Looking for people going from 140lbs- 120/115lbs!! PLEASE!!



  • BriaMc
    BriaMc Posts: 177 Member
    I'm 5'7" and went from 139.8 to now am at 125 and trying to get the last 5lbs off. Feel free to add me as well :) I'm on everyday (multiple times) and enjoy all new friends!
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    Hi there - I'm 5'3, and started trying to lose weight when I reached about 142 lbs last June. It took me about 6 months to get down to 118, but it was worth it because the weight has stayed off! Here's what I did ...

    1. For the first 6 weeks, I ate only 1200 calories a day plus exercise calories. I allowed myself one cheat meal per week to keep off the cravings. I stopped drinking soda cold turkey, and drank at least 8 cups of water per day. I slowly increased my intake each month, and I now maintain at around 1550 calories per day.

    2. NEVER skip breakfast. Try to load up on protein at this meal if possible. I only have my own experience to back this up, but I swear 2 eggs and a piece of toast keeps me full well into lunchtime.

    3. I worked out rigorously twice a week (60-90 minute spin class). I also swam for exercise. Many people could probably fit more workouts in, but I have arthritis and a bad hip to deal with, so I am rather limited. But I still made it to goal! :drinker:

    4. Limit alcohol intake. This one is TOUGH, but so worth it. No hangovers, no late night eating, etc. to regret the next day.

    5. Eat more protein and fresh foods, eat less processed crap and sugar. This is another tough one, but it's crucial to helping muscle definition. Plus if you're like me and suffer from IBS, it clears that up real quick too!

    6. Give it TIME. Once again, no scientific research here, but I believe that weight lost slowly is less likely to return. Just take it one day at a time. You will get there!

    I hope this helps, feel free to add me if you want some encouragement!

  • MsBallerinaBody
    i started from 145 as well, now i'm at 135... give or take 2 3 pounds. it also seems like it doesn't go anywhere lower than 133. ugh. it's so frustrating! i'm sure in time, i'll be able to see 120 soon enough :)
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    Started at 140, now at 133, and aiming for 115 ... feel free to add me :bigsmile:
  • blessingsx2
    blessingsx2 Posts: 119 Member
    Hi I'm Gloria, I'm 5'1" and currently weigh 131.5. I started out at 139 and found MFP when I was 134. I'm having the toughest time getting out of the 130's but I'm determined to get to my goal of 115! This week I started Killer Buns and Thighs and Turbo Jam so hopefully that'll help me bust into the 120's. Feel free to add me and maybe we can help each other. :)
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 368 Member
    I am just under 5'2" and am currently 147. My all time time high was around 170, but I didn't weigh myself back then. I am hoping to get to 115 again....

    Feel free to add me (and that goes for anyone!)
  • kalynn06
    kalynn06 Posts: 368 Member
    That 130ish weight seems like a place where a lot of our bodies are comfortable. I'm 5'5 with a small frame and relatively high body fat percentage (appalling pics are around here somewhere in the success stories forum). My highest was around 143 and I've gotten down to around 129-131 now.

    Getting below that 130 mark is hard. I realized, though, that I wasn't happy with my appearance (smaller but very soft and flabby) even with 10 lbs off so I reset my goals to lose much more slowly and focus on weight training. I'd say that with the weights, the last 2 or3 lbs to come off made a far larger difference in my appearance than the first 9 or 10, and my body fat percentage finally started to decrease, which wasn't happening even with weight loss. I still have some to lose, but right now I'm focusing on body fat rather than lbs, because it translates more directly to my appearance goals. I think at my goal appearance/ body fat, I'll somewhere around 120, but it's a guess.
  • vklebanova
    vklebanova Posts: 152 Member
    Thank you all for your wonderful responses. I truly appreciate it any and all advice.
  • hjobery
    hjobery Posts: 6
    Anybody still in this thread? I fit exactly into this realm (thoug instead of ibs i have ibd!) i am starting at 142 lbs with a goal of 118.
    I am 5'4 and while 130 is the weight i told myself i would never surpass unless pregnant..... I sure passed it!

    I'm hoping to lose 8-10 lbs by end of september, which, considering how sedentary i've been, is hopefully attainable.

    Friend me if you're up for it!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i started a 140/142 in nov and i'm 5ft 2 inches. It has been super slow losing it, i have only lost 15 lbs, still have 5 to go. don't know if i will get there or not? i was hoping to be at my goal by summer and i have hit another stall... so now i hope by halloween, my goal will be accomplished! I have upped and lowered my cals, i have done exercise weigh my food, measure my food, and watch all my cals... still it's been so hard....I know i can get there as that was my comfort weight before for many many years..... as long as i can get down to 120 and then bounce around between that and 125 NOT OVER, then i will be 100% happy.... but i can' seem to get under 125 and stay there.....
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    We are very similar in our weight goals. I'm 5'7" but have a very small frame. That means at 140 lbs. I'm nearing the obese level at my weight--27-28% body fat.

    The issue with non-obese weight loss is that it goes very slow and is a bit tedious at times. I have to keep changing my goals per MFP and mixing up my exercise strategy every 3-4 weeks.

    On the positive side, I have reduced my blood pressure and resting heart rate to a very healthy level, I have more energy, sleep better at night and have fewer peri-menopause symptoms. So it isn't a complete waste of time and effort. Feeling good is as nice a looking good. Maybe even better.
  • jc86
    jc86 Posts: 151
    I'm 5'5" and started at close to 140 and I'm now 118 (yay!). This has taken me about 3 months. My ultimate goal was 115 but I'm thinking maybe changing to 110. I don't look unhealthy at all at this low of weight. Feel free to add me
  • lilylight
    lilylight Posts: 128 Member
    Hey there, I started at around 148, too. I'm down to 140.6 and have been stuck for a couple of weeks. I'm 5'4" as well. Your goal seems awfully low.... But then, when I was your age, mine was probably lower - LOL. For now I have my goal set at 135, but when I reach it I will reset to 130, and will re-evaluate from there. Feel free to add me. I think that weight loss is harder for those of us that are not too overweight (and some people in the forums aren't too sympathetic to this problem - understandable, I guess).
  • jdcoop79
    jdcoop79 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 5'2 and started at 184 before I got PG with my first. After two kids I was still hovering at 184, and in danger of going up even more! I managed to get down in to 160 while breastfeed (on WW, their bfing moms program) but was stuck for a while at 160, then againa t 150. I'm at 144 now, it seems each 10 finds me at another plateu. I find changing up the exercise works, not sure if any of you watch extreme makeover weightloss edition, but I find that show to be helpful. One woman who was in her 40s and not losing as much claimed she was exercising, but when closely monitored with a heart monitor, they determined she wasn't doing as much as she thought. The other lesson was the rule of 6k, every 6 days, change what you're doing, otherwise your body gets used to it and the workout isn't as productive.

    Those lessons learned, I upped my exercise, got a wii fit and started running outside (actual running is much different than wii fit running, lol). With vacation last week and cupcakes and cookies in the house, it's been hard to say no to the sugar. Today I was mostly good, and tomorrow is the start of a new week with more difficult exercise.
  • jdcoop79
    jdcoop79 Posts: 11 Member
    I also apologize for all the typos, yikes! Not sure what my goal is, exactly....wii fit thinks I should lose 23 pounds to get down to a BMI of 22. I'm a little scared of aiming for the low 20s, feeling like I'm a Mom, I have an excuse to be a little fat...but I think that's probably just fear that I'm setting a goal I have no hope of hitting, let alone maintaining once there. I just have to think positive! More cardio, and more resistance training. I've started doing pushups and sit-ups during commercials. One thing he says on the show is "You have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable."
  • hjobery
    hjobery Posts: 6
    Well then ladies, let's keep in touch....

    for those of you who have had some success thus far, what have been your top 3 activities/strengths/food/habits that have gotten you there?
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    the top 3 things that have helped me have been 30ds/ rin30, measuring all my portions or weighing my food plus counting the cals. I have reduce the "junk" food as well and i bet that has helped some but i think calorie counting has been the number 1 thing of all!
  • jhargrove1
    jhargrove1 Posts: 8
    I am 5'5'' and My top weight was 147lbs, my current weight is 139lbs. My goal weight used to be 125lbs but I am now aiming for 115lbs. I am hesitant about the new goal because no one in my family is that small. I am going to keep eating well and running until I reach 125 and then join classes at the gym to challenge me to drop the last 10lbs.
  • Emorocker
    Emorocker Posts: 1 Member
    I am five three and started at 140lbs it has been three days and I am now at 130lbs. I still have about 20 more pounds. The way I lost was by skipping breakfast EVERY day. The eating lunch and a small dinner. Before everyone gets on me about not eating "the most important meal of the day" let me tell you that skipping breakfast I'd not that bad for you. This is just my tip. This is how I attempt to reach my goal this is how I believe you cab reach yours to. :)
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    January '15 I was at 137lbs, now 115.6. I'm 46, 5'2". I lift heavy (did Stronglifts, now doing PHUL) and cardio is limited to 1-2 18 minute HIIT sessions a week. I concentrated on fat loss so I'm eating lots of protein, kept carbs under 200g/day, fat I didn't track. I don't eat much packaged food because it's easier to eat nutrient dense foods when you prepare it yourself. I do go out to eat once a week on average. I have a Fitbit Flex and set MFP to sedentary and ate the Fitbit adjustment calories it gave me. I'm using the past tense here because I am happy with my weight now and am tweaking my calorie/macros to cycle on training/rest days.