A few things no one would guess by your appearance



  • janellyf
    janellyf Posts: 74 Member
    I have several tattoos and piercings

    I am studying theology and ministry

    I am the daughter of a Vietnam vet and the daughter in law of a WWII Captain

    I am a medical secretary

    I love to crochet
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I am retired military and served in both the Navy and Army. Four and a half years ago I suffered a very bad spinal injury which required surgical repair and months of physical therapy. It took me a year to re-learn to walk normally again. My doctors told me to never lift over 75 lbs again, but I decided to return to power lifting anyway. I began lifting again with an empty bar and worked my way up to a 465 lb squat to below parallel despite mobility issues from the injury and permanent sciatic nerve damage.
    I have terrible arthritis in my knees and had one replaced. I too am in constant pain. The doctor told me no running, jumping, etc. I now play racquetball 3 times a week and weight lift, LMAO. They don't know everything.
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    I am retired military and served in both the Navy and Army. Four and a half years ago I suffered a very bad spinal injury which required surgical repair and months of physical therapy. It took me a year to re-learn to walk normally again. My doctors told me to never lift over 75 lbs again, but I decided to return to power lifting anyway. I began lifting again with an empty bar and worked my way up to a 465 lb squat to below parallel despite mobility issues from the injury and permanent sciatic nerve damage.

    You have such a vietnam vibe - sorry if that's offensive because it is not meant to be.
    No offense taken. I am a little young for Vietnam as I entered the Navy in 81 at 18 years old.

    That'sok...I meant it in more of a doesn't quite fit the mold kind of way...not your AGE as you are only a couple of years older than me! Bit of a rebel with a heart? This is the feeling we have of our vietnam vets here in Australia and the vibe your picture gives is this.
    Thanks for the kind words. I love Australia. I visited Perth/Freemantle for a couple of weeks back in 84. Perth reminded me a lot of San Diego with the climate and beaches.

    Rebel with a heart? Yes, I might fit that profile. My family has been hit hard by cancer over the years and between stints in the Navy and Army I grew my hair out and donated 17 1/2 inches to Locks of Love. It is too gray for that organization now, but once I can donate 20 inches I am going to give it to another organization which prefers gray hair for older cancer patients.

    Fremantle is so close to where I live it's not funny! AND we have relatives in San Diego!!! I think it is BRILLIANT you donate your hair...as a family touched by cancer I think you are truly amazing. <3
  • BuoyantSoul
    BuoyantSoul Posts: 117 Member
    I hold a black belt in Shaolin kung fu. I'm a cigar aficionado. Besides speaking seven languages, I study mathematics and physics. Irish whiskey only, thanks, neat.

    Hard to imagine most of these from a fashionista with a makeup obsession. And you'd never guess my age.
  • FormerMarine1
    FormerMarine1 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I like to cuddle ;)
  • LifterDave
    LifterDave Posts: 112 Member
    Fremantle is so close to where I live it's not funny! AND we have relatives in San Diego!!! I think it is BRILLIANT you donate your hair...as a family touched by cancer I think you are truly amazing. <3
    Hands down, the best hospitality I ever experienced in the world was in Australia. I loved the people, the climate, and appreciated the cleanliness of the cities. Only one thing, despite great beer and good food, I never could acquire a taste for Vegemite.
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    Hands down, the best hospitality I ever experienced in the world was in Australia. I loved the people, the climate, and appreciated the cleanliness of the cities. Only one thing, despite great beer and good food, I never could acquire a taste for Vegemite.

    ahh...now see you should have had vegemite cheesies as your first introduction to vegemite - toasted bread spread with butter then a thin scraping of vegemite...covered in cheese then grilled...sooooo good.
  • LifterDave
    LifterDave Posts: 112 Member
    I have terrible arthritis in my knees and had one replaced. I too am in constant pain. The doctor told me no running, jumping, etc. I now play racquetball 3 times a week and weight lift, LMAO. They don't know everything.
    It is too bad that so many doctors do not appreciate the benefits of weight training. Squatting is a great lift for knee health when done for full ROM and with proper form. I guess in todays climate of people being sue happy they are afraid to recommend it as someone will hurt themselves by using improper for and then blame their doctor.
  • LifterDave
    LifterDave Posts: 112 Member
    ahh...now see you should have had vegemite cheesies as your first introduction to vegemite - toasted bread spread with butter then a thin scraping of vegemite...covered in cheese then grilled...sooooo good.
    Thanks, I will just have to take your word for that....
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    I'm not a big fan of hand dryers...
  • kittyrevealed
    kittyrevealed Posts: 8 Member
    I can actually run. I go to the gym. I can isolate each of my ab muscles, which means I can do a belly dance belly roll awesomely. I'm a corporate trainer for a major company. I'm actually female. ;)
  • UCCrista
    UCCrista Posts: 26 Member
    I see the girl in the mirror, but that's not the girl in my head. I act accordingly.

    It's not arrogance or aloofness; I am confident and comfortable keeping myself company.

    I like to knit, and I actually love to exercise (at the gym, because I don't like the outdoors).
  • Murphy0126
    Murphy0126 Posts: 84 Member
    From my appearance alone; which is this large 6'3" of a man with two sleeve tattoos, tattoos over his hands and fingers, and his legs, with a big bushy beard.... people would expect me to be a criminal/degenerate/unsavory person/only cares about himself.

    But they wouldn't guess that I've;

    - Served in the Canadian Navy for 5 years and provided relief to children in Africa and after the earthquake in Haiti (all while being covered in tattoos)

    - That I'm the proud father of a 3 year old little girl and frequently have tea parties with her complete with nail polish and lipstick.

    - That I currently work as a Group Home Counselor with adults who have severe autism/down syndrome, and who are so violent that asylums won't take them.

    - That I religiously watch Greys Anatomy. And that Dawsons Creek is probably my favourite show of all time.

    Stop judging on appearances. Someone might just come along to surprise you.
  • LifterDave
    LifterDave Posts: 112 Member
    From my appearance alone; which is this large 6'3" of a man with two sleeve tattoos, tattoos over his hands and fingers, and his legs, with a big bushy beard.... people would expect me to be a criminal/degenerate/unsavory person/only cares about himself.

    But they wouldn't guess that I've;

    - Served in the Canadian Navy for 5 years and provided relief to children in Africa and after the earthquake in Haiti (all while being covered in tattoos)

    - That I'm the proud father of a 3 year old little girl and frequently have tea parties with her complete with nail polish and lipstick.

    - That I currently work as a Group Home Counselor with adults who have severe autism/down syndrome, and who are so violent that asylums won't take them.

    - That I religiously watch Greys Anatomy. And that Dawsons Creek is probably my favourite show of all time.

    Stop judging on appearances. Someone might just come along to surprise you.
    Being long haired, covered in ink too, I can believe this all day long. I used to be in an F-14 Tomcat squadron which would go to Cold Lake Canada to train with your folks in unrestricted airspace. Great place to visit.
  • RINat612
    RINat612 Posts: 251 Member
    My wife says I am very intimidating in person but I am actually a huge nerd/geek, a softy, and a huge romantic. Except if someone messed with my wife then it's on...

    People I meet professionally though work always think I am in my 40's. Even back when I was in my early 20's (30's now).

    This one isn't really based off of appearance, but it's hilarious: The very first time I ever kissed a girl, I was 20 in college, and she had to ask me to kiss her. Funny thing is she was completely drunk of her *kitten* at the time. I married that girl, been so for 10 years now, and to this day she can't remember our first kiss... lol.
  • BuoyantSoul
    BuoyantSoul Posts: 117 Member
    My wife says I am very intimidating in person but I am actually a huge nerd/geek, a softy, and a huge romantic. Except if someone messed with my wife then it's on...

    People I meet professionally though work always think I am in my 40's. Even back when I was in my early 20's (30's now).

    Both of those sound like my husband! He's a big guy with an intimidating scowl (resting *****face), plus he shaves his head so he looks like a gangster (here in China gangsters like to shave their heads). But actually he's got a tender heart and is very kind, especially with our son. Plus people always think he's much older than he is. They always guess that I'm younger than him even though I'm nearly a decade his senior. He's got that "mature" air about him, I guess, whereas I'm just an overgrown kid.
  • itsadogslife
    itsadogslife Posts: 209
    I weigh 158 lbs!
  • QuietLyfe
    QuietLyfe Posts: 58
    I work in a hospital keeping patients safe.. wearing purple scrubs

    Forget the purple scrubs! I'm stuck at ex-Marine and Former Marine. What happened to "Once a Marine. Always a Marine." Don't they say you are just in a different phase of your life wearing a different uniform? :)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    despite everything else I am into and the way I seem as a professional 37 yr old woman who listens to indie, techno, k pop these days, sometimes there are 80's and 90's rap and punk lyrics flowing through my head in any given situation. And I don't mean R&B or sh** like Green Day. I mean slightly hardcore stuff like N.W.A., Suicidal Tendencies, or GG Allin. Or at the very least an old local punk band's song or an explicit Beastie Boys lyric.
  • Yanagibashi
    Yanagibashi Posts: 58 Member
    I'm smart enough to join Mensa but I'm so not a joiner.
    I like power tools.
    I moved to Japan on a whim, not knowing any Japanese (but I do now).
    I love baking sweet desserts but I never eat them. I'm not a dessert person, I just like to cook to make others happy.