30 day shred starting jan 1--anyone in?



  • emkamp03
    emkamp03 Posts: 44 Member
    WAHOO!!!!! ok went a little over on my calories today, Watched biggest loser and hadn't done my shred yet. Had a crazy day including a funeral visitation, but I did it! I got my butt off the couch and did it. I mean it was 20 mins....and the calories I burned put me right into ok calorie range! 2 down-28 to go! I am pumped!!!
  • WAHOO!!!!! ok went a little over on my calories today, Watched biggest loser and hadn't done my shred yet. Had a crazy day including a funeral visitation, but I did it! I got my butt off the couch and did it. I mean it was 20 mins....and the calories I burned put me right into ok calorie range! 2 down-28 to go! I am pumped!!!

    Haha I'm so happy that you're so excited by it! I'm in the severe hatred stage myself
  • Welllll...I did day one, level one last night and I have been SO stiff all day! I did go on a 20 minute run today, and that helped a little, but I just couldn't bring myself to turn Jillian on... Definitely tomorrow!
  • I started just started this Sunday (1/2).....I like that it's only 20 mins, which means I can do it in the morning while my kids are getting ready for school, and still get myself to work on time. I like the way she switches the exercises around (the whole point of it). Hoping to stick with it and make the 30 days.

    Does anyone think two weeks at each level makes sense?
  • angieskia
    angieskia Posts: 152 Member
    Skipping 30DS tonight cuz I'm being told I needs a Rest Day. I also did a lil exercise earlier. I Plan to Skip Sunday as well cuz I'll need to sleep early cuz Monday is a school day. How is everyone els's 30DS experience going?
  • I too take the day off today. My right calf is still very stiff but better but my right elbow seems to be under a lot of stress as well ;) I finally got my 3lbs today and will definitely use it tomorrow! (no class tomorrow yippeeee!)

    Great job guys! :)
  • kookla33
    kookla33 Posts: 234
    I will join to do 30 day shred twice a week on Mondays and Saturdays
  • Skipping 30DS tonight cuz I'm being told I needs a Rest Day. I also did a lil exercise earlier. I Plan to Skip Sunday as well cuz I'll need to sleep early cuz Monday is a school day. How is everyone els's 30DS experience going?

    Good that you still did some exercise while making sure you don't push yourself too hard! I'm going to start taking Sundays and possibly Wednesdays off to work other muscle groups or just do a different exercise with lighter cardio. Can't push myself too crazy hard during allergy season here, last time I tried that end up with pneumonia (love you too, lungs... course, was more stress than exercise I think... still)

    Day 4 FINISHED! Went well. Still took breaks but the strength and abs portions were much easier. Hoping that after a break tomorrow and some real rest Thursday will be even better.

    My calves are already feeling slightly more toned! Little things like that are making me not want to take a break, much as my body needs one. Never knew this was going to have addictive qualities! :laugh:
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    I started just started this Sunday (1/2).....I like that it's only 20 mins, which means I can do it in the morning while my kids are getting ready for school, and still get myself to work on time. I like the way she switches the exercises around (the whole point of it). Hoping to stick with it and make the 30 days.

    Does anyone think two weeks at each level makes sense?

    traceyalicia - Sounds like you're well on your way to "being shredded".:bigsmile:

    I also get my workout done in the morning. I set my alarm clock to get up earlier. Because the rest of the world is still fast asleep, I have NO EXCUSES. :noway: This is my scheduled appointment time with Jillian.

    After my workout, I hit the shower, get ready for work and out the door feeling energized and alive. :happy:

    You ask if 2 weeks at each level makes sense. I say, TOTALLY!

    With staying at level 1 for 2 weeks before moving on to the next level, you'll have that much more stamina and strength.

    Everyone's fitness level, schedule and interests are different, that's what makes each of us special. :love: : Do what feels right for you.

    Yesterday we had a lot of snow come down. When I got home, I saw that the driveway was 6-8" deep with snow. My husband was out of town. I groaned at the thought of having to shovel snow after being a work all day. :grumble: I went inside, changed my clothes, made my dinner and groaned some more.:grumble: Then, like a lightbulb, it occurred to me. I realized that this was an opportunity to get in another workout.:wink: So I put my heart rate monitor on and went outside. I finished 45 minutes later and when I checked my heart rate monitor, I saw that I had burned 246 calories.:bigsmile: Woo Hoo!!!! Suddenly, I wasn't groaning anymore.

    So my lesson learned is, see manual labor as opportunities to burn more calories instead of seeing it as a chore.

    I did Level 1, day 4 this morning. :drinker:

    Have a super day shredding everyone! :flowerforyou:

  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    Day 3 level 1 completed. Starting to feel it a little more in my thighs but luckily my shoulders are not as sore as yesterday. Still issues with ab work but making a concentrated effort to do them properly so I do not hurt my neck, which has always been an issue for me in the past. I did have to take a couple of small breaks but got right back into it. I am not going to move on from level 1 until I have a solid week of not stopping throughout the workout. Thanks everyone for your posts, they are encouraging and helpful. I love this site! Keep on shredding!
  • Day 4 completed this morning! My kids tried to sabotage me....teenagers!

    I'm feeling good! Hope everyone else is too.
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Finished L1D2 last night and felt pretty good about it. Although, I didn't realize how sore my calves and quads were until I started the workout :noway: Still, I made it through without stopping and used weights the entire time (although only 2 lbs) :happy: The last circuit is still killer for me though, makes my shoulders burn so much! I was planning on taking the day off today to give my body some recovery but since I didn't go to the gym this morning I may still Shred tonight, always get motivated when I read everyone's posts :wink: Good luck everyone!
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Finished L1D2 last night and felt pretty good about it. Although, I didn't realize how sore my calves and quads were until I started the workout :noway: Still, I made it through without stopping and used weights the entire time (although only 2 lbs) :happy: The last circuit is still killer for me though, makes my shoulders burn so much! I was planning on taking the day off today to give my body some recovery but since I didn't go to the gym this morning I may still Shred tonight, always get motivated when I read everyone's posts :wink: Good luck everyone!

    *Sorry for posting twice, my computer was being crazy!
  • Jessibear2854
    Jessibear2854 Posts: 82 Member
    I did Day 4 last night after DS went to bed. Boy, did I ever have to FORCE myself to do it! I was glad I did. My muscles are not nearly as sore now and I'm really noticing an increase in strength, though the cardio part still kills me. One of my knees pops with every jumping jack and butt kick! It doesn't hurt, but I don't like it either.

    What is everyone's favorite part of the Shred? I really like the push-ups and reverse crunches :)

    Least favorite? Mine would be the side lunges. Ugh!
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    My favorite is the reverse crunches too, I can actually do them without straining my neck and can feel it working. Push-ups are the worst for me because I have very little arm strength so I can hardly do the modified version, although I guess that's the point...to get better at them.
  • Just got my dvd today...a little late, but starting tonight after school :)
  • Day 3 level 1 is here didn't do it before work like I planned but I am leaving early so I will do it when I get home..my quads really hurt though.
  • zndsmom
    zndsmom Posts: 2 Member
    Is it too late to join this? I'm ordering it today so I should get it Friday. I have to ask...is it worth it? Does it really seem to make a difference?
  • angieskia
    angieskia Posts: 152 Member
    Am I doing something wrong? My Calves never got sore. Quads Most Definitely. Fave part is the Last AB exercise. Least is a Tie between the Side Lunges and Shoulder raises although Shoulder Raises is Slightly beating out side lunges for least Fave
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Day 8 of level 1 done. Push ups are definitely getting easier for me, I can feel the difference in my arm strength for sure. Unfortunately for me, I wore the completely wrong bra today which became a slight issue during jumping jacks. :blushing:
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