do you find anyone jealous of your success?



  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Its always funny...
    Cause when you lose a few pounds they are all excited for you, and what you have done.

    But then when you drop a lot, and start getting in really good shape (i.e. look good naked)....
    Then they start throwing back handed remarks/insults at you.

    Shake things up a bit... Do stuff around the house (chores) naked... And yes this is for anyone in this thread

    I do plenty of chores around the house...
    Shirtless, not naked though.
  • april979
    april979 Posts: 39
    Wow I posted this topic before work this morning because I was kinda bummed out about it...I come check in on my first morning break and awesome feedback. Thanks soooo much. I do think hes being insecure for sure.
  • MyRummyHens
    MyRummyHens Posts: 141 Member
    I have gotten a lot of grief from family/friends/loved ones.

    Mainly my wife.....

    I have gotten to the point where I just ignore.....and do my thing.

    really? your wife?

    Yeah, I have gotten...
    Put your shirt back on, no wants to see that

    Your waist is to small.

    No husbands waist should be smaller than his wifes...

    It's no fun eating with and so's boyfriend is a lot more fun to eat with....

    and other things have been said....

    Sounds like your wife has issues about the fact you are in better shape than she is! If only my husband would do chores
    shirtless. I'd be in heaven!

    Sounds like OP's partner is also insecure about weight loss. It's normal to have feelings when your partner makes changes, and I guess it can take a while to get used to them, but they either get over it or they don't.

    I always think those really negative comments like - "you're getting hot to leave me for someone else" tend to come true because they end up driving you away with their constant stream of exhausting negativity. So if you love him, I hope that he snaps the hell out of it!

    I rarely get direct comments about my weight, but I do get hit with a lot of snide remarks made to the room, you know the ones - "I LOVE my curves, so does my husband, what is it they say? Only dogs go for bones!". Cue loaded glances in my direction. I've heard it all about sticks being horrible to snuggle, "real" women having curves etc. I just hear a "whoosh" now as they go right over my head.
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    Its always funny...
    Cause when you lose a few pounds they are all excited for you, and what you have done.

    But then when you drop a lot, and start getting in really good shape (i.e. look good naked)....
    Then they start throwing back handed remarks/insults at you.

    Shake things up a bit... Do stuff around the house (chores) naked... And yes this is for anyone in this thread

    I do plenty of chores around the house...
    Shirtless, not naked though.

    She's obviously jealous of your success and worried about attention you'll get from others. Just reassure her that you love her. I'd rather have a husband like you versus one that just sits around and gets more and more out of shape! Keep it up, sir!! :drinker:
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I have gotten a lot of grief from family/friends/loved ones.

    Mainly my wife.....

    I have gotten to the point where I just ignore.....and do my thing.

    really? your wife?

    Yeah, I have gotten...
    Put your shirt back on, no wants to see that

    Your waist is to small.

    No husbands waist should be smaller than his wifes...

    It's no fun eating with and so's boyfriend is a lot more fun to eat with....

    and other things have been said....

    I always think those really negative comments like - "you're getting hot to leave me for someone else" tend to come true because they end up driving you away with their constant stream of exhausting negativity. So if you love him, I hope that he snaps the hell out of it!

  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    Sounds like insecurity. I've had friends get jealous and that's ok. I've worked hard for my progress and don't have an entire book of excuses.

    My husband, on the other hand, is very supportive. I was much larger than him when I met him and got bigger and bigger. It took a lot but I'm smaller than him now and he appreciates the figure. I guess after 19 years...he knows it's just for him so he doesn't get jealous or insecure.
  • JBfoodforlife
    JBfoodforlife Posts: 1,371 Member
    I had dealt with the jealousy aspect... They feel like you are leaving them behind... That you are doing it for reasons other than wanting to feel better and be better...They feel your working out to look for a new mate...
    I will say I tried to include them, wanting them to join me in getting healthier... But they wanted nothing to do with it because it was too hard... I will say that over time, you can only reassure them so much... They will either believe you or they wont... If they choose not to believe you (ie... TRUST you)... It will certainly be the demise of the relationship as one day you will just have had enough of proving yourself over and over (Been there, done that, got the T shirt... :)
    Good luck to all...
  • kathim429
    kathim429 Posts: 379 Member
    My husband has been nothing but supportive, however my sister and her family make constant fun of me for logging my food. They think it is awful that I spend time on myself and I am neglecting my kids when I go to the gym. My theory is, I have to do what is best for me. Me, dying of a stroke or heart attack because of my weight is HELPING my kids. Sorry, he is having issues with your weight loss, I hope he snaps out of it!!
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I have a nasty female coworker who makes comments about my eating, food habits, and logging. She has also been nasty and condescending about other aspects of my life, so it's just her being a nasty person in general. She's junk-food thin. As in, she will brag about skipping breakfast and lunch, whine about being hungry at 2 pm, and eat a bag of chips.
  • jec285
    jec285 Posts: 145 Member
    Wife seems to be somewhat jealous, just makes me feel better, not really sure why people being jealous of your weight loss would make you angry.
  • mizmaxwil
    mizmaxwil Posts: 7 Member
    Well, having your partner be jealous is definitely something you have to talk through. Jealousy is almost always due to insecurity. My sister joked that I looked like a *kitten* when she saw me Mother's day, and it hurt my feelings. But I realize she's jealous, and I just need to let it go.

    (Please don't get outraged, lesbians reading this. I have lesbian friends who would be hurt by the same thing!)
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I have learned a long time ago not to waste my time with stupid people. By stupid I mean condescending idiots, not those who tell me the truth even if I don't want to hear it. I only had to deal with 2 people like that in my life. I point blank told them they were jealous, to mind their damn business, and go screw off. Insecurity is exactly what it is in my opinion.
  • ashley11scott
    ashley11scott Posts: 63 Member
    Thats to bad you should just show him you are not looking for another mate after a year it will pass once he relizes this is just ur new lifestyle now.and hitns still together....maybe try to inclued him!

    I have helped a close friend lose weight last year by tracking and exersice YET we are at a party some girl comments on how "tiny" i am and its b/c i dont have kids. I said oh no I am a proud mama and my friend whom i helped lose weight jumps in and says oh she(me) is "just naturaly skinny and always has been"! I kept my mouth closed but that hurt since she knows how much work and time goes into tracking, making good choices and working out is. It still buggs me and hurts me to this day.

    Since this is ur man you better exsplain to him how to makes you feel when he is not supportive and listen to him on why he feels the way he does. good luck!