. ended up tasting like I mowed the lawn and threw it in a drink. LOL Not pretty.

    Still trying to figure that out...
  • momwithswag
    Shakeology has other benefits to it than just losing weight. It helps curb sweet cravings, boost engery and improve regularity, just to name a few. It also comes in 4 flavors (chocolate, vanilla, stawberry & greenberry) that you can drink alone, make your own mix or find recipes on the BeachBody site.
    Does someone NEED to drink this to lose weight? Some people may need the extra help to curb cravings and have energy to complete their workouts.
    I hope this helps answer some of your questions.
  • katya_be
    katya_be Posts: 227 Member
    People, if you want premeasured containers - Rubbermaid. Available in grocery stores or Target. Can get several containers and an ice pack for $10-16. No need to spend $60 plus $13 in shipping for plastic containers.


    I just found these on amazon 42 pieces for $16 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00COK3FD8/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    as with most things in life it's a time vs money tradeoff ...

    either take the time to learn it or if you don't have that time, throw some money at it and have it done for you.. you don't need this program or products, but if it works and you don't mind tossing your hard earned cash at it, have at it. Or, you can take some extra time, do some reading, research, and planning and make your own.
  • buttondown
    buttondown Posts: 20
    I honestly use to criticize the all the beach body stuff too but after doing a little research and because the area i live in does not have a gym i went ahead and orded the 21 day fix. Yeah it was a little expensive but from what i understand about the same as a 3 month gym membership and i have it for life. I've really enjoyed the workouts in the fix and i will be doing several rotations of it cause it really is designed for you to contiue to use the workout routines and just build your strength and endurance. And the eating plan that come with it really is common sense but it truly has helped me some, but i am someone who does well with clear cut guidelines and a plan.
    I still havent completely bought into the Shakeology thing yet or all of their supplements and what not. I do want to try Shakeology just to see what it is like compared to the vega shake i use but who knows if i'll ever be able to afford it.

    I understand everyone being skeptical of beach body stuff and i realize its not for everyone but honestly its been great for me mainly because of the abscence of an actual gym in my area. Plus i've met someone awesome girls through using the fix and they are very nice supportive and pleasent. But like any other product or anything out there do your research and decide if its right for you.
  • lbdiamond13
    lbdiamond13 Posts: 1 Member
    I have had many friends who had suggested shakeology, and while I have considered it, I TOTALLY agree with you! I've lost 10 pounds on my own with hard work and determination, and know what I need to do to keep on track! I've gone back and forth, and still haven't decided, but it's nice to know others share similar thoughts as I do! Good job on your success SO FAR!!!
  • oolala53
    oolala53 Posts: 11 Member
    I agree with the original poster. No programs, including any of Beach Body programs, have been shown to actually permanently get people to reduce their eating considerably for two years or more. Sure, they can change in the short run, and you can find testimonials for longer results, but they don't change the overall failure rate. The pressure in society to get thin fast is so great that people keep trying behaviors that fail.

    Making gradual changes that allow for the person finding pleasure in the newbehaviors besides just the weight loss are more likely to remain.
  • kiwis5007
    kiwis5007 Posts: 2 Member
    Awesome! I commend you for your better health. I'm seeing more and more "middle-agers and young-at-heart individuals" improving their health to beat obesity, autoimmune diseases, and other unhealthy factors that can keep us out of the statistics.
  • silligelocin
    I blend one of my greens (spinach) into my shakeology (I also blend it into green smoothies) You cant taste it!
  • hernandezjess
    I have read so many comments that are beyond funny. First and Foremost I am not here to sell anything. I am a beachbody coach and have been one for almost 2 years. I started as a discount coach in order to be able to receive a discount because in all honesty, the shakes are expensive. My discount coach title changed completely as I immediately started to see results and so did everyone else. I know became an online coach in order to help individuals lose weight and more importantly become healthier. as a mother of a child who is very needy from his day at school to his recreational activities pretty much everyday it was very hard to eat, I often forgot or would skip meal until shakeology. It not only helped with my appetite, but it helped with the sugar craving, energy, and lets not mentioned the clearness it gave to my skin and how it made my nails and hair grow after suffering from hair loss due to some diet pills that I had taken. One of my friends who is diabetic no longer has to take meds because Shakeology has helped her to the extreme.

    The 21 day fix is designed to help you lose up to 15 pounds in only 21 days. this does not mean that after 21 days you can continue to eat as you were previously eating before the 21 day challenge because you will gain it all back. When deciding to lose weight you have to ask yourself whether you want permanent results or temp. if you have decided that it is permanent then you will create a healthy life style in order to make a permanent change. just like a person who goes to the gym 7 times a day, loses 30 pounds and then stops. all the weight will eventually come back. because you are getting your body accustom once again to now sort of exercise.

    Once again I am writing this because this has worked for me. At the end of the day its all about what works for YOU.

    Good Luck,
  • joyfulhappyheart
    joyfulhappyheart Posts: 63 Member
    Ok, update on 21day fix.

    I followed it completely. I did not lose weight.
    I can give a very long detailed explaination of the problems with this program tha I HAD, but frankly I don't want to waste the energy on it and then have to defend my results against the BB cult followers/snake oil salespeople.

    It had me on 1900 calories a day. Too much. It didn't take into account my activitiy level, my age, even my sex. So no-- fault in the program from the start.

    I did enjoy the workouts, except for the pilates and yoga. But that is because I do not enjoy ANY pilates or yoga. I do not fault the program for my preference. Just mentioning it.

    Did I learn portion control? No-- because it had me on too many calories (BB told me to Trusst the program-- which obviously didn't work.) When I didn't lose? BB told me to try at a lower level. Um-- didn't I question that in the beginning? And was told to trust the program?!?!?!?

    Did I lose weight? No
    Did I lose inches? No
    Did I learn anything? Not really...

    I did enjoy the workouts enough to move onto different BB workout programs, but will not be following any more of their quacky diet plans.

    I will not be defending anything-- I followed the program and did everything as told, so if ya'll feel the need to blast away at my experience and blame ME for the failed program (because a program that puts me on too many calories could not be at all to blame) go ahead... But this sucked for me and several others that did it with me.
  • Tjsmom0818
    These are extreme work outs and they give extreme results I do insanity and T25 so the same time it takes the average person a year to lose maybe 60 pounds I can drop that in 6 months so that's why people buy beach body products they work and they are tested with test groups. Plus your meal plan is right there all you have to do it follow it so that's probably why. I love the products I don't mind spending the money because they have easy payment plans and I am investing in me and once am done I can always resale them and get a good portion of my money back. 21 day fix is all about portion control and a 30 min workout a day I haven't tried it but i was thinking about it and no I am not a beach body coach I just love Shaun T and their products.
  • 1hotsauce
    1hotsauce Posts: 1
    People, if you want premeasured containers - Rubbermaid. Available in grocery stores or Target. Can get several containers and an ice pack for $10-16. No need to spend $60 plus $13 in shipping for plastic containers.


    But are these the correct size. It's the volume that's important.

    Green container = 1 cup. Veggies.
    Purple = 1 cup for fruit.
    Red = 2/3 cup for protein. Kinda weird since you never see protein measured in volume.
    Yellow = 1/2 cup. Carb
    Blue = 1/4 cup. cheese, healthy fat.
    Orange = 2 tbsp. seeds, dressings.

    If you can't find a 6oz container for 2/3 cup, get a 1 cup container, fill it with 2/3 cup water and mark the line on the outside with a sharpie. Same for the orange 2 tbsp.

    Isn't it curious that a lot of the posters pushing for the 21 Day Fix have only 1 post?
  • fitchick327
    fitchick327 Posts: 5 Member
    I started 21 Day Fix on 6/23/2014 in large part due to conversations I had with my BFF who proudly reported significant weight loss using the exercise DVDs. I’m friends with a BeachBody coach who’d hooked me up with Shakeology packages in the past, and was very supportive in my efforts to get fit and healthy even without using BB products. I decided to work with her based on our friendship, and all of the useful information she’s provided to me over the years on general health.

    Yesterday, my friend/BB coach posted a FB pic of all her prepared lunches for this week—all salads. She tagged me in the comments to ask what I thought, since I’d told her I really don’t like salads because they’re not filling. She asked me what I put in my lunch salads from last week. I told her: spinach, bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, roasted skinless chicken, avocado slices, and vinaigrette. Her response was, “You need more carbs. That’s why you’re hungry!” O__o

    Never in my life have I ever heard that CARBS were an effective solution to hunger. I’ve never ever been told that, when an hour after a full meal I feel like I haven’t eaten, I should eat some blueberries or pineapple bits. Not a handful of almonds or walnuts, or a hardboiled egg, but fruit. I checked the BB website for low-carb recipes and the first breakfast suggestion was French Toast with strawberries—how is that low-carb???? My doctor (an osteopath) recommended the “Grain Brain” diet for me, which is primarily protein- and fat-based, but encourages lots of leafy green vegetables and low-sugar fruit. THAT diet never left me hungry all day like 21DF has, so I’m going back to that.

    I didn’t want to get into an argument with my friend, so I didn’t respond to her “more carbs” advice. I did, however, cancel my BeachBody membership. I like the 21DF exercise videos A LOT, and will definitely continue to do them; I can see my silhouette slimming down noticeably, so I’m planning 2 rounds of the program for this summer. However, the diet does not work for me because the meals simply aren’t filling enough. Carbs are NOT the answer.