Anyone in the 50's going for the 60's



  • LFA50
    LFA50 Posts: 58
    Ill be 50 in june.
  • LifterDave
    LifterDave Posts: 112 Member
    Retired military veteran here, will turn 51 this summer. While I can still do everything I could 25 years ago, I certainly pay for it in a big way when I do. I have been into power lifting for several years, but now need to lose a little weight and keep my diet under control since my doctor informed me I was pre-diabetic.
  • Angelic1st
    Angelic1st Posts: 5
    I know what it's like and that's why I decided to give MFP a try out. I used to enjoy dancing, playing racquetball, biking, and walking/hiking. At 58, losing isn't as quick as when I was younger ( like in my 20's & 30's). But I'm committed and like you know I want and need to lose weight to enjoy and live a prosperous healthy life.
  • sms9497
    sms9497 Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks for finding all these 50 something folks! Those pounds sure do accumulate quickly once you hit 50. I look forward to staying healthy and I know that friends make a huge difference. You are all welcome to add me for mutual support.
  • dmariet116
    dmariet116 Posts: 530 Member
    Hi everyone! I just turned 51 this year. Wow...its definitely hard to lose weight now! It's hard to find motivation to get out of bed some days. Packed on 45 extra pounds in the past 5 years. I was to the point that I dreaded leaving my house. Nothing fit, nothing was comfortable and I felt old, fat and defeated!

    I made up my mind its time for change! Even if we can't stop time, we can hopefully prolong the moment and be the best we can be. I am working on tweaking my diet first, but I know the importance of exercise along with good nutrition. Baby steps!!! I work crazy hours and rotating shifts so I am liable to be on here at anytime. Feel free to add me! Best of luck to all on your journey to better health!
  • kjrn83
    kjrn83 Posts: 1
    Just turned 60 a few months ago and I think you 50-somethings are starting to look a lot like KIDS :happy:

    Signed back in to MFP a few days ago (I had signed in to look around last year) and have to get serious this time. I'm about 50 lbs over fighting weight and a vacation to the beach last week made me acutely aware of it! Yikes!

    Looks like a great group of folks around here and I'm hoping to get to know you as I learn my way around. There are some amazing/encouraging statistics posted -- I'd sure like to be able to do the same in a few months. It appears that for most of us, weight loss becomes more challenging as we rack up the birthdays... Good luck to all!
  • Robinmacmillan
    Robinmacmillan Posts: 11 Member
    When I hit the 50's (57 now) it's like my body fell apart! Used to be very active (running, raquetball, weights) through my 30's. 40's were about injury and surgery. Now it seems every time I try something, I injure myself. Walking seems so slow, I can't seem to keep interested!

    I need to focus on healthy diet and exercise. My goal is not to look like I did when I was at my best in the 30's, but a toned, healthy person who can be 57 and proud.

    I just started this last week, and am so excited to see people my age in a discussion!
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    When I turned 50 I was in the BEST shape of my life (went from 175 t0 119 in 6 months). I am now 51, 52 next month. Then a torn Achilles hit, and I became very discouraged. Now that this crappy winter is over, I'm back at it. This time, it's taking a lot longer to even see one pound less on the scale.

    However, I eat cleaner, have a better mindset and to keep the joints and ligaments loose at my desk job, I set reminders on my calendar every hour to get up and do 45 seconds of an exercise. I have a timer bookmarked. I have different ones each hour (squats, jumping jacks, pushups, burpees..etc). At first, my co-workers thought I was losing it, now they don't even look in my direction. It seems to help, and I actually feel less tired and stiff.

    As far as your water issue, try getting an under the counter water filtration system. I have the Aquasana one. You can select triple or double filtration. Just a thought.
  • Beachtreasures
    Beachtreasures Posts: 143 Member
    52 and understand the slowing metabolism. Sending a request your way!
  • irisized
    irisized Posts: 7
    I had a knee replacement when I was 53, now at 59 and weight gian from menopause , stress from husbands health and having to care for him I went from 170 to 207 . I ached all over and probably need the other knee done....ugg to 3 weeks ago I started paleo.... I am never hungry although I do have to watch the sugar from fruits....I went over a little in the first week. the weight is coming off slow, but I lost 2 inches on my waist and I am down 6 lbs.... I feel great ...never achy , sleeping well....and I allow myself wine.... for anyone with health issues...paleo helps a lot.....slow and steady...that's the way to go...
  • foggytop
    foggytop Posts: 1
    Hi Im 56 and very discontented with my life as it is. I was married 34 years to the love if my life and he decided he didnt want to be married. Ive gained weight over the years, having children, working, not paying attention to myself until I was 100 lbs overweight. My knees are bad from surguries due to injuries which I can give credit for only 30 lbs of weight, the rest was just due to not paying attention ot not doing for me. Anyway I wanted to join this blog with women my age that understand how difficult it is too lose weight. Ivte tried numerous , now due to finances gyms and WW us not an option. Am going to give this my best shot. Current weight is 258 and Im 5ft4in. Wear a size 18/20. Need all the encouragement I can
  • lisansc
    lisansc Posts: 14
    I'm 50, post -menopausal and a recovering junk food junkie
    Trying to eat healthy ALL the time is difficult for me since I consider myself a cupcake aficionado.
    Please feel free to add me.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    66 years, yes its harder when you get older
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    you can do this , yes it is harder as you get older and the weight seems to come off slower but it can be done. do this for you.
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    Oh yes!!!

    I am 51 years old and going through menopause (hot flashes and vertigo). I've been overweight my whole life. Even when I thought I was a decent size (about 180ish) when I was about 20 yrs old, I was still considered "big."

    I've been on too many diets, trying whatever I could to lose weight only to gain it back over and over again. My latest attempt was 3 years ago on WW where I lost 46 lbs, and again, I gained it back. Now, here I am giving it another try but find that this has been THE MOST DIFFICULT time for me.

    I started MFP in September, 2013, stopped for a while and started up again in December. Now, several months later, I've only lost 9 lbs., I lost 1.2 lbs this morning, but it was the weight I gained last week. That's what I've been going through and I am fed up. It feels as if my metabolism has just stopped.

    The only thing that is partially saving me are my workouts. I do cardio and strength and walk as much as I can, wearing a FitBit ZIP to keep track of it all. There are certain exercises I cannot do because of arthritis in my knees and ankles and my back hurts at times, too. Floor exercises are my enemy. It takes too long to get on the floor and even longer to get up, so I do what I can.

    Even though I haven't lost much, I am starting to see and feel a difference in my body with the way my clothes fit and feel that my stomach is going down, so for that I am happy. Even though I'm starting to lose inches, I would like the weight to follow. I just wish I could find a way to jump-start this stalled metabolism.
    Hi can you give me any advice about the fitbit? syncing to MFP? I'm 57, I've lost 25 lbs and have 59 to go. I liked what you said about floor exercises!!! Feel free to add me as a friend. I like your attitude
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    I had a knee replacement when I was 53, now at 59 and weight gian from menopause , stress from husbands health and having to care for him I went from 170 to 207 . I ached all over and probably need the other knee done....ugg to 3 weeks ago I started paleo.... I am never hungry although I do have to watch the sugar from fruits....I went over a little in the first week. the weight is coming off slow, but I lost 2 inches on my waist and I am down 6 lbs.... I feel great ...never achy , sleeping well....and I allow myself wine.... for anyone with health issues...paleo helps a lot.....slow and steady...that's the way to go...
    I have the issues with the body aches. But since I started eating more Paleo I've noticed that I don't hurt as much!!! my doc recommended 2 things Paleo diet and MFP. I love her so much, she changed my life with these suggestions!
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    Hi Im 56 and very discontented with my life as it is. I was married 34 years to the love if my life and he decided he didnt want to be married. Ive gained weight over the years, having children, working, not paying attention to myself until I was 100 lbs overweight. My knees are bad from surguries due to injuries which I can give credit for only 30 lbs of weight, the rest was just due to not paying attention ot not doing for me. Anyway I wanted to join this blog with women my age that understand how difficult it is too lose weight. Ivte tried numerous , now due to finances gyms and WW us not an option. Am going to give this my best shot. Current weight is 258 and Im 5ft4in. Wear a size 18/20. Need all the encouragement I can
    I weighed 227 about 1 year ago. I'm down to 190 this morning. I'm 57 years old I'll be 58 next month. On my 58th birthday I will be in the 180's. Why am I so certain b/c of all of the support I get from my mfp friends. Logging in every day, measuring my food, and staying between 1200=1400 calories a day. is what I do, day after day. I'm pretty active at work but working on being more active at home. This is free and it works!! Feel free to add me as a friend, Together we can do this.
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    Dag nab it and gol darn it! I missed out of these age brackets. I'm going on 70.
    Hey I plan to be fit and fabulous at 70. I'm 57 soon to be 58 and I'd love to have you as a friend!!!!
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    57 soon to be 58. I log in daily. Hey I'm still young in my mind. I refuse to get old ever!!!! I've lost 25 lbs recently. I have 59 lbs to go. Plan to be in the 180s by my birthday in June!!!!!!. Feel free to add me. I feel much better since I've lost weight and changed the way I eat. It really makes a difference.
  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    It's all in your head. I turned 60 a few months ago, and I am in better shape than I was at 59 & 3/4.