

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Back home from our dinner. Had a lovely time and meal. My nephew grilled pork steaks, I forgot that he slathered them with barbeque sauce or I would have had him leave it off one. So I included it in my calories. I did choose the smallest one and cut it in half. He likes to buy those potatoes that are shrink wrapped that you put in the microwave. i couldn't find shrink wrapped baked potatoes in the data base so I just put 1/2 of a medium. My sis and her husband only use the I can't believe it's not butter so I got a little bit of a break there. They had peach and apple pie, chocolate bundt cake and a one layer chocolate cake. The cake said that 1/6 of it was one serving, I know I didn't eat that much so I put 2/3 of a serving. So i will have what I usually have for lunch for tonight's supper. We had a good time visiting, my BIL and their son have had some pretty heated fights in the past few years but my nephew has grown up. A lot of it has been with what he has learned about himself through AA and holds himself.

    I have talked to both of my brothers today, had some good face book comments. You don't get cards anymore, you get texts, face book and it you are real lucky, a card.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to all!!

    Robyn7762 - Every state in the US has senior services that could help you and your MIL. We were caretakers for my MIL until she passed and it was incredibly all-consuming. We found the Office on Aging in our area and one of the benefits was giving us coverage so we could have a "date night". We would go out for dinner or go to a movie. It was incredible to have that small time just to ourselves. I think we did that about once a month. They also provided my MIL with a part-time aide who would bathe her, was her hair (though she preferred having me set it). Depending on MIL's income, the services could be free or at a small cost. It's worh checking out!! :flowerforyou:

    Jill in western MA
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Hi all! I've finally caught up from being away. Beach trip was good. I think both children had a good time. My daughter and I walked to the fish store and got fresh local fish and shrimp both mornings. I went on a bike ride with my son yesterday. Bonnie will get a chuckle out of this-- Boy child says we rode 8ish miles round trip. I say it was 8ish miles each way!! It was actually fun and a much larger calorie burn than I expected.

    I have finally succumbed to the sinus infection that has been trying to take root for several days. I feel like crap and am planning to go to bed VERY early tonight.

    Hope everyone has had a good day!

    Carol in HOT NC
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    :flowerforyou: Happy Mother's Day:flowerforyou:

    My favorite mother's day gift were a pair of pink flamingos from my sons. At the time I was into having our yard look perfect and nothing I considered tacky. When they told me they wanted to give me something I didn't have to water or take care of my whole attitude changed. I proudly displayed them next to our orange garage door. I now have three more pairs to join them . I place them throughout our gardens. One is black and yellow for the Hawkeyes. My son went to the University of Iowa. I now understand life needs a bit of whimsy . Have a blessed day!

    Today I will put my flamingos throughout our yard, so tomorrow I will wake to a bit of fun!:laugh:

    2014 word: contentment

    I love, love, love pink flamingos!
  • Debra129
    Debra129 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I would like to join your group of 50+ women. Hard to believe my body is 50+ but my mind is not!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi girls in the basement tornado warnings, baseball sized hail. Lin in Iowa keep your head down. I think Vicki in grand island missed it all. No more from tonight. Take care, Meg from really stormy omaha
  • Pamelicious1988
    Pamelicious1988 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, Katla:

    This is P@MELA in Toronto, ON, where it's starting to look like spring. I have some suggestions for your (low) water intake. I never liked to drink water. Since I started tracking my food with MFP, I'm managing to drink 8–13 glasses a day, and I feel much better for it.

    ~ I use a pint glass, 16 oz., so every glass I drink = two 8 oz. glasses.
    ~ I finish the glass in one go, down the hatch. No glasses sitting around the house.
    ~ Every time I go to the washroom, I drink a full glass of water afterwards, so water out = water in.
    ~ I keep a large pitcher of cold green tea or fresh ginger tea beside my alkaline filter pitcher, to give me other options.

    My pee has become much lighter and clearer, and I'm sure the water helps eliminate toxins from my weight loss.

    Cheers, and bottoms up!
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Happy Mother's Day:heart
    Well dh and I was invited to my dd and sil' s for dinner. She lives
    2 hrs away. It was a very nice ride. Dinner was so good, but I went
    way over my calories, like 600 over. I'll just have to work extra hard
    this week and I won't expect a loss. This was the 1st time we visited
    My dd. She's been married since October but she wanted to get her
    house in order before we saw it, she lives in Va. The house is really
    Brenda from Md
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    Whether your child has two legs or four legs. Whether you accepted someone else's children into your life, or take care of your nieces, nephews or grandchildren. Happy Mothers Day to all you wonderful ladies! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Sandy in ON
    This is such a great way to say "Happy Mothers' Day" that I decided to quote it so we could all see it again.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    my four legged children took a nap with me, about half of Jake's children and grandchildren called me and a young friend texted me and said that she felt like one of my kids.

    Jake had something to do away from the house so I got the house to myself for four hours and then he came home and fixed a meal that he knew would fit into my eating plan.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,372 Member
    Did 50 minutes of Richard Simmons Sweating to the Oldies DVD today. I honestly don't find his workouts that challenging, but it's good for something but on a rest day.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do a bit more of that "10 Minute Solution Pilates" DVD that I have, hold my plank, and then take the extremepump class.

    namacheri - hearty congrats, what a great accomplishment quitting smoking

    Joyce - how wonderful of you with your MIL

    You know something, every year I bring a dessert to the bowling party. I was kind-of disappointed that others brought desserts, one lady brought two! I was wondering what I was going to do to top the "turkey" cupcakes. Well, I've kind of decided that I'm not going to bring a dessert to any more. when I do, I always feel compelled to have some of the dessert. Now if I don't bring a dessert, I won't feel compelled to have any. I had gotten to the point of not craving sugar, then I had a cupcake and I fell back into the sugar craving, now it'll just be a while before I can get back on track. but if I don't have a reason to fall into the sugar trap, then I'll be better. I feel so much better now.

    Joyce - thanks for the smile about how you didn't want to name the BM after having corn on the cob.

    DeeDee - wishing everyone a happy mothers day. It'll be quiet for me, too. I don't expect to hear from Bryan and Jessica and Denise have already called. I'll go into the pool some, then maybe work on some of the landscaping in the front, then go back into the pool. Sounds like a plan. But first I want to make some of the chia seed pudding. Update: never got to the landscaping, but got into the pool twice!

    OK, chia seed pudding made - check. Low fat cornbread muffins made - check
    now to put on sunscreen and go in the pool

    jb - I tried making the cornbread muffins without the sour cream like we talked about. Actually, they came out pretty good.

    Sylvia - how wonderful that your son called you!!!! Warms my heart

    Had an absolutely lovely Mother's Day. I floated in the pool for two (2) hours!!! Usually I only go in the pool for an hour, but it was such a lovely day that I went in for 2. Finished up one bottle of sunscreen, but there's more where that came from....lol Portioned out the chia seed pudding. Looks like something that I can have for a quick breakfast (which is what I'll do tomorrow)

    Carol in NC - feel better fast

    Debra - welcome. I always say "you're only as old as you feel"

    Meg - stay safe! The basement is a good place to be for right now

    Pamela - good for you getting that water in!

    Michele in NC
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :smile: I had a nice quiet Mother's Day. All my kids called me, although two did while I was out. They left a message, which I treasure just as much. My kids understand - some more than others - that I really treasure my solitude. And today it is what I chose. I went to the Times Colonist Book Drive sale. All proceeds go to literacy programs. Thousands and thousands of books people donated were being sold at very low prices. The Times Colonist is the local newspaper, so the book drive for a literacy cause makes obvious sense. This year the 2-day sale has already passed the $2M mark. I love reading, I love books. I would be so pleased to work in a bookstore, like I did in my first job, when I was about what...15? Do I have an e-reader? Yes, I do. It is great for travelling and reading in the middle of the night, when I can't sleep. But frankly, any other time I prefer the paper kind.

    After hitting the book sale I thought to shop for a dress, but I was just not into it, so went home. Picked up a wrap on the way home and had that with a coffee. The rest of the afternoon I worked on our family tree. Work is not really a good description, since I enjoy it as a hobby. :wink:

    Food-wise the day went a lot better without company and all kinds of treats being served. I ate (the insides of) a breakfast burrito this morning (DH thought he was doing me a favor), a wrap for lunch, and chicken with salad for dinner. I did have two glasses of wine at dinner. Oh well.:ohwell:

    I just watched "Once Upon a Time" on HD. I love that show. Today was season finale.

    Joyce - if there is a heaven, your MIL will be there, imho.

    Michele - Richard Simmons, woohoo. I have not done a workout to a sweating to the oldies dvd in ages. I love the fact that you could spend time in your pool.

    Meg, and everyone else in that area - I hope to hear back that everyone has come out safe from the tornadoes. Tornadoes are such scary things, as are all things that weather can do. We are in earthquake country. One never knows. Be safe my friend.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to anyone new. Just start posting and you will find great support in this community of women.

    Tomorrow promises to be a warmer day. I have the day off and will be spending it catching up on bookkeeping and miscellaneous household tasks, but hope to hang the laundry outside and to catch a bit of time on the back patio enjoying the sunshine.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Happy Mother's day to all mothers! Mothers to humans or fur babies, Mothers are Mothers! Had a great day yesterday when DH and I visited an Eco village which aims at complete organic sustainability!Hope we can achieve it in all villages in our country!
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Renny, my dughter knows I love to have messages on my answering machine to treasure. So she knew to call at times she knew I would be in bed, gone or maybe if I was at home I would just sit and listen to it. I had recordings on it from way back when the oldest, she is 12 now, was a very little girl. They would sing and kind of Happy Mother's day, birthday, Grandparents day, Easter, just about anything to the tune of Happy Birthday. But sadly one day our digital answering died and I had to throw all those memories were gone forever. They still do it but there is nothing like a little 2 year old telling her Mamaw happy birthday. I am now Grandma but at the time we were Mamaw and Babaw. Don't get me wrong, she didn't call at those times to get out of talking to me. She would call later so we could actually talk. She was one of those kind that talked on her phone and drive, drove me crazy. But she would put her phone on speaker phone and I would just listen to my little ones chattering. Such good times.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou: !

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning to All,
    Mother's Day has come and gone. I had a great time with my DD's and families. We grilled out and I didn't do bad on the food. I had a met that I didn't finish, a spoon of baked beans and a deviled egg. I also had a small sliver of cherry pie as it is my favorite and was made for me. My twin DGD's presented me with a card and a necklace, which really made my day. It's sweet that they used their own money and picked out something they really thought I'd like. They are growing up.
    The self defense class was awesome. We learned a lot. It was suppose to be a 4 hr class and it was 5 hrs before we even realized it. I learned so much. I am divorced and live alone now so I am always glad to learn or hear of things I hadn't thought of and can now keep in the back of my mind. My sister use to laugh at me that I took my cell phone with me to mow, take out trash and even when I go to the basement for laundry. Then she fell in her bathroom and broke her tailbone. She had a really hard time getting out and to a phone, she doesn't laugh at me anymore. We learned about thing to look for when out in public, practiced moves if someone did approach us and went over security and precautions for home. Like when you are mowing, working or relaxing in one part of your yard, make sure the entrance you can't see is locked.Example, if you are mowing in an area away from your garage, make sure the garage door is down while you are out of sight of it.
    I didn't get to catch up to much on the reading, it's Monday and my turn to balance for the next two weeks, so off I go.

    Welcome to all the newbies.

    Yanniejannie, I sure hope your daughter is on the mend. That had to be scary for you.

    Kim N Cal. I hope the stretch’s help, I am trying to work yoga into my exercise routine because I felt it helped my balance and flexibility, so your doc’s advice sounds solid.

    Michele, I have Richard Simmons Sweating to the Oldies too. I love the music.

    Take care and have a healthy day.

    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! It's rainy here in Pipestone Minnesota, so we are trying to get an early start on our trip home. So no working out this morning. Last night I went way over on calories and salt, eating a horrible meal at a little diner here. Service was incredibly slow. I ordered a pork chop and mashed potatoes. Both were room temperature when they finally got to the table. And tough as a boot. Hubby had baked fish which also was not hot. But we ate it anyway. The waitress finally came by and I told her the food was cold when we got it, but she just shrugged and rushed away. Lucky we weren't in a hurry because it took us almost two hours to get out of there. So, anyway, I didn't try to log that food. I know I was over though.

    This morning I feel bloated and grumpy. I've had a great time on our trip, but now I'm eager to get home to my dogs. I hate to see my weight though.

    I hope you are all having a great day.

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Exercise done! Yea!!
    Lots to do today.

    Going to read the posts while I eat my oatmeal, dates and flax.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend and Mother's day!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,765 Member
    morning everyone~
    cant remember who was talking about having issues with there mom....
    I did alot of work to get help for my DFIL, I got in contact with Connecticut community care for the elderly... there was a 2 hr interview.. and they needed financial information.. but got a whole lot of help.. I am sure every state has something like that...
    he got a life alert(which he didnt use) he went to adult day care, which was a God send... and a companion on the weekends all for just a fraction of pay...it basically got him through the last 4 years...
    went for my race walk early and took the puppies for a walk.. made cookies for my FIL and have laundry going... have to do the floors too..
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 401 Member
    Good morning Lovely Ladies,

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday! Be good to yourself today!:flowerforyou:

    Hugs and prayers,

    Cindy in OK:heart: