When did you decided to throw away your "fat" clothes?



  • shunggie
    shunggie Posts: 1,036 Member
    I gave away all of my very large clothing a long time ago. But I have kept a few t-shirts that have sentimental meaning to me. I know it's silly but right now I'm wearing <I work from home I can wear anything> a t-shirt I got with my Mom on our last trip together before she got too sick to travel. It's a mans extra large Cades Cove t-shirt from our trip to the Smokey Mountains. I only wear it at home and it brings me peace even thought it was purchased when I was a lot bigger. In fact, at the time I had already started losing weight and I was excited to fit into the XL and not the XXL. It reminds me of how proud Mom was of me for losing weight, something she could never do effectively. So the answer to the OP is most of them soon after I could no longer fit in them. A few I kept because it's not all about the fit for me.
  • wishfulgal
    wishfulgal Posts: 9 Member
    Having lost about three zillion pounds over a lifetime (56 years) of being fat...then less fat...then fat...then less fat...then grossly obese again, I'm not going to be throwing my fat clothes out again. I had some really classy, classical suits which by some magic, managed to cover up the worst lumps and bumps. I donated them and now that I'm gross again, I can't find anything like those wonderful garments. I'd like to say that THIS time, my weight loss programme is going to succeed and THIS time, I will never ever return to piggyhood ever again...but I've grown more realistic in my old age!!
  • carfanman
    carfanman Posts: 271 Member
    Wow, first let me say thank you to all of you that responded, I didn't expect such a response. Most of you have given awesome answers and tips!!! Thank you for your time to answer my questions.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,742 Member
    Like most of the responses here, I got rid of mine as soon as they were CLEARLY too large for me. At first it was a total mindfk because I was able to wear a lot of the same 2X and size 22 stuff from my highest weight of 307 all the way down to around 250...but then suddenly, my clothes looked TERRIBLE on me to the point that people I barely knew would say, "I am sorry to be rude, but that is really way too big for you". Embarrassing, especially because my entire life I've been pretty into clothes and fashion!

    I wound up having a massive garage sale and advertising it on Craigslist and some plus size facebook groups for my area...sold every single item and made a nice chunk of change!! Then I sold a few items in lots later on...like 4-5 pairs of jeans to the same individual. That worked well, too.

    Since then I've been a lot more mindful of things being too large, and I seem to get rid of 2-3 items of clothing almost every week! Even though my weight loss has slowed a lot as I've gotten closer to goal, getting into ladies sizes I notice that even 5-10 lb can be an entire size smaller. Now I usually donate all of it though because I don't have enough of any one size to bother selling. I have a lot of good luck with thrift stores and clearance racks, so it hasn't been crazy expensive to buy new clothes all of the time.

    I did make a mistake earlier on, when I was at size 18 I believed that I'd probably be there for a year or so...I just had no good concept of how much quicker my sizes would change as I became smaller. So I purchased practically an entire wardrobe of 18 and 1X clothing which was too big a couple of months later. I won't do that again!!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
    I haven't, but it's really pure laziness. Same reason I have bags of kids clothes that don't fit anymore. I should really suck it up and drop them at a clothes drop box or something... one day :p
  • jennh2014
    jennh2014 Posts: 6 Member
    This weekend! I must say it was a thrill!! I just hadn't taken the time to do it, but one morning last week I was getting ready for work, I must have tried on five or six shirts trying to find one that didn't just swallow me! I donated them to a local charity except for one pair of jeans, just to remind me how far I have come and where I never want to be again. :))
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I got rid of most along the way, but there is one pair of jeans that I keep around just to remind me of where I used to be (and never want to get back to). It's in a drawer I rarely go in, but I like to pull them out from time to time as a reminder.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I go through them every week or so. I have sizes from 18 through to 4, but I've already dropped from 18 to 10. They're in a heap in the spare room. I toss them when they don't fit well, or are just worn out and stretched about.

    I tend to line up the next smaller sized clothes so I can see what I've got coming up next, although I actually skipped a size and went straight to 10 from 14, so a bunch of stuff I didn't even get to wear.

    Tossing out the underwear is the hardest though. I've always loved nice underwear and I have some gorgeous bras, but the girls just don't fill them anymore..
  • rcm1579
    rcm1579 Posts: 43 Member
    I kept one pair of jeans and one shirt from my largest size. The rest I donated. Don't want to see them, don't need to know they are there "just in case". No clothes that size means I can't go back :)
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    I never did throw away all of my fat clothes, and I think it was a huge mistake. It made it "okay" for me to let my weight creep up until I no longer had clothes for work and needed to buy new clothes with money I did not have. That's painful, especially when you have a closet full of clothes that are too small.

    I really think that it's an emotional step you need to take so that you are committed to maintaining a healthier lifestyle. I feel like by not throwing them out, I was always giving myself the option to gain the weight back again.
  • summaryzn
    summaryzn Posts: 122 Member
    for the first time ever - i have chucked almost all of my fat clothes. In between my last major gain and this major loss I read that you should get rid of them quickly. I did it in phases. Within the first 50 pounds I started bagging things up and giving them to friends/family and donating ... in teh last 45 pounds I hace mailed almost 20 shoe box size post office boxes to 'friends' ive met on social networks who have been on a weight loss journey. it gets expensive to replace your entire wardrobe. LOL !!! its been costing me a small fortune.. but so worth it to be on my way..
  • gooserocks85
    gooserocks85 Posts: 48 Member
    on the other side of things...i recently threw away all of my "skinny' clothes. i'm talking about the jeans/pants/skirts i could fit into 10 years ago when I was 30lbs lighter, that I've been hanging on to and desperately hoping i'd be able to fit in to one day. i also had "goal pants" that i'd purchased in hopes that i'd be able to wear them in the future. tags still on. never worn.

    i finally sat down one day and looked at these clothes and realized that most of it wasn't in style anymore, and that i was wasting a lot of space by holding onto it. having this big albatross of a bag wasn't giving me any motivation (more shame than anything else), and it seemed selfish to keep good clothes that other people could be wearing. i gave the nicer stuff away to an organization that provides interview outfits to low-income women, and the rest to goodwill.

    and i will never ever buy goal pants again. from now on, i only keep things that fit NOW.
  • Smurfette4eva
    Smurfette4eva Posts: 36 Member
    I had to donate and give away my skinny clothes 2 years ago this month. Now, I am rocking Cato's and Lane Bryant!!:smokin:
  • walking_the_labyrinth
    If I do not feel like parting with them, I use too-large shirts for nightshirts or gardening shirts depending on the size/style/condition. Pants go when they look ridiculous. Everything gets an evaluation when I change out seasons--did I wear it? does it still fit? do I actually like it? do I see myself wearing this next year? etc. and some will go to Goodwill at that time.

    I went on a 3 month tailspin earlier this year and one of the things that snapped me out of it was when I could no longer fit in my new jeans and my shirts were getting "short". It was either buy bigger clothes or get my eating under control. I never want to go back there again so I made the right choice.
  • carfanman
    carfanman Posts: 271 Member

    I really think that it's an emotional step you need to take so that you are committed to maintaining a healthier lifestyle. I feel like by not throwing them out, I was always giving myself the option to gain the weight back again.

    this. Thanks for all the input from you guys.