Why "Weight"? 100 Day Challenge



  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    @msamcoates-- :] Thanks for adding me ! I'm glad you changed your mind. Hopefully you fit in some fitness time & enjoyed yourself at the party.~ I think you deserve it !

    Day Sixteen. I'm almost late, lol. :P
    Today was my mom's birthday, & I didn't have a solid meal today. Just junk food.
    I feel kinda bad, & I know I'm not gonna be able to eat right 'til next week.
    I'm trying, though.
    Next week's weigh-in will be a disaster.
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    I want to join this challenge!

    Name: Chantal
    Goal for 100 days: to lose 40 lbs (269.8)
    Other goal: To have more energy and be motivated all the time! Manage everyday stress...
    My motivation: ME!!!:tongue: This time it's all about ME! I'm worth it! I want to be healthy!:happy:

    Good morning!

    Just wanted to post an update...

    I had to change scale two weeks ago since mine was defective. It was 9 pounds less that what I actually am.(big big disappointment) at my mom and at the clinic... So my starting weight for this challenge was 318.8 and my today's weight is 312.2 so I have lost 6.6 lbs so far. So sorry for all this mixup. I'm doing another challenge on here and I'm still using my old numbers but it's so confusing. Since this one is just starting, I wanted to post my real numbers. That will change my goal weight to 278.8.

    I've been doing good with the eating but not so much with the exercise. At least I'm moving since I'm working alot around the house. I've been painting, cleaning, moving furniture around... That's probably why I lost the weight.

    I want to wish you all a MeRrY ChRiStMaS!!!!
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    Day Seventeen !

    First I'd like to say congrats to ChantalC1969 for losing some pounds despite a minor setback. (: Great job.

    Christmas Eve has not been kind to me (food-wise). I've had tons of chocolate & started on an early Christmas dinner. Eek. I'm under my intake (just barely) but I'm afraid I'm def gonna eat later on this evening. I guess some exercise is in order.

    :( I never feel like it, though. Well.

    Happy Holidays !
  • MsCyone
    MsCyone Posts: 223 Member
    Day 18!

    Merry Christmas to everyone, eating wise prep for the holidays has been enjoyed and I've been off track, but enjoying the time with ny family. Another reminder of why I'm trying so had to keep losing weight, we took family pics today for Christmas and I feel like I look like a whale in most of them. Not a good feeling or a good look. Back on track tomorrow though and will continue doing what I started out to do weightwise
  • MsCyone
    MsCyone Posts: 223 Member
    Day 18!

    Merry Christmas to everyone, eating wise prep for the holidays has been enjoyed and I've been off track, but enjoying the time with ny family. Another reminder of why I'm trying so had to keep losing weight, we took family pics today for Christmas and I feel like I look like a whale in most of them. Not a good feeling or a good look. Back on track tomorrow though and will continue doing what I started out to do weightwise.
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    Hello everyone,

    This weekend has been a bust as far as food and drinks are concerned. I over did all of it. I wrote a blog as well. Tomorrow is a new day. I'm praying for strength and wisdom.

    Merry Christmas all!!
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    Day Eighteen. :)

    Merry Christmas, though it's practically over.
    I ate so-so today. I think I went over, but not by a whole lot.
    Surprising, for it to be Christmas & all.

    Not much else to say...
    hope everyone's doing well.

  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    Its Monday, so back on track for the most part. I gained 3lbs over the weekend and I wasn't at all shocked. Now I have to work even harder to get them off.

    Goals - Patience and understanding.
    Do not overeat this week and get back on track.

    Have a great Monday everyone!
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I'm not sure what I'm suppose to do but I joined this challenge at the beginning when you started it. I gave you my start weight but I can't remember what it was, I'm 297 now. Please help me if you can I would love to be still included in this challenge, just don't know what to do?Thanks so much.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    This week's weigh-in had me down 3 pounds! Whoo! But for some reason, when I stepped on the scale today (just to check) I've gained a pound. I know, I know. Water weight, sodium, daily fluctuations, but it just can't be. It only happens every other week, and daily fluctuations are NOT normal for me. I have no idea what's going on!

    Challenge Starting Weight: 197
    Current weight: 188.4
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I'm not sure what I'm suppose to do but I joined this challenge at the beginning when you started it. I gave you my start weight but I can't remember what it was, I'm 297 now. Please help me if you can I would love to be still included in this challenge, just don't know what to do?Thanks so much.

    I looked back at previous posts, and your starting weight was 308. Great job! You're supposed to check back in several times during the 100 days, and tell us how you're doing! :)
  • bethany41h
    To join post:

    Bethany (bethany41h)
    SW: 341
    GW for 100 days: 50 pounds (get under that d*mn 300 mark!)
    To feel happy about myself and my body!
    To live a healthy and active lifestyle with my future husband.
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    Day Twenty-Five (me thinks?).

    :) Hey, homeskillets !
    Hope your holidays was amazing.
    Checking in with a new weight--I lost 3 pounds, now leaving me at 248 (out of the 250s! hooray!).
    I am so excited to get back on track. I may actually meet my goal, but I'm unsure. My birthday is now 4 weeks away, & I have 9 pounds to go. I really hope I can do it.
    & even so, I'll still get myself that tattoo. ;D (read: my profile for my goals)
    I'm going to start making weekly goals for myself, but I won't start until I'm able to exercise like I want to.
    For now, I'm relaxing & enjoying the last couple of days of relaxation before the new semester takes over.
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    Day Twenty-Six. (:

    I'm sick ! My throat is killing me, & I feel like not doing a thing. My entire family has colds, & now I've finally got it.
    I'm going to nurse it today so I'll be somewhat better before school starts.
    Today's mini-goal involves keeping track of my food--something I haven't really done in a couple of weeks.

    Have a super Sunday !
  • BlessedMystique
    BlessedMystique Posts: 108 Member
    I'm still in, Day 26. With the holidays and all, not doing as well as planned.
    Starting weight 218.4, current weight 213.8. 5lbs in 25 days. Oh well.

    75days and 30lbs to go...we'll see.
    Goal for the next 2weeks, lower my carb intake. I eat about 230g now, I'm
    going to lower that to 150g.

    Also MFP puts my cal intake at 1,720. I'm going to lower that to 1,500
    because according to my BodyMedia I burn less than MFP estimates.

    Onward and downward guys!
  • MsCyone
    MsCyone Posts: 223 Member
    Day 26

    First belated Happy New Year everyone and to everyone still in the challenge Congrats to you for making it this far!
    I hate to say it but the holidays did me in in the worst way and I'm up 5 lbs from where I started the challenge at. :(

    But I enjoyed all the time with my family and now that they are over its time to get back to being on track and getting these pounds off for goods.

    With the remaining 74 days left, I have to revamp my goals a little.

    Originally I wanted to lose 50 lbs in 100 days, now its 60lbs, the 5 I gained back and an extra 5 to really push myself.

    Hope everyone is still doing great!
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    Day Twenty-Seven !

    My last day of freedom before I'm back to work & finally--back to school.
    I just ate this frozen pizza...cost me like 7oo calories for today, but it was worth it. D:
    I'm hoping not to go over. I'm going to have smaller, healthier snacks throughout the rest of the day,
    followed by a dinner of hearty protein.
    I messed up my weigh-in day, so I won't weigh in this Wednesday--but next. Just so I can get back on track on what I started here.
    I'll weigh myself this coming Wednesday for fun, though. ;D
    Today's goal...don't eat too much !
    Have a marvelous Monday~
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    Hi All, and Happy New Year!!

    The holidays put a hurting on me as well. I gained ... and Sunday my weigh in was 154. Today I went to boot camp and nearly died. I couldn't even finish the workout ...sigh I'm back to logging in everything and strictly water.

    My goals - Stay under my calorie level.
    Other goals - Be a better, mother, girlfriend, friend.

    Have a great Monday Ladies!
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    Day Twenty-Eight.

    I overate, & I'm freakin' out about it. o_o Trying not to feed old habits.

    & I'm cold.
    &...I have a cold.
    & I feel blah because...

    It's that ToM.

    :[ Too much information, I know. Just a mini-rant.

    My goal for today is to be in bed by 9.

    How's everyone doing?
  • tinamommy727
    tinamommy727 Posts: 113 Member
    I would love to join!

    SW 143
    GW 115

    I am so tired, I actually like having a butt, but I need more energy to keep up with my kids, and since when do I get tired
    from lifting my arms up to long? There is something wrong with that.

    To get my pre-baby body back, I'm only five feet tall and I look like a pear.